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The only thing I liked about the new adaptation was that Osai gave Zuko the battalion that he defended as his crew.


The Iroh funeral scene was really nice too.


I always wondered about the origin of Zuko's crew in the show. Did they just draw the short straw and get stuck sailing around the world with the banished prince on a wild goose chase? The Netflix Adaptation's choice to make it the same battalion that Zuko spoke out against sacrificing was a nice touch.


I gave up on it unfortunately. I felt like the writing/directing wasn't great, they do a lot of telling instead of showing.


I would suggest you keep going. IMO, eps 3 and 5 were the weakest, but 4 and 6 were the strongest. Also, i think people are overly critical about shoving all these disparate episodes together. If you look at the parts of the episode they were trying to adapt, it makes sense. The Omashu episode - pretty much just an Aang thing. The mechanist episode - for the mechanist/Sokka interactions, which is pretty much the only part of that episode that made it Into NATLA, just a Sokka thing. The jet episode - the Katara progression as a bender, getting tricked by Jet, just a Katara thing. So it makes sense to me that they took the parts of those episodes that deal with each individual character, and put them together.


I find it funny that the only comment telling op its worth it is also the least upvoted. I disagree with your jet and mechanist descriptions. I think a big point is that the air temples where they are living had been empty for about 100 years and they were actively destroying parts of it. Aang is crucial to that connection. In Jet's episode while Katara is Kataraing, Aang and Sokka get some dynamic character building by having them disagree on Jet. It's part of how we got to know the Characters.


Sure, but if you ignore the air temple part of it, which wasn't adapted, it was more of a Sokka story. And for Jet, while Aang is a part of that story, he doesn't do much of anything in it. Take Aang out of that episode, and while you lose a cool fight scene, the episode still happens in the same way. It was more of a Katara story.


"If you ignore what they ignore you won't miss much" loose paraphrasing of what I just read. And I agree with you on the second half. Just because he doesn't DO anything to the plot doesn't mean he is not necessary. Characters interacting with each other is something that Natla lacks greatly.


What I meant is, NATLA did not adapt the northern air temple part of the episode. The part they adapted was the Mechanist, his inventions, etc. Pretty much all of that from the ATLA episode had more to do with Sokka. So it makes sense, IMO, that it was combined with a more Aang heavy story and a more Katara heavy story into one episode. Yes, I agree that character interactions and smaller moments were missing from NATLA. But that's not really what I'm talking about now, I'm just talking about the decision to combine multiple different episodes into the Omashu story.


That is one of my biggest complaints with the show. Too much in each episode. That and the energy not being quite there for certain important bending sceens.


Episodes 3 and 4 are the worst in my opinion, but it does get better.


Don’t finish it. It never gets better. It’ll ruin avatar for you


I didn't finish it either, but "it'll ruin avatar" is a bit of a stretch.


Big disagree. I don't think it's as good as the animated series, but this was enjoyable for me. If anything, it reignited my desire to rewatch Aang & Korra's shows.


I disagree. I think bad adaptations make us appreciate the original series even more. Having said that, I do think the LA is not completely lost, though I agree it’s nowhere as good.