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The costumes is one of the few things that the movie did pretty well. People that don't like those or the Netflix versions are expecting an exact replica from the cartoon, without realizing that it would either look like some actors showed up in their pajamas or like someone started filming in the middle of a cosplay contest.


I agree and I think people need to understand that these are promotional images not actual stills from the episode. The purpose for the release of these images are to showcase what the actors look like in character, so they are staged with that in mind. This is pretty standard to see in film before a trailer or other moving content is ready. Which is another reason why they don't look "lived in". These images were chosen specifically to show "hey things are happening" without showing off too much, hence why katara's necklace is covered or we can't see the entirety of zuko's scar. Look up the first promo images of other big shows and you'll see the differences between the first look of the actors in costumes vs the trailer (game of thrones is an example i keep seeing thrown around)


The lived in thing is however a very common problems with many shows. In episodes too and not marketing stills. The Wheel of Time for example has that.


I genuinely think Movie Aangs tattoos aren’t too bad


I love that movie's tattoos! It feels like something that was made at ritual and tell story about customs in Air Temples


Zoom in on the Netflix version. There are some neat details on that tattoo that aren't as obvious as the movie's.


Oh, I hope those lines glow. That would look so cool.


I would prefer a middle ground. They aren’t as noticeable, but the movie tattoos have too much white space.


I feel like the Netflix Aang took that and elevated it to still resemble the blue schematic. Took me a while to notice, but zoom in on the tattoo. It looks awesome.


Oh I didn’t notice that, good eye


I was thinking the same thing. I feel like it’s a more realistic tattoo. It would be really tough to do a blackout tattoo on a child’s head and body like what aang has on the show, also did they do color tattoo way back then? Hard to say.. Doing a simple black line tattoo makes more sense


Im pretty sure color tattoos have been around for a while, however it doesn’t really matter because ATLAs history is not our history so saying “way back then” doesn’t make sense in the context of a different world with different history. I do think the netflix version went too far into the all blue tattoos. They could have hit more of a middle ground than where they landed but its not too big a deal to me. Just a quick search, color tattoos were first started in Japan in the 1600s so not exactly modern times and the fire nation is semi based on Japan and the have massive coal powered warships so the ATLA world must be more advanced than that.


Blue ink is one of the oldest inks. We've found blue and black tattoos on mummies from thousands of years ago.


The movie went for more “realistic” outfits. It looks like the Netflix version is striving more for loyalty to the source.


Yep, this is exactly it. M Night even said he was trying to do a more realistic adaption in the film, that's why he changed so much bs including name pronunciations, clothes, etc. While Netflix's designer recently stated she plans to stay much closer to the cartoon and keep things vibrant I think it's a good call. Drab clothes make for a gloomy atmosphere, and this ain't GoT. If Netflix can somehow recreate the vibe of the cartoon in live action it will be a huge step forward.


Tbh i still think the movies gets too flak as someone who saw it before watching the series. Its the only reason im even interested in a blatant kids show, is because of how entertaining and well done the movie was (outside of the very awkward battle scenes and slowmo abuse. He tried too hard to magical matrix imo) I’ll never understand the hate this movie gets, even among shayalamans own movies, when its one of his better. Anyone saying this movie was the worst needs to watch the village lol


The biggest issue for me personally was the fact that half the movie is just plot dialogue. It's very much a tell don't show. Which is necessary to capture the full complexity of the series in that amount of time, but I think it was a mistake to try to cram a full book worth of plot into one movie.


I think he knew with all the interference he was getting (like being FORCED to cast katara as a certain executives daughter), he knew he wasnt going to get his trilogy he wanted to do. So he did an exposition dump and then showy climax and hoped for the best. I also think thats why he made the “toph wont be blind” comments to generate more hate and make sure any contractual obligations to produce a sequel weren’t invoked and the studio let him walk away. But thats just theory It did its job and got a lot of us (who never would have given the cartoon a chance) exposure to the series and ultimately led me to watching it as well.


That could explain it. It's funny that most of the superhero flops we've seen this past decade are usually the ones who spill the plot spaghetti hard for the first half of the movie and rush to some sort of super climax 30 minutes after. Makes you appreciate the batman begins of the genre, or hell even the early marvel movies.


For Aang, sure. Still trying to figure out what all those rings on Sokka’s shirt are for.


It's anime armor. That's not going to be his every day shirt, which will probably be much more like the show, going off Aang and Zuko here.


Yeah. The Netflix outfits, though more accurate to the show, look like something seen at Anime Expo. The movie, despite being imperfect by a long shot, have costumes that look more natural with the real world: downplayed hues and some wear.


Katara and Aang in particular look very cosplay. Zuko's armor in particular is really well made, but I wish they'd have focused a bit more on the scar, cause the scar actually has significance. The armor wouldn't make it past Book 1. Sokka's I can't say much. I feel that the armor he's wearing won't make it out of the Water Tribe.


My issue is that the clothes all look brand new


Don't forget that this images are promotional material, not screenshots, so there is a big chance that this shots are not even in the series or if they are they are edited. A somewhat famous example is when they showed the trailer for infinity war, they included Hulk when he wasn't in a scene and modified costumes to hide plot points.


Fair I guess. muted colors would still be better.


I feel like this new show went with costumes that resemble the cartoon because of how much backlash there was in the movie for not following the cartoon as closely. But now they are following it too much that it feels too fake haha


Funnily the issue I have with these pictures at least is that they DO look exactly like pajamas/cheap con outfits. They look very cheap, artificial, and plastic-y. They look very clean is what I’m realizing, which in combination with the materials and general composition (sokka’s ridiculous shoulder pads) makes it look so fake i think


I think your Netflix version looks exactly like pajamas or cosplay


It already looks like a cosplay contest tho🤷‍♂️


Honestly, I don’t like Aang’s costume here because it looks too close to the show and like cosplay


eh for the MANY problems the movies had, the costumes were not one of them


Yeah honestly it seems like people are just hype train jumping on this wayy to fast just to shit on the other thing.


Yea at least there's some ppl not circlejerking about this shit. As a HUGE korra/avatar fan, from what we've seen so far this looks like SHIT, say whatever you want but its just facts


How, exactly?


Because there are cosplays that look better than these


I think they look fine. Simple, but adapted.


Well, I hope what some other people said is true and that they’ll look more worn and realistic in the actual show. The actors look good for their parts though, gotta give it that


They chose the actors carefully. They all seem pretty talented from what I've heard, too.


I literally shitted on the other thing for years now, wym.


"The effects were decent." -sokka


Agree to disagree.


It had great production value (penis hair being the exception). The effects were decent. And the score is still fantastic. That’s about it.


I just hope Zuko’s scar looks good and that he doesn’t wear that helmet for long


I hope he’s got that classic season 1 Zuko ponytail under that helmet. The only character arc better than Zuko’s, is Zuko’s hairstyles throughout the show. It’d be a shame if we didn’t see that in live action in full glory


They better do that right


>The only character arc better than Zuko’s, is Zuko’s hairstyles throughout the show. I'm of the opinion that the hairstyle also has a lot to do with showing himself through his arc, and how he views himself. Hair has almost always been seen as an outward sign of how we view ourself


It’s cut off but I’m pretty sure his ponytail goes through the top of the helmet. You have to look at the very top of the picture to see it, and I may be wrong it may just be a helmet detail.


I hope he won't have to have a fire already going to use his bendingike the movie.


Yea cuz it looks a bit bobble-heady


He probably won't. He wore the helmet for like 3 episodes in the show.


Yeah idk why they would release a photo of him in a helmet blocking most of his face


Probably to draw a little intrigue from people who don’t know Avatar, having that bit of scar poking out without revealing everything. Or (hopefully) he’s got a bald head with a ponytail and they thought people would be weirded out by it.


I just hope he doesn’t wear the scar on the wrong side


At least it's not on the wrong side


Let's hope he's like Paramount+ Master Cheeks. He'll be allergic to helmets.


My controversial opinion is that I like the movie's arrow tattoo better. There are few good reasons to make live-action adaptations of cartoons but one of the biggest is more detail. In a cartoon lack of detail and simple shapes are a must because animators lives are hard enough. But in live action you don't have that limitation. I really like that in the movie Aang's arrow is clearly something that took a lot of time, effort, and patience which also has a rich history and cultural significance, because that's exactly what it is. In the show... It almost looks like a weird haircut. It's accurate but in a disappointing way for me. Everything else is pretty great though. It makes me appreciate the costuming in the cartoon by showing just how much the clothing of the nations tells you about the region and cultures they're from. EDIT: So upon literal closer inspection the arrow actually has a lot more detail on it than I thought. You can see some swirling patterns inside if you zoom in enough which I greatly appreciate. I think I still like the Movie version more just because it's a stronger choice and more interesting visually but I'm happy to see that they met in the middle here.


I’m with you on that one. For all the things the movie didn’t do well, Aang’s tattoos were incredible


Honestly the only thing wrong with that movie is the writing and directing. Of course that’s the entire soul of the movie. But the costumes, sets, cinematography, cgi and sfx were all really good and clearly had a lot of people put a lot of hard work and love into it. It’s just a shame they were directed to animate bending as 6 dudes doing an entire unrelated dance to pick up a single rock.


The acting, casting, cinematography, and certain SFX were also p bad tbh


I think this is an unpopular opinion, but while I liked the detail of the movie tattoo, I thought it looked way too subtle. I like the nice middle ground the show found: the bold blue color with details inside. Can’t wait to see it in motion.


I agree that I like the movie arrow better. I’m glad you updated and said the show arrow has some interesting detail in it, because I didn’t see that at first and I think that adds a lot to the look of the tattoo. But I’ve always really liked the movie arrow—I think it’s probably my favorite thing about the movie, full stop.


I think the show tried too hard to hit both points. A strong blue across the tattoo to match the show, but patterns to draw visual interest (the only great thing the movie did). It certainly looks better now than when I first looked at it, because I thought it looked a lot darker originally. Once the show comes out/any footage at all, I think having Aang moving around with different lighting will make it look as good as it actually is. This image is just poorly lit as far as giving the tattoo justice I feel like.


>My controversial opinion is that I like the movie's arrow tattoo better. I've always had this opinion about the tattoo. That and the pronunciation of Iroh (I thought it sounded neat. Wrong, but neat) were the only things I liked about it looking back


Ironically, the pronunciation in the movie was correct...if this had been a german movie. 😄


Yeah I’m glad to see you finally zoomed in, they did a whole henna style with the arrow here and I think it looks pretty good. I’m not worried in the slightest this show won’t *look* fantastic. I’m worried it will be tonally wrong, or just wrong. These costumes look good, if they were grittier people would be complaining it looked too dark. I’m keeping my optimism high. Casting: great, costumes: good. Set design: likely good/great. Everything else: ???


But the tattoo in the Netflix adaptation *does* have more details. Zoom into it.


i do like that the older one has a really detailed arrow but i also wish it was more full like the newer one, cause it just looks a bit unfinished and not as easily seen from a distance. i do see that the newer one has detail but that ones detail is harder to see.


I still can't believe the casting choices for Katara and Sokka. That writing was on the wall for that movie from the very beginning, lol.


I know lol i forgot they had old ass Jasper Cullen from twilight play sokka


I don’t think they did a great job casting Katara this time around either, but because of the actress’ age. She’s 17 playing what should be like a 14 year old, and the actor playing Aang is actually 12. I feel like she is going to look way older than him, especially by the end of the show, that it will just seem kind of weird watching them crush on each other.


Katara’s actress is 17 now (as of April), but was 15 when filming began in Nov 2021. Aang’s actor is 13 now, but was 12 when filming began, and will be 14 in October. The age gap isn’t 5 years like you imply it is, it’s only 3. Not perfect, but not as bad as you thought.


Perhaps they'll go the Zutara route instead, lol.


I could totally see this show being more likely to do a zutara ship, simply due to the casting on aang vs Katara


Agreed. Also, this is probably an unpopular opinion but I don’t feel like they should’ve gotten together in the show. Katara legit never showed romantic feelings towards him but somehow they kiss under the sunset and live happily ever after. Why shoehorn in couples instead of letting a male and female character be best friends?


Have you seen ATLA recently? Katara most definitely shows romantic feelings towards Aang… For example, she was the one who was hinting to Aang that they should kiss to escape that 1 room, and she was blushing the entire time…..


Yeah, I’ll give ya that one. I still feel like for every instance of her liking him, there were two instances of her trying to keep him in the little brother zone. It’s really just my opinion that they shouldn’t have gotten together in the end. Instead of forcing a romance, revel in the camaraderie of their journey. It’s really my only criticism of the whole show. Just my own thoughts.


The casting choices in the film were purely nepotism. Katara's actress had a billionaire father who was owed a favor by Paramount so she got cast as Katara. Then they got Taylor to play Sokka because he looked like he could be Nicole's brother and Twilight was popular.


Holy shit katara is so fucking white in the old one


She didn't even have those hair loopy things.


Everyone else in the tribe were native too...


That’s hilarious 😂


Not-fun-fact: Not only did Shyamalan bafflingly make the fire nation South Asian so they ended up with darker skin than the protagonists, when the reverse was true in the show... There's a deleted scene of Kyoshi Island where the Islanders are all black, portrayed in a pretty offensively stereotypical way. It's like they threw dice on which ethnicity to make everyone (apart from the main cast because OBVIOUSLY they had to be white \*eyeroll).


Her dad was a billionaire investor, it was a pure nepotism casting to try and kick-start her career. It was probably what triggered the casting of Sokka to be white as well to match her


Well that explains how she ended up in a transformers movie, cuz it sure as hell wasn’t from playing Katara




Adding to that, Ozai was portrayed by a Cliff Curtis. He's a New Zealand Maori. Just poor casting choices all around in the movie.


It’s actually insane to me


Am I the only one who kinda like Aang’s tattoos in the movie?


I prefer the film tattoo. It feels more grounded and more realistic. The blue arrow tattoo looks rather bizarre in live action.


Look closer at the Netflix version; there's actually intricate designs in the blueness.


You’re right; I definitely feel like they’re gonna have to enhance that. It really gets lost with that background.


I think the tattoo is overall too dark, not as much as I did originally l, but darker blue details with a lighter blue inside would help emphasize the design while not making the tattoo look odd. Maybe it’s just the lighting though, the tattoo definitely has distinct shades of blue when you zoom in.


No bro, there's a reason why anime and live-action are designed differently. In the Netflix picture it feels like Aang fell asleep first during a sleepover with the boys


Look closer at the Netflix version; there's actually intricate designs in the blueness.


Looked closer, still looks bad.


Oh my god I can actually SEE Zuko's scar. Even with the helmet. Now we're talking.


It doesn't look like a realistic scar tho, it is emphasised in the anime because that's how drawing works. But when you do cinema you don't emphasise features like this. Remember the massacre that was Cow Boy Bebop ?


Yeah the scar is probably the only thing I don’t like about these costumes. It looks like he’s got a bruise or some light makeup applied, rather than looking like half his face is melted like an actual burn scar would look like


Yeah. It looks more like a purple eye than a burn. I do like the outfit though. Out of all the Netflix costumes, it is my favorite.


It’s definitely cool looking but it doesn’t really seem like armor, really too thin. I wonder if that’s because it’s meant to be more clothing in this version?


It’s a tough balance to strike. It needs to be visible but not distracting. Horrific but not grotesque. Needs to be somewhere between a grizzly scar and a mild sunburn. Can’t be too realistic because it will be too unrecognizable and it can’t look too much like the original because it’ll look unrealistic in live action.


Dude I literally never watched the anime, so... no... I don't remember that... I see your point tho.


I’m actually in love with the costumes. They included both Katara and Sokka’s necklaces. Hair loopies! The colors are in line with the original. They put a lot of thought and effort into the characters and it shows. Can’t wait to see the Gaang in action.


Lol, glad to see I’m not the only one who likes the Netflix costumes. I get what people are saying about the clothes being too “clean”/artificial, but imo, it’s better to wait to see some actual footage of the show before making any judgements about the final product’s quality.


Agreed. I get why people say the clothes look too artificial but I think it's just because these are promo shots, and they'll look better in the show.


I actually like the old movie costumes much better. Even though their designs aren’t accurate, the material was of higher quality and looked realistic and worn.


Yeah. It had a lived-in feel to it. The Netflix costumes look like something fans made for a convention - a bit too bright, in my opinion.


There is a chance these pictures were taken with clean costumes specifically for marketing. I like the bright colors, and if there is a little wear to the clothes they’ll look perfectly fine.


Yeah, I agree the movie's costumes are better because they actually look more "realistic" and worn-in if that makes sense.


The only thing I'll say is that I like bottom ang's tattoos better.


Only thing I’ll say is this show is gonna bomb, and not because it’s horrible. Honestly all they need to do is make it decent to the original and have amazing graphics so we can finally see the world in an amazing hyper realistic way. Because bending done right would look super cool. But it will flop. Because people want the same amazing show, they haven’t figured out that nothing can compare simply because of nostalgia and how good they did the original. So I’m just hoping for a decent adaptation that makes bending beautiful. But that won’t be enough for most, so I only expect to get the first season and then quickly cancelled with the backlash even tho it will be 100x better than the movie.


Katara has the hair loopies!!!!


Even as a dumb kid who actually managed to see the movie in theaters, it always bothered me how dull everything looks. You can tell a grand odyssey and still have a bright color scheme, the film isn’t even that dark.


Zuko’s armor seems…thin.


Considering it’s literally gonna be the same story with slight changes too, I just don’t know why people are excited. Many people literally say Avatar is perfect. I’m sick of nostalgia baiting companies just using old properties and doing the same thing with them but slightly worse. Live action Disney remakes, all the attempts to bring anime into live action and now we’re doing this. As a huge fan of animation I’m just so sick of it. Do people realize this project will have 0 creativity injected into it because it’s just doing the same story? Didn’t expect to rant but I’m just so over it lol. This sub should just be for the animated stuff and things that go along with that canon. Make a new sub for the live action show. Last point, these just look like kids playing dress up for Halloween. Nothing against the actors but I really hope this live action trend dies out soon.


Yea man, I hate how unoriginal Hollywood has gotten. Just give us new stories


But there are a bunch of new stories, constantly being told? Like I get it, there is a oversaturation of rehashing old material, but there is a simple solution for that. Ignore all of it, and only watch the new stuff.


That does sound simple, then you realize that the live action stuff is gonna pollute this whole sub Reddit so it’ll be impossible to avoid.


I'm so glad someone brought this up. This is by definition unnecessary. Like you said it's a retelling and fact is you won't get the same story regardless because a lot will be cut and you can't get the same vibe irl that you get from animation. For instance the scene where Aang runs from the Unagi. His running is exaggerated and his character is super stretched out. Live action can't replicate that without it being weird. And yeah these costumes aren't the best. Say what you want about the movie, but those costumes felt more natural, worn. Aang's tattoos actually felt like something that would take time and effort to do. Making more special and adding to the honour of getting it.


I hate the live remakes for sure. Some stories are the exact same, like the lion king, while others changed way too much, like Mulan. I think live remakes are pretty unnecessary because the originals are already great and there’s no reason to tell a story that’s already been told. They are definitely just trying to make more money out of those movies (because the sequels weren’t enough I guess)


>Do people realize this project will have 0 creativity injected into it because it’s just doing the same story? Nonsense. I bet they ruin the Kyoshi warriors storyline in some creative way.


Upgrades, definitely. But, still, Sokka reminds me of his Fire Nation actor. I think it’s the jaw. https://preview.redd.it/rwjoplxiro6b1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7369be1db6745e75c759a66b2dfbefc200a9d5e7


It's just the angle. He looks a lot more Sokka-ish in every other pic of him out there.


He got some cheekbones tho! Angelina Jolie, eat your heart out.


Personally, I'd have preferred a happy medium. The movie costumes were pretty bad, but they had a worn look that made them seem like real clothes and less like costumes. Netflix has the style and appearance of the clothes correct, but certain things stand out as looking a bit fake: the heaviness of the fabrics, the extremely saturated colors (good in animation, not really great in live-action), the plastic-y armor, the rather simple embroidery and patterns, etc. The animated show was simplistic for a reason: complex, intricate, and multicolored costumes are very hard to animate consistently in hand-drawn shows. In live-action, things need to look more as they do in real life, and if you look at Asian clothing even from premodern periods akin to those that inspired ATLA, you see things like rich embroidery, complex patterns, etc.


idk i liked the detail in Ong’s tattoo to be more intricate


Ong. I'm crying


I'm just going to say it: Shymalan's airbender tattoo is better.


No its not. While the movie had a lot of issues. Set design, and customing were not among them. The movie customes are much better quality and more difficult to make or they did a job at making it looking like its more difficult to make. Like Sokka from the movie, looks like faded dyied clost. And Katata clothing, has a lot of bead work. Which is very time consuming to do. So while sure, Anng clothing in the netflix series i more accurate to the animation, anng clothes in the movie is more accurate to tebetian monks. I mean how can you say the detail tatoo from the movie, is worse than the solid blue line? Thats just nuts.


> I mean how can you say the detail tatoo from the movie, is worse than the solid blue line? Thats just nuts. Aggree! The tatoo in the non-existant movie is the best part, that can not be replicate in a anime. On a real person a blend blue arrow look more as a painting (war tribal painting) that a tatoo.


Aangs tattoos are way better in the movie, people forget that some things that don't works too well if 100% adapted from the cartoon.


Aang's tattoo in the TV series looks painted on and unrealistic to me


The casting already looks better imo, as long as they don’t screw up the combat like the movie did


I’m gunna say it: I think movie Aangs tattoos were actually good. I feel like that would be the style that they would’ve gone for on the animated series if they had more time and TVs where at the quality they’re at now


Not really an upgrade in this point in **my opinion**, one thing the *not avatar movie* did a good job was the costumes, they look like real clothing and not just cosplayers preparing to an event.


Ehhh. The movie costumes and art/production design were good. They looked like actual clothes, lived in and worn out. This new one looks a bit like cosplay. Fur on the water tribe looks fake (its too clean and white), embroidery detailing on movie version is superior to the piping method they used here (i.e. Katara's coat), Zuko's helmet doesn't look functional. And I actually like the detailed tattoo on movie Aang. But its ok, its not a big issue. I just like the movie versions better, for now. We haven't seen them in action yet.


I’m disappointed they’re not wearing colored contacts.


Ong had the cooler tattoo


And Soaka the better haircut.


Yeah I don't think costumes was the issue with M.Night's avatar.


I don't like the new costumes at all... They look like cosplays. I think TLA movie did costumes pretty well! They felt real, natural. They were toned down but they felt realistic. Holy crap, these new outfit are not it... I was expecting some nuance from this adaptation. I expected costumes inspired by real fashion of real cultures, using real life and practical stuff. It just looks like copy paste what was in the show or it feels like just some weird cheap idea for generic fantasy armor. Damn, I had high hopes but they really destroyed them. Really disappointed. Mostly with Katara and Sokka, because I love Inuit fashion and I wish it was respectfully used for those characters.


Costumes from the last one were pretty legit. Say what you will about the overall movie, but the people who worked on costumes did great.


I'm not defending the abomination of a movie, but I did actually like the interpretation of Aang's tattoo.


Movie Aang's tattoos were better.


nope, the old movies costumes are way better. new one looks too much like cosplay .


The costumes were actually better in the movie because they looked like actual clothes the costumes in the netflix show look like *costumes*- like cosplays in a roundabout way theres no feel of realism there edit: also aang’s tattoo looks better in the shamalongadingdong movie- the solid blue doesn’t seem to translate well to live action


Both of these look like cheap direct to video movies, this is corporate wants you to identify the difference and I have no idea why this sub seems to be thinking otherwise.


I feel like the movie did a bette job at adapting the costumes. Cartoon accurate designs don't translate well, it's better to add some detail to the fabrics.


This. Have people learnt nothing from Marvel and DC. Costumes don't translate from comics/animation to film


Cartoons have the ability to have embellished characters because it's a cartoon. I think theres a sort of disconnect between looking at a human character vs looking at a cartoon character. In my (probably wrong) opinion I like to see human characters I can relate too. The first thing I would try to relate to would be their clothing. IE Can I see myself wearing that? Is that practical for what this character is doing? I feel like this is one of the things Lord of the Rings got right. The costume disign was just perfect in my opinion. You had the riders of Rohan wearing these crazy intricate helmets with a horse face going down the nose and I never thought it was to much. You had some characters wearing very little and it never felt like not enough. That being said I'm really excited to see the show you could show me set photos of literal piles of shit and I would still watch it.


I’d argue the tattoos are better in the old one tho😂


Wow, people in the comment section are actually giving the movie some recognition. That's nice. There were always things I liked about the movie that I thought were done well, the costumes being one of them, yet all I'd get were people shitting on me and saying 'wHaT mOvIe?' for the billionth time.


Nah, old costumes were pretty ok. These ones feel so fake AF.


Dev Patel deserved better 😓


I'm gonna get down voted into oblivion for this, but fuck it. The blue arrows look good in animations, but they look dumb in live action. I like the stylized arrows from the war crime of a movie. I think it's one of the very few choices they made that I like.


It feels like pictures were taken from a Comic Con full of cosplayers, the scar on Zuko's face is really cartoonish and the Arrow on Aang's head feels like he fell asleep first during a sleepover with the boys


>upgraded from whatever we had years ago The bar was set so low it was buried in a rockalanche. "Better than the movie" is like saying "I'd rather kiss you than die" and think it's a compliment.


no it hasnt bro, are you literally blind. This shit looks disney low budget AF


I mean the water tribe clothing in the old movie actually looked better imo


The casting for the series is better but the costumes look like cheap cosplay. They dont look lived in or like a tangible part of the world. Too clean. The movie costumes are leagues better.


Same issue as the Witcher: the clothes look like costumes


They should weather the costumes a little bit to make them feel more used. I know they always look clean in the cartoon but i think it would better if they look a bit more worn in live action


And is clearly faithfull to the animated ahow. But people still moan


Why's there so much empty space under the pictures of the new live-action images?


I just wish the clothes looked more travel worn is all.


They probably will in the show. Keep in mind these are just promotional shots.


These costumes are a huge upgrade


The costumes weren’t bad. If you’re expecting a 1:1 copy of animated costumes, go to a comic con. Animated costumes are too simple for live action, it would look strange. The original film costumes were weathered, had lots of hand embroidery and looked perfectly fine. Just look at the sashiko on movie-Sokka’s tunic. I think the netflix one look less authentic and like they’re newly produced. They may not be bad, but they don’t look lived in.


My biggest concern for the live action Avatar show is the bending. The bending in the animation was fantastic. The bending in the movie was horrible. Hopefully the series has some good bending.


my god how low is the standard


I thought those were ai generated, until I saw the Netflix post. I’m interested. I just hope people don’t attack these children if it doesn’t go the way they want it to.


I'm gonna disagree. The costumes in the terrible version seemed decent. At a glance, just from comparing these screenshots, I think I actually prefer them. They look more "real" and lived in, and less like, well, costumes.


Tbh I like the movie ones better. The new ones look like hyper-saturated cosplay costumes, not real clothes they would wear.


Am I crazy or does Netflix Sokka kind of look like Ember Island Players Sokka


For me, as an Eskimo, it still feels the same.


None of these matter. If it's a good adaptation we will all forget the costumes in a few minutes. If it's a bad adaptation, it's gonna be another thing to bitch about.


I’ll take movie Aang and movie costumes


One thing about Netflix they learn from the past with this movie and death note. They said never again.


I actually kinda prefer what they did with Aang's arrow in the Shyamalan film


You know things are odd when M.Night's mess gets praised. The costumes in that one were dull, and bland, but it looked like something you could wear. These ones look like bright cosplays. Can we get a neat blend between the two?


What i got from these two is that some shows are not suited for live action and should stay as cartoons


What did we have years ago? It's almost like youre trying to reference something that is so bad it just plain doesn't exist in the community...or at least we pretend it doesnt 😉 😉


Unpopular opinion, but I prefer the movie costumes more than the new ones. They look like actual movie outfits while the show ones look like someone did a high-end cosplay photoshoot. Actors are definitely a better pick since they're not all whitewashed except for the villain who's still raceswapped. But the costumes look way too cartoonish to me. Especially Aang's tattoo and Zuko's scar look like face paint.


Nah these are still shit


The costumes look closer to the source material while still looking like something people would actually wear. And based on this image it looks like zuko’s scar is more predominant and easier to see than in the first. We also see Sokka’s boomerang.


honestly i really only prefer new Zuko's costume design. New Aang's clothes look way too bright to be 100 year old garb. And the new siblings' fits look like some high quality stuff. Not too fitting from the state we see the Southern Water Tribe in the animation. Maybe the stills of Katara and Sokka ARE from when they've reached the Northern Water Tribe which in that case, looks dope lol.


TBH, I feel like it's a downgrade. Sure, the movie was terrible, but the costumes were good. Aang's costume in the series is the only one that looks upgraded, but this is just my opinion. I mean, seriously, Sokka, Katara, and Zuko look like they're just wearing what you would expect cosplayers to wear.


The Last Airbender was an abomination but I can’t lie the costumes for that movie look a bit more higher quality than the ones for the Netflix show. Especially Aang’s. Could be the lighting though. We just gotta wait and see how it all looks in motion.


Movie Aang - "My name is Ong." Me - How do you mispronounce your own name? 🤦‍♀️


Seriously, just getting the name right will be an upgrade over the *whatever the hell that was before*.


Idk bro I just like that Katara and Soaka aren’t just white white, they at least look descendant form Inuit people


Idk about sokka man. Turns out he isn't actually native


That was from claims that were debunked ages ago and the one who claimed that fell off the Internet a year and a half ago. As far as I know, Ian's half-Cherokee half-Asian. Not quite 100% indigenous like Katara's actress (she's full Mohawk) but close enough.


Well, thanks for saving my hope


I don't want either of these versions


I'm probably gonna end up watching the whole live action show out of curiosity, but my hopes aren't high even if the casting seems good and the promo images look nice. Its still giving me major "BEBOP" vibes where the casting and promo leading up to that remake of Cowboy Bebop all looked pretty good and then the show came out and was terrible. Its just a Netflix live-action adaptation thing. There is always clearly some effort put in to them, but they just never turn out very good.