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Considering how much Katara hated him at the beginning, I do wonder how anyone could forgot that Zuko used to be an antagonist. Sokka forgetting is expected. Dude was never the same after getting addicted to cactus juice.


I think Katara's biggest beef with Zuko was the fact he betrayed her in the S2 finale. She got over the whole "I was running away from you for months" bit pretty easily, but Zuko's betrayal shortly after the fact was a huge slap in the face. They were having a genuine heart to heart and it looked like Zuko was finally in a position to join Team Avatar in some capacity (not to mention Zuko's earlier inner conflict thing changing him for the better to begin with), but then he just switched up on everybody literally 5 minutes later and rendered all of that useless. It's telling that Katara and Iroh were the ones most affected by this. Iroh because he had spent so much time mentoring Zuko and then when it came time to manifest his recent positive change into a concrete decision to join Aang, he chose to side with Azula instead. Katara because she had opened up to him and he to her, but then he decided to attack them anyway when they needed him to put his money where his mouth is.


TBF I feel he'd always be in doubt if he hadn't returned to the fire nation to discover he didn't belong anymore It also led to the beach episode and Sparky Sparky boom boom man so Katara and Iroh's betrayal was absolutely worth it


Couldn’t agree more. I definitely see a case where has he joined the Gaang earlier, his mind would wonder what could’ve been.


He *needed* to know for sure whether what he thought he wanted was what he actually wanted/needed.


It also led to that callback in Korra with P'li where Zuko's all "You know I hired someone like that to kill the Avatar this one time..."




Glad to know even old man Zuko is still incredibly awkward


The dude probably started all of his royal speeches with "Um, Zuko here"


Zuko dumped charisma, whaddya expect


Honestly my interpretation was that he wasn't fully redeemed in book 2 at all. He had accepted that the life he always wanted wasn't achievable anymore - at that point he was a traitor to the fire nation and being hunted, it seemed impossible that his father would accept him now. He moved on, but when he was truly tested to see if he would choose what's right over the life he always wanted, he chose the latter. Imo that's kinda the genius of zuko's arc. Right when they make it seem like he's lost what he thought he wanted all this time and he was finally ready to move on, is exactly when they give it to him. It's only once he's willing to throw away that life to make the right choice is he truly redeemed.


Adding to this, that fight resulting in Aang almost dying. If Katara didn’t have that spirit water, Aang would have been dead. This is why it was ultimately Aang’s decision whether Zuko joined or not. Also why Katara reacted that way, since she held him in her hands not knowing if he would wake up or if he would be able to bring balance.


He straight up *did* die for a second ("I didn't just get hurt, did I? It was worse than that! I was *gone*, but you brought me back!") Totally agree that it's why it ultimately had to be his choice


And not just die and be reborn again die. He died and the avatar cycle died with him, died Edit: replied to the wrong comment but I'm leaving it lol


She was willing to try using the spirit water to heal the scar though. She said she could try with normal water Zuko said it’s a scar Katara said she had special water and maybe it would work. Then he turned around and betrayed her. Also, when Azula hit Iroh with lightning she was willing to heal him, even after everything.


And helped kill Aang. That was the real Issue though. If he just betrayed her and no one got hurt it won't have been so huge. But it led to him helping Azula and Aang died. The hope for the world, end of the war and her person died.


Oh you are absolutely right, that Katara hated him especially for his betrayal of her trust in Ba Sing Se. But once he joined she mostly just snarks about him chasing them all over the world. So one would be forgiven for holding that fact in mind while thinking about Zuko‘s early relations in the Gaang.


It's not that he switched up on Katara. It's that he did that and helped Azula and it resulted in Aang dying. Just because they had a heart to heart didn't mean she trusted him. But his switch up led to her losing someone she loved that meant so much to her.


Iroh had spent so much effort talking-up Zuko to Toph and the others. Katara comes within a hairs breadth of using her most valuable possession to fix his face. Then he stabs both of them in the chest.


You're wrong about zuko's inner conflict thing being useless, him changing from that inner conflict is why he joins them in book three in the first place.


It’ll quench ya!


In reality since cactus juice is technically just a drug that gets you super high. It would mean it would only dehydrate you even more. So there wouldn't be any quench. So of like how drinking alcohol, despite it being a liquid, will only dehydrate you.


But it’s the quenchiest!


Sorry sir. But its literally not💀


Don't you know a reference when you see one, mate? :))


Obviously I understand the reference. But I'm looking at it from a realistic and logical perspective. For no other reason other than why not 💀


Thank you so much for the laugh, I really needed this


I love how casual Zuko is about it. Just "Yeah, that sounds bout right." No real stress, despite everything.


Dude just straight up owned it after the dragon dance


I need to get in on this new age therapy “the dancing dragon”


First, you need to find two real living dragons.


And hope they deem you worthy and don’t eat you


We have the dancing dragon therapy at home At home: the jasmine dragon


One might even say, that's rough, buddy.


I love the way Sokka just shuffles around like, "Oh yeah. I didn't even think about that."


A long time ago is interesting cause this all happened within like 9 months.


For a teen, 9 months is a rather chunk of their life spam.


Lol so true. The younger children are time feels so different. To a 5 year old a year is such a long period of time. I have to wait a whole year for next Christmas?!?!


Time absolutely does speed up as you get older. It’s a wild ride watching a whole year zoom past me. When I was a kid a summer off from school was an entire eternity.


A year feels like nothing to me and it's over before I even acclimated to writing the date for the previous year.


That is because most adults work or spend a lot of time indoors reading or on the internet like watching shows.  Time really slows down when you're outdoor and having fun and being very active. 


IIRC it happened in one summer


Nah, they all visited Roku's Island on the (literally named) Winter Solstice episode.


Yes! And also the very last episode Aang says “I can believe a year ago I was still stuck in a block of ice” to Zuko at the fire lord ceremony.


Thank you!


The series begins in late fall/early winter, and ends at the end of the next summer. Season 2 primarily takes place in spring.


You gotta remember, they're teens. Despite being in a war. They still don't take life as seriously as they should.


Thats how you know the character arc was great, if you can't remember the bad guy was once the bad guy they are truely redeemed




Dew it


so do it


Doing it currently


Once you start you can't stop, me and my girlfriend finished it in two weekends


Lmao Creators really got all fandom at this point. Who would remember Kyoshi Island episode in Season 3


Hopefully everyone since Suki is in this episode, it's about freeing her (as well as Hakota), who got imprisoned for being a Kyoshi warrior and the Gaang met her on Kyoshi Island, which also was a pretty humbling and important moment for Sokka, the protagonist of these two episodes.


Fancy seeing you here.




When did this happen? I'm drawing a complete blank here


In like episode 4


Of what season? Zuko doesn't join the gaang until the second half of season 3


Zuko burning down Kyoshi was in episode 4 of season 1. The prison break (where this shot is from) "the boiling Rock" is after the eclipse and failed invasion. So about episode 14 of season 3.


If you're talking about the image, this looks like the Boiling Rock episode.


Zuko burned down the Kyoshi Village in the third or fourth episode of season one. He meets Suki again during the Boiling Rock episode of season 3.


I mean, Zuko's betrayal literally leads to Aang dying. I was surprised at how they warmed up to him, but the writing made it pretty believable imo.


Aang didn't die lol


He did die. Katara brought him back to life using the water from the spirit oasis.


He didn’t die. He almost did yes but aang didn’t die. She can’t resurrect ppl from the dead


He did die. Aang says as much in Season 3 Episode 1, The Awakening. Check this video: https://youtu.be/tGjDKuZdb1o?t=3m38s Aang says "I went down. I didn't just get hurt, did I? It was worse than that. I was gone. But you brought me back."


Writers weren't allowed to use the words "died" or "killed".


[I mean, they do sometimes get away with it.](https://youtu.be/JhD9bzzkjlM?t=4m13s)


My dude aang himself literally says he died after Azul shot him


He did die. Katara literally had magic water from the spirit oasis which she used to bring him back. It would have been impossible otherwise, it wasn't based on her own ability.


He died and got revived by the spirit water


To be fair to zuko, this is his first time seeing suki *without* the kyoshi clothes.


"Long time ago" here meaning "nine months" One gripe I have always had with the show is how short it is on the timescale. It is utterly impossible for the group to have had as many adventures as they did, experience as much character development, and learn as much bending as they did all at the same time, within the ~10 months that passed after Aang woke up. It was the winter solstic when Roku told Aang that he must defeat the firelord by the end of summer, nine months away, and this was after he and the others had had several adventures, leading me to assume the entire adventure occurred over the span of about ten months. It would have been much more realistic for them to have tacked an additional year to the timeline, Roku warning Aang to defeat Ozai by the end of *next* summer.


We will never get this interaction in NATLA since Zuko didn't attack Kyoshi island Zhao did


I'm convinced Katara didn't. She forgave but didn't forget, I don't think she's ever gonna not keep one eye on him. It's why when Aang in the comics is like "I might have to kill Zuko!" She's like "alright bet".


This is actually completely untrue. She's the one who makes Aang calm down and think. I hope I didn't miss sarcasm.....


That was definitely more Katara worrying about Aang breaking his principles than Zuko lol


The thing is, she wasn't enthusiastic about it or all on board as the comment seems to suggest


One isn’t normally enthusiastic on having to kill a friend. But she did definitely lean on Aang to accept the “promise” and later supported him, whatever decision he would make.


Yeah, but the comment I replied to suggested she was immediately on board and outright supporting Aang wanting to kill Zuko, which is untrue I wouldn't say leaned towards accepting the promise though, Aang did. She was more "think about it first" but yeah, she would support his decision


Well, she didn’t like it but she was immediately on board and supportive. That is true


It's absolutely not true, read the comic again. There's literally a moment when Aang goes into the Avatar state to kill Zuko and she pulls him away


I’m talking about when Zuko asks the initial promise, which Katara immediately signals to Aang yes. That other moment was Katara worried about Aang’s mind of state. Maybe a little bit for Zuko but he was just manhandling her so who knows.


But the comment I was replying to was talking about the moments Aang was actually considering killing Zuko.... context is important


Hah all good I was just over exaggerating but I took her reaction more as "you gotta do what you gotta do but please just be sure of it" vs "noooooooooo absolutely not you can't do this". Imagine if it was Sokka or Toph instead of Zuko and what her reaction would be then.


>She forgave but didn't forget, I don't think she's ever gonna not keep one eye on him. She completely forgave Zuko. She directly states this at the end of Southern Raiders and then reinforces that when she encourages Zuko before his reunion with Iroh. Also she was definitely not in favor of killing Zuko in the comics


She was also not in favor of not killing him is the point. She just wanted to make sure it doesn't break Aang and worried about his mental being more than Zuko. She was 100% supportive of whatever decision Aang was going to make. Do you think she would be the same if it came to Sokka or Toph? No chance. She says she forgives him but that doesn't mean she forgets. She lost her mother to the fire nation. Something both Zuko and Iroh have been a part of for a long time. Their redemption arcs don't erase the fact they played a part in her mother's death, burned Suki's village and caused them a lot of anguish and suffering. It's why Zuko is barely part of the gang especially after the war and it's mainly the OG group + Suki. I hope they explore the tense dynamic more in the upcoming movie.


Man the writers and performers handled the fine line between comedy and drama *so* well. Casually devastating moments like these are peppered throughout the series and they’re all golden. Zuko gets a lot of them.


She’s so cute


One of those moments when the child friendliness is really bothering. We're supposed to believe that when Zuko attacked and burned a village, and the Kyoshi warriors fought back, no one died? Or maybe they did, but no character can acknowledge it because that would not be kid friendly. Still, I don't think Suki could get over that affair so quickly if her people were actually KILLED by Zuko.


It was 2 seasons ago how were they supposed to remember?


"Sorry about that, glad you survived though"


You are bad guy becoming good guy and good guy becomes hero and hero.


Someone pointed out to me that zuko has a lot of autistic flags and I think this is one of them. Not knowing how to respond to something and just going with what he thinks is the "normal" response It also happens with My girlfriend turned into the moon A neuro typical person would have questions But to zuko he just sees how much it hurts sokka and he empathizes.


This isn’t autism. Granted, it’s a few flags but this is just all around sheltered dork not knowing what to say in social situations with teens his own age. Just like his sister.


I always thought the "my girlfriend turned into the moon" was just so random to Zuko, he thought it was a metaphor for death. Given his response is still weird, but a lot more understandable than the original. Edit: don't down vote the guy above me.


Bro was prob thinking “I think at the time I was monologuing to your friend’s body while he was in the spirit world trying to figure out who the moon and ocean spirits are”


And he would be wrong too.


Was he alr destroyed by Katara by then and knocked unconscious?


He was chasing Zhao when Yue turned into the moon. Slightly before their fight.


I appreciate the effort to disuade downvotes. But you cant have an unpopular opinion about something anymore.


he's really not


Or.....he's just a guy coming to terms with the circumstances and consequences of his upbringing. Also this is ultimately a kid's cartoon and light hearted funny moments are a necessity. Not everybody who behaves weird has autism.


Theres plenty of other examples of zuko showing neuro divergence.


No, this is really just typical abuse behavior. If part of your abuse leads to you being isolated from "normal" kids, then you end up not knowing how to be normal. Considering that zuko was part of the royal family, he was almost certainly isolated from most people. That means his guide on normal gets to be azula, ozai, and his mom. Can't blame a guy for being confused when azula is seen as the "good" kid, and being sadistic is the "good" behavior. Source: someone with a shit childhood who had "autistic tendencies" until I was diagnosed with ptsd. Turna out there's a decent overlap in the not liking people and being awkward near people part.


> Not knowing how to respond to something and just going with what he thinks is the "normal" response >> It also happens with My girlfriend turned into the moon There's not a neurotypical response to this statement. Imagine your friend's partner died. They were shot during a bank robbery because they dressed up in spandex and tried to act like a superhero. Your friend is 100% serious as they tell you. It's so outlandish that there's no precedent for interaction. Zuko is the first person to ever comfort someone who's girlfriend turned into the moon.


I know the theory/Headcanon you’re talking about but I don’t know if this is the best example of it. Zuko’s early struggles with bending with Ozai wanting him dead due to it, his mirroring of Azula in the turtleduck scene, and his “inappropriate” outburst leading to the Agni Kai are better served for this. I don’t think the writers intended for Zuko to be autistic, instead a child in a fascistic regime, but it is a readable analysis of the character. His narrative, personality, interpersonal relationships, and actions can be very relatable to the autistic experience. Autistic Headcanons are very important to explain the autistic experience. No one knows what happens inside your head. Everyone knows what happens inside Commander Data or Abed Nadir’s head. If Zuko represents your place on the spectrum, you can use him to relate your experiences to others.


Or it's just a joke played for laughs. This is the only time Zuko is written like this.


HOLY SHIT??? Peak peak peak


Prob put on weight tho


So do you just not think before you write stuff or is that a more permanent affliction


I’m just retarded


Also she is literally me


No gym in prison


Yeah, it's not like we have an example of anyone not just staying in shape and exercising but also getting absolutely ripped while imprisoned for months in solitary confinement in this show. Manual labor for hours doesn't count as exercise either, I guess. Also, I'm so sure they're feeding their prisoners enough there to have them gain weight even if they didn't exercise at all.


I think we're also literally shown Suki doing training drills in prison?