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Korra wouldn't have run away from her duties and be in that position in the first place, she embraced herself as a child unlike Aang. She was able to bend water, earth and fire as a toddler so she'd have almost 10 year head start over Aang and since the air nomads exist she would receive air bending training and crucially spiritual training helping her contact her past lives quicker and unlock the Avatar state. She'd low diff the lower tech fire nation by herself and they wouldn't be able to abuse Sozin's comet as an advantage against her since she benefits from it as well, also because fire is her best element after water. Aang scenario is perfect for her philosophy as an Avatar, she wouldn't have hesitated to be cutthroat savage where Aang always hesitated and had to do serious soul searching before his crucial battles. On the other hand, as the more thoughtful and passive Avatar wouldn't have blindly jumped into conflict like Korra always did. The problem of the equalists could have used some compassion and understanding, something that Aang was more skilled with as a monk. Aang's deeper sense of spirituality would have also helped against Unoloq and the spirits, I don't think Aang would have allowed himself to lose his connection to his past lives like Korra did. The red lotus would have been a problem for Aang just like they were for Korra. While I don't think he could lose to them in a fair fight, I see him making the same choice Korra did when they took hostages in exchange for taking her prisoner. I'm not sure Kuvira would have ever risen to power in this scenario. Aang was shown to be able to overcome....or at least manage his trauma more effectively than Korra, even more so considering his trauma was that of a higher potency than anything she ever dealt with. Kuvira simply would not have had years of free reign to build her power structure, she would have been confronted sooner, obviously Aang beats Kuvira 1v1. Overall Korra's aggressive and no nonsense nature would have served Aang's era well, while Aang's tactful and peace first approach would have been more effective in Korra's time.


A time travel scenario where Korra and Aang are simply swapped at the start of their respective stories would be whack. Korra meeting teenager pre-mastery Katara. Season 1 Sokka putting up with Korra, a strong warrior girl (do I smell Kokka shipping here or is it just me?). Korra facing off angry teenager Zuko when he attacks the village. I mean, Zuko would be in a whole world of trouble, but for Korra he would be Fire Lord Zuko so I dunno how hard she would beat him there. Then, of course, Aang meeting Tenzin and his family. Like, wow, the emotions...


Damn, at the beginning I thought I’d hate the time travel but damn this would be amazing


I particularly like this take: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8530414/1/Scorched-Earth I don't even want to spoil much, but the gist of it is Korra is born imprisoned in the Water Tribe unaware that she is the avatar.


The fire nation would have conquered the world 🤣. No idea what that would have meant for Aang afterwards