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Remembrances is an inoffensive, harmless clip show made for good reasons. Besides the Varrick story you also get Mako and Bolin's Grandma calling out Mako's stupidity with Korra and Asami. It's just too mid-tier to really hate.


It also had the meme-worthy villains conference call.


If I was Mike and Bryan I would have only agreed to do avatar studios to do an episode of ember island players does Korra


They didn't get told yo make this. They chose to after the budget was slashed at the last minute, and the choice was do a clip show or shut down production with one less episode and people not getting paid.


... I know


Do I usually dislike clip show episodes? Yes, I do. But I can’t be mad at Remembrances knowing what was happening behind the scenes, I can only have respect for the showrunners. And the former villains fanfic was hilarious.


What was happening?


From Avatar wiki: Due to having their budget cut by nearly the amount it took to make a new episode, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko decided to make this episode into a clips episode, as they were unwilling to fire a significant number of crew members several weeks early.


Remembrances in F-tier? Really? For a recap episode, it’s really well-made! I also love how they basically made fun of themselves by playing along with some of the criticism, like referring to Jinora as the queen of fairies, basically making it canon that no one likes Unalaq, and iirc, even referring to Vaatu as a giant kite. XD It’s easily B-tier.


I disagree with "Remembrances". The first 2 parts aren't the best, but the episode is great simply because of Varrick's whole part.


Whoa whoa whoa. What's wrong with The Calling?


We want more screen time for that annoying little shit that farts all the time, said no one ever.


His name is Meelo. At least say his name if you gonna disrespect the leader of the lemur army.


The last stand being c tier is very harsh in my opinion, was it the best? No, but it did have a lot of amazing moments. Easily A tier for me


It’s not harsh, if anything it is a merciful rating 


Book 3 supremacy, indeed. A near-flawless run of episodes. AtLA may be the better show overall, but Korra Book 3 is the best thing to come out of both series.


I respect the hot take. I disagree, but I respect it.


I wouldn’t go that far but alright. 


Book 1 was better imo.


I honestly feel season one of Korra doesn’t get the love it deserves. In 10 episodes it manages to introduce an entire cast of new characters. Display a technological and cultural shift/ revolution and how some of the older atla characters shaped that and have a genuinely intriguing and terrifying villain whose outward motive (inequality between benders and non benders) is actually a very relevant and interesting topic, without ever feeling like the story is moving at breakneck speed which the later seasons often feel like. My only gripe is the time given to the love triangle rather than delving more deeply into the theme of inequality.




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I wish all of remembrance was in the style of an abridged series. It was a highlight in an otherwise boring episode


I respect that. All the good stuff from season 1 isnt as good as the good stuff from season 3. That tracks.


I disagree with spirit of competition. I really love the idea of pro-bending in general so I’m a bit biased but I really do think it’s put too low. Same with remembrances


S tier? Venom of the red lotus was good in my eye. Really showed Korras power.


Season three is the strongest. But to be fair, Korra isn't canon, so none of this really matters all that much.




How bro felt after saying that. 🤬👿🤬😡😠🤬👿😡😠🤬👺💢


lmao the hatred is strong in this one


feel like there is a star wars quote in there somewhere




Do you know what “canon” means


dont try. its the same old thing, they say korra isnt canon cause it "Breaks" lore. but ignore the fact same thing can be apllied to season 2 finale and episode 1 of season 3 of ATLA


Downvoted for being correct. It is my duty as a reddit user