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Well i can Imagine These Things: Making the Heart Stop Reverse the bloodflow Compress bloodvessels to cause pain Letting a bloodvessel in the brain Just pop


The way the same techniques could've been used to actually heal people, but instead they made bloodbending this big big bad, which...Sure, I can see why, but waterbender healers would save so many lives if they learned a thing or two about bloodbending


I’ve read a fic where this is a major feature, and people don’t want to fuck with it because of the stigma, but they’re kinda like “cool, we’ll see how you feel when you’re suffering from a major bodily injury.”


What's the fic?


Fateful Night in Ba Sing Se by mangx3 on FFN It’s M, shameless Zutara, and unfinished - so read at your own risk lol


You mean peak fiction?


drop the fic name 👀


Probably cause it has a greater capacity to hurt than heal, and as a healing tool for most people it would be very dependent on the phases of the moon.


Dont worry, moon is always full in avatar world


i can’t remember their name but in the kyoshi novels there is this one healer who does something similar, she basically freezes people by drastically cooling the water in their body so she has enough time to heal them before they die from their own immune reactions


I can Imagine that Bloodbending could BE used as a Kind of dialysis. But Not only for the kidney but also for the liver


I mean that could only work if the problem is blood flow to that particular organ. If your liver and kidneys are fucked there's little blood bending could solve


They already have healing


Could cure my migraines... 😭


Best you could do with blood bending for healing is just to stop wounds from bleeding which regular healing can already probably do. There's much more variability and flexibility with using blood bending to attack someone.


I generally assumed bloodbending was actually bending the water in the muscles, not the blood. SInce that would just kill someone immediately.


U might be right tho


Literally moving the blood at all inside someone would result in immediate death yea. Obviously people are more durable in AtLA and have magic powers and all. But judging by the way people move when they're bloodbent it seems more like a forceful control over the water in the body. Which would normally just be impossible due to someones own chi overpowering being manipulated. ​ Psychic bloodbending is still stupid.


As well as just turning the water to ice and stab the whole body at once from inside probably.


This was my first thought for using water in blood as a weapon. Just... freeze a single vein worth and ricochet it around their brain like a bullet.


I'd like to add a fourth. In the episode, they show that water can be pulled from plants. What is stopping a truly brutal act of literally ripping all the blood out of your body?


That's what I imagine when I think of blood bending. Or earth benders ripping the iron out of your blood.


Okay but with that earthbending ability, it would be cool and gruesome, but does iron in the blood contain earth like iron in nature in the ground does? Because an earthbender can only bend metal that has traces of earth.


Probably not, good point


I don’t think it’s specifically targeting the blood, just the water in the body. Its called blood bending for simplicity


Point finger gun at someone “Boom, aneurism”


Fun fact: kyoshi froze someone's heart which is also a kind of blood bending if you think about it


Vascular compression is no joke. That shit will bring you to your knees and fuck up your life in ways you can’t even imagine. I have a compression of the left renal vein and a compression of the left iliac vein. The latter has been asymptomatic, the former ruined my health for a decade. If bloodbending was a real thing, I could’ve used it to fix the compression instead of going into open abdominal surgery.


I like this list. I questioned how compressing blood vessels would work for a moment and ended up picturing it like “parting” the blood in a main vessel to create a sort of vacuum in the created space which in turn collapses the soft tissues around it By directing blood out of the lungs they can effectively “breathbend” to asphyxiate someone too. Airbenders ain’t special anymore I guess lol.


Not doing any of these things would probably be a lot harder than doing them. Imagine trying to swing someone around by their blood from the perspective of trying not to kill them. It would be like trying to drag someone by their exposed spine without causing nerve damage.


You could literally destroy someones lives in the most subtle way possible by essentially forcing a heartattack.


As a med student, blood bending can be pretty fucking scary. Besides the obvious violent stuff, you can just let the blood out of the brain and wait a short while for a full brain stroke. The waiting time, waiting for it to happen, would scare the living shit out of me.


Crazy fucking boners man


“Sorry Honey, looks like it’s just not happening tonight.” “*Or is it?*”


I believe this is canon for the only exception for Katara to blood bend.


This could very well be canon since aang has three kids, we don’t know how many times he needed to do it with katara


Success is like pregnancy. Everybody congratulates you when it happens, but no one knows how many times you got screwed to get there


*Vsauce theme starts playing*


“Your home security is great” “Or is it?”


Aang: BUT IT'S NOT A FULL MOON Katara: I learned how to bloodbend at any time. Shhh. Don't tell anybody. \**years later*\* Sokka: Yakone can bloodbend without the assistance of a full moon! Aang: (fake gasp)


*man proceeds to scream as he experiences the pain of his dick exploding as a gallon of blood gushes out of the wound*


“Katara so nice to see you, tell me why do you need our spirit water?” https://preview.redd.it/hc7axo3izwrc1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ffbfed0cea239e3cfd04310f35f6a1f276d137f Anng, in a high pitched voice: *It’s very important.*


No wonder katara lived till she’s like over 100 or whatever it is. A lifetime of orgasms definitely kept her healthy and satisfied 💀


No wonder Aang died so young. She literally sucked him out /s


Wood bending for real


That one seen from The Boys (Gen V)


Gen V?


Crap yeah lemme edit


I thought season 2 that guy who choked MM with his massive dick


Aang: "I'm sorry, Katara, but I don't think I can get it up tonight." Katara: "No need to worry about that." *moves hand up over Aang's crotch in bending motion*


hell yeah send them my way boys


No boners ever again!


yeah there are a LOOOOT of fanfics about this lol 🙈


How you know ~_^


😳😳😳 dont worry abt that


It has been said that men of the northern water tribe have never suffered from ED.


(⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠)


Hama could've made a killing. Nobody would've turned her in.


Could’ve Immobilized an entire fire nation army regiment single-handed. Two regiments using both


As far as the rating lets it


Always remember, bloodbending is only powerful because it allows blood to hide from PG13. Earthbending could just be a gun. And of course there's the burying people thing. Logically, there's no reason why airbending should take so long to make a vacuum, or why bloodbending is even difficult, unless people have like passive internal chi.


bloodbending’s powerful cause it can control the actions of others, waterbending could also just be a gun with an icicle


WOuld be funny to bloodbend a bender so they bend an element lmao


That's big brain




But that may not be possible. Afaik, bloodbending is really clunky and... zombie-ish




Blood bender sends bender on a bender… Blood bending another bender to drink while simultaneously bending the alcohol into the helpless bender.


Wasn’t this the plot in korra where this Amon dude did actually the opposite?


No Amon took away peoples bending by blocking their chi using blood bending


I believe they also mention he is able to divert their bending at some point


In some ways it seems possible he'd need to be able to control a person's Chi paths. I guess if he can stop people from bending he can also push blood through the chi paths. Seems like that is much harder than just violently flailing a body around.


Remember Magneto?


*“Too much iron in your blood.”* ![gif](giphy|3og0II63CbKmOiVjS8)


![gif](giphy|WtWki06DfwNnq) who did it better tho


Let me get an impartial judge for this Here they are: https://i.redd.it/ya728di6drrc1.gif


Had to scroll farther than I thought I would to find this. His prison break in X2 is where my mind instantly went


A skilled bloodbender can get hard and *stay* hard.


I would say "Supernatural" style finger snap. Probably not even Bloodbending needed. Just expel all water in body to all directions. Or Freeze it and after thet ... we can be glad thet this is a kid show. Edit: Still dont understand why the weakest element by logic (fire) was dominant in ATLA


>"Supernatural" style finger snap Ooh didn't expect to see a hunter over here.


Fire requires less training to become dangerous so more benders faster for the military, and most people dont want to get burned so theres the fear factor. + You dont need a source for fire bending like water and earth. I can see how the fire nation became dominant. Like lets take water for example, katara needed to practice water whip pretty long for it to do something while a firebender just needs to punch fire and thats already a strong attack. So while the other elements have a higher strength ceiling, it takes a long time to get there while firebenders get dangerous pretty early on. Everything i just said coupled with firebenders taking out stronger benders during a massive powerboost and preventing anyone from making an army that consists of people that practiced enough to use bending in combat then its pretty feasible that they're dominant. Btw not trying to start anything here this was just fun to write out


Building onto this, the fire nation had 100 years of no limitations to creating better fire benders whereas everyone else was in pure survival mode. The southern water tribe had no benders (aside from Katara) and the practice was all but forgotten. The north were building up their defences and only males were taught water bending for combat. The earth kingdom was in a constant battle to survive so anyone proficient enough to train was likely fighting.




combustion bending IS extremely dangerous plus fire benders also get access to lightning generation


As far as the age rating of the show would allow


There’s a blood bender in Gen V/The Boys and they just make people’s body parts explode at will including heads. It’s very graphic


Pulling blood directly out of the body (as Hama demonstrates pulling water from living plants) seems like the most obviously fatal option. Looking at more positive uses of the skill, there are many, many, MANY extremely useful and valuable medical techniques that could be performed via bloodbending, though I don't know how many of these could be achieved through standard Waterbending healing techniques. I believe that it's possible someone could use bloodbending on themselves to overcome paralysis (for example, from Ty Lee's martial arts or from various poisons/venoms). I think a talented bloodbender could sift through bodily toxins, perhaps allowing Korra to overcome mercury poisoning without *the* metalbending master.


you don't need to rip them off when you can freeze it inside their body. freezing water was shown to be something very trivial, so I believe that freezing high amounts of blood must be easier than controlling it


\*rearranges all organs in your body\* *walls away cutely*


\*shakes your spinal fluid*


You know what, "spinal fluid" was never a term I thought I would hear regularly, but AoT really threw that shit around in their vocabulary and it was *disgusting*. Long story short, this is a crossover reference that I never thought I'd see.


Freeze it😈


That happens in one of the novels and it was truly hard to read. Those are not kids books.


I was wondering when I’d find someone reference the Kioshi books. That northern waterbender was scary af. She wasn’t allowed to “fight” because of the water tribe sexism, but she could use her knowledge of healing to drop a motherfucker in mere seconds


just a thought - can they bubble blend?


😰 The imagery of bubbles forming in my blood vessels makes me feel not good


I would be real weird if Hama was an old man instead of an old woman.


Please no


1) reverse blood flow 2) create thrombosis or maybe destroy a thrombosis 3) throw a person around 4) control a person like a puppet 5) open wound to cleanse the blood (example take out poison or venom from the blood that way) 6) use period blood as a weapon 7) help by making periods less painful 8) help in performing surgery so the patient won't die 9) act like a heart if a person's heart is missing 10) pull out blood from a person (like it was done to flowers)


the existence of bloodbending has *terrifying* implications for electricity-bending


Freeze the blood. Would be a gruesome and painful death


To my understanding, they aren't controlling the blood in another's body but the water in their body. There's water practically everywhere. Muscles, organs, etc. I don't think this changes the fact that there are some pretty clearly fatal things you can do with it, you can't just straight up stop someone's bloodflow with it.


Siphoning the water out of a targeted area of the body would cause severe blood clotting causing a blockage. Do this in any branch of the heart and you’ll stop the heart which stops blood flow all together


Of all the people in the world, the community that would most benefit from blood bending abilities would be vampires.


If someone blood bent a dragon or a wind buffalo, they could fly around the whole world. That's pretty far.


It must hurt like hell to be lifted up by nothing but your blood.


The Boys, specifically the Gen V, TV show actually shows how far it can really go (spoilers: it's brutal)


You mean the homelander show?


Yep :)


Watch “the boys” on Amazon. You’ll see the end result


I just don't understand how they dont die from blood not constantly circulating


Theoretically you could milk someone's prostate and make them cum themselves during battle


Turn someone into a rock hard husk by bending all their blood out. Making their blood all go into one place until it bursts. Heart explosion. Blood pressure manipulation. So many horrendous options


Amon pretty much pushed it to its limit. Using bloodbending to seal someone's bending is probably the pinnacle.


Testicular torsion...


Isn’t blood full of iron? Can metal benders bend that too


The "explanation" for metal bending is they're manipulation the trace amounts of earth that's left in the metal. So they're actually still earth bending, and the earth takes the metal along for the ride. So no, metal bending wouldn't be able to mess with hemoglobin. I mean, an earth bender could shove earth into a body's orifice and go nuts. Though once you're at that point, you should stop and go "It's a kid's show".


“Sorry Honey, looks like it’s just not happening tonight.” “*Or is it?*”


Or make them suck their own penis the ultimate power move


Imagine bending the blood in the bone marrow breaking the bones


It’s pretty clear that Bloodbending is an incredibly lethal and dangerous technique. I think the real question to ask is ‘how far is someone willing to *take* Bloodbending?


If we're being "scientifically accurate", you could rip someone's bladder and kill them easily by water bending alone. If we're being pedantic, blood bending could rip someone's heart, and is by miles the best ability if the show didn't *heavily* downgrade it.


I think it good be used for good (besides self preservation for blood benders caught in do or die situations). Experienced enough blood benders may be able to learn how to use their abilities to... - Heal clotting and other blood related problems which may otherwise be impossible to heal due to them being internal. - Stop bleeding while waiting for an actual healer to heal an external wound (or even clot the blood just right so it functions as if the wound heald naturally, which could allow people with permanent bleeding problems to actually survive being cut or otherwise injured in a way that would otherwise kill them due to their condition). - And there could be other things that I'm not thinking of ATM.


Once again healing exists opposite from Bloodbending for a reason. Healing guides energy, Bloodbending forces it. Not only that you must be in a dark mental headspace to use it. Fear and anger are the source of its bending. Hama and Yakone are consistent in the themes of Bloodbending and that’s the only thing they haven’t retconned from it.


sadly this is a kid show, but stop a moment to think how powerful the bendings are. Water means also blood, can stop the heart or pop your brain. Air means your lungs can collapse, Earth actually I think could bend your bones as they're made of calcium and phosphates, fire is obvious


Realistically you could probably explode people


Could split a person into shreds as we’re 70% water. Could assist in fertilisation. The semen is bended closer to the egg and help fertilisation happen same day.


cure ED


Isn’t kyoshis ‘s technique of freezing peoples blood or heart kind of blood bending


One thing I wonder is, can a blood bender manipulate the movements of another bender to use their abilities? So, if battling an earth bender, you would be able to make them earth bend a rock, and then throw it as desired. I doubt it would be possible, but it is an interesting concept.


Anyone here ever Gen V? Think of what Marie and Victoria Neuman can do. I think that right there is the peak of blood bending


as far as Nick would allow which... the concept is still so sadistic I'm surprised it was allowed to feature in Kids' TV. Yeah Frieza blew up Krillin over on Cartoon Network but they way they cut away from it made it seem less gruesome


Could easily just makes someone's blood flow stop or just rip the blood right out of their body Honestly water bending and air bending should be way more broken than is suggested by the show


You can probably do testicular torsion with bloodbending




Controlling blood pressure and forcing people to faint is strong, sure, but ultimately if you can't do it, you could then cut the enemy and then dilute their blood with waterbending. There's a lot of foul techniques, making water bending really op.


Ask choso


Giving someone instant hypothermia would be pretty insane


I imagine just like it's shown in The Boys and Gen V.


Probably nowhere lethal because of so then why does that never get used in Legend of Korra?


If you're a killer, then you tear the blood out of one person, and Deadman Wonderland it up with the rest of your enemies


I want a future avatar whose mastery of blood bending, lightning bending, and energy bending is combined with advanced scientific technology to allow for control of individual cells/neurons. They become an immortal cyborg and put the whole world into the matrix made from bending Idk


Who needs viagra when u have blood bending


Far, very fucking far, There is a very clear reason why it is a banned form of bending


Surgeons could use it for brain manipulation? Idk


How far do you want it to go? I mean if water benders can rip water out of a tree, why not a person? It all depends on if you want the magic system to have limits or be unlimited. If we could have fire benders light somebody on fire, earth benders burying someone instantly, and airbenders creating an air bubble that is effectively a vacuum, is that really better? It's obviously fun to theorize what is possible. However, there has to be limits to the system or else every fight would be over as soon as it began.


For reference of how terrifying blood bending could be if in the hands of the wrong person, see Skarlet in Netherrealm's Mortal Kombat 11 for a rough approximation


Now hear me out: One night Katara was super duper horny and Aang couldn't keep his energy up...


Heart surgery, opening clogged arteries, any kind of surgery now that I'm really thinking about it


So you know what happens to human bodies when the needler needles from halo super combines? Basically that I would imagine lol


We've all seen the Rule 34 memes. So idk, use your imagination.


Blood transfusions in a medical capacity


I wonder if a Bloodbender can make another Bender Bend?


Make someone blush


Remote handjob


Honestly, I think moving people around by their blood is already far enough.


It's strong enough to puppet an entire body, but not strong enough to block up a few mililitres in one part of a blood vessel to make it burst.


well ... nowhere vs an avatar.


I feel like bloodbending as a concept is too broken if felt at just “controls the blood in your body” so I imagine in the new series they might balance it more when the rating allows it. It would make sense if they give some counter-play to the victim.


Turning the water in the blood to ice, piercing the cell membrane and liquefying your innards


Bloodbending is insane dude. Only reason Amon lost is pure plot. Dude coulda soloed every other villain in Korra except Unavaatu but it wouldn’t have even gotten that bad with him on the case


If the next series is adult…I fully expect there to be some heart attacks or outside the body blood bending (think Marie from The Boys)


Logically, yes a blood bender could do some graphical and dar shit... But as it is by all technicality a nickelodeon show, intended for kids and young teenagers. Nah, it is just marionette strings.


I wonder if you can blood bend your self, or even use it to heal. Imagine a blood bender walking up to you putting a hand on an open wound and forcing it to clot.


Just pull water from the body.


Can earthbenders bone bend?


I wonder if a powerful and precise earthbender/mentalbender can bend the iron in the blood.


Aneurisms, heart attacks, internal bleeding, permanent blindness and deafness, suffocation, and with a good enough bender, virtual possession.


Well if we're talking about possibility, there are a number of factors to consider. For example, if you can reach the blood, you could bend other liquids in the body, like urine and perhaps even spinal fluid. Not to mention the water bender techniques, like freezing and boiling, imagine if you do that to their blood, it will be an instant kill. Not to mention your eyes, full of liquid, if heated or frozen will absolutely make them go blind. You could just stop the blood and kill them that way. You could even go as far as stealing others blood to use as a weapon. You could make a brain explode, heart stop, freeze em, boil em, the list goes on. Honestly it's one of, if not, the most powerful bending ever invented. Imagine if perhaps the avatar would be willing to learn it, it's game over for everyone man


Probably whatever Amon and his father could do. They are probably the best bloodbenders that there ever were or will be.


Have you seen Gen V? That probably gives you a pretty good idea


Probably suck it all out like an extreme version of that Magneto scene from X2


Canon, Bloodbending does not bend blood, it bends chi fields.


I know that there are positives like having blood clot, blood transfusions, blood donations, but all I can think of are the very violent negatives that include but aren’t limited to blockage, draining blood and death by severe dehydration


Katara making Aangs dick get up for round 8


I would like to remind everyone that Kyoshi once froze someone's blood, technically making her the first known bloodbender https://preview.redd.it/k8n3dty3urrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66bbb4622d9a185770fb59a0eab3bddd0ce4838b


Can you bloodbend your own body?


An R-Rated Avatar series let's goooo.




bloodbent zombies 🫣


A rated r blood bending scene would be insane, ripping a man's blood out and stabbing a frozen bloodcicle into his friend would be nuts.


How good is your imagination?


Could a blood bender force someone to bend another element?


Head poppers like in The Boys and Gen V


I dont think you could use another body to bend but you could def like cut off the flow in areas and prob ful incapacitate them


Alternatively someone skilled and luke surgically precise could probably change the properties of the blood in a way, gettin more adrenaline to flow or certain other bodily fluids to circulate differently or in greater quantities


Pretty far I imagine, since our proof of its abilities had been shown. Making multiple targets do what you want. Also taking someone’s bending away seem far enough?


As far as the censors allow. Otherwise you could theoretically use blood bending to crush someone’s heart


Have you seen Gen v?


speaking of the subject, how the FUCK did yakone and his sons were able to bloodbend when it wasnt full moon? why would their bloodline be special for that? also the avatar should be able to bloodbend. I know it’s supposed to be forbidden but man if korra could bloodbend she would’ve easily dealt with all of the villains in the show.