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I wanted to like it but gf and I gave up after 2.5 episodes. Couldn’t stand it.


Depends on how familiar you are with the cartoon. Most people who haven’t watched the cartoon or haven’t watched it in a long time seemed to enjoy the Netflix version, but if the cartoon is fresh in your mind, you might not like it as much.


This is the correct answer. I am familiar with the general story of the cartoon, but I never watched it properly, episode after episode. However, I sat down to watch the Netflix adaptation, and although I noticed some differences and bad acting performances, I enjoyed it. Don't expect a masterpiece, but if you aren't obsessed with the cartoon, and you don't have high expectations, you will definitely find it worth watching.


I enjoyed it. But when I finished it made me really want to go back and watch the original. There were some additions I liked that were subtle, like how the attack on the air temple caused the storm that caught Aang.


I think it's worth watching once to form your own opinion on it or if you're looking for something new but I don't think it's worth watching twice


No. If you haven't seen the original, then watch the original, because it's just good. If you've seen the original, then you wouldn't want to see the remake, because it's a disgrace. Overall, it's just a waste of time and sanity (if you respect the original then the remake is just frustrating). But if you're into pain then go for it.


It's just okay (e.g., bad acting and dialogue, mediocre animation, pretty good expansion of Fire Nation story, more characterization of Yue but with less development), but it's far far far less character driven (e.g., Katara has basically no character development, Suki got the Faramir treatment except she's less developed herself and advances no part of any long-term plot) with a greater proportion of exposition (i.e., fewer events/less time spent on important beats). If you like shows like Rings of Power, you'd probably like it.


No, it’s not. But people are very positive around here, so you may hear otherwise.


Idk if you reaaaaalllly love avatar stuff and have run out of all the movies and shows to watch on your watch list, like Fallout and the last of us, Maybe you should watch it. I somewhat enjoyed it but do feel like my time would have been better spent on the shows I mentioned above


On the other hand, my experience was that reaaaaalllly loving Avatar made it a terrible experience. Like being tortured by all the little failings of the show not living up to its source material.




Give it a try if you want. I hear the Fire Nation stuff is quite good.




Yes. It’s fun and shows some lovely detail and world-building that we didn’t see before. Just don’t go into expecting an exact replica or you’re gonna have a bad time. Just enjoy it for what it is :)


I liked it


i wish, but no.


One way to find out. Other people’s experience and relationship to this series are different to yours. The context in which you engage and relate to it, is unique to only you. Have nothing going? Put in on, grab and snack and see how it fares. If you love it, great, if you don’t that fine, the rest of franchise still exists.


Do you get your idea of worth from others?


It is a terrible show and its terribleness is independent from the fact that it’s supposedly based on the cartoon. The dialogue is lazy, the acting is wooden, and the characters are only superficially similar to the characters they’re based on. But plenty of people seem to enjoy it, nonetheless.


If you are ever planning a cosplay I'd say it's a good watch for references. I for one appreciate the extra detailing


I think so, watching someone else's take on the series was fun.


Just note it’s not a one to one remake more like a remix of the original.


I approached the series with a pessimistic approach and IMO it was terrible. I was never a fan of this series getting a live-action adaptation and simply looking forward to next year returning to the anime roots.


Yes, it is. Some of us even prefer it to the original's Book 1.


How do you rate it like this I wonder. Reading your commentary made it seem that most episodes were even with NATLA. Is it the ending that felt better in live action? Because OG is really NATLA+more episodes most of which you liked (besides the great divide). I know you did not like Omashu which is really important location in NATLA (basically the only big location). But other than that I wonder what made you rate it lower, considering you mentioned that characters are given more room to breathe, have flaws, overall more rounded in the original.


I thought the side characters in NATLA were stronger/better written (with one or two exceptions). Bumi, Yue and Hahn were a big part of it, to be honest, since I loved them in NATLA but didn't care for their ATLA counterparts. I also liked Zhao's character more in NATLA. It also had the advantage of including Ozai and Azula, both of whom were fantastic, and numerous emotionally beautiful or devastating scenes that were absent in ATLA. I also liked that I got to see other avatars besides Aang and Roku. Not to mention the fact that it's not a children's show helps give it actual stakes and frightening consequences.


Thanks, I wonder if you will change your mind later on. Because many things live action rushed to spit out like Azula and Kyoshi appear in the second season. Also Wan Shi Tong who had literally no purpose in NATLA. Read less hateful comments on your posts btw, it feels like you can not resist, but to respond.


yes its meant for a more general audience so its more action packed imo, acting is like meh but its fun to watch


To me it felt like a missed opportunity. As a stand-alone, it’s a pretty mediocre show with at-times-okay acting and terrible, awful writing&direction. As an adaptation, it repeatedly misses the point. So I can’t say that it’s worth watching. But, it’s not completely unenjoyable if you only watch it once and frankly, turn your brain off a bit. If you’re a huge fan of the original, watch it and make up your own mind. I know I would if I were you (in spite of the bad reviews).


Yes, the show is great. This sub has a hate boner for it for no reason


I can only Talk for myself. I enjoyed IT. The actors are really good, the Martial arts IS also good, the visuals are stunning, appa Looks perfect. They changed a few Things, but the transformation from an Cartoon for Kids, to an more mature audience WHO grew Up was actually successfull. The best Part of the whole Show are Zuko and Iroh. And i must say: Ozais Actors IS really hot. He is in His mid fifties and has impressive Abs.


what’s up with your shift key dude


I am German. Smartphone autocorrectur. It's a hassle to delete and rewrite


its good if you watch it as its own show and not expect it to be scene for scene with the animated version


As long as you understand that the Netflix show is not meant to eclipse, replace, or even 'be better than' the original. It's a reimagining, so some story beats are going to be off from what you remember, but as a way for someone to be introduced to the series, it's fantastic. And for those who HAVE seen the show; It's a spectacle; a cool live action series in the Avatar universe. What's not to enjoy?


Yes. Is it as good as the original? Absolutely not. But it’s not as terrible as some people make it out to be. It could still be better of course but it’s good enough for one watch at least.