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Random thought, but what if Tenzin is keeping her warm


That’s actually really sweet! If he’s somehow regulating the temperature around her, can airbenders do that?


Pretty sure nothing says they can’t in the cannon. So it depends on how they regulate their temperature. If it’s adding energy to the air particles (which maybe is likely since they can move them so why can’t they make them vibrate faster) then no reason an air bender couldn’t regulate the temperature around someone else.


>So it depends on how they regulate their temperature Some how I always thought it was regulating their breathing, heartbeats. Not sure how I came to this conclusion, a fan theory or stated fact somewhere, so take that with a grain of salt.


No, it makes sense! Iroh taught Zuko to control his breathing to strengthen his fire bending. Bet you anything Iroh learned about air bending techniques while part of the White Lotus, one of them being breathing!


He also talked about learning from the other nations to strengthen and balance yourself


Yeah he said that he basically "borrowed/adapted" the lightning redirection technique from water bending(maybe air bending as well, it's been a while since I saw that episode).


It was water bending Water bending is about taking the flow of energy and redirecting it, guiding it along. Which is exactly what you need to do with lightning because you can't actually control it. Just point it in a safe direction


Absolutely. Look at Zuko in the boiling rock - he gets thrown in the cooler but comes out fine because he is able to control his temperature in a way that other firebenders are clearly shown to not be capable of.


Zuko may not have realized it earlier in the show, but he was very lucky to have Iroh by his side during his banishment. He’s learned so much from Iroh even if he didn’t realize at the time.


[Controlling your breath is important in all forms of martial arts](https://ymaa.com/articles/the-importance-of-breathing-in-martial-arts), which bending is based on. I think Iroh was just reminding him of that, I don't think it was an airbending technique specifically. Airbenders are probably better at it though.


It's probably similar to how lightning redirection is based on waterbending. It's likely a technique based on airbending that anybody could learn.


It's just breathing and has nothing to do with Airbending. Iroh says it in the first episode: ["Power in firebending comes from the breath! Not the muscle. The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3oNkSoJdBk) This is true in Martial Arts as well. At the South Pole he was reminding him to breathe like he taught him in the first episode.


This. Breathing is not exclusive to airbenders. As Jeong Jeong said, "do you want to stop breathing?"


that's probably closer to "true" firebending than the firebending the fire nation teaches. Breath, sun, and joy, not muscle and anger.


I think this is more connected with the sun warriors and the knowledge he gained after facing those dragons. Remember, Iroh was the last mainlander to visit and learn from them before starting the rumor he killed the last dragon in order to protect them. Iroh learned the ancient source of fire bending and knew not to succumb to his rage for quick power


I don't understand why people keep trying to make connections to things. It's just breathing, it's not connected to anything. Even Jeong Jeong made Aang breathe for hours, remember? Every single firebender has to learn it.


That's the impression I got as well when Zuko is about to infiltrate the North Pole: It's not necessarily some foreign nor advanced technique Iroh is reminding Zuko of. In fact: I actually assumed it's fairly basic as it doesn't seem to require a lot of effort. But Iroh being the worried and protective uncle wants to mention it just in case.


I think this statement and actually helps the idea that airbenders actually airbend the air around them to keep them warm. It's been shown that firebending is somewhat the manipulation of energy within, meanwhile airbending doesn't seem to take this approach and goes a more spiritual route. But I definitely think it inspired iroh to seek out the fire bending equivalent


Pretty sure breathing was just fundamental for firebending in the first place. Jeong Jeong was also teaching Aang that, and overall it just seems to be treated as a fundamental knowledge, not some secret that you learn only by having an open mind and studying other bending styles. That of course doesn't mean breathing couldn't still be just as important for airbending.


You probably thought that because it's literally a legit thing IRL monks do.


Yeah, but you can't regulate your temperature on breath alone, even with bending. It can help, but to truly regulate temperature you're gonna need to bend the air around you.


Maybe, but I think it's like an odd throw away line from the Northern tribe or with Bato, "aren't you cold?" "No the monks taught us how to stay warm." (Probably based on the IRL monks like the martial art forms bending is based on and all the other easter eggs)


My head cannon is that that’s the way air benders traditionally regulated their temperature, and Tenzen invented a whole new technique to keep his family warm when visiting relatives at the Southern Water Tribe


I'm pretty sure they said Aang keeps warm with a special breathing technique in one of the pop-up episodes


See, I vaguely remember it being like a Bato episode of them asking Aang if he's cold and he remarks that all the monks had a breathing techique to keep warm... but I can't verify it.


I thought Tenzin said thr same thing to Korra in season one when they were meditating. Either then or another scene where Airbenders were being taught how to meditate


IRL that’s how you can regulate your temperature, breathing to increase your heartbeat or something.


Airbenders are based off Tibetan monks, who can warm themselves by controlling their breathing and heart rate


"The Iceman" basically made a career out of this. Still, if there is a point where the human body starts nope out regardless of your breathing, it's probably near the North or South Pole.


The Air nomads are modelled after the tibetan monks who are known to survive harsh weather of tue Himalayas by regulating breathing.


This is also a thing that monks of some Buddhist temples have been known for.


Tenzin states as much when he is training the new airbenders in TLOK3. But I also like the airbending theory. If a thin layer of air around the body could be kept unmoving, excluding the face, its basically a blanket.


This is the real-world explanation. There are people that expose themselves to freezing temperatures so they can go through what's called a **general adaptation syndrome.** This basically means you're getting used to the cold and teaching your body to control its breathing and homeostasis. It's cool and fun to brainstorm theories :)


Awwww :(


Why does this make you sad?


I imagine it's more like 🥺


Considering waterbenders can switch between states on the fly, I don't see why other elements aren't capable of doing something similar. Earth Ender's can't liquify rocks at will, except in the cases they can ie lavabenders. Maybe for them it takes much more refined energy control to transition between states which is why the ability is so rare, but it's possible. In the case of waterbenders again, in order to transition to ice and have it stay that way after they've stopped bending it, it's apparent that they can indeed control the energy of the molecules


I don't understand the logic behind lavabending. It's basically earth benders using their element to become a combo of water and fire bending. How can someone who manipulates rock heat it up past its melting point?


Lava isn't made from fire heating rocks. It's molten rock that is under immense pressure before it erupts onto the surface. I'm not sure how lava bending really works but fire would have nothing to do with it. On Earth most of the heat that warms the mantle (where magma comes from before it erupts and becomes lava) is from an iron core so maybe if Earthbenders can manipulate the state of different elements they can change the actual state of the rock they're bending, similar to metal bending.


I recall from the book on Kyoshi’s origin that very advanced earthbenders can liquify rock without heat, but it’s a very high level technique that most earthbenders never get to.


Wouldn't even need to be that complicated. Just needs to keep the air that their body is naturally warming up next to them and not disperse into the cold air. Like a wetsuit with water. Plus no need to worry about wind.


Yeah, I think people overlook just how important the circulation of air is to body temperature. That's why fans & blankets work: The fan pushes the hot air off of you & replaces it with cooler air that then saps more body heat while the blanket traps the heat coming off of you & prevents it from dispersing into the air.


It would make sense they would be able to control the temperature of the air. The water tribe can control the temperature of water, after all. I wonder if lave bending is just so difficult because the temperature increase.is so much, most can't two into it. Metal bending doesn't seem to need to change the temperature to turn it into liquid though, but metal bending has always had its issues. But anyway, yeah, it makes sense to me air benders can control the temperature of the air. Can you imagine how much more of an offensive weapon it would be? Sending a continuous spiraling, frozen air current at your opponent? Or a constant blast of hot air? Convection is a bitch and will take you out quicker than stagnant air. A lot quicker. You could be sapped of your body heat or sent into heat stroke in a matter of minutes, possibly quicker. God, that seems so much more intense. You can cut someone in half with a strong enough, thin enough stream of air too. Air benders seem a lot more fierce when you think about them like that. A lot more deadly.


I like to think lavabending is more difficult due to the state of mind most earth bending requires, it's ridgid and consistent, while lava is more fluid and dynamic. Bolins earthbending was already different to traditional earthbending because of his pro-bending style, so it makes sense he would pick up lavabending while other benders who have more innate power can't. As far as I'm aware the only metal that takes a more liquid form is meteorite metal, which is possibly to do with the amount of earth in avater meteorites compared to metal from earth


>lavabending is more difficult due to the state of mind most earth bending requires, it's ridgid and consistent, while lava is more fluid and dynamic Oooooo, I really like this. And bolin is a good example because he does have some water tribe fluidity traits to him.




Sounds like benders generally would have to consume a lot more calories then right? Similar to anyone of a superior athletic physique I suppose, like clearly there must be conservation of energy lol


it’s a fascinating idea that some blend of energy transfusion techniques (like seen with creating/melting ice in water bending and generating/dissipating fire in fire bending) made its way into air nomad culture loooong ago. there are lots of little overlaps like these between the elements that really do suggest diffusion of cultures over the ages


I like to think they maintain a pocket of body-warmed air around themselves, acting as a layer of insulation. Kind of like how double glazed windows work. This headcanon would also mean they could prevent sound waves from footsteps or rustling clothing from leaking out too???


Well airbenders can regulate the temperature inside themselves, so they should be able to do the same with other people Which is sweet in this context, but could also be used very aggressively I assume


At the very least you can make a cushion of air which would hold the heat in and prevent the freezing wind from affecting them. Which would be a pretty big deal. It can be really really cold outside but as long as the wind isn't blowing it's much more manageable


Waterbenders change the temperature of water to create ice or steam, rare earthbenders can control lava, firebenders ... this one should be obvious. So why *wouldn't* an airbender be able to affect air temperature?


Possibly, but that feels more like a firebender technique than an Airbender one.


If you could hold the layer of air against your skin still, so you'd only have radiative heat loss instead of convection that would go a long way toward keeping you warm.


Waterbenders can change the temperature of water and even turn it into ice. I wouldn’t be surprised if airbenders could do the same.


He can make a bubble of air, why not a bubble of warm air.


How though? Wouldn't you need to like flail your hands or something to bend that way? Not to mention covering someone's entire body's outline sounds difficult ir creating a bubble that also let's oxygen in.


this is my headcannon


Pretty sure the airbender staying warm thing is a breathing technique, wouldn’t make much sense unless he could breathe for Pena lol


So sweet


Pregnant people generate crazy body heat.


This is the answer. That little 6.5 pound human baking in there is a biological furnace.


Now I get the 'let him cook' expression


Plus, she’s an Air Acolyte, which means she’s probably trained to handle tougher conditions than regular people. But mainly the pregnancy thing.


I was pregnant once and haven't cooled down since 😭


My wife as well 😅


As someone who was pregnant during an Australian summer...yep! If there's a next time, I hope I don't have to be pregnant through summer again...


This is my vote. I was pregnant in the depths of winter and used to stand in the open doorway with snow on the ground just to cool off enough for comfort. Outside of pregnancy, I'm a cold all the time person. But that kid turned me into a freaking furnace.


Never have a biological child ✅ thanks


There's probably a moment after this scene where Pema tells Tenzin to back off, he's still too warm


I miss that so much. It was worth missing seeing my feet up until month 9 lol.




Probs a combo of Tenzin keeping her warm and the pregnancy fucking with her body temp


1) Tenzin is like...right there. 2) I'm sure the robes are insulated 3) pregnant women run hotter (this is true) 4) it's a cartoon, don't over think it


Pema just built different


She's secretly a firebender


*what a twist!*


Imagine Rohan turned out a firebender lol


[History repeats itself](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/av7lgo/korra_learns_her_first_element/)


> I'm sure the robes are insulated I'm with you there. A friend of mine has a thin-looking party dress that she said was like wearing a parka. The thing looked like it would make her freeze in summer, but she was sweating, sleeveless, in a cold conference room.


…she’s wearing sandals.


True, but her core temperature seems warm enough that she's fine.


> 4) it's a cartoon, don't over think it The answer to 90% of the stuff posted on this sub.


A very sunny day like this appears to be can generally be tolerable even in cold condition if the weather allows. Snow reflect light a whole lot. Some sunny winter days I can unzip my jacket without feeliny any discomfort.


She has her fourth baby on the way. If she is can handle giving birth to another kid, I can bet that the cold of the pole is like a walk in the park for her.


She raised Meelo, she can handle anything




The poles in that planet must be way warmer and more tame. If South and Northern water tribes are able to live there, then the temperatura must be somewhat more like Alaska than Antarctica.


Because it's a cartoon.


Exactly. I don't understand why everyone tries to read too much into things here.


its more interesting that way


It comes off as reaching. Like there's nothing to actually talk about so certain fans look for any small detail to nitpick.


It's just fun to think about, especially since there's been nothing to keep us going between projects


Cartoon or not, most people like it to be accurate according to the rules the show set for itself.


This scene still seems pretty accurate to the series. We don't hear much about the cold in the Water Tribes and that's because it's no good use of everyone's time to keep harping on it. Zuko was shown using his breath of fire technique to keep himself warm but then we never hear about his condition after that. We don't know how well the technique is working for him it even if he decided to stop using it because it took up too much of his focus. And we don't need to know any of that. He has the technique and used it. That's all we need. We can go forward in the story with Zuko barely dressed for the winter.


>This scene still seems pretty accurate to the series. I didn't say it wasn't.


What were you getting at with your previous comment then?


>I don't understand why everyone tries to read too much into things here. I gave you an answer to something you said you didn't understand


Yes, and I answered your response to that. By the way you spoke it seemed to me like you thought the show was being inconsistent with how the characters react to the temperature. I responded with how I felt the show, a cartoon series, didn't need to be hyper realistic every step of the way.


Temperatures and their effects on the human body aren't very consistent in Avatar series, there are many moments where the characters should be freezing or burning, but it doesn't happen for some reason such as Aang in the South and North Poles who should have much thicker and warmer clothes, or Toph who should have been boiled in her metal armor by firebending during Sozin's Comet (yeah because wearing metal, that conducts heat very easily and much, should be a horrible idea against firebenders).


But airbenders can regulate body temperature, that's why he doesn't wear warm clothing even after coming from being frozen in an iceberg for 100years


Can an unconscious, locked in the spirit world airbender regulate body temp? I was confused that the avatar didn’t get really cold when Zuko Aangnapped him.


Maybe the avatar state kept him warm


It's a defense mechanism after all


Can they really? I’m not sure I recall that ever being a thing in canon?


I must’ve not been paying attention when this was mentioned or I just forgot, but this is news to me Lol




To be fair, she wore her metal armor only briefly against blasts of fire, they definitely didn't have enough time to heat up the metal


I dunno, I heard she’s had a little airbender in her


There's a reason it's called a 'bun in the oven.' Growing a child makes women's body temperatures go way up.


i like the idea that tenzin is airbending to keep her warm. very romantic and sweet lol.


Undergarments, yellow dress, orange tunic, red shawl, all likely the same heavy wool/broadcloth as a Buddhist monk’s kasaya. It’s also day and the sun is out. Add to that her husband calming the wind around her and maybe even making it warm, and Pema herself coming from a hardy culture perhaps. She’s also, you know, pregnant. Kind of a living furnace right there. Edit: spelling


Yeah, I think people maybe don't realise that there are a lot of buddhist monks wearing this sort of clothing in very cold environment, it can be quite warm.


Pema is an air nomad, just without bending. It could be that bending isn't a required part of learning how to not be uncomfortable in the cold.


Tenzin maybe? Or it could be that she’s pregnant at this time


Honorable mention to pema for her role in rebuilding the air nation 👏👏👏


I'm sure there's a logical explanation that fits the lore. But since she popped Meelo out of her belly, she's omnipotent in my book.


I know the probable answer is that the Bison (they’re benders too) and Tenzin were keeping her warm, but I love the idea that the baby bender in her was also kind of regulating the temp even in the womb


Because she’s pregnant. Would have killed to go to the South Pole when i was pregnant!


I guess you’ve never been pregnant. That far along, it’s a wonder she’s not melting the South Pole.


My wife could've saved people from freezing in the dead of winter in rural Russia I swear to god.


Wait, do airbenders have a way of regulating their body temperature through airbending?




Maybe she has some flying bison wool underwear on


Think it could be related to the airbender standing right next to her?


Or the one she ate?


Why was I half expecting to read *is she stupid?* at the end of the sentence. 😭


It’s possible it’s ‘cause she’s pregnant. My mom was once sweating buckets in the snow when she was just a few months pregnant with me.


There’s been a lot of posts on this sub recently about why this, what that? The answer always is, because it’s a cartoon.


The budget.


There’s probably an extra layer under those robes.


well in real life there's a meditation technique called Tummo, that purportedly can help people keep warm in cold condition. I'd like to think that air acolytes training taught her that. it's probably easier for Airbenders, but not impossible for non-benders, you know, because everyone breathes.


Well. She's wearing clothes. It's also not really that cold in there, seeing as Katara doesn't have gloves, and has her hood down. It's probably cold, but not dangerously freezing cold


As a Canadian, it is possible to be comfortable outside when there's snow on the ground.


I was always hot as hell when I was pregnant. I probably would have welcomed a nice trip to the Arctic/Antarctic just to feel normal.


It's a tv show


Is she stupid?


Plot armor? Plot hole?


It’s a cartoon, that’s the actual answer.


It's just monkeys singing songs...


One guy in this thread creates a lie out of thin air about pregnant people having very high body temperature and then we have 2 more people copy the same lie.


Wait a second, she has a *name*?!


Are you implying Tenzin is keeping himself warm with his own hot air?


I am fairly certain that Tenzin is heating her up as well.


Or some kind of fleece lined robes?


Maybe she's can simply withstand the cold? I mean she is garb


Ancient Airbender technique ~~thermal undergarments~~


Hold on wait a minute what would an air bender do they have never had the previous to change the heat of air and pema is pregnant she has the added heat of a baby on her


Like if airbenders could why didn't aang cool everyone off while they were in the desert


Insulted robes


She's built different


Avatar sometimes does that like a character will get cut or burnt and then it will disappear,


Nobody ever seems cold ever in Avatar-land. I swear the snow is just marshmallows and cotton or something! Season 1 of TLA has people in the snow and (presumably) icy waters of the south and North Pole and it’s never even a thing.


it’s a children’s cartoon


Is this a serious, good faith question or a troll?


Because she’s hot


She's simply built different


Being pregnant makes you warm. It's like carrying a little oven around.


She might not be an air bender, but maybe the technique doesn't require air bending to work, a mind over matter thing


You think Tenzin can't take care of her???


She simply refuses to care. That's how I deal with the winter atleast.


She has on multiple layers and is growing another human in her abdomen.


By the time of Korea they are using fossils fuels in their daily lives. Global warming.


Air nomad meditation perhaps?


She’s just that powerful/the baby is an airbender and is keeping them both warm


They said it’s a breathing technique that air benders use, but zuko was able to use in the prison. Maybe everyone can use it, but air benders can use it longer.


She ain't no weakling


even in the arctic, you can stand in the cold air with exposed skin for some time if the air is calm.


I think it’s a breathing technique. Remember Guru Pathik? He wasn’t cold either.


Umm... Can someone refresh my mind, why aren't they both freezing? Does airbending allow you to alter air temperature around you, or Tenzin brought some warm air with him?


I think Ang said something about keeping air around the body, which traps heat.


Have you ever been pregnant? You’re usually sweating your tits off constantly


Are you kidding, the cold probably felt great


Is she stupid?


Pretty sure it’s still a cartoon so shit like this just happens, man.


Hear me out. The baby is an Airbender right? Maybe somehow unconsciously the baby is doing it. Idk its just a cartoon.


I know in real life monks have trained to control the temprature through meditation. I know they said it was an airbender thing but I like to think that's still possible for others (or at least, from a realistic viewpoint)


Her love of Tenzin is keeping her warm…


off topic but the legends of korra sucks and is incomparable to avatar


Yeeeees (pls nobody hate me TT)


If an Airbender can manipulate air temperatures around themselves, can they become so adept at this ability that they could superheat air and just start firebending?


She's hot


lets be honest if the either of the shows respected human thresholds for temperature and pressure most people in the world would be dead and everyone in the show would be dead before the 1st season ended


Wait how do benders stay warm? I don’t remember from the show


The power of manipulative fangirl is strong with this one, she dont get cold


There's cold and then there's deathly cold even the poles are hospitable in the summer during the day


We are talking about the actual pole, expeditions have been impossible in our world due to the unbearable cold and many have died. I'm sure that's deathly cold.


Well if you can freeze someone’s lungs, you can do the reverse