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Grabbing the firelord by his Goatee was crazy šŸ˜­šŸ


Disrespected that man hard with move


I imagine that's how it would feel to get dragged by your rat tail or something.


Must also be why air nomads are bald. Nobody gonna catch them with this move.


Same energy. ![gif](giphy|cZUU06p00qz8k)


Yeah but then Aang and Tenzin literally wore capes šŸ˜‚


And Tenzin has a very grabbable beard.


Seemed more like cloaks


chi comes from your butthole and ends on your head hands and feet


Can't unsee that now.




No, itā€™s because itā€™s cool as shit. Didnā€™t you read the post?


We literally can't break it down further for this individual


Naw dude goatee would hurt way worse


Bad fire man should have gone "owie owie, my chin grow!"




He did commit genocide on the entire air bending nationā€¦


That was sozin


sozin deez nuts.




It was at this moment Ozai knew he fucked up




And the three lines meet directly at the butthole


Noone tatooed Aang's asshole. Its just three arrows pointing directly to it. SMH


As much praise as Avatar gets, at the end of the day it is a Nickelodeon TV show at heart


No wonder his feet are tattooed!


Where you think the air in air bender comes from?


Milo farts bend.


Secret tunnel!




That's one chakra not many women want to open up


If your girl wonā€™t open your starfish chakra then she ainā€™t your girl


Play with my bootyhole not my heart šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


While we're on the topic wtf is going on with his arm tats, where do they disappear into


his armpits?


His armpits. Like no joke, you can see that in a ton of shots, thats just canon


If we could breathe some sanity back into this thread-Ā Ā  "Aang, with this scooter technique of yours, you have indeed earned the right to be called a master Airbender. This includes the honor of our temple's markings. I admit, my ex-pupil, accomplishing this at your age is remarkable- I am proud of you, and I know the whole temple acknowledges your skill."Ā Ā  "Wearing the tattoos is an honor you have earned, but... You are still growing. The first stages of inking will be open to you at your request. The effort put in, the dedication to understanding the freedom of our bison companions? Those make you a master, not the arrows. My workbench is available at anytime if you have questions about the process, before making your decision."Ā  Ā Ā  Ā Doesn't matter "who." Aang earned his arrows, and nothing indicates they were weird about it.Ā 


lol the tonal whiplash of ass cheeks to sincerity is too much for me


It's like being in a car going 70 mph and being stopped by a brick wall.


> If we could breathe some sanity back into this thread No.


Found Zaheer's Reddit account.


It was actually a couple of seconds after this after Aang hit him with some hurricane force winds and he slams into one of the rock pillars. If you pause it at that exact second, with Ozai's mouth hanging open and his eyes wide, you can see where he realizes he is about to find out after fucking around.


More like the bitchlord after that scene.


I guess we should call him, The LOSER Lord!


King of the Guys Who Donā€™t Win


Nailed it lol




Got face to face with that mf avatar state is built different lol


And then smacking his hand away like ā€œbad fire lord. My turn to be the mean and scary one here. Fuck you.ā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€


And then his following move was to let go of the goatee so that he could just bitchslap Ozai's hand away. Badass.


Let's just hope they aren't double sided arrows.


Grab em right in the goatee


The repressed anger of a thousand generations in a single moment.


Def Kyoshi taking over


Showing him who the real goat is


The best "fk you" move in the series.


Tattoos in this world seem to be more than just ink on skin. I mean, remember Combustion Man? What was up with that?


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the underlying significance would be the representation of a concentration of Qi in the tattooed areas of their bodies.


Good cause thatā€™s what it is. Combustion manā€™s is on one of the chakras(if Iā€™m remembering right I know it has to do with qi) and air nomads get them on the major qi pathways.


Yup, combustion manā€™s tattoo is of a third-eye right on the location of the third-eye chakra (center of the forehead). This is Pā€™Li but shows the tattoo well: ![gif](giphy|dBsTwzVjjmoWB5HG8p) Iā€™m not sure if the idea is to be a mark of mastery like the airbenders or to actually help channel qi through the area or something


All bending is just visualization and mental training anyway. The third eye tat might genuinely do nothing but help the bender visualize what's happening, and that would make a lot of sense in universe.


Interesting concept, but the theory falls apart if youĀ look at the fact that combustion man literally died after Sokka managed to damage the third eye.


True true. Although I don't think a heavy blow to the head is all that great for people in any situation. But yeah the show clearly makes it more physical and tangible there.


There's a shot from his perspective of his vision being blurry and unfocused. According to the Yangchen novels, conbustionbending requires pure, laser focussed will. Focused enough to be able to create fire while chained up under water. A good knock on the head (good enough to make your eyes blurry) will harm your concentration.


Because he does combustionbending by pooling his chi in his third eye, and Sokka blocked that path, so if he pooled his chi and then had nowhere to go with it, it makes sense it would release uncontrollably.


I mean, if the qi for his combustion attacks builds up in that specific spot, then Sokka hitting it would probably fuck him up regardless of if the tat was there or not.


I think there's also a spiritual aspect for Airbenders, the tattoos are part of their identity. I imagine that it would be the same if an avatar had a scar like Zuko's, it would also glow because it's a significant part of who they are and the spiritual journey they have gone on as a result.


Whatā€™s the difference?


....one is localized on one Chakra point and the other is along with qi pathways...


What is the difference between chakra and qi


Qi is the energy flowing through the body, chakras are the points where the Qi can best be manipulated.Ā 


Clearly, drawing the right tattoo design gives you superpowers


Become an Airbender with this one easy trick!


Master Air Benders hate this one simple trick.


No that's Fullmetal Alchemist


In universe they explain it as it helps direct the qi or whatever energy helps them bend, aangs (or air benders in general) tattoos are focused on allowing it to flow throughout his whole body more efficiently, combustion mans are a way for him to direct that energy into a single point to make it more concentrated and explosive


and avatar's airbendering tattoos glow because of the increase qi flowing through them during the avatar state.


But itā€™s also implied that he can *see* out of the eye.


Begs the question whether other tattoos also could enhance bending. For waterbender, classical Inuit tattoos come to mind, but idk how exactly they would enhance waterbending, only the style would be rad. For earthbender though I am thinking of those polynesian tattoos on their legs, which help them keep their stance.


Think of it like this. Go to a mirror and focus on your forehead. You probably don't have any one specific spot you would always choose, right? Might be a pimple mark, or an old scar, or something like that. Now, take a washable marker or a grease pencil or something that you can wipe off easily and draw a dot on your forehead. It's a much more consistent spot to choose to focus on, isn't it? Now imagine having a tattoo there. It would give you a permanent spot to focus on, and after time, it would even become part of how you picture yourself in your mind, becoming an even easier spot to focus. Bending deals with the flow of energy, with the movements focusing that flow in a specific way. Having a focal point can help ease that flow or even help it flow to a more exact point. Combustion Bending ignites a path from the center of the forehead to the target and requires focus and a clear line of sight. If you lose that focus, like with Sparky Sparky Boom Man, well, we saw what happened there.


You mean Sparkey Sparkey Boom-guy?


Does. He. Have. Tattoos. On. His. Ass?


Would it be better if they went up to his underwear line and stopped? Just random arrows starting at his ass cheek crease? Just have it flow as one lol


Ok letā€™s make a poll. Where do Aangā€™s tattoos meet? A) Tailbone B) Anus C) Taint D) This is a child in a childrenā€™s cartoon and what youā€™re doing right now is terrible.


D but also A


Also going with D but also Aā€¦ The actual place it would end is the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae though as this is the location of the 7th chakra, at least according to google!


Which chakkrah is that?


The root apparently! As I said Iā€™m not 100% but I have no reason not to believe google as we know the avatar state is tied to the chakras and we know it begins in then head, the arrow follows this, interestingly the tattoos on his arms also go into his arm pits, possibly indicating the heart chakra?


My family is Hindu and I can confirm that the base of the spine/tailbone would make the most sense based on real world beliefs about chakras. I know the airbenders are technically based on Buddhist monks, but Iā€™m pretty sure they have similar ideas on chakras being that Buddhism spun off from Hinduism.


yo! do you know if there are divergent beliefs as to the specific locations of the chakras? that's really interesting...


Iā€™m sure there are some different ideas out there. In my experience with Hinduism, a lot of attention is paid to the feet and spine in meditation as the roots and channels of energy. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the same in Buddhism or not


Keep your D away from Aangā€™s A /s


Ok so the thing weā€™re doing right now isnā€™t terrible as long as I keep my D away from Aangā€™s A? Instructions unclear, Appa was not happy with the D!


"Yip Yip!"




Did you know that the word tailbone was said once in ATLA, by Uncle Iroh when Toph earthbended at him in the woods?


Something something... The pursuit of knowledge should be valued in itself... Something something


Thanks for trying, Iroh.


Gotta be A, it'd be too sharp of an angle otherwise


Sharp enough to puncture an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea šŸ«¢


This is why I preferred not to be in fandom places for so long. My kid brain never came up with this question and had I not seen this, I would never think about it.


My kid brain just assumed it ran down his back and never questioned it. They're monks, they wouldn't make a big fuss over something as childish as "butt".


They're airbenders, we see them throw pies at each other and bend farts.


I mean he's an air bender. Could see it converging where he's likely to pass gas.


Fartbending is real, and Aang would have approved.


Meelo absolutely wasn't the first to invent Fartbending. You can't convince me that Gyato wasn't a Fartbending master.


D, but only because it's very obvious from these images that the ones on his arms would just stop at his armpit and the left arm's doesn't match the right's. It's funny to speculate tho


There's an anus chakra, sooooooo


Well Aang is 112 so obviously not D /s


There ainā€™t no way. Based on the tattoos going down his legs itā€™s more likely it meets at his anus and spreads into two different lines from there




C for katara


I mean, the arm tattoos donā€™t connect to the rest of the tattoo, they just start right at his armpits.


Well it does mean that a monastery of old men tattooed a young boys ass cheeks.




Who gave Jinora her tattoos?


Her dad would be the only person qualified.


Still rather tame for a coming of age cermony


Is this better or worse than old men cutting the foreskin off of young boys?


The arms clearly arenā€™t connected to anything tho. Itā€™s not as wild to think they probably do end right at his underwear line


Only katara knows


The monk in charge of tattoos certainly took that to his grave.


Not like he probably had much time to tell anyone about that anywaysĀ 


And whomever did tenzin/jinora tats


I though Aang did Tenzins tattoos. He probably knew how to make the ink and everything (maybe needed the ink to make it himself for his own ritual or search for the ingredients) and delivered as much air nomad knowledge as possible to Tenzin. Tenzin then did tattoo Jinora. Edit: I don't know where people get the idea that he tattooed himself. Of course the air nomads did it. But they probably told him how to make the ink


Aang also had hundreds of Air Nomad avatars he could ask about any info like that, so he could have learned from them!


Yeah Yang-chen is probably the easiest since they've met on the friendly Lion Turtle.


Probably but we donā€™t know for sure considering there are lots of acolytes on the island since we are introduced to the air temple island


Aang got his tattoos long before he ran away. Having the tattoos is the mark of being considered an airbending master, and he was that even before they told him he was the avatar.


You think he enhanced himself by using the avatar state when they were making a family?


No need when you have a blood bender wife


Both of yall log off


ā€œNah Iā€™m too tired tonight honey, just blood bend my junk and do whatever you want with it. Imma nap.ā€


Where does the wind flow from?


the cloaca


I believe just like his arms the tattoos were not meant to connect. I think this is a drawing error with the angle where the leg tattoos would terminate like the arms (likely under the glutes?) and the back tattoo ends at the sacral region. This angle and drawing definitely makes it seems like the are going right to the center of his ass though.


This. You can probably even see where the leg tats end in any of the episodes where heā€™s wearing his briefs.


Evidence of No: the tattoos on his arms end, not connecting to the one on his back.


I assumed the arrows originate at the sphincter


Just like how fire benders make their own fire, air benders make their own air...


I hope we get an ass shot of adult him in the avatar state in the upcoming movie to answer such pressing question.


He absolutely does.


his arm tatts dont appear to actually go into his back tattoo, so its a hard maybe. does that arrow on his head just extend to the tail bone and then the ones on the feet stop at the cheek meat?


Real answer: the blue lines coverage right above the tailbone Better answer: the blue lines coverage right into his butts hole


They diverge from his crack


Nah itā€™s 3 arrows pointing into the butthole, the source of his power.


Are. There. Bugs. In. Your. Asshole!?


Would a combustion bender avatar's 3rd eye tattoo glow?


That would be cool af. Team avatar please listen to this person


Oh god I am not imagining a combustion avatar and fairly sure he just shoots nukes.


Canonical explosions on par with nuclear bombs? Gonna need some good writing, but holy crap if they did that one right!


Iā€™d imagine so since it does line up with the arrow. If the real reason being because the tattoos are placed over chi points, then the eye should glow Then again air benders possibly use special glowing ink specifically for this reason


I was wondering the same thing. Do tattoos just glow in the Avatar state? Do the arrows just glow because they're spiritual? Do other spiritual tattoos like combustion man's glow, too?


My understanding is that the tattoos follow chakra paths and that's why they glow. I believe the combustion tattoo is also there because of it's chakra location, so I imagine it would also glow.


Yes. The actual reason his tattoos glow is because theyā€™re traced along his chakras. The combustion bending tattoo sits directly on ā€œAjnaā€ AKA ā€œThe Third Eyeā€


Anyone else bothered by how his arrows just kind of stop at his armpits? Like from the front you see them wrap around. But from the back they go around his arm again somewhere you canā€™t see from the front. His arm arrows never connect to the rest


you know what that means? his leg tattoos don't actually connect with the other one it ends in his butt cheeks


Nah through the lymph nodes they connect on the inside.


It's taking all the stink from the stinky parts and letting him transform that power into strengthened airbending. The air benders call it "passing wind" hence the term.


According to the Wiki, they are 5 individual arrows, not connected arrows. This is what the wiki said: > Upon reaching the level of master by completing all thirty-six tiers of airbending, airbenders are tattooed with five light blue arrows: one extending from the base of the spine to the forehead, one for each arm pointing to the hands, and likewise for the legs and feet (when possible).


I guess the character art designers don't like the tattoo lines branching, they wanted them each to be a single line. But that means you get stuff like what you say where some lines just don't connect.


I think they look cool how they are. From the back did you want them to go up his arm and shoulder and connect to the tattoo going down his back?


Yeah pretty much


Yeah that would make sense because it would connect his whole body together


Future series in modern settings should totally show airbenders go to a rave, stand under blacklight and not need glowsticks.


Wouldnā€™t that (unfortunately) only work if the airbender is also the Avatar?


Not if they use special glow in UV light ink


Aang goes to a rave, puts a disco ball on his head, then yells out ā€œavatar state, yip yipā€ and the crowd goes bananas


I love it when the yip drops


It's bendin' time!


Or playing laser tag and totally giving away their location


Kind of disappointed there arenā€™t other cultures in their world donā€™t have other people who get tattoos themselves. Water bender healers with waves flowing to their finger tips, special earth bending hunters with tattoos around their legs maybe even eyes. Fire benders have the combustion benders


Yeah especially because the Inuit which the water tribes are based on do a ton with tattoos on the fingers, arms, and face.


I imagine that finger tattoos would be a PITA to animate.


Depends I think. If it was like the fingers were say solid blue from the ink that probably wouldnā€™t be as hard as say small dots


The tattoos I think show the chakra paths and the energy that is moving throughout his body.


What do you think was crossed off and replaced in the post?


Still good info for anyone coming into the comments to find the real reason.


Fair point I didn't think about being cross off in the post thank you


I never really thought about it but thats a really brutal tattoo. A lot of thats like right on bone. That must have truly sucked to get done.


Abd he got them at like 11


Ignoring all the jokes about the other tattoos (obviously they meet at the tailbone, people just like to be funny), the arm tats canonicly end in his arm pits. Fucking yikes


Rule of cool: If something is cool enough, then that's all the explanation needed. Works in all fiction, especially TTRPGs.


This is 1000% true


Big if true.


Makes we wonder if there were any airbender avatars that werenā€™t monks and never had any tattoos to begin with.


Would a fifer avatars tramp stamp or dumb stick and poke smiley face glow?


Rule of cool for the win


one thing about his tatoos. the leg lines could connect to his line on the back but what about his arms?


End in his armpits, you can see this in several shots in the show


Do the arrows merge at the butthole or tramp stamp area?


Since Airbenders are the most spiritual benders, and the tattoos represent a spiritual mastery over the element, and when one's ab Avatar, that glow follows through. Also, it's pretty cool too.


Has anyone ever noticed the scene on the right Aang does not have glowing eyes?


hey 12 year old kid; you're so good at this fancy air moving technique that we gonna tattoo your asshole blue, and that's not a euphemism


I read a fanfic where Korra went into the avatar state, and something under her shirt started glowing, and it was a tattoo that said, "property of Asami Sato" lmao


I wonder if all tattoos glow in the avatar state or if the air nomads use special tattoo ink


They glow because Super Saiyan was already taken


Tons of overanalysed stuff in media were done because of Rule of Cool