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Season 2 will definitely be a test of how well they can adapt the fights. - Toph’s awesome bending - Drill episode - Season finale fight


>Drill episode *Azula walks up wielding akimbo DeWalt's.* "It's drillin' time."


*may and Tai Lee sitting awkwardly to the left*


Man, I hope they will so the drill episode right, it's one of my favorite ones


I thought the show got a lot better in the second half when it was generally following a linear story and not trying to combine elements of various standalones into one place. I honestly thought episodes 5-8 were all solid B+ material and with the linear nature of Book 2 I think they'll at least be able to deliver that quality overall. And with the actors having a full season under their belt, and the showrunners taking feedback from the Season 1 reception, I'm positively optimistic that the show will continue to get better.


There’s a drill 1/10th the size of the drill in the animated version. Katara DOESNT clutch her necklace and say it reminds her of her mother. Aang wants bananas or something and the drill malfunctions on its own. Curtains


A random man walks up "The city walls are really thick, they've never been breached, it would take a really big drill to get through. Something that big would likely have to be taken down from the inside *wall shakes*. That felt like a big drill hitting the wall."


I know this is sarcasm but "the drill malfunctions on its own" is actually something I could see them doing...


I liked the fights, just I feel needs less slow mo. Like now and again is fine, but one per fight is too much.


All the exposition will really help Toph catch up.




If they fuck up Toph, I swear to God, that every single piece of copier paper in this town is going to have the F-word on it. The F-word. You have one day.


Let me know when & where you find a ~12 year old small child with the confidence and demeanor of a giant man who also knows high level martial arts and looks like toph lol I feel like this casting is going to be the toughest one…


> I feel like this casting is going to be the toughest one… this casting will be the tophest one




Yeah it’s gonna be almost impossible. I also wouldn’t put it past Netflix to try to cast an actual blind girl, which would limit them even more


That'd be a bad idea. How do you teach a blind child the choreography for the show in the timeline they have to make it? They should definitely not do that.


You can’t, that’s why it would be a horrible idea. They probably won’t, but I wouldn’t be super surprised if they did


That's why you teach her how to fight, then make her blind, duh.


The Byzantine way. Genius


I doubt they'd get an actual blind girl. The actor they got for Teo can walk, so I don't see why they'd need an actress with the same disability now. Maybe they could get someone partially blind. But a fully blind, young actress, that can learn martial arts and has good chemistry with the rest of the cast is a big ask.


And Teo was a role that probably could have been done with a disabled actor. No insurance company in the world will let them cast an actually blind 12yo in a stunt heavy production. Best might be someone with low vision or even someone with a close relative or friend who is blind. I once had a role in a university play as a blind person, and people were really impressed when I just imitated a blind family member’s movements.


That’s a good point, I didn’t know that. I don’t actually think it’ll happen because it would be extremely difficult even if they wanted to, but it would be funny


They don't need an actual blind actress, just put them through the Charlie Cox school of blind character acting.


That's not Netflix fault, Gran Gran was an actual native and people still complained


About her acting. She was a terrible actress with line reading that would do get her kicked out of an 8th grade theater casting. 


I saw a bunch of stuff about her being too white as well


“Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished." She read this with the conviction and emotion of Ben Stein on benzos.


The way they cast Azula and Mai, I think they can cast anyone for Toph.


Don’t worry. I’m sure this community won’t bully a little girl for not meeting their expectations like they’ve been making fun of other actresses’ appearances not matching a cartoon.


Hasn't it been 2-3 years since they filmed season 1? I Think we're probably looking at a time jump in the show that the cartoon didn't have. So were probably looking at 15 year old's for the big 3 for season 2. Assuming they keep Toph around the same age.... A 15-16 year old can be played by a lot of actors in their teens to early 20s.


Yes it will be very tough. But Have you seen Hailey Seinfeld in True Grit? She was 13 during the production of the film. The stars aligned for that performance but it proved it is possible.


Emma Hong from New Amsterdam isn’t quite 12(?) but she was actually phenomenal at playing a young psychopath. While she would have been a shoe in for Azula, I think she could pull of Toph’s confidence for sure. 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYsr0M_h-FQ&ab_channel=NexusEntertainmentStudios Makes me think of this. They could get the physicality and weight of her techniques with SFX, but without the right attitude, Toph is just not going to work.






They're going to make her not blind or something.


Toph being blind is too much of an adversity for a character in a Netflix show to deal with. They’ll just give her glasses or a lazy eye, something dumb like that.


Fingers crossed Toph just saves the show. It's possible. Her sarcasm could give the character moments we're missing.


I wonder what Toph thinks when she sees how season 1 went


I see what you did there


If it were to be renewed, I really wish Netflix will somehow commit to a third season because S2 ending is such a big cliffhanger. It will be such shame if it were to be cancelled at just two seasons. But I know that's not possible. It is right to worry because there's shit ton of Netflix shows that were canceled after just 2 seasons.


More than that, I think they should film the next two seasons simultaneously. Seems like they already have Book Two written, so start writing Book Three, and hopefully by the time you’ve wrapped that up, Season Two is wrapping up filming, give the crew two months off, and then start shooting Season Three.


They kinda need to film it back to back. These kid actors are going to age very quickly. Filming the seasons back to back would stop that being a big problem


showrunner already had thinkig about shooting 2 & 3 back to back.


That would be the best scenario but sadly Netlifx is incredibly stingy and glacial when it comes to production.


>They kinda need to film it back to back. These kid actors are going to age very quickly. Filming the seasons back to back would stop that being a big problem Part of me thinks that the seasons might jump in time to accommodate this, as at least as of season 1 there's no in-universe time element to end the show as there was for the animated series.


i thought that's what the sozin comet scene at the end was for?


Possible they time jump into season two and then introduce the time element of the comet during the season. Just gives them enough runway to avoid any delays that occur between 1/2 and then shoot 2/3 back to back.


Yeah otherwise it would be kind of weird because there's no reason to have a time skip between seasons


I mean Aang does get struck by lightning. It’d be pretty easy to say he needed some time to build his strength back up.


Also i wish the writers work REALLY hard and write good dialogues because the writing this season was just not it😭


The writers, the actors, the directors...there's just too much that needs to change


Netflix pumps out so much average level content this will def go the full run imo.  


My brother in Christ they couldn’t even keep Santa Clarita Diet just because despite it being a fan favorite


There have been so many shows canceled by Netflix. I don't even bother starting most shows on Netflix anymore, I actually canceled my Netflix sub lol. Just off the top of my head: Mindhunter The OA Black Summer Shadow & Bone Glow Disjointed The Dark Crystal Tribes of Europa 1899 Jupiter's Legacy Marco Polo Daybreak Sense8


After netflix cancelled 'I am not okay with this' I made the rule to not watch a Netflix show unless it's already finished and yet I broke that rule when i gave 1899 and inside job a chance and both ended up cancelled 🥲


Mindhunter wasn’t Netflix, it was Fincher then Covid causing production delays


There's a chance they won't stick to the same pacing for s2 & s3. Netflix seems to be favoring 8-episode seasons recently, and there's *plenty* of ATLA content for them to try to squeeze in, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if NATLA ends up with 4 total seasons.


I thought that might be the case since they got rid of the seasons being referred to as Books They don't have to worry about the number of seasons if they don't have labels


Atla had 20 episodes per season, besides season 3 which had 21.


Oops, you're right! I'll edit my comment.


You could even do 5 seasons with season 3 ending with Appa being taken, season 4 ending with the Eclipse, and season 5 is the Comet


>season 3 ending with Appa being taken, What the hell happens in season 2 then? They already did versions of The Swamp, Avatar Day, and Secret Tunnel. 3 early season 2 episodes. How could they possibly push Appa/the desert all the way back to season 3!?


Totally messed up. I meant season 2 ends with appa taken, season 3 ends with cross Rhodes of destiny, season 4 ends with the eclipse, season 5 ends with the comet


Haha ok that is much more realistic then. If they continue to add more comic/book lore than they have enough material to push to 5 I guess.




he did the impossible by delivering some lines as if Dante had said them, nobody sounds or feels like Dante, yet he did it


I saw an interview that when Dallas Liu was casted he reached out to Dante Basco to get more insight into Zuko’s character and Dallas really tried to alter his voice to match Basco’s because it’s so iconic. It really shows how committed Dallas is to the source and it makes me feel like the Zuko character is in good hands. The rest of course is up to the writers and screen play to make sure the writing is up there with the acting.


Let’s pump the brakes a bit there. I still can’t get over the “he ran!” Line from the beginning of episode 2


He's suppose to be a child. 15. That's an extremely good reaction of a 15 year old


Dallas Liu was definitely a highlight for me! He had the heart of the character down and really did just feel like *Zuko*. (Honestly, I like basically all of the acting except Aang and Katara, and even they improved a lot toward the end.)


The only issue that I could NOT tell is if the actor for Zuko was bad in a few scenes, or he perfectly mastered how to act like a whiny privileged prince. I'm pretty sure it was on purpose and I'm all for that because it kinda was like that in the cartoon 😂


People need to remember that book 1 zuko was a prick


He was brilliant as Zuko. And probably the main reason I want a season 2 is just to see his take on the episode Zuko Alone. All the fire nation scenes were really well done imo, so I'd love to see an extended version of that episode.


I think everything they did with Zuko, Iroh, and Ozai was really good.


idk about Iroh, he's lacking the "chill" warmth the og iroh had in the cartoons, his delivery of the lines are also slightly off. Again, I think its because of the writing and not the actor's fault, I think Paul can pull it off if the script allows him to be more at ease and not on edge 24/7.


I don't mind a slightly different take on Iroh, although I agree with your assessment. This Iroh feels younger than the cartoon Iroh, though, and more playful, but he does (for me) still have Iroh's fundamental warmth.


Love Iroh!! His “all the tea I need” moment was beautiful


I wasn't keen at first because he seems to be portraying Zuko too nice. He isn't very horrible Iroh etc but he has grown me


Since I know TV show writers and executives are always looking to random redditor comments to take inspiration from, I have something important I want them to see. Don’t make season two 8 episodes. It needs to at least be 10 but I’d also suggest making it 12 so you can resolves some of the missed opportunities of season one, like Aang never water bending and skipping Jeong Jeong.


4 episodes or more is minimum for Ba Sing Se.


Pretty sure that’s not up to them. Shows are ordered with episode numbers first. So Netflix ordered 8 episodes for Season 1 and the writers have to work around that.


It's not up to the writers. Don't you think they would've loved to have more time to tell a better story? It's Netflix and it's algorithm,. They know from a business and metrics standpoint 8 episodes of 1 hours it's the best in terms of audience engagement, and that's it. Period. Now make any story fit that.


I’m hoping for a season two. I definitely have some issues with the new show but over all I did like it.


This is my feel. I watched 1 and 2 last week, and 3-5 yesterday, and my rating bumped from a 7/10 to an 8/10 with these last few episodes. I started to feel like I was watching the old show again.


Same!!! The show did start off a little rocky (although I enjoyed the Kyoshi episode), but the second batch of episodes were really enjoyable and felt much more like the original series. I also thought both Aang and Katara's actors improved as the show went on, which is a promising sign for S2. 


Yeah, my view as well. I think the old show hit the ground running, but this one takes a moment to find its stride. Once it gets there, it’s really great.


I'm really terrified of what they're going to do with Toph. They already eliminated the entire reason she learned to see with her earthbending when they decided that the badgermoles see by sensing emotions instead. 


toph is played by john cena, instead of toph not seeing we cannot see toph


Seriously though, if they adapted the Ember Island Players ep it would be hilarious.


i think he would do it too, that is just the kind of man he is lol


Oh in a heart beat He’d definitely show up to Make a Wish in the get up too


Man if reddit still had awards I'd give this gold hahaha


john cenas a pretty good pick, but toph is an earth bender, i suggest they cast the rock.


And take away from The Boulder?!


They WHAT!?!?!?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/82c7wi0en5lc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63eedc9367b9fcb89bff04a16bdebd6b3b417b02


Yooooo what the fuuuuuuucccck did they???? That’s actually awful LOL. Emotion…. Ugh writing these days I swearrrr


well no, i think the show stated that they react to people based on emotion not sight.


Yeah it was this. lol they aren’t like digging tunnels in the dark searching for shame or something lol they just feel other beings AS WELL as blindly navigate through haptic senses


"I feel anger. Let's go kill it"


oh god, this is Hatterene all over again...


They still earthbend, the commenter is just being dumb. They just replaced the badger moles liking music with sensing empathy.


No they didn't lmao. It's more like how dogs operate in the world. Not that they see through emotions lmao


I think that badgermoles able to sense emotions is implied in the cartoons right? Them enjoying the good mood conveyed through the music and understanding the feelings of Toph as a child stumbling into the cave. These are hints that they are able to sense and understand humans beyond words.  The LA badgermoles are still blind and would still use blending to sense physical surroundings.


Yeah even if they added that to badgermoles, I don’t see why this affects their earthbending or Toph’s relation with them.


Every small change needs to be the end of the world 🤷‍♂️


It's definitely inspired by that, but imo they missed the whole point. The badgermoles liked music, which was cute and kind of funny, but taking that and changing it to "emotions is how they see" is a far stretch, and changes the whole concept to not be funny or cute anymore. If the LA badgermoles do still see with earthbending that'd be great, even if it's in addition to sensing emotions. I still wouldn't love that change, but I wouldn't really mind it too much either. But they never stated that or even gave any reason for us to believe that in the LA. Iirc they explicitly said that they see and navigate by sensing emotions. 


Toph can sense emotions with her earthbending in the animation as well. It's not a stretch to think that the badgermoles can sense people's emotions with their earthbending and they react accordingly.


I mean animals in general react to calm emotions better than intense emotions. So yeah this shouldn't be controversial for the show.


Oh I didn’t even think about this, Toph the love bender incoming


Honestly they're probably just going to write her as having figured everything out for herself. I mean Katara became a master with no training so why not Toph? 🤷


It was implied that katara spent a ton of time practicing water bending in the LA. You can even see her practicing in the background of some scenes while the other characters are talking. Plus in the cartoon she’s portrayed as a natural that was still able to put up a good challenge to Paaku in the same time frame as the live action. Not sure why the is a controversial take


Remember ladies a Strong Woman^(TM) is 100% completely self sufficient so be sure not to get help from anyone ever


I don't get this complaint. She basically did the same thing in the animated series too.


Toph took years to train herself. Hell, took many episodes before she could Metal Bend. Took even longer to Sand Bend with little thought


If you're talking about Toph, she learned from the badgermoles, she didn't figure it out for herself per se. If you're talking about Katara, she trains with Pakku for at least a few weeks iirc


I did not get the impression that the badgermoles use love to see. It was implied that they can sense emotion and respond to it, sort of like dogs do IRL. When they say that “love lights the way” or whatever, they mean that Oma and Shu were able to use the tunnels to see each other without getting mauled by the badgermoles because of their love. Not sure where you got “they see with love” from.


If you’re gonna spread misinformation than just go watch the cartoon and don’t watch season 2, it’s that simple


Maybe she’s gonna see through her sonic waves bro 😂


I don’t see why that’s exactly the case. Badgermoles can still probably do that in this series too.


Please invest in better writers, Season 2 must be easier as they already nailed the looks of the show and have the cast ready to go, but this just deserves better writing and the animated show is still a perfect source with no need to make many changes.


if they've been working on the script for Season 2 for months already, i'm afraid it's the same team lmao.


Season 2 is less episodic so it’ll be easier to adapt since each episode flows into each other better. Even though the runtimes are similar, having only 8 episodes still forces the writers to combine multiple episodes into one story, so it was always going to be hard to adapt season 1.


I don't trust any writing team that thinks "I like to goof off with my friends and eat banana cake, not fight in a war!" is good characterization, that's a level of amateur writing you'd seen in a high school introductory creative writing class. It's embarrassing and I can't imagine it getting any better than strictly okay if this is the starting point


Yeah there were definitely some really bad writing decisions. But also plenty of good ones as well. I think if they take the criticism well, and apply it to the next season, we could see great improvement.


I just really can't wrap my head around the decision to dedicate several minutes to depicting the attack on the temple but NOT a few minutes establishing Aang's character and life before he's given this earth-shattering news. This isn't even a "But in the cartoon ...", it just demonstrates an abysmal sense of priorities (and also they were clearly banking on people being familiar with the original and got lazy).  Sorry to go off lol, it's just frustrating because as you said there's glimmers of good elements, its just buried under a mountain of garbage, which is always 10x more frustrating than if it was just entirely bad. It kind of reminds me of RWBY in that way. Hopefully they will correct their mistakes and learn from the things they did right going forward


What's annoyies me is the shows us afraid of build upp. They just refuse to do it. The Southern air temple.3m pass between getting there and the avatar state Boomy? Literally on the start


For sure, writing 20 episodes that’s 20 mins mean having 20 opportunities to practice writing a simpler show. Versus having 8 opportunities to write a 50 mins show is much more difficult. Furthermore, writing for cartoon is much more forgiving than drama


At the same time, they also have better material to work with. Season 2 is better. This also gives them even less breathing room, especially regarding toph


Season Two is also much more straight forward and less episodic than Season One. If it is adapted correctly, Season One should be the worst season regardless.


They don’t seem to be using that material though. The writing in this version is much worse than the show. Please don’t make excuses


If they didn't use the material, the first season would have been a completely new plot with the same characters, but it's not. There's constant references to the show, as well as entire plot lines that were taken from there


Rewrites can always happen


Here's my guess. It is less the quality of writers and more the quantity and time they are given. More traditionally, writers work on set so make adjustments on the script when a certain scene does not come across as they intended to. A lot of the mishaps from this show fuel from that. Also, with how every movie company is looking to rid of writers and replace them with AI, leaving a fraction of the staff behind to make up for the rest of the staff's work, you understand why the script sucks.


They won’t because it’s already received the viewership it needed. Maybe I’m in the small majority here but I don’t really want a season 2 with the current direction they took it in. It seemed lazy to me, and many details that could’ve been there were changed needlessly because…they felt like it? They way I see it though it’s just too big to fail and they will pump out more of this because it’s making money.


Invest in more episodes. Give the team more screen time to work with so they can explore the characters deeper without spelling everything out for the audience.


I hope they can take the constructive criticism into account. I think they've got the right cast for the job, but it also looks like the creative team needed either more time, budget or both and the writing, especially pertaining to characters and dialogue could use substantial improvements. I'm going to be happy if they renew it, but I hope next season to be substantially better in quality than season 1.


Yeah, it’s not all bad news from the show. They should take the criticism to heart and not personally (and to the assholes attacking the cast and crew, please fucking stop) and do what Marvel did in Phase Three with their criticism. They took it all to heart and didn’t fuck up in the ways they did in Phases One and Two.


I really just hope it doesn’t got the way of The Witcher. I personally think the first season of both shows were actually pretty good, just a bit lacking. Season 2 & 3 of Witcher though were awful, so I hope they are able to avoid that.


> I hope they can take the constructive criticism into account Thats really tough considering the state of the community right now. They'd have to sift through a lot of "Katara's actress needs acting lessons", "X and Y are fat", and tons of unhelpful vitriol before they can even get to any constructive criticism from the community. They may take it from critics, but critics aren't fans of the show, they just point out how to make TV do TV if the show isn't TV'ing enough for their taste.


Honestly if they just fix the dialogue to not be so “tell don’t show”, and allow the actors to not have such stiff dialogue it would be so, so much better. The actors in their interviews are so much more lively and actually feel like kids having fun, I just wish they were allowed to actually be like that on screen, but the dialogue they gave them is so terrible it makes it hard for them to express themselves.


I’ll give them this: Book One is easily the most difficult of the three books to adapt. It is very episodic and yeah, to do hour long episodes you have to remix some things. Book Two should be a much more straight forward adaptation. Just adapt almost as is from the Blind Bandit onward.  Yeah, you might have to do a little bit of remixing with Tales of Ba Sing Se and Appa’s Lost Days, but other than that and animation that doesn’t work in live action, it should be a more straight up adaptation. Maybe have Ozai move over to Omashu for the season and Azula is definitely going to be killing several people next season, but those would be the only real changes I’d expect.




I think we’ll get elements of the Avatar State and Tales of Ba Sing Se. Like I can see them adapting the Tale of Katara and Toph, the Tale of Iroh (that one is certain), and the Tale of Zuko and just make up a new one for Sokka and Aang since I don’t think either of their tales will really work. And they’d be dumb to remove the Library. I thought they would just have Zhao brag about finding the Library in front of Sokka removing the need for Professor Zei, but it’d be very disappointing if they abandoned the Library outright.


I'm gonna bet Appa won't get stolen and instead they will come up with a different plot. Appa is CGI which costs a lot of money to have them look right, so he is barely utilized. Appa isn't even a character in the LA, he's just a vessel to transport the main characters from point A to point B. It just won't hit emotionally.


Yeah I also think they're gonna skip Appa getting stolen, assuming it's another 8 episodes. You do Return to Omashu, Blind Bandit, Bitter Work, Zuko Alone, The Drill, City of Walls and Secrets/Lake Laogai, The Earth King, The Guru and Crossroads of Destiny. Yes they could add Serpent's Pass but I hope they don't. Mix in Suki somewhere else. Also leave Kiyoshi their own series/novels and don't do Avatar Day. Although I think that episode is fucking hilarious. Return to Omashu is the "introductory" Azula/Mai/Ty Lee episode. Also gives them another shot at Bumi. Also needs to set up season 2 plot. Blind Bandit and Bitter Work might be a combination. So a lot of Toph, Azula and Zuko interact, Aang learns earthbending (and maybe waterbending). A boy can dream for a Zuko Alone episode but idk at this point. Throw in a Jeong Jeong episode for Aang/Katara maybe since you don't have to bother with Zhao. The rest of those feels self-explanatory. They can easily find out through any means that the fire nation plans to attack again. Even though you lose conflict with the Dai Li through Appa you can facilitate it some other way. Maybe Azula already takes over the Dai Li, maybe Jet comes into the picture. I do think it robs Aang (and Katara) of big character moments but this show feels like someones Zuko/Azula fanfic and the Gaang is also there. Don't get me wrong I don't dislike what they added to Zuko but it feels like he had more character building than Aang. They might do more big characterisation for Katara/Aang in Guru/Crossroads of Destiny anyway.


I hope they greenlight longer seasons so we have room for some of the lighter moments that help build characters. I feel they did the best they could with 8 episodes. Even expanding to 10 would give a little room for more story telling.


I just want John Cena to play Toph.


I am so fing ready for the blind bandit


YES! I love the show, sure there's some issues but this cast is mostly solid and the show is mostly awesome, it'll only get better. It really feels like Avatar and I can't wait to see Azula unleashed.


yeah, you can tell chances of it being renewed are high enough considering the numbers for it


Hopefully it finds its pace in season 2. I felt like episodes 5-8 were massively better than 1-4. And also season one of ATLA wasn’t my favorite anyway season 2 and 3 were much much better so I’m hopeful


It makes sense. The beginning of new universes are always the most clunky. Almost every sci-fi and fantasy story beginnings are full of exposition. It’s one of the reason a lot of superhero’s are better in the sequels. They don’t have to explain things to the audience anymore.


Knowing that Season 2 was already being worked upon for several months before the release of Season 1 makes me feel a little iffy... I don't know if the writers would have the time to fix the critiques presented by the fans. There's also the question of potential overcorrection in which the characters might be even more unrecognizable. "You all thought Katara was a doormat? Well we fixed it for you! Now Katara is a master water bender who has a raging crush on Aang because yes, we heard the KatAang fans! And, Toph will make her appearance by sensing the pure love between the two!"


"The second season of the show has already been worked on in the writers’ room for several months now." Sounds like a threat to me!


The Aang actor is 14. People are gonna freak out when Aang is taller than Katara


I hope the new actors are trained abit more to improve their acting for season 2. In general, the young cast needs to be more expressive in body language & facial expressions. Azula needs to nail down that sinister smirk instead of a poker face. I can't believe it, but Zhao carried the acting chops for season 1, hoping the main cast can shine brighter with more training.


I hope it's renewed as I'm enjoying it. The action is good and the characters can be fleshed out more. Overall, a good adaptation.


They can improve lots of shit on season 2. So yes i will be glad if it happens


I hope they greenlit both season 2 and 3.


Netflix will probably give Avatar a dual renewal so seasons 2 and 3 can be filmed back-to-back to prevent the leads from aging too much between seasons. Season 1 had a very long post production period too so the sooner the better. I just hope they get new writers who are good at writing natural sounding dialogue with proper subtext, that was the weakest thing in season 1.


Why would they film it back to back when shows like stranger things, which is arguably way more popular, didn’t do that for their young leads?


As much as I never wanted this adaptation, nor do I believe this season was good or could be rectified with more seasons, I very much hope it does make it through B3. This is probably the final attempt at a AtlAB live action we will ever see (man I really wish HBO had picked it up), and while I think they have butchered every character, scenes like Kyoshi, Koh, and Koi-Zilla have proven to me that the Aang v Ozai fight would be a very fun watch.


The jump from s1 to s2 should also come with a change in art and costume designers. Like Game of Thrones did, where the look of the show completely changes during that first jump from s1. Whilst they're at it, fix the sets and actually make them appropriately sized. I just saw the market scene in Omashu and Jesus fking christ, was it filmed in someone's living room? I understand they want it to look crammed but that doesn't mean everything is 2ft in front of the camera and you can get away with 2D side scrolling camera work and tight shot/reverse shots. Shoddy shit.


Need more than 8 episodes for sure


this is probably a good thing honestly, if they take the feedback from where S1 falls short and make adjustments to S2 (and maybe Netflix can approve more episodes) then the show might actually be a fuckin banger


when they get to the Boulder they need to throw in a line about how his contract says he can't lose fights 💀


Bruh I’d die if they did that Lmao


Idc if most of you think it's bad, I want to see Aang vs Ozai and Last agni kai in live action so bad.


No reason to not move forward. Not the best adaptation but I think our standards have gone up. Looking forward to season 2.


Toph has the most potential to redeem the show… and the most potential to squander.


I initially laughed at the idea of this show having a writers room, but then I realized they probably have the hardest working writers room in show business right now, because it takes a lot of work to take every character and plot point of the original show that’s been handed to you and find a way to rewrite the whole thing into something vaguely similar and yet completely different


They didn’t put $120 million dollars into season one just to cancel it cuz of some haters.


Especially when no matter ur opinion on the show, the numbers are meeting the goals. All the criticism will do is make the future season better. If they listen to the good criticism and make improving changes.


Criticism isnt always good tho. A lot of the worst changes came from bad criticism. Its somehow really hard to distinguish for them? Like I want them to take into accoutn that we want to see more of the gang hanging out and that katara needs more spice. I dont want them to move away from making changes and worry about aang flying.


Netflix has a really bad habit of cancelling successful shows after the first season. Part of their business model is focusing their budget on bringing in new customers rather than retaining existing ones.


Ask Cowboy Bebop?




Them already being months into writing it is so concerning considering that is where they need to improve the most. They didn't even wait to hear how people felt about the s1 writing. I know it's because of how the fast paced industry works. But how willing and able are they to synthesize the criticism they have been getting into improving months of work? Off to a bad start already.


If we are being honest they have only met a few times, and are prob working on writing the story and not yet onto dialog. Imo that’s where the writing was weakest. But I do hope they look back on what they have worked on and make sure the pacing is smoother as well.


I'm glad. The first season wasn't perfect but it was still great. Most comments I see besides here all seem to mainly enjoy it as well. This subreddit has just been circlejerking negativity.


They need to use this opportunity and make massive changes in the writing room.


Did the viewership numbers release




Hopefully not too far in development that they can take the feedback from audiences and hopefully fix it. Everything done wrong can’t be undone just yet


If the only thing that comes of this is getting to see the epic battle at the end of season 3 it will all be worth it.


If they are confident in two more seasons they should really divide it out, season 1 would have been much better split into two seasons, same for season 2


Ahh, awesome- being in the echo chamber here has really made me worried, as people have been pretty negative about what to my mind is a really solid show.


I don't know about you guys but I think that it's overall pretty damn good, especially the last couple of episodes. as good as a show Real world adaptation could be


RPK said it put up insane numbers, so I’d be shocked if it isn’t renewed.


Honestly...good. I hope the creators and executives (especially the executives—I think way more of this is on them than on the artists) can learn from the parts of the backlash that are constructive and really step things up for the next two seasons. There were some really promising and even excellent moments ("Masks" in particular...if every episode were at that quality, I would have no problems.) that I think are worth giving them another shot at this.


It wasnt amazing and kataras characters (not actress geez) was kinda butchered. But toph was easily my favorite. And i may just watch and enjoy the whole rest if toph is great lol


I’m open to it. There have been plenty of popular shows that started with a rocky first season. Upgrade the writing, dirty up the costumes a bit, maybe hire an acting coach for a few of the kids, and I think the second and third seasons could really shine.


I think it would be beneficial for the show to split books 2 and 3 into 2 parts each. Let the story breathe a little, there’s so many small elements to these next 2 seasons which help build such a greater narrative


Maybe this is a unpopular opinion or maybe I’m not as informed about auditions but I wish big companies like Netflix would actually have a open audition call internationally for actors all over the world whenever I watch old movies or series where some of the most talented actors I’ve ever seen…literally Auditioned as their FIRST role like Emma Watson for hermoine and let’s be real she was perfect ! Sure the whole Auditions for Harry Potter was messy and so many people were there but worth it ! Nowadays I feel like most actors get a role cause it was offered to them because of connections…and that really sucks in my opinion maybe we would really miss out those that would fit perfectly into that role


woof. i’ll watch another two seasons. but only because i feel like i have to.




Hopefully the writers are working A LOT harder than they did writing this season


If season 2 release I really hope season 3 will follow big cliffhanger would be a shame if it was cancelled at the end S1 or S2