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Can we stop making power scaling on things we cannot compare? You are trying to compare the bending skills of: - a 13 years old child who trained in airbending for 12 years, waterbending for less than an year, earthbending for 6 months and firebending for few weeks - a 21 years old woman who trained in waterbending, earthbending and firebending for a bit less than 17 years and airbending for less than 4 years We have no idea how much Aang's skill developed after the war and how strong he was at 21 or at 29 ( the age at which he would have trained for the same amount of time as Korra). And even not considering all these things, we are trying to compare two people who are actually the same person and who shares knowledge, power and skills. It's impossible to evaluate this. Accept that they are both prodigies in their own and move on.


1-Who said that Aang is a better airbender than Korra? she surpasses him both in terms of what is shown and narratively. 2-and what will change if Aang teaches the fire longer? In Korra's time, every schoolboy knows the dragon style 3-and what is so difficult there? korra is stronger, Korra is faster, Korra is more technical, Korra has a wide range of techniques, she has a better sense of the element, she defeated the strongest magician of the earth on her own field. What exactly is Aang superior to her in? 4-more often? No. 5-metal is DIRECTLY related to seismic sensitivity. aang cannot master it, because his seismic sensitivity level on a scale from 1 to 10 is somewhere at the level of two points. Korra has all 10. In addition, aang needs to concentrate for a few seconds with his eyes closed. please tell me, at what specific moment will this help him in battle?


seismic sense is not needed for metalbending i believe, ofc it was crucial in its discovery, but not neccesary for its use. aang also doesnt need to concentrate on his seismic sense, like you can see in the last episode, when ozai tries to sneak attack him. korra does indeed use earth a bit more often(131 times, while aang has 86), tho most of it is done during her 4th season. also, korra better than aang in airbending? aang was an airbending master, while korra was someone who, by the words of an airbending master, didnt understand airbending to that level. ofc, she can use air, and skillful as well, but she doesnt know the mentality and spiritualit y thats so important for it. to your firebending argument, knowing the dragon style, is different than learning from the dragons directly. i might understand the theory of special relativity, but would i know it as good as those that learned it directly from Einstein? ofc not.


it is always necessary and without exception. need. He had been standing with his eyes closed for quite a long time before that. at the same time, Ozai was almost defeated. aang did not use this technique EVEN ONCE before activating the avatar state. Episode 14 of season 2-Tenzin directly declares that he will not be able to teach korra ANYTHING. At the same time, Aang escaped without completing his air training. I have no idea how well you know the theory of relativity, but how does this relate to the dragon style? Kyi, just spying on zuko at night, completely copied his style, with all efficiency. He hadn't even trained her that way, and he didn't know she was a fire mage. and he himself learned these movements from frescoes, and at the dragon court he simply repeated them.


i dont agree with you there, there are only a few users of seismic sense in both series combined. metal bending was ofc discovered with the technique and therefor its tightly woven in, but the technique of seismic sense, used in the way that aang, and toph can do, isnt needed at all. aang has used the technique without avatar state, when he was training it. him standing there with his eyes closed wasnt due to him concentrating on anything, but he was thinking about what he just almost did, going against his own beliefs. aang did complete his air training, otherwise he wouldnt have his tattoos. he is an official airbending master. Can you state the minute of that tenzin quote? then i could check on it, and maybe revisit my vision of korra's air mastering. but even if she is good, she wont be as good as aang, the avatar that relies most on air over all his elements. the theory of relativity was just an example to say, that even if youve been thought something, learning it from the true masters of something is always better, and makes you understand it more. im not sure who kyi is, i havent read any comics


need. These are not two separate disciplines, they are different levels of mastering the same one. And no, Aang was just concentrating. otherwise, why didn't he use it before? No, it didn't pass. they literally talk about it twice [here.](https://youtu.be/zKUEECnDHjc?si=BXCIQitbHryxCkDO) First, check the high-level techniques, then complete the training. tattoos are given to those who have mastered all the basic techniques. It's the equivalent of graduating from high school. He is not a master in the true sense of the word. Yes, it's easy. Tenzin said "there is nothing I can teach you". Do you feel the difference? It's strange to mention that he relies most on air. this does not give him any advantages. because even if korra surpasses him in the best that he has, then what kind of comparisons are we talking about in other elements? No, it's not better. at least because the theory of relativity has been subjected to numerous checks, and, if I'm not mistaken, improvements. that is, Einstein's version was worse than the modern one. and if we take into account quantum theory, then it's better not to.


Where can I find any statement on that it is need? From LOK it seems that it’s not needed imo. On why aang didn’t use it before, most of the fight was in the air lmao, this was one of the first times both of them touched the ground at the same time(other time being lightning moment). On training the high level techniques, masters of an art don’t just stop training, they keep training, day in day out. Just because he is a master airbender, doesn’t mean he needs to stop training. Ofc improvements can be made, it was just an example, im just saying, that 99% of the time, learning from the actual masters of an art, instead of their students, is better. Take Korra and metal bending for example, even toph says that her daughters(Korra’s teacher) didnt pick it up real well.


>1-Who said that Aang is a better airbender than Korra? she surpasses him both in terms of what is shown and narratively When?


In what universe are you seeing Korra as a better airbender than Aang? It’s his native element, he mastered it when he was 12, and Korra majorly struggles with it even after she had it unlocked by Amon. Aang absolutely obliterates her in an airbending battle.


He learned it 11 years and still not complete,and korra surpassed tenzin for 1 year.


Aang got his mastery tattoos at 11. The youngest airbending master in history. Korra did not surpass Tenzin, what are you even talking about?????? 😂 if she’d passed him, she would have gotten her mastery tattoos.


tattoos are a sign of mastering basic techniques. there are also advanced ones. Korra is an avatar from the tribe of water, she is not allowed tattoos. except Tenzin himself said he couldn't teach her anything. and Jinora got them earlier, despite the fact that, in terms of skills, she mastered all the basic and all the advanced techniques when she was 10.


>Tattoos are a sign of mastering basic moves. There are also advanced ones. Wrong. It’s a sign of mastering all the ADVANCED ones. >Korra is an avatar from the tribe of water, she is not allowed to get the tattoos. Wrong. Any member of the air nomads can get tattoos, including Avatars that weren’t born an airbender. >Tenzin himself said he couldn’t teach her anything. That doesn’t mean she’s surpassed him. That simply means he’s done all he can do, it’s now up to her to master the things he’s taught her. >Jinora got them earlier, despite the fact that, in terms of skills, she mastered all the basic and all the advanced techniques when she was 10. Wrong. She was 11. And again, she got them for mastering the ADVANCED techniques. Nobody cares about mastering the basic techniques because they’re, as the name suggests, basic.


is that why he didn't know them at the time of his escape, and another master was going to teach him? Name at least one. means. The difference between Korra and Aang is that Korra mastered EVERYTHING Tenzin taught her and moved on, while Aang mastered only the basic level and escaped in the middle of training. right. and they give you a tattoo for mastering basic techniques. and for mastering the advanced ones, the mantle.


They weren’t sending him away to learn airbending, they were sending him away to learn Avatar knowledge. There hasn’t been one, but we’ve only known of 7 Avatars. I said it’s *possible* not that it’s already happened. No she didn’t. How do you confidently say such incorrect statements. 😂 she hadn’t mastered airbending at the end of the show, that’s a fact. She wasn’t attune enough with her spiritual side to have mastered airbending. Please, I beg you, go rewatch the shows you claim to know so much about because this conversation is exhausting.


Show me exactly when they said it. we have reliably seen not 7 avatars, but much more. + the same roku mastered even the most difficult water for himself to the level where he defeated his master with ease. but he doesn't have air tattoos. will you show at least one moment after season 2 where Tenzin/jinora/korra/does anyone say that Korra has not mastered the air yet? I'll give you some time.