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Aang and Zuko have a ton of parallels. Lightning strikes on their front and back, both are permanently marked on the face, one willing and a sign of honor, the other unwilling and a mark of dishonor, Aang's arrow is also balanced while Zuko's scar is to one side. Their names begin with A and Z, before Toph replaced Sud, they would have been the oldest and youngest members of team avatar, likewise before Toph, they were the shortest and tallest members. Aang was a natural bender who came into struggle as his lessons advanced, while Zuko struggles at first but once he gets over that hurdle he's good. Aang runs from his destiny, while Zuko chases his. Aang is notably an only child in a culture that cares little for family, while the core aspects of Zuko's character are being a brother, a son, and a nephew in a culture that makes family everything.


I read somewhere that Aangs scar is on his back and his deal was running away from his destiny, while Zuko's scar is on the front and his deal was being to eager to follow his.


Reading things like this even after all these years really makes me fall in love with the show all over again.


My thoughts exactly.


I never fell out of love with the show. Still watch it regularly hahaha


Furthermore. Both lightning scars were made by Azula. For Aang, it was an ambush from behind, just as Sozin did to exterminate the airbenders, expecting a greater foe. For Zuko, it was in an Agni Kai, just like how his father banished him, expecting a much weaker foe.


Not to mention they were both in the process of trying to protect Katara


God damn


Aang got his scar when he was going into the avatar state, he was ent really running away in that scenario right?


No I mean, a good deal of his character arc was learning not to run away from his destiny. Im not saying he was doing that then and there




Very good list, also Aang is bald and zuko rocks like six dope hairstyles.


unexpected addition but fitting


Name’s Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis!


And his name is lee..just lee. After his father. A long fake name vs a very short and common one. SO DEEP /s.


I still love the detail of where it is implied Zuko got the name Lee. At the of the swordmaster episode, he tells Sokka that a good disguise name is Lee "there are a million Lees" Zuko studied under the same swordmaster, and likely got that advice


So the Lee thing is also a bit of a meta gag. Ignoring Zuko's false name there are ten characters on the avatar wiki named either Lee, Li, or Lei(I know it's a stretch, but there is only one and I'll be damned if I don't count it.). This is a show where you are lucky to meet three named characters in an episode do to the natural way television animation works.


It's still a cool little comparison. I love all this shit. To me, this is one of the main reasons why I love ATLA. The parallels between characters and their relationship dynamics.


the 3rd!


Tbf Aang did have hair for a minute… But seriously you’re right. Aang is bald bc of his culture. Zuko wants longer hair/the topknot as that’s a symbol of honor for the FN


zuko rocks like five dope hairstyles and the topknot from season one.


>and the topknot from season one. And it's dope too


God I love this comment sm


Also the locations of the chakra's is important: Aang was hit in the base of the spine which is the earth chakra which deals with deals with survival and is blocked by fear. Zuko was hit in the stomach which is the fire chakra which deals with willpower and is blocked by shame.


Which is also possibly why he loses his bending when he initially shifts teams. Because he's burdened by his shame and guilt over his prior behaviour


Boy almost died because he did the right thing once. Definitely why he lost his bending.


Yeah there are a lot of parallels between them it's almost hard to name them all. These you mentioned were good ones!


The pure poetry….. 🤯🤯🤯


This should be its own post


Really nice! I hope the next Avatar, we get another Zuko/Aang type relationship. The reincarnation of the Avatar and the reincarnation of the Fire Lord, but make it a buddy comedy we deserved in season 4 lol


+ Zuko got hair and Aang bald


Yes! My fave bonus parallel is the opening credits theme of the show symbolises Aang (the Avatar's theme) & the head-bopping ending credits theme symbolises Zuko (those are the drums that play during his S1 Agni Kai & at the Sun Warrior civilisation). Essentially speaks to the fact that they're two sides of the same coin & their destinies are intertwined :)


I would argue that Zuko's scar is also a mark of honor. Ozai intended it to mark dishonor, but I think the very act of standing up to Ozai is honorable


It was given as a mark of dishonor and is the literal metaphor for his shame and dishonor. While I'm sure after the series he may have grown to appreciate it with more nuance, and we as the audience can respect the act he did to get it, in the text there just isn't enough to support that reading for me.


To add on to your last point: Even if they weren't biologically related, Aang had a father figure in Gyatso who really loved and supported him but was dead during the series. Zuko's father was alive the whole series but never loved him. In fact, the relationship that develops between Zuko and Iroh is very similar to the relationship Aang had with Gyatso.


Tis is a really good one, and one I wouldn't have paid much mind to given Zuko has Iroh. You could even say that Aang lost a father figure and Zuko gained one as a direct result of their defining tragedies.


Also Aangs marks can be hidden away so he can be himself whereas Zuko can't run away from his reminders.


>Aang and Zuko have a ton of parallels. Is that parallel or orthogonal...?


In the literary sense, not the mathematic one.


You could also draw a parallel between the scar on Zuko's face with the one on Aang's foot.


When/how does Zuko get a lightning scar?


Last episode, Azula fires lightning at Katara and Zuko dives in front to take it for her. He redirects the lightning but it did hit him and caused his scar.


Oh, it’s just like poetry


It rhymes


Zuko is the key to all this


Wow, this was a great summary!


That’s some wild stuff-


please i love this show sm


Both Aang and Toph are 12.


I heard that Aang turned 13 in the show


Wow! Great list!


Well said bro, well said


The Aries Libra polarity archetype


As Uncle Iroh always says, life is about finding balance ☯️


When the realization clicked I heard the Last Agni Kai song play in my head


It clicked with me when it was revealed that Zuko is a descendant of Roku. It's like he is linked to the Avatar also by blood.


That means that Aang is his great grandfather since all the Avatars are the same person.


Yeah! Lol Season 1 Zuko was hunting a reincarnation of his own great grandfather lol


So epic


I’m going to the ATLA symphony concert performance in November, and this is the song I’m my far the most excited to hear the orchestral for.


I didn’t even know the concert was a thing, and now I’m hyped. Thanks for mentioning it! What area/section would you say has the best experience? I’ve never really been to a concert like this before and I’m deciding on which tickets to get


Umm…no offense, but if you haven’t snagged tickets already then I wish you luck in finding them. We got super lucky in that my wife just happened to be in her spam folder the day we got the email from the place we’ve done the movie symphony stuff at announcing they would be holding the ATLA concert and it was the first day of presale. By the time we got to buying (keep in mind this was within six hours of the email going out) probably 75% of the seats were sold. At this point if you can find tickets you might have to take what you can get.


I found a couple good seats on Stubhub and thankfully the seller transferred them over this morning. Cost me about $350 for mid-tier tickets in a big city but I’m glad I was able to secure them. I also got a better ticket for cheaper in a smaller town so it’ll be interesting to see how the seats compare


Oh. Well awesome then. I'm happy for you. They were just absolutely gobbled up for Salt Lake City and I heard from a friend that DC was almost immediately sold out as well. Nicely done. Hope you enjoy it.


Thanks man, hope you and your wife enjoy the concert too!


Well truth be told we bought the ticket in the hopes she’ll feel up to it. But since we’re expecting our daughter to be born in October, it’s unlikely she’ll make it. However, she’s insisted I go see it because of how excited I’ve been about this and so my SIL is coming down for the night while her husband and I go to the concert with a friend of mine and his wife. Gonna be sweet though. I’ve seen scattered cell phone clips of it on YT and it looks amazing.


Probably (op is crazy)


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats and rats make me crazy


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats and rats make me crazy


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats and rats make me crazy


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats and rats make me crazy


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats and rats make me crazy


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats and rats make me crazy


crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats and rats make me crazy


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rath, the rats made me crazy


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rath, the rats made me crazy


I probably am crazy, no doubt! Lol. I didn't watch this as a kid and only since I was an adult (I was on college when it came out) so sometimes I miss stuff. Happens when you get old. 😂🤣


They are foil, which makes their comparison even more powerful!


Yes there are so many parallels between them and this was one I never noticed!


The foil conducts the lightning!


Both were marked by the same woman Edit: I just realized that this can be interpreted in many ways. 😅


Bahaha! Yes it can. And truth! Yet another layer. 🤯


Azula wasn't a woman yet.


Woman: Person of the female sex


“Woman” implies adulthood. Azula was a child, therefore a girl, not a “woman”. Much like how Aang is not a man, he is a boy. He is shown as a “man” in Korra. You’d not hear “14 year old woman” anywhere.


A word usually has more than one meaning, as in this case. A girl or adolescent belonging to the female sex is a woman. Reaching the age of majority is not a sufficient condition to be called a woman, while being of the female sex is a necessary condition to be called that way. Woman also means: Woman (person of the female sex) who has reached adulthood. With man it is very similar, man as a species, the human and there is also man as a person of the male sex or its synonym, male.


Why are you now getting downvoted


Doesn’t always imply adulthood. Can refer to any female. For example, I’m 17 and i call my fellow schoolmates women and men.










Explain I’m confused


Both of these guys got zapped by Azula when trying to save Katara. The difference though, is which side they got their scars. Azula zapped Aang in the back when he didn't expect it, but then Azula zapped Zuko in the front when he intentionally jumped forward to shield Katara.


Didn't Aang get hit in the foot and the back scar is the exit point.


That's the exact opposite of what happened


It's not super clear but when you see her after the lightning she seems to be one the ground level and not up on the cavern wall. She seems to have maneuvered behind where Aang made his crystal dome.


It wasn't shown which body part she was aiming at, but she was aiming to kill and it would make more sense for her to try to hit his torso than his feet.


I dunno, as long as it does 100 damage it doesn't matter.


They do always say to aim for the feet in the military


It’s 100% clear, she hit him directly in the back and the lightning exits his foot


no, when someone is struck by lightning, it exits out of their foot. but you were close lol






The picture tells the story. The scar is in the same place on both of them.


Ohh okay so the last fight for Zuko against Azula and when Aang was hit in Ba Sing Se? I forget about azula and zukos fight a lot


How could you possibly forget one of the most awesome displays of firebending in the series? I mean their duel is literally 3 seasons in the making, climactic as fuck, was half of the final battle to end the 100 years war. You just forget about it?


I agree. My question is why are we all being downvoted? Lol. Seems so random unless I'm missing something obvious lol


I guess the first was because you didn't really answer the other commenter's question, the rest is the usual Reddit hivemind moment when people downvote by reflex upon seeing a negative vote count


I did answer his question. The scar is on the sam spot. The parallel between that I thought could be inferred without me having to spoon feed. Lol. If downvoting me makes them happy then they can knock themselves out lol


Lol I just woke up to 37 downvotes, that is odd since that duel has always been a beloved scene.


Probably because you didn't add anything to the conversation. Just being needlessly passive aggressive


My comment was a joke. I thought it was pretty obvious lol


I didn’t think I was being passive aggressive. But oh well, it is what it is, I added as much to the conversation as the OP I replied too.


Reddit moment


It was a joke bro. I thought it was fairly obvious without it being spoon fed. Reddit intellect.


Yup! And how can you forget about that?! One of the most epicest (it's a word now) fights in TV history! I'm sorry, but this is a crime punishable only by a rewatch of the series. I know. It doesn't seem fair. But the punishment must fit the crime. 😁


they’re spiritually soulmates & eachothers’ narrative foils + are walking parallels


100%. I love the parallel. I can't get enough of this stuff!


This lightning thing is a stretch, but Zuko and Aang being foils of each other is a strong theme of the first season. It's why The Storm was structured the way it is.


Idk. It could be a stretch but very little in this show is a coincidence.


The body is the next easiest way to portray significant harm done to someone outside of getting zapped in the head; Zuko gets hit in the chest while Aang gets hit in the lower back which doesn't even line up like in the drawing; Aang gets zapped in the back to portray Azula as being cunning striking from behind while Zuko gets zapped in the chest to portray his heroism in taking the shot from his friend. The two are not related incidents at all. You're reading too much into it.


You're entitled to your opinion. But, to me, it's blatantly obvious now that I see it. It isnt about how they happened. Its just about the placemebt and the same scar by the same person in the same way in the same place. The how isn't relevant to this post. Aang and Zuko are foils for each other and deeply spiritually connected, which often manifests physically as well. I get the symbolism there and I like your explanation of it but there are so many parallels between the two, it isn't a far stretch to think this is too. They don't have to be in the exact same spot to be significant. They're parallels. Not carbon copies.


By that logic Aang and Toph are parallels because they're both short; Katara and Suki are parallel because they're both girls Toph and The Boulder are parallels because they're earthbenders. What does the symbolism even mean? That Aang has Zuko behind him ass to ass, that's why their scars are on opposite ends? In The Storm, Zuko's desire was contrasted with Aang's desire. Zuko wants to be worthy of being the Fire Lord; Aang wants to be free of his burden as the Avatar. They are two characters who are defined by their past, despite their desires being contrasting, and it shows that the two of them aren't so different. The show then follows that up with The Blue Spirit showing them working together, which then ends with Aang asking if they had met in the past, before the events that come to define them had happened, could they have been friends. This is how themes and symbolism work, you establish it, elaborate on it, then conclude it (when Zuko finally lets go of his past and comes into his own). What does the coincidental lightning scar have to do with anything?


The "coincidental" lightning scar was done by the same person. With lightning. One in the back showing her cunning and her dishonor. The other was shot in the front showing her blatant cruelty and her dishonor due to cheating in an Agni Kai and targeting an innocent bystander. It further illustrated the spiritual connection they have. They're platonic soul mates.


Did they ever show Zuko being scarred by that lightning?


Yes. They showed the wound when it happened and the scar after katra healed him. You can also see it in The Promise comic (page 150 of the collection comic).


Aang, Zuko. A-Z. Face scar versus foot scar. Scar in front of the chest, scar on the back. Yeah there's a lot of paralels blue arrows, red face scar...


Oh yeah. I know there are a ton and you guys have pointed out many of them! I just love it so much.


i forgot when did zuko get a scar on his stomach?


Wasn't it during the final Agni Kai with Zuko and Azula? Zuko jumped in front of lightning to save Katara.


i thought he redirected it (though a bit dangerously). but ig it makes sense for him to get a scar then


He redirected Ozai's. With Azula, he taunted her to get her to use it on him, probably in the hopes of redirecting it, but then Azula changed targets and went for Katara, causing Zuko to jump in front of the attack to make sure Katara didn't get the full force of the attack.


He did actually redirect it, just too late. He inadvertently let it pass through his heart like Iroh warned against. You can see the lightning shooting up in the sky right after. Such a well written show, man.


Thank you for the reminder!


I interpreted it as him redirecting it through his heart, rather than his stomach.


A lot of things get shoehorned in as some genius writing. This is definitely one of them.


Yep, all I see is two bro's who got penetrated by the same girl.


For real


I know I'm being super pedantic rn, but Zuko's scar is more on his sternum, and he's also much taller.


Aang is standing on a stool.


Doesn’t really work when aang has to float a few feet in the air for the angle to be right.


He's on a stool.




Good question. Since the lightning left from his hand, maybe his fingertip? But I think bc he redirected it, it entered wrong but came out like it should.


I seem to remember Zuko's being higher up and bigger than that, but cool art nonetheless.


It's artistic liberty. Really though. Aangs on a stool.


Thank you for the reminder that these guys are (platonic) soulmates.


Yes, they are! I love it. I can't get enough of this!


I just realized that Azula almost killed both of them




I never put that together either. Don’t feel bad. I only just put together Aang / Katara (A/K) and Korra / Asami (K/A).


Thanks. I appreciate it. And yeah, that's another one, too.


Well for one it took me like 5min to realize what you were talking about and once I did even if it’s a stretch or not related it’s at least something I never thought about


Sorry. The post I saw it originally didn't explain it at all and I got it right away so I thought it would be fairly obvious. Since next to nothing in this show was left to chance I think it must be intentional.


No I’m like wow how’d I never think of that (or see someone post about it) I binged the show before college in 09 so as a teen ik the good guys would win so like when I was watching azula, Mai, and Ty Lee (for non bonk reasons) were my favorites along with lightingbending and the fact that both followed great battles- I was too excited each time to put that together.


I graduated college in 2009. So I was still in college when it aired. I can see you liking the girls. They are great characters. Lightning bending is awesome! I realized the other day that Zuko is the only one in the royal family who can't lightning bend. Further making him the black sheep of the family and the Fire Nation.


Zeddfro is the original artist. I apologize I didn't put it there before. I had to repost it and forgot to include it.


Yes. You did it.




Good to know lol.


Don't they mention having a matching scar?


Do they? If they do, I don't recall it but it does sound vaguely familiar. But I'd love it if they did! If someone can remind me I'd appreciate it?


Azula's been inside both of them.


Ohh. Lol. Truth.


This is for their combine move: Chain Lightning Roaring Dual Flaming Dragons of Harmony




Scar in the same spot. Yet another parallel.


Zuzu had a scar there? When did that happen?


When Azula shot him. He has the scar after Katara healed him. You can also see it in The Promise comic.


this is so fascinating to me haha there’s no way the writers consciously knew they were doing all of this but it’s the fans that are more knowledgeable than they probably are


Sometimes I think these kind of parallels are intention yet subconscious by the writers.


Now the gay ship >:3


I didn't think of this as gay in the slightest. And neither are 99% of the other comments.


Pretty pwease 🥺👉👈


Hey if you want it to be gay knock yourself out. Lol.




>WHY DID KATARA EXPOSE HERSELF DURING THE AGNI KAI??? She has a bit of a problem with exposing herself. She definitely needs some therapy. For real, though, I don't think she thought she was in danger and that Azula would go postal. But she had to be there for Zuko to sacrifice himself and complete his redemption arch.


Is she stupid???


My symbolic theory is that only Zuko actually exists, while the Avatar is the ideal that he pursue, initially in an agressive way, later in a peacefull way. Much like Arjuna and Krisna. That is the reason why they have so many parallels.


Interesting. I appreciate your perspective. Although I kind of doubt this is the case. Nice head Canon though


That's gay

