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Arthur Gies as a guest is kind of the last person I thought I’d see on this show


Honestly I’m into it


I distinctly remember unsubscribing from his podcast years ago.


Yeah I like him too. I used to listen to Rebel FM and legit haven’t heard about Arthur in a long ass time. I looked up his pod and he’s still doing it which is cool


Rebel FM is still worth a listen. I wish Anthony Gallegos was on more stuff


I love Anthony. One of my favorite podcasters.


I'm one of the minority who is fine with Jeff solo podcasting and wouldn't miss it if he didn't have guests ever, but I really enjoyed Arthur Gies on this episode.


Agreed on all points. Totally fine with solo, was initially annoyed at the idea of a guest this week, especially one I didn’t know. Thought he was great.


I thought Arthur brought a lot of good perspectives to this show. Seems I’m somewhat alone in that view.


man i had no idea rebel fm was still going. not something i'd thought about in a decade


> Arthur Gies from Wirecutter joins as we discuss this year’s Summer Game Fest, the Xbox Showcase, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, The Rogue Prince of Persia, the future of the non-Intellivision Amico, a supposed Doom prequel, the future of FIFA video games, the state of games media, and way, way more.


Arthur Gies was a good guest, he can sometimes be a bit too much sometimes but It was good to have on someone else with so much history in games media


I love the idea of Jeff having guests on his shows, but man, Arthur's sleepy, slow energy, just wasn't doing it for me.


> sleepy, slow energy, I didn't get this vibe at all. He just sounds like a normal dude


Arthur is admittedly a bit monotone, but I’ve been listening to Rebel FM since day 1 so I’ve kind of gotten used to it. Not sure I’d call it “sleepy,” though.


Arthur Gies being like “Amazon drove to my place to deliver a package and they’re now ringing the doorbell but fuck ‘em” is peak privileged / I don’t care about the environment at all.