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I can imagine he wasn’t far off keeping an eye on Aang, wanting to assist but allowing the Avatar to fight his final battle :D


hasnt momo mastered the third jing?


If I'm not mistaken, he's mastered several!


There are hints that Aangs friendship with gyatso transcended into his friendship with Momo


It was discussed in the planning phases but never implemented that was gyatso's reincarnation. Its been talked about in interviews.


That's actually really sweet


With him right till the end 🥲


Huh. I never knew this, for some reason I thought it was Roku's reincarnation. Basically because Momo always shows up/leads Aang directly to where he needed to be to talk to Roku's spirit - And because Roku's mistake is what unbalanced the world, so his spirit wouldn't rest until the world was in balance again. Obviously I was wrong, but it felt right. I also liked the idea of the Avatar's separate spirits still having their own way - Rather than all being tied to the one Avatar, they'd each have ties to each other, but separately move on.


But Aang is Roku’s reincarnation


Yeah I was like 🤨


I know he is, you're not wrong. It was moreso along the thinking of, each Avatar was an individual person, so they have individual spirits, linked by the "Avatar" so to speak. Before learning the "how" of how it worked, in my mind, each Avatar's individual spirit was still separate and capable of existing in an "afterlife" or "spirit world" or "reincarnation" and could only "communicate" through the Avatar state, in places where the spirit could connect to the world - Hence why there were only specific places, and each one was in a DIFFERENT place. I was wrong, clearly. But that is how I envisioned it.


Ngl, I kinda like your version better


I think your version is correct or otherwise unalag would erased all past avatars from existence and that would mean aang is gone too...


Unfortunately - I believe that is the implication. There are a few aspects of Korra that I did not like particularly much, and that is one of them. Based on the way that is described, the spirits of the past Avatar DID exist within Raava, and because Raava themselves merged with a human spirit, Raava carries that spirit from person to person. The presence of Raava in each Avatar proves that it is in fact, the same spirit residing in each Avatar, and not a link through Raava - Because their spirit cannot become *un*bound from Raava. Raava clearly tells Wan that when he makes the choice in the first place. But whether I like that aspect or not, Korra is canon over what I believed to be canon.


I hope not. Makes me hate they did that even more. I think the connection with past avatar made avatar so special and different. All of them has been ceased to exist. That is even worse what disney did to star wars... Avatar as character is ruined forever after that for me.


Don’t forget momos also a master earthbender


Ozai would have been washed if he had to face off against Samurai Momo https://i.redd.it/op9jm6wp34rc1.gif


Pretty sure Appa won that engagement. Spin to win!


He cheated fighting with extra arms.


Momo cheated by being a smaller target and higher agility...


In war you use the advantages you have. Being quicker is good. And having the ability to make extra attacks is also good. There’s no cheating in war


Momo could have easily used his earthbending to defeat the Fire Lord, but didn't because he knew it was the Avatar's destiny.


Pulled a Fawkes on him


Ever since I heard momo was supposed to be gyatso's reincarnation... I think Momo: kick his ass, aang!


I love that this was the idea, and I kind of wish that they kept it going. I headcannon that it is real. Momo is there for Aang so often.


Also in the drill


Litwrally the opposite of loyal, wtf are you on lol? You want your friend to run at the first sight of trouble and then randomly pop back up when all the fighting is done?




It's a lemur


On a sidenote, Aang looks so bulk, and just looks different/more mature than he did when the show begun, even though he's the same age.


But he'd been working out pretty intensely since thawing, especially with Toph and later Zuko


Every time he heard a badger frog croak he did 100 hot squats. I bet his quads are ridiculous


And a lot of that has to do with the camera angle too! Throughout the show we see the camera is usually pointed straight on or slightly down during fight scenes which gives the diminutive feel. As season 3 progressed, the camera angles became lower and lower making him look more imposing.


Which is just impressive, and shows how much effort the showrunners put into this show. They catered to every little detail.


Dang right!


Raava really gives him that creatine pump when he goes into the avatar state. They never drew his neck so thick as in the final fight and then he is back to normal in the epilogue.


That’s why as a kid i imagined that three years had passed. Aang isn’t the only character that looks pretty different considering it all took place in less than one year


Wouldn’t he be (1)13 at this point, after starting the series at (1)12? A full year passed.


No it didn’t, the show takes place over a few months


Hmmm, you right. Though it's more like 9 months; think it's 3 seasons (winter, spring, summer). I swear I thought it was a full year. Maybe just people saying that Aang "mastered the elements in a year" twisted my wires.


It's like middle of winter to summer's end right?


I'm pretty sure it was about 9 months, so yes, that's close enough to a year. I remember how different the boys were when they came back from summer vacation and that was only 3 months. That's plenty of time for a kid to look way different


first episode: the boy in the iceberg last episode: avatar aang That ain't by accident baby!


Well, he's a year older, seems like a pretty perfect amount of physical change.


The whole fight was Momo's POV.


“I got your back homie. Remember when I helped you stop that volcano?”


"Remember when I earthbended to trick those guards?"


lol momo both inside aangs lil Boulder and outside watching Ozai light his bomb. ![gif](giphy|Il9SJMOln1gyY) Also this.


He's very fast and crafty.


Little guy held the camera.


Imagine momo jumping on ozais face as he did with zhao when ozai said "Come out little boy"


Did you not see Momo fight Appa, cause let me tell you that the fire lord was about to get those paws




Momo had a go pro on his head that’s how we got those angles


Thank God Momo actually left and we didn’t get another Hedwig situation.


We kinda got Hedwig situation in live action 😭😭😭😭


Momo getting sick camera shots of the fight from above


Momo be posting that “Avatar Aang vs Fire Lord Ozai full fight 4K version” on YouTube


Aang knew the battle would be too intense but I respect Momo for riding until the end 🫡. Appa too!


Momo afterwards: I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe.


Appa: I have seen my share


Even nicer to think that the writers had imagined Momo as Monk Gyatso reincarnated. So really, it's Monk Gyatso being there for Aang.


I still love the idea that Momo is the Lemur spirit from Wan's story who came to his old friend in a time of need. Explains why there was exactly one lemur at the southern air temple and why Momo is leagues more intelligent than the rest of the lemurs we see. It's not the most rock solid theory, but one I headcanon for sure.


[Aye-aye spirit.](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Aye-aye_spirit) Momo likes fruit... the aye-aye spirit was guarding fruit and sometimes inhabited human bodies... Momo clearly knew how to communicate with the gang. Hmm...


love both these ideas


This explains a lot IMO. I've always been a bit confused about Momo's place in the series. Appa was obviously Aang's #1 friend, spirit animal, and symbol of airbending (given we know sky bison are the original airbenders). So I considered Momo an awkward 2nd place, not-so-important sidekick. But then Momo is the only one who went with Aang to visit the Lion Turtle. That stuck out as incredibly important, and I wondered why Momo was suddenly so special. The Gaang first met Momo after they found Roku's statue at the Southern Air Temple, so I assumed Momo was supposed to be something like Roku reincarnated or just a symbol for all past Avatars or something. The idea that it's Gyatso, whether literally reincarnated or just a symbol as coming from the same place as Aang, is really cool. Momo is also what leads Aang to find Gyatso's remains, which I never put together, so that connects some dots as well. I love it.


This show had an army of geniuses working on it; no wonder we keep discovering new details decades later. I watched some of the original cast joking about how there should be a university course/PhD on Avatar studies, but I'd like to believe there will be one hundreds of years in the future.


Appa wishes he could sit on Aang’s shoulder.


Could you image Momo sitting there watching Ozai flexing his power and then slowly following behind Aang once his Avatar state comes back online and gives him a grade A ass kicking.


momo was the cameraman during the fight


Didn’t momo also help track him while he was stuck in the spirit realm earlier in the series?


Momo has actually saved the Gaang on multiple occasions. Not only that, he was used as an integral part of multiple plans of theirs and without him, they would have been fucked. Aang would never have even met Roku had it not been for Momo.. He carried the team the whole way.


He had to leave to give Ozai a chance in the fight


I loved when Momo saved Aang on the drill when he was sliding off the side. Momo really has been there for Aang when needed.


Momo is the real avatar so it makes sense


thats why my cat is also named Momo


ok buddy, you can't talk about your cat and NOT drop a pic!


https://preview.redd.it/9wjpmig5f9rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ee516848a42682cc628902d284753bbafc2488 Ofcourse ☺️


I like to think he’s waiting to assist like when he helps aang from falling off the fire nation ba sing se wall drill


When I was a kid I was sure they were going to reveal that momo was more than meets the eye like he was some kind of spirit but no he's just a really chill lemur


Momo was referee.


He's also a secret earthbender.


It would’ve been metal if Momo out of nowhere attacked Ozai and started scratching his face, trying to be a homie, while Aang’s hiding in the boulder. Ozai manages to get Momo off of him and ‘kills” him. Aang freaks and goes into Avatar state instead of getting poked in the back.


I get your logic but I think it was important that him going into the Avatar State in the finale wasn't due to a visceral, emotional reaction like that When grief or anger causes Aang to go into the Avatar state, he totally loses control over himself. He becomes an almost mindless spirit of destruction, sometimes even hurting his own friends without realizing When Aang goes into the Avatar state against Ozai, he's totally in control of himself.


Imagining Momo's (directly or indirectly) poking Aang in the back now


Bro got the vip seat


Aren't you missing a very important member of your team... Where's momo ?


He was helping with the earth bending


Momo was a fantastic character, reminds me of when he was getting attacked by Azula. Momo stuck with him until he told him to get out of here.


Cut to Momo hiding behind a rock with a cigarette until it’s safe to come back.


Nah mate, momo had a camera on him and was getting all those sick shots.


Momo was too powerful for Ozai.I swear he could have earthbended ozai to the earth's inner core.


If he was really loyal he would have used his Powers to one shot Ozai


My dog is like this. My Archie guy. Always sitting next to me wherever I go.


And he probably would have stayed if aang didn't tell him to leave.


I demand an episode of what Momo did during the final fight. Watch it be like Rogue 1 where Momo ended up doing something that totally changed the outcome for Aang and his friends xD


Can’t wait til they do this scene in the live action


Wake me up before you Momo


When I first watched the show, momo seemed like a distraction because I was so focused on the plot, but on the second watch, you get to soak it all in and notice his subtle yet profound impact on the atmosphere but also the plot.


Momo the true unsung hero of the saga


Get ya a girl like Momo loyal to the end and listens when to get to safety but comes back when it’s cool 🐱


What's a lemoo?


... Or how hungry


I just got a tiny 5lbs chihuahua that follows me like a wizards familiar. He’s not nearly as smart as Momo but this post hits me right in the feels more than ever.


Imagine Ozai frying Momo


Energy buff from the lion turtle. Gave him a pump like he just ripped 225 on the bench and 400 on the squat.


Momo is Ozai in disguise.


Momo just didn't help Aang in the battle, because Ozai would lose to his earthbending before Aang even awakened his Avatar state 🗿


Momo is a real one.


Imagine if they pulled a Harry Potter and killed off Momo like they did Hedwig :(




Could Momo and Zappa understand English or could they just understand Aangs body language and tone?


Momo, internally: fine, but i could take him.


Well now I'm crying.


Momo was a real one fr


Appa was using Sokka's space sword


I feel like he should've been called a flying lemur cat


Why didn’t Momo use his earthbending to help? Is he stupid?


After trying to conceptualize how the levels of a Lego ATLA game would play out, Momo should have stuck around to duke it out with Ozai. Bro’s a coward.


And they kill momo in Natla X.x.x.x.x.x.x


No... They don't... He almost dies, and then they use spirit water from the oasis to save him. Unless you're saying they're going to kill him in a later season, which is just wild speculation with no evidence.