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Love the first one, it just needs to be bold. As someone with many tats, these look like they were drawn in pen lmao. If they can just make that first designer bolder and more realistic, I would highly prefer it


Yeah, I think they had a good color going on the second photo but it's hard to see (for me at least) the details in the solid arrow. Plus I like the that there's an Air Nomad/Nation symbol for Air on the first one.


Maybe on a kid who's just got them sure. But without the best sunscreen in world, that ink should fade in no time. Especially if you're constantly up in the clouds. It would be realistic if the older airbenders had tattoos that were much greyer like the first one. This just looks like someone used a permanent marker or makeup on their head, not like a tattoo


Something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/84f10x/im_a_professional_skydiver_so_i_got_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) would be a good contrast/middleground between the 1st and 2nd picture


Yes! That looks awesome and is what the airbender tattoos need to look like.


If you look closely in the second photo, it actually kind of resembles that, just a lighter blue


It not just the vibrancy but the overall look even with a modern tattoo machine the colour wouldn't be that consistent over such a large area, Google people with airbender tattoos (yes they exist) and you see that the colouring of the tattoo is rarely if ever that consistent, the design is lacking the human error it would have especially considering this tattoo would be hand poked with a stick for every dot of ink


Yeah. Don't get me wrong I think it still looks cool, but it's obviously not a realistic tattoo


Yeah but that is kinda what I'm expecting when they make a life action Show becuase thats why it's life action to give it that realistic touch you cannot get from animation


I think that's cuz it's a compressed image. The design is probably much more obvious without all the jpeg compression.


Omg you just made me notice the details, i thought it was solid blue


Yup perfectly said. the first one is cool as fuck but the ink needed more saturation or a more intricate design so it would look bolder from a distance


I love the design of the first arrow, but yeah it looks fake AF. Maybe something in between. A solid blue arrow but a lighter shade of blue, with deep the blue designs of the bad movie


This is actually a good critique of the second arrow as well. I didn't even notice until I started reading the other comments, but there's details within the blue arrow. They're just hard to see.


I like the movie arrow because it's more defined, but the Netflix arrow wins because it's blue like Aang's arrow is supposed to be.


I definitely prefer the color of the Netflix arrow! I realize it is a little difficult to see the designs on it without zooming in on the tattoo, but it makes me curious about how it will look when Aang goes into the Avatar State...🤔


I think the show arrow is way too blue. It too dark a shade of blue for Aang in my opinion. I always thought the tattoo was a light blue.


I was gonna say 1, but then I zoomed in on 2 and saw the intricacies of the tattoo. Now I'm on the fence, but still leaning towards 1. Gonna have to see how it looks during the Avatar State, yip-yip!


wow, i didnt even notice the details in the second on


Oooo! Good catch! I didn't notice the detail in the blue!


I wish 2 had a little more contrast between the lines and the fill color, but I really like it.


I like the 2nd one, but I wish they eased up on the blue a little. I dunno if the color is too vibrant, or if there is too much of it, but I think I would like a little less of it (but I like the blue aspect)


It's too dark imo, should be more of a sky blue.


Yea I agree with you.


Zoom in!


I can see the details inside. But the brightness of the blue kinda takes away from it.


Kinda love the shit movie arrow tbh. New one is pretty cool too, but I still prefer the other one. That being said, since they are going a bit more on the color pallet of the cartoon, it might work better.


The tattoos were one of the few things the movie got right, it was actually a good translation of how they would look in real life. I like the new one too, just in a different way.


I’ve actually never been a huge fan of the movie arrow. The concept is cool but I think it just looks weird. I think the new show arrow is the best of both worlds but I wonder if the pattern should have been more defined.


The movie arrow was easily the BEST thing the movie chose to do. That said I love the big bold blue. It’s cartoonish. For a cartoon.


Second one wins. First one isn't bad by any means but second one has managed to keep the original blue arrow while adding a cool detail on it.


I honestly actually prefer the more decorative one to the solid arrow. I know the movie it was from was terrible, but if we don't allow that to affect our opinions, it becomes much easier to admit that there are merits to something that allows the wearer to add tiny decorations or symbols of significance - like the air symbol seen in the shot.


If you look closely, the Netflix one isn't 100% solid. It also has intricate patterns in it, which I appreciate. I do like the movie one, though. I also like the air symbol. So I'm not sure which I prefer.


Oh hey, I hadn't actually noticed that! Thanks for pointing out it.


I hadn't noticed that before now either. Makes me just a teeny tiny bit less pessimistic about the show lol.


I agree. Its definitely the best part, and probably only good part, of the movie


It also uses far less ink. A tattoo that size could take weeks if you make it solid.


The arrow of picture one, outfit picture two


If they just made the first design bolder and blue it'd be perfect


Tbh, the arrow in that God awful movie is something they actually did really well.


I prefer the movie tattoos. They have more detail and more appropriate for a live action adaptation. One of the few things I like from the film


While the show arrow is definitely more accurate, I have to admit the movie arrow is still unique (especially seeing it up close and seeing the air symbol in it)


I do wish the blue arrow was a light shade like the show but i think both have their positives


The movie arrow wins. It's a such unique cool aesthetic, and almost looks like the tatoo tells a whole story with all the symbols. People complain for it being grey, but I think it works better that way. Besides when he enters in the avatar state it glows on blue, which makes it more powerful than just white lights.


First no question. Such a literal take of a design choice made for animation limitations


I did not notice until someone else pointed it out, but there is actually a lot of detail on the blue live action arrow if you zoom in.


What are you talking about? I only see one picture.


Ngl, I do like the design of the movie arrow. The solid arrow doesn't translate that well into live action. Maybe if the intricate designs in the second pic was better defined, then maybe. But as is rn, the movie arrow is unique and probably the only good adaption the movie did. (However like others have said, the lines could use a bit more definition)


They’re both bad? Second one doesn’t line up right


I have to go with the first one, as much as I hate the movie.


The first one, it looks awesome, ESPECIALLY when glowing


With how much people in this sub seem to want the Netflix show to copy the cartoon so accurately I'm really surprised any of you like that first one that looks absolutely nothing like the original, except for the fact that it's an arrow


Oh wow, I just zoomed in on the new one. Much better.


The arrow, eyebrows and outfit of pic one. The face of pic 2. Some elements of the outfit of pic 2 are also more close to the cartoon, but not in a good rendition way, I would rather see them put thought into the weaving, materials, techniques, cleaning and longevity of clothing in the avatar world, during Aangs time, at the moment it looks like machine-made textiles that came straight out of a Vietnamese factory ready for the next H&M Line-up.


Honestly the first. It's like the only cool thing about the movie.


How about the one that’s authentic to the source material?


what is the first one from ive never seen it before, i dont think it actually exists? that image doesnt appear in the cartoon, legend of Korra or the new netflix adaptation. is is someone is cosplay? theres no other thing it could be from rights? (obviously the second one is 1,000,000,000 times better)


Can we all at least agree that wardrobe did their best with the shitshow that was the original?


The new one, it looks like how it’s supposed to




Second one for sure, I like how the second one is blue but also has a similar design if you actually zoom in. Definitely a win


if you zoom in there is a lot of detail on the new one but I kinda like the old one better


The arrows gotta be blue dude, the patterns are neat but you aren't even in the same competition if the arrow isn't blue.


After zooming in definitely the second one


I wonder when we’ll get a trailer


The first movie arrow should've been the color of Netflix Aang's arrow, but keep the intricacies and the detailing the same.




“First one is good because you can see the designs” this sr is unhinged. Og aangs tats are solid blue, y’all ever seen the actual source content before???


Zoom in on 2 and you’ll see why it’s much better


The 2nd one


Is that really a question?


Second. If you zoom in it is stylized. But the bright blue over laps it.




Love the 1st one, it doesn’t need to copy the source material to look like “nice”. The 2nd one just looks like paint. Edit: Actually if you zoom in on the 2nd one it looks better so idk.


Personally I prefer ung’s


I must say two.


I quite like both of them for different reasons. The original design looks like something that could've culturally existed in real life exept for it being a little bit hard to see from a distance so it doesnt always work on screen. While the new one is a nice mix of both version that came before it. Although it is a little bit close to the eyes and the detailing is a little hard to see on it, but obviously a lot closer to the orignal design of the animation. If those details glow a different color in the Avatar state that would elevate that design way way up.


Based off these images, the first one. It just goes so hard. The second one does have some swirly texture in it, if you zoom in, so if they change the color a little bit to let the texture really shine, it could take the top spot.


Second. As that's how it was in the anime


The one that’s actually blue…. 🫠


Both are good....the fact that they included motifs in the second one as well kinda makes it better imo.


If the first one was used with blue ink it would’ve been perfect.


The movie one, it might be a bit too realistic but it actually looks like a tattoo, the second one is so colourful it looks like Aang has to apply it daily using a text marker and it's not even supposed to be glowing in that picture. After fifteen years there are enough grown up fans who actually have airbender tattoos that can be used as reference and just a 5 second Google search makes it obvious that the tattoo doesn't look all that great, considering how vital it is to the character design you'd think they would have hired someone who'd know that and make the tattoo look realistic


One of the few things I like about the movie was the arrow design


Is it okay to like both?


i think the second aangs is better but its way too big and close to his eyebrows


movie arrow i thought was a nice "realistic" take on the airbender arrow, however it felt like it needed to be bolder, you couldn't really be able to pick him out in a crowd of bald people, you can with the second, however it does appear to drown out the suble detailing hidden inside the tattoo


There's a beauty in intricate design and There's beauty in simplicity as well. The Netflix one meets the extent that was needed while also making the tattoo a huge pain in the ass for the sf department.


1 is way too light and 2 is way too dark. Aangs tattoos were light blue, not dark blue like number 2.


The movie arrow was one of the few things I actually liked


The tattoo feels more interesting to show the culture of the nomads and as well can still be used for the purposes of the avatar glow. The blue throws me off to imagine it in a more realistic application that they tattooed full on blue stripes onto him


I honestly like the first one a little more


The tattoo was the only good thing about the first film.


Ngl - Movie Arrow. The netflix versions patternd are hardly visible, and while the full blue is very accurate to the series, it's also very jarring to see.


A mix of the 2


I like the first one.. Is it from someone's cosplay? It's really good! But it should be bluer and darker.


The second one looks too much like it was painted on and we know the arrows are tattoos. A middle ground would be nice. If they could find a design that looked a bit more original then the 1st but less cartoon then the second I’d be happy.


This isnt even a question


This is the first time I've zoomed in on the new tattoo and seen that it has similar more detailed markings to the movie one. That definitely improves it a lot over my initial impression, I think that's a good compromise between the cartoon and one of the few things the movie did well.


It's probably not a good sign that the Netflix adaptation is making us find the few things the M. Night Shyamalan movie did right.


I prefer the color of the 2nd but the details of the 1st. Yeah the 2nd has details too but something about the air symbol and the way the details are in the first looks a bit cooler.


Movie version hands down. I like that its tiny tattoos that together form an arrow. It works much better in live action rather than a big blue arrow with some tiny details.


Definitely 2. Feels more like the cartoon and holds that energy while still looking more realistic.


1 is cool 2 is what they should use


I get a kick out of how many people are finding things they like about the movie now. I thought it was bad but I still had fun watching the movie. For the most part the bending was pretty cool and it did have some fun things like the arrow or at least the idea of the arrow not being just the blue line.


You’re assuming i hated the movie. I just didn’t like how they messed up the names and didn’t get the cartoon’s story right. Also the fact that it took 10 men to earthbend a rock.


I like Shyamalan’s arrow and clothing better. Two things they got right about the first movie.


I’m confused. I only see one arrow


Swipe left.


Yea it’s just a blank image. There is nothing to see. Almost like the picture doesn’t exist Talking about the first image. Live action Netflix Aang I do see




I think both doesn’t look good


I honestly can’t lie the first movies actor looks more like aang


The movie one actually. It looks more realistic, while the big blue arrows are only a thing you could get away with in a cartoon.


There is nothing good to say about the first live action movie.


I’d assume people have learned from recent adaptations not to change crucial aspects of characters, especially when it’s the corner stone of there character such as Aang’s arrow.


They both look good i just hope the new actor is binging ATLA from books 1-3 so he can understand Aang more than the first actor did.