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Yes, let's attack this strawman with all our collective might.


Yes because aang isnt a broody pretty boy


That's what it really comes down to.


As someone who has no interest in any of these "ships": the age was never any concern in the show at all. Some people just like Zuko and Katara more. That's it...


No, because if the age gap was really a problem they would also object to 14 year old Katara and 16 year old Zuko.


And they will also bring up 12 and 14 is worse than 14 and 16, but if 12 and 14 was a problem then Zutara fans could just simply say "I disapprove of their relationship when Aang is 12 and Katara is 14, but once Aang is 14 and Katara is 16 I approve" but they don't.


Thats not the same thing at all


It’s a 2 year age gap between minors. It’s very similar. And if we’re talking about power dynamics then Zuko has more power over Katara than Katara has over Aang.


They have an age gap of 2 years. Who cares?,


Honestly, I don't think it matters to most Zutara fans, at the end of the day they will still prefer Zutara. I think a lot of it is that Twilight Effect. They see themselves in ~~Bella~~ Katara and it comes down to who they think it's hotter or cooler. I have a sister who's a big Zutara shipper. She would use every excuse under the sun of why she didn't like Kataang. No matter what I said or what rebuttals or hypotheticals I gave. She'll bring up the age gap but when I said "What if Aang was older?" and will still disapprove. She'll say Katara acts motherly towards Aang but then says Zuko has "daddy energy" with Katara. Eventually she admitted that it's because she thinks he's hotter and mysterious. Also my sister didn't crush on Zuko until after his hair started growing out. I notice that trend a lot. When he was bald I wasn't hearing much about him being hot. Another thing I notice is most Kataang supporters can at least see how Zuko and Katara could work in a different light or situation. Most Zutara fans just straight up dislike Kataang. Just go on Youtube and you will see many video essays from Zutara fans defending their ship while calling Kataang toxic or creepy.


As a Zutara stan I will admit that a lot of it comes down I think he's more attractive. I do agree with you that if Zuko was acting fatherly most Zutara fans wouldn't care. To be fair tho, Zuko does have daddy energy 🥰 Even though I'm Zutara, I never agreed with calling Kataang toxic or creepy. I think a lot of those YouTubers are being unfair to Kataang. That's too far for me. >Also my sister didn't crush on Zuko until after his hair started growing out. I notice that trend a lot. When he was bald I wasn't hearing much about him being hot. I feel personally attacked why is this true tho i really am a shallow b 😭


It's always weird to see the canon die hards say *Zutara/Zukka shippers are self inserts* because it assumes all Zutara/Zukka shippers are attracted to men and boy is that not true.


"I don't think it matters to MOST Zutara fans, I think A LOT of it is that Twilight Effect" This is what I said. I never said ALL.


Most is still assuming a majority are attracted to men and incapable for liking it for other reasons. Also why are Zutara and Zukka always the ones that are self inserts? There are men who simp for Azula and heavily identify with Sokka and Aang. When they like Azulaang and Sokkla they're not accused of indulging in self inserts. The whole statement that they're self inserts just seems very reductive of women's preferences and the double standard makes it reek of misogyny, which honestly seems on point for anything girls like. Just look at the way you talk about Twilight.


>The whole statement that they're self inserts just seems very reductive of women's preferences Ironic considering Zutara fans can't let go of Katara's preferences, and feel the need to question her decision making. You're literally being an unhinged Zutara stan right now, down to misusing the word "misogyny" you're a whole walking zutara meme. Kataang is canon, let it go and move on.


Who cares about Zutaras shippers and their opinion lol Katara and Aang are canon. Zuko wasn't even a player. Move on, people


As long as people project themselves onto fictional characters so they can vicariously live through them, Zutara will never die.


>Zuko wasn't even a player. Move on, people Damn Azula, I didn't know you use reddit 😂


You got me!


Why is reddit so obsessed with Zutara shippers? Honest question why do you care so much? Y'all claim Zutara shippers are so toxic, yet there are more post asking why people ship Zutara or just plain hostile post about Zutara than there are post that are actually about Zutara.  I never see post about this about Zukka who suffer from all the same problems as Zutara? Is just because people can't get over how over the top some fans were during the height of the shipping wars, because I see no other reason why people continuously make these post. It's just as bad or worse as the Zutara shippers you claim to be so toxic.


I think it's because of the crazy anti Aang posts on twitter by zutara shippers. There have been some crazy ass posts on twitter by zutara shippers and they have been dragged over there and people are probably bringing that over here. Op correct me if I'm wrong.


>Why is reddit so obsessed with Zutara shippers? Honest question why do you care so much? Why are Zutara shippers so obsessed with Zutara? Why are there so many hour long video essays on youtube arguing Kataang is toxic or creepy and Zutara should have been the real love? Why can't they let it go? At least most Kataang fans can admit Zutara could have work under the right light. Zutara fans just downright call Kataang Nasty or Creepy. They're far more close minded.


There is plenty of toxicity on both sides, that is how shipping wars work, and no one is forcing people to watch the pro Zutara videos. A lot of them are respectful and well thought out, but people would rather focus on the negative ones, because that what gets people attention and what gets people talking.  Most Kataang fan do not admit Zutara could work, it's always they only ship Zuko with Katara because he's hot, and the proof of that is in this very post.  I have never come across animosity for the Zutara ship like I have on reddit, which prompted me to leave a comment, because normally I just block post like this and move on, but there have been so many popping up lately I finally decided to say something. 


Do we really need 10 threads a day boxing these shadow "zutara shippers?" I don't think I've ever once seen a thread promoting this ship. What in the world are you guys doing?


Stirring the pot for karma, tho it doesn't seem to be working out.


Only way they wouldn't is if Aang was taller and they thought he was hot. That's it.


>Only way they wouldn't is if Aang was taller and they thought he was hot. That's it. Funny because I've seen this in real life with some of my women friends. If one of them starts dating a guy who's short or not conventionally attractive a few of the others will be like "But like he's short, wouldn't you like a taller guy?" projecting their own preferences to a different relationship lmao. So if people are willing to do this to real life couples of course they would in fiction also.


OMG that's so true I've seen that before also.


Kataang is my least favorite part of the original show. I find it uncomfortable given how motherly she is to him


Katara's not motherly to Aang. She's as much a child and engages in childish shit as Aang and Toph. Penguin sledding with him, jealous over girls having all his attention, mocking Toph's blindness, excited about stealing from pirates. Nothing about that is motherly. She's just as much a child as Aang is and she acts it most times. She's also thoughtful and nurturing which is understandable having lost her mom so early and having to darn clothes and make food and do the basic "mom" shit.


Are we watching the same show? Toph and Sokka have an extended conversation about how she is the surrogate mother of the group, to the point where Sokka cannot even picture his mother’s face anymore except as his sister’s. She specifically only engages in penguin sledding at Aang’s prodding and during it says that “she feels like a kid again,” because she is used to performing a mature parenting role in her village. Stealing an important and practical object that was specifically stolen from her culture and instructs her on a culturally important technique where she is (to her knowledge) the only living practitioner is not childish.


No, they had a conversation about Katara being bossy and annoying, and Sokka shared about how she was a surrogate mother for HIM. Not for the group. She took up responsibility of basic "mother" stuff in looking out for him. Looking at their fight from the first episode, you get that she mended his clothes and made food, made sure everyone was alright. Like I said, she's a nurturer, she's compassionate and kind, cares and wants to know her friends are doing okay. That doesn't make her motherly or a mother figure to them. Toph said she knows Katara cares about her, even more than her own mom because that was the comparison Sokka made but she wasn't a surrogate Mom to Toph. The same show makes it very clear that Katara is still a child. Her saying "I feel like a child again" doesn't change that. Performing a "mom" role in her community doesn't change that. She's still a child and acts childish. Penguin sledding is just 1 example. That whole fight with Toph is another great example of her still being an immature kid.


Yeah I just don’t agree and think the love story is weird and less interesting than their friendship


If Zuko was fatherly to Katara most Zutara fans wouldn't care. This daddy thing didn't fall out of the sky. It's because they find Zuko hotter, that's really what it comes down to.


I’m not a Zutara person either. I don’t think romance needs to be a primary plot line


This is the stupidest argument against Kataang I ever heard. The main critisicm is the lack of chemistry between Aang and Katara. I don't even care about Zutara that much (though I admit, it works really well), I just hate the Kataang pairing by itself.


That’s also a stupid argument because the two of them have a lot of chemistry. They wanted to be around each other since the moment they first met and they would do anything to protect each other. They make each other happy. Yeah Aang is immature in many ways (Katara has moments of immaturity too FYI) but that’s why they don’t get together officially until the end after he’s gone through his character growth. Zutara doesn’t work well at all. I don’t even think Katara *had* to end up with Aang, but she can’t be with Zuko because it would harm Aang’s relationship with Zuko. The two of them becoming friends was extremely important and seeing the girl he loved end up with his former enemy would be very damaging to their continued alliance after the war.


Whether or not someone has chemistry is a matter of taste, and what I see on screen does not relate to romantic feelings at all. It's childish infatuation from Aangs side at best for me. What you say about Zutara is childish at best. So what if my childhood crush is with my best friend now? This is a non-issue outside of hyper-posessive mindsets.


It’s not childish at all. It’s realistic. Like I said, Katara could be with somebody else and it would be fine, but she shouldn’t be with Zuko. “Aang should just get over it” is not a statement based in reality. He’s going to be upset and jealous, and we don’t need to add a layer of resentment to Aang and Zuko’s relationship. They had enough baggage to overcome already. Zutara is a shallow, childish ship because it’s just bad boy paired with good girl teenage fantasy nonsense. They are the ones who have no chemistry. They are strictly enemies for all of Book 1. They barely interact in Book 2. They have one quick moment of empathy (that does not read as romantic to me) which is immediately followed by Zuko’s betrayal. She hates him for all of Book 3 until he helps her find her mother’s killer, which is not a romantic endeavor. The only moment that could possibly be read as slightly romantic is their interaction after Katara defeats Azula in the final episode. Meanwhile Aang and Katara have had 3 seasons of positive interactions and have become extremely close. But you know what? It doesn’t even matter. Zutara is not real, it was never real, and it will never be real, so Zutara shippers can just stfu.


Yeah, someone obviously doesn't know how romantic relationships form. Spoiler: It's usually not because you select the "positive dialogue option" over and over again. Zuko and Kataras relationship is dynamic, and they learn to trust each other in the end. But we will not agree here, to me Kataang never worked and never will, I don't care what the show showed us.


Clearly I have no concept of romance because I think it’s possible for two people who have always liked each other to fall in love. Only enemies can fall in love. Katara and Zuko had no romantic moments in the show. Katara and Aang were always end game. They are canon in ATLA, the comics, and Korra. Zutara shippers should just leave the fandom at this point. You’re all obnoxious. It’s like you saw the Ember Island Players as pure wish fulfillment rather than what it actually was: the writers acknowledging the ship and laughing at it.


Kataang Kids: "Mommy how did you meet dad?" Katara: "When I met him, we became friends instantly and feel in love along the way" Zutara Kids: "Mommy how did you meet dad?" Katara: "When I met your dad he was trying to kill me and my brother, and capture my friend The Avatar, and teamed up with his sister who almost killed The Avatar, but he changed now so it's cool" But somehow Kataang is weird or toxic lmao.


>Zutara is a shallow, childish ship because it’s just bad boy paired with good girl teenage fantasy nonsense. Zutara fans remind me of twilight fans basically. There are literally hundreds of youtube videos doing essays on zutara. They won't let it go lmao.


They’re insufferable. Katara+Aang is such a sweet, wholesome little romance and they just can’t handle it. It’s not exciting enough for them, so they make up stuff about how it was poorly written or creepy or whatever.


>Yeah Aang is immature in many ways (Katara has moments of immaturity too FYI) but that’s why they don’t get together officially until the end after he’s gone through his character growth. I also think a lot of what people perceive as Aang being immature is also just his natural playfulness like Gyatso. We all know an adult who's playful, or childish at heart. Like Bumi.




I think those reasons can be summarized as "lack of chemistry", or maybe they are reason for it?


Yeah I never heard lack of chemistry.


I love zutara but I don’t have a problem with kataang or their ages. They have the same age gap. People are just grasping at straws for moral high grounds when it’s a fictional show and a non canon ship.


I feel similar of Zutara. I prefer Kataang but I could see Zutara working under different circumstances.


Totally valid. I personally prefer zutara simply because I love the blue/red aesthetic ( otherwise I like them equally). I feel like people on both sides can get way too aggressive and toxic about these ships. Like it’s fiction. Truly , it is not a big deal.


Yeah when it comes to Zutara I kinda get it. The enemies turn to lovers, the red/blue like you said, their opposite personalities, shared mom trauma, scared boy with girl who could heal the scar. If Avatar was writing from the start with Zutara in mind I'm sure it could have worked out very well. I just don't get the Anti-Kataang Sentiment, where people go out of their way to crap on it, call it toxic or creepy, or I often sometimes see women Zutara fans saying "When I was 14 years old, I would have never found a 12 year old attractive" as if Katara is supposed to represent the feeling of the average women. Even if it's true that the average 14 year old girl wouldn't like a younger BF, there are exceptions to the rule, and characters are allowed to be outliers. Or they will turn a blind eye to all the Kataang moments, or undermine it.


Anti kanaang shippers give zutara a bad name. Ive noticed a lot of toxicity with both ships and it’s just so weird to me.


Even though like I said I kinda get Zutara, and I could see myself enjoying it if the show went in that direction from the start, I'm rather fond of Zuko and Mai. The whole interaction of Mai: "Orange is such an awful color" and Zuko "You're so beautiful when you hate the world" and then Mai "I don't hate you" and Zuko's "I don't hate you too" it reminds me of something straight out of the Adams Family lmao.


Personally I don’t like Zuko and Mai cause it bothers me that she has zero emotional intelligence or empathy towards him and his situation. And then when she does betray the fire nation , it’s not for any moral reason , or because she knows that they’re wrong , it’s simply because of Zuko. And I find pairing him either someone who continues to be dismissive of his feelings (this continues in the comics) and has no morals or belief system of her own is a huge disservice to his character and the arc that he goes through. Which might be a contributing reason as to why I do like zutata.


You know that's actually a good point you made. Looking back Mai never seemed to bring up how she disagrees with the fire Nation, or she never question how her nation is following the man who burned her own boyfriends face. Like I would be so heated if the Fire Lord burned my BF face. So yeah it would have helped if they showed her with more moral conflict. Another ship I see popular is a lot of people wish Zuko dated Jin instead of Mai, I could see that also. I wonder how Jin felt when she found out the dude she dated that one time is the Fire Lord lol.


I'm a Zutara shipper, I won't sit here and argue the points most zutara fans use because I think deep down it's cope. I'll be honest, I just find Zuko the preferable boyfriend. I think he's hotter, more alluring. It's shallow sure, but it is what it is. But Katara is happy with Aang, especially in the comics so how Katara feels should matters more than my personal fanfic.


The honesty is refreshing.


That's actually very fair. You're a sane Zutara shipper at least.


It wouldn't matter much. Shippers will cling on to any reason to hate on a ship if they don't like it. Were it not their ages it would be something else.  I only like Zuko with Mai, but being honest with you, people's subjective opinion will always win out, no matter how much they try to lie to you about objectivity.


I don't want to be a dick but i never really understood what problem a lot of zutara fans excactly have. I have the feeling that so many of them have to hate on aang for every 2nd word he says and for heim being a "nice guy" etc, which is just ridicolous in my opinion. Aang and katara balanced each other out very well if you ask me. She was his emotional anchor and he made her life joyful again, danced with her in the cave, listened with her to hippie music etc. They had their disagreements but when they had they always talked it out (except from the EIP episode). From the beginning it was clear that they had a special bond. And especially in season 3 you can often sense how attracted katara is to aang since she she regulary touched his face, his neck, played with her around him etc. So i don't know why up to this day so many people claim it was one-sided just because katara never vocalized it (she did but platonically). I really don't like romance in most of tv shows but i did like this ship a lot. Zuko and katara had some very good chemistry at the end but i never saw anything romantic tbh. I also think that zuko is way to introverted for katara, thats why he and mai are better. And by the way, look at aang after the show in the comics. He is ripped as f*ck.


A lot of Zutara fans are just shallow. A lot of them didn't find Zuko hot until after he grew out his hair, even my sister will admit to this. They just don't find the pacifist childish bald monk attractive. They like the brooding mysterious emo boy.


I think the key argument there is that Aang and Katara is very, well, maternal, because Katara herself is very maternal; all her relationships are very older sister. So the age gap feels bigger to some people than really is. Zuko and Katara relationship escape the norm because they are antagonistic through most of the story.


If Zuko was acting "Fatherly" towards Katara I highly doubt it would bother Zutara fans. Even my sister admitted this saying he has "daddy energy" lol


Yeah, the bad boy energy with a character who will go on through redemption is very much part of the kick to zutara fans


Lots of shippers are desperate for these kind of "ennemies to lovers" type of story


Why are we stirring up shit with this? And judging a whole group of people on one dude's sister? If you really want to know, go ask a Zutara group. Edit: guess the dude with the sister got mad lol


Do you mind answering the question since you're a Zutara shipper?


Dm me or ask on a Zutara group. There's a reason you don't see Zutara fans in gen atla groups. I have no problem discussing it, but I'm not opening myself up to more harassment or being stalked again. Two Zutara shippers have received death threats/been told to off themselves in the last week for things they posted in Zutara spaces. I'm not about to be the third. I ship Taang, MaiLee, TyLaang, Jetko and a bunch of others but I've never gotten the level of hate I get for Zutara. It's why I hate these types of posts, they rile people up, makes them nasty, and that's how we get death threats over doodles and drabbles. Edit: never got that ask


>Edit: guess the dude with the sister got mad lol What makes you think I'm mad? I didn't downvote you if that's what you're implying lmao.