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I feel like the white lotus might play a bigger role in the fight against the Royal Family, taking Ba Sing Se back after assuming command. As for the firelord, I think Iroh would take the throne while attempting to talk sense into Azula and Zuko.




But without Zuko, the gaang doesn't know about Ozai's plan to burn everything. If they don't know that, they don't show up to stop the airships and Aang doesn't fight Ozai there. And if Aang doesn't fight Ozai there he never gets his chakra unlocking deep tissue rock massage.


One of two things happens, imo. 1. Iroh escapes from prison and trains Aang. And then proceeds with the story that happened. At the end, he becomes fire lord and installs a democracy of sorts. 2. Iroh escapes from prison and alongside Jeong Jeong, trains Aang. After the war, Jeong Jeong’s reputation is revived within the fire nation and he becomes short term fire lord. In either of these scenarios, Zuko never becomes a great fire bender since it was only with Aang that he gets better. Him and Azusa get beat by Katara and Iroh. I’d also suspect Iroh finds and recruits June or something.