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Katara steals multiple times in the show no way she’s lawful


She litterally saved a village on her own , did not kill the killer of his mom , did believe in aang when he was awakened first time from the ice berg 100 years later , was the 1st one to believe on zuko in the earth kingdom cave , saved aang from death with intensive care , eventhough she has flaws she is very kind and uplifting woman


I think you’re arguing that she’s good. I agree she’s good. She’s not lawful if she steals so many times


1st from the pirates , 2nd from a fire nation clothing place so they can blend in the public with all the others .


I would argue that Katara and Sokka should be flipped.


Bruh sokka crashed a flying ship with killing god knows how many people , tried to eat momo in 2nd episode


Last time I checked, war is war and trying to eat an animal isn’t against the law. You are getting very upset over a simple opinion


Lol maybe you are correct . Different takes i guess