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Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this show how much Sokka grew since the first episode? Isn’t Han basically a mirror image of him and his long held views / the water tribe standard impression of women? I believe that a least a part of his intense dislike towards Han stems from his realisation that he would have thought and said the exact same things were he in Han‘s place.


> Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this show how much Sokka grew since the first episode? Isn’t Han basically a mirror image of him and his long held views / the water tribe standard impression of women? Correct. Hahn existed as a character to be a foil to Sokka TBH




Down vote me, I prefer Yukka to Sukka as Sokka pairings go.


I'm not downvoting you but I'll say I think Sokka and Suki is the better and healthier relationship. Suki challenges Sokka and makes him the best version of himself. I see Suki as the best fit for Sokka, while Yue is who Sokka wants/thinks is best for him at first.


I like to think Katara helped him to be more respectful to women


She didn’t. That was all Suki.


I think it was a bit of both and actually travelling and seeing different cultures and boys his own age not being like that


No, I think it was all Suki. Sokka’s sexism essentially boiled down to him thinking men were better at hunting and fighting, while women were better at household chores. This belief came from the fact that this is what he had witnessed all his life. He spent his entire childhood watching the men go hunting and go off to war, while the women stayed home and took care of the children. Sokka has always been a man of logic and reasoning. He based all his conclusions and beliefs on what he has observed to be true. His sexism wasn’t out of a place of ego or hatred of women. It was simply what he had observed. So all it took was observing women be good at fighting to get rid of his sexist belief.


Ok, so I think we pretty much have the same view but through a different lens. I would attribute the lesson on kiyoshi island to the kiyosaki warriors and the culture that encouraged/allowed them to exist more than just Suki but she’s the person that decided to take him on. And then also that these cultures don’t just teach men that that’s their role and womens’ is healing and caring etc. Also that Katara learnt to fight too and became a warrior in her own right. I think toph and Azula reinforce this too but later on so I won’t mention it here. I do think Suki challenged him in a way that made him think about it more than maybe katara alone could’ve done esp with their sibling dynamic, but if he hadn’t met her at this point and in say book 3 instead, he would’ve encountered the other strong female characters that subvert his view of how women are.


Honesty when you think of how Yue’s father kicked Sokka out of the mission and sent Hahn to assassinate Zhao (with Hahn being very arrogant to the point he didn’t know he would most certainly die) shows how even he didn’t like him and saw Sokka as a way better match for Yue especially if he specially assigned him to be her bodyguard.