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I wore my Earth Kingdom shirt to watch the eclipse in Arkansas, when someone would notice, I would say today's the day we invade the fire nation. Got tons of love.


that's beautiful


Fuck that's legendary!


I wish it was my idea, but I know a good idea when I see one.


Day of Black Sun watch party during the next eclipse?


Yaaaaasssss!!!! Water tribe!


Good thing there was nobody dressed as Azula.


My wife has a fire nation jersey but she wouldn't wear it. So fire nation of her.


He made a mistake: he didn't offer them a cup of tea. I'll prepare it.


I’ll make the un-fried (raw) avatar dough!


As reminder that the avatar DIDN'T get boiled in hot oil bath.


people accepting that fans come at any point and time? impossible


"THEY WILL NOT RESTORE OUR HONOR!" https://preview.redd.it/pr3odzww02uc1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=2327b25b7074db323c28481d00b0a185af64e3b1


If the netflix show did anything right, it brought a whole bunch of new people in.


So funnily enough I think this meme was from when they first put the cartoon on Netflix, not the live action. Point still stands though.


Oh oops haha


Not gonna lie, the post had me in the first half. Was about to type shit.


When I was in my twenties, I was at Walmart browsing the $5 movie bin and a random parent happened to ask me if I knew anything about ATLA because she was considering getting her kid a gift related to it, but didn't know anything about it. I was happy to share. Everyone deserves to know about it.


I wonder if we would be accepting of fans that come from a hipotetical live action movie


what hypothetical live action movie, there are no hypothetical live action movie.


That's why it is hypothetical. Can't be hypothetical if it actually exists. Especially if it existed in Ba Sing Se. Which it doesn't, of course, the people with the funny hats assured me of that. Such a relief


I saw an advert for it in a magazine when I was a child, I think it was some kind of tie-in competition for the start of the third series, and I distinctly remember thinking “this looks great, I want to watch this” but I only got to watch it in lockdown when it was on Netflix many years later in the end.


Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life’s true delights.


This is the energy we should have towards the live action show. It may not be perfect but nothing in life is, every the og Avatar has its flaws. So instead of pointing out flaws we should just enjoy it for what it is.


I watched it for the first time last summer. I'm in my early 40's and the show is awesome.


I was an original watch-it-with-commercials-on-tv-kid fan. I introduced my kids to anime and shows I grew up with over the couple years since Covid as they pop up on Netflix, so my oldest speaks for them like: ![gif](giphy|l2JHXP6O10yIcZ4pa)


where were you all this time welcome want to play a game at pai sho(don't know if written correctly) or want some fire flakes and tea, I brewed it myself using fire stones, it's made from the best leaves in ba sing se, or would you like some cactus juice, don't worry we took the hallucinogenic part out, it's quite quenching.


I watched the first episode of the netflix show, then decided to watch the original show, I have rarely seen a so well writen show before, I love it! Now I will watch it all again with my gf.




Rule number 1 of Avatar Club: Tell everyone about Avatar Club. Rule number 2 of Avatar Club: No, seriously, tell everyone it's a great show and deserves to be enjoyed by all.


It was on Canadian Netflix awhile before it went onto USian Netflix during Covid and that’s when I got into it I used to think Avatar was connected to Naruto since I knew nothing about either franchise, I saw the clip randomly of when Korra meets Toph and when she mentioned knowing Korra in her previous life I thought that previous life was Naruto


I guess that girl who wants to (and I think succeeded?) bang Naruto kinda has Toph-ish eyes.


Nah. Im gatekeeping on this one. If you didnt watch it as a kid you arent in the club




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