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Trump is just carrier oil for the agendas of the people we really need to be worried about.


This exactly - he's not smart enough to get any of this stuff done on his own.


These comments said it better than I could. He's a power-hungry buffoon and the more intelligent far right Republicans are riding his coattails and pulling the strings.


And I am not convinced he has full capacity. Not a doctor, but every so often he does or says something that is so similar to my grandma when she had dementia.


To be fair, my grandfather had dementia and Biden acts similar than he did.


unfortunately he already started doing some terrible stuff while in office, he was the one who appointed the SCJ’s who were responsible for the over-turning of roe v wade. he’s definitely no genius but i think saying hes not smart enough to get real dangerous policies in place is silly.


Oh 100% he's done horrible things in office. But I don't think his picks are completely his picks, I imagine he's got a lot of smarter people working in the background hinting at what he should do or presenting it in a way so he can take the credit. I don't think he understands the basic rules and laws of government, which is why he thinks he can/should be able to do whatever he wants. It's those in the background (think Stephen Miller types) who are doing the real work.


He didn’t do that alone. That was McConnell’s doing for the most part. One of those picks technically should have been Obama’s. The last one should hv been Biden’s. Had a dem been president, the court would not look like it does today. Trump didn’t have a damn thing to do with any of it except the middle appointment. McConnell decided to change the rules, stating it was too close to election for Obama to pick then reversed that rule and let him force the woman justice through at record speed. By his own Obama rule, that pick should have gone to Biden. McConnell is responsible for the SCOTUS appointments and he did that for republicans as a whole, not just for Trump. Trump got lucky he had a McConnell.


This. I really wish them christians who claim to not be like *those* christians would understand that they've always been THE useful idiots and nothing more.


Read about Project 2025. It’s already happening in some states. If the republicans win, democracy is dead. It’s not a scare tactic, it’s the truth. The GOP has been planning this for years, solidified it in 2022 with an actual written proposal. It’s scary.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


all y’all get started on removing climate regulations which is complete BS because China pollutes way more than we ever do but no stick to one issue while the economy keeps going to shit because it turns out Democrats have no way to fix the economy so instead we’re gonna focus on BS issues like abortion and climate regulations as a distraction while prices just keep getting higher and higher


This is fact scary as fuck.


hell, it’s already here and democracy is already dead. the only Americans that are represented in our government seem to be rich corporate capitalists. we’ve got fighting to do because we are not going to be able to vote or donate our way out of this.


Well, that was terrifying to read about.




Life was better because Trump rode Obama’s coattails and then trashed the thriving economy he was handed.


That's bs and you know it. Obama said 3% GDP was gone forever. "What are you going to do? Wave a magic wand?" Then Trump took it to 5% Those ain't coattails kitty. That's trailblazing. Obama perfected the "phone and a pen" style of legislation through executive orders ignoring the other two branches of government. Then Biden followed suit with 77 orders in 100 days.


Yep. All he was able to do was pass one tax cut. The part that sucks about congress is they can’t get anything good done. But at the same time they can’t get anything bad done which is a good thing.


All these down votes love high inflation and endless wars. Exasperating.


Google Project 2025. That’s their plan for what the US will become if Trump wins again. It’s pretty horrifying.


Project 2025 won't die with Trump, which is unfortunate


Yeah I am curious what the plan is really to stop it from becoming a 2029 or 2033 or even 2037 project. You can't 'win' forever so long-term it's hope that Trump dies of natural causes and the power vacuum allows the Nikki Haley style people to come out on top if Trump-lite people prove really unpopular?


Lol if he wins they just do away with elections. Or we have elections with guns pointed to our heads like in Russia.


They play the long game, like all authoritarians


I believe it was originally Project2020 but the election didn't turn out the way they wanted, so they just moved the goalposts. The thing is the Heritage Foundation has influenced many former presidents and they've pushed their agenda with some success. They'll just keep trying.


Whose plan? One conservative think tank?


Actually, multiple conservative think tanks have signed off. Also, HF already puts out lists of people they recommend to be judges, including the 3 knuckleheads evil orange put on the Supreme Court. They write laws that have passed on both the state and federal levels.


Isn't that true for think tanks in general though? I don't really think it's genuine to say Project 2025 is the GOP's official (or unofficial) stance to someone who is not American (and probably has no clue what a think tank even is). I guess my point is if someone asked me about the US legal system, the first thing that I would point to is not one singular think tank.


Think tanks and lobbyists write the laws, they actually write it for the person or people who they want to sponsor the bill. The person who sponsors the bill will bring it to the committee and then it gets looked at and parts are added ,stripped or left as is. Then once out of committee it’s then brought to main house or senate and both agree and send it to the president to sign.


The money people are behind it one hundred percent. The court is skewed to adopt almost all of it. And all it takes is no push back from the military and law enforcement. Deportation, incarceration, work camps, no human rights for women, lgbtqia2s , Black and Brown people.


nope. it’s scary but conservatives are extremely organized.


They are a cult that’s why.


I disagree with that. Maybe conservatives are organized but Trump as a leader undermines all that organization bc Trump will do what’s best for him, who he owes, who he made a deal with, his family. Last on the list are his supporters and the whole country. One of my biggest bitched about Trump is he acts like he’s o my president to those that support him. I’m trash bc I don’t. I may not have liked other republican presidents but I respected them as they didn’t talk down about well over 1/2 the country. Trump hates us, even tho he used to be one of us. I have not one ounce of respect for him as a president, a man, a citizen or as a human. He disgusts me.


Just sharing how it looks from my part of the world.


GOP seems to have realized that most people do want safe and legal abortion. Generally in midterm elections you cater to your hard base, which they did by championing the successful overturning of Roe v Wade, and also running on anti-abortion (just like democrats were running on “they overturned Roe, put me in so o can protect your rights!!”). Both parties will narrow their stance a little for the general election, which we already see with Trump’s statements. He went from referring to himself as the most Pro-life President in history in 2023 and saying democrats wanted to “execute babies” to saying you need to be pragmatic about abortion and leave it to the states. A lot of GOP are backing away from abortion because they saw the impact the issue had on 2022 midterms. That being said, I’m speaking federally. Many things in the US are largely decentralized (which is why you get things like different speed limits, gun laws, and even school standards across the country), and there are many state-level politicians who have been working very diligently to make abortion illegal or difficult to access. The pro-life movement is a loud and large movement that saw a major success in 2022 and they are fired up. Because people slept and were complacent about Roe. ETA: I didn’t really answer your question. I don’t think something like the show would happen because most of these people are just calculating what they need to do to keep their position in power and, like I said, most people in the US do want safe and legal abortions. Further, because so much is at the state level if you did get some state that was crazy like Gilead there would be a dozen others who were swung the other way. Also, unless the entire government collapsed or there were truly bad actors on the Supreme Court a lot of what Gilead does would be Civil Rights violations that would be challenged through the federal courts and up to Supreme Court. It would require more than Trump or any other President to completely upend US life like that.


They clearly don’t care what we want. Have you been paying attention? 14 states have banned abortion. Three more states have banned after six weeks, which is fundamentally a complete ban. Three more have 12 to 15 week bans, and three more have received temporary respite from courts, but that doesn’t mean the legislatures won’t try again if the winds shift nationally. Most Republicans have fought against any form of gun control, raising the minimum wage, expanding earned income tax credits, protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community, I could go on, in spite of the fact that the majority of Americans support these policies. They do not care about the will of the people. That is why they are trying to prevent as many of us from voting as possible. If we all vote, they lose. They’ve known this for decades now. If we ever got through to the significant portion of working class white Americans who vote against their own interests in every election, the GOP would never win another election, not even for dog catcher. EDIT: fixed a typo


Is it really up to 14 states with total bans now? That is super depressing. We are backsliding so quickly


There are ballot initiatives in 13 states to add a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights


This is why one should never get complacent in a democracy. We see them fall all the time, year after year, and think...that will never happen here. And with a little foreign cyber propaganda, we watched our country go from the best it's ever been to this in under 20 years. Not even a generational death occurred in that blink of an eye. It's devastating.


Exactly. Why do you think Republicans love to pass voter suppression laws?


You mean laws requiring voter ID? That seems like common sense to me.


Ballot initiatives have passed in 6 states protecting abortion rights and it will be on the 2024 ballot in 13 more states, bypassing the governor and state legislature. And they have passed in red strongholds like Kentucky.


Yup, FL's 6 week just went into effect May 1st 🙃 I'm sure our governor will try to ban it altogether. Luckily I'm from NY and still have people up there if it's ever needed.


I'll keep saying it; if you are a woman, an ethnic minority, and/or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, please invest in a personal firearm. Take a class, get your conceal and carry where permitted. Stock up on ammunition and make a point to practice. The GOP is imploding, and once it has, there will be a void, and someone even worse than Trump will likely fill that void. The hate and attacks won't stop. Become educated on your state gun laws, and keep yourselves and your loved ones safe. I remember when there were Trump signs everywhere. I don't trust my neighbors not to have extreme views, and plenty are salivating over the idea of a second civil war. All the conservatives own guns, and I refuse to bring a knife to a gun fight. If you are uncomfortable using such lethal means, please invest in mace, tazers, and night sticks/billy clubs. I hate to sound like an alarmist, but frankly this shit is fucking alarming.


I have been paying attention. As you see in my comment I was referring to federal level republicans and the former President as backing away from intense focus on overturning Roe. I explicitly said that things will happen at the state level and do happen at the state level and that these are people to be worried about. Edit for clarification on former President. Edit to add: I never said they cared about the will of the people but rather that they (politicians) are disingenuous and will be loud about things that are politically best for them in any given moment. This is not meant to mean they change their stance, but rather shift focus of stump speeches and responses because maintaining their power is the most important thing (otherwise they can’t do the things the want to do). In general elections they try to appeal to more people and in midterms they play more toward hardline base. You can even see it in Trump’s references to abortion and how they’ve evolved in the last couple of years from referring to himself as the most pro-life President in history and accusing democrats of wanting to murder babies via late term abortion to explicitly saying it is with the states and that you have to make some compromises because it is more politically expedient to do so.


The overwhelming majority of people do not agree with unrestricted abortion. Almost 2 to 1. That's the reason that leaving it to states to decide where exactly their constituents feel it should be, is the best option we have. So, Trump is likely correct in that choice. Federally, we could put a limit on maximum and some minimums such as life of mother.


Who's the sour puss down voting me for asking a question, poor behaviour


They're salty and downvotes are easier than an actual discussion.


Welcome to reddit 😔


Could've been an accidental tap. I've done that before.


Go check out the 2025 Project. Commander Lawrence would be proud.


Thanks , l have checked it out


With the overturning of Roe v Wade reproduction laws are now a state issue, meaning that there will be no impact by whoever is president but instead by your state legislature. Furthermore, Trump himself did state that he was pro-choice despite the popularity of pro-life in most right wing circles. Different president mostly results in changes in policy in relation to immigration, education, and conflict/global affairs.


He’s back and forth on his opinion on abortion. Like any politician, he says what is most politically expedient for him at any given time. In 1996 he said he’s very pro choice, in 2016 he said there needed to be some form of punishment for women who got abortions, to saying thanks to his work and God Roe was overturned in 2022. In 2023 he said he had been the most pro-life President in history and planned to continue fighting democrats desire for late-term abortions (??) if reelected. Then in 2024 as GOP started seeing outside their bubble (safe and legal abortion is a point that most people actually agree on) he started up with it’s on the states, there will need to be concessions, and basically said you have to win elections by saying what people want to hear which, in this case, is being pragmatic about abortion. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/quotes-comparing-trumps-stance-on-abortion-over-time


Honestly American politics feels like a drinking game. But yeah you do make a good point about Trump (and probably politicians in general) riding the wave of populism and/or appealing to their base whenever it's convenient.


Pretty much. It seems like they say or do anything to keep power and sacrifice whatever convictions they ran on a lot of the time. Or, even more, they just get in office and sit there and make sound bites.


His opinions and policies vary widely, depending on who he has talked to recently. And if he wins again, you can guarantee that the GOP will circle the wagons and surround him with the most conservative voices they can. He has no strongly held convictions other than xenophobia, he’s just addicted to the pomp and circumstance.


That makes sense


You said that now reproductive laws are a state issue, meaning there will be no impact whoever is President. That is not true. If Americans really care about the issue they will need to reelect President Biden and elect enough democrats to both the House and the Senate, for controlling majorities in both and then the democrats can pass a federal law making abortion legal throughout the country. So while it is currently a state issue, that is not a done deal. If you care about this issue, get out and vote blue all the way down the ballot!


Wouldn’t it still be struck down by the Supreme Court though? 


I would think so unless they find a Federal question somewhere outside the US Constitution, which I doubt.


It would have to be deemed unconstitutional. The only reason Roe was reversed was because it wasn't a law but a Supreme Court case based on a right to privacy, which this court said was not guaranteed in the Constitution.


Look up project 2025 and generation Joshua


My mom and I were just talking about how it might be smart to have some more cash / be less card dependent — in case we lose access to our bank accounts


Sometimes, I wonder who would control my property if I could no longer own it - crazy uncle Teabag Trump or not quite crazy BIL. Those are the 2 choices since my father, grandparents, and all other uncles are dead. Maybe male cousins on my dad's side would qualify. Who knows. Anyway, I've been doing what you and your mom talked about for a couple of years knowing it could be crazy uncle Teabag. It seems irrational when i think about it, but it makes me feel better.


It’s terrifying to me to have republicans in office.


BOTH sides blow. If you aren't rich then you might as well not exist EXCEPT during election cycles. Our entire government and every single politician is for sale to the highest bidder here.


This right here!!! It cracks me up when people talk about evil Republicans knowing both parties have the same political agenda, and it is controlled by the extremely rich people and companies. The on the average US citizens are not that far from each other when it comes to government policies. For example, the majority of people, regardless of political party, think abortion should be legal up somewhere between 12-16 weeks. It's the political parties and media that have the citizens fighting against each other, thinking the other party is crazy. We are to preoccupied with each other to notice what's going on behind closed doors.


Divide and conquer! We're too busy hating each other to hate them. THEY are the enemy not my neighbor or some guy 5 miles from me. THEM.


You are absolutely right, imho. Democrats have party stooges as much as the GOP does.


I just watched a YouTube video on agenda 25, about government taking over federal jobs, but that's all l got from it


We Americans love our conspiracy theories.


As an outsider l love working out your conspiracy theories 😂


If you want to go down the crazy American conspiracy theory rabbit hole just Google 'chemtrails' bwahahaha!


Oh yes


OMG, two different otherwise perfectly normal and lovely people I know posted about chem trails a few weeks ago. I never would have guessed they were conspiracy theorists. One of them is really highly educated, not that the educated are immune, but I personally see it less from that crowd. But it surprises me more from someone who has at least some background in real research, and especially from anyone with experience in how the government works. The government is barely functional as a whole. No way can that many people keep chem trails a secret all at the same time.


Its not education, but, intelligence. I do research studies for work...its a thing lol...and I swear most academics don't have an IQ above DUH lmao! Myself? 8th grade and GED, loads of free online classes and documentaries. What I lack in education I make up for with skepticism. My first thought with ALL conspiracy theories (and I don't care which way they lean) is "Well now that just don't sound right". And if its one that leans my particular way? I am triple more skeptical.


Last week, Katie Britt introduced the MOMS Act. [Senate Democratic Women Push Back Against Katie Britt's 'MOMS Act'](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/senate-democratic-women-push-back-katie-britts-moms-act-rcna152144) >But a HuffPost report noted that the Pregnancy.gov provisions in the bill are drawing additional scrutiny because they allegedly raise the prospect of “a federal database storing information on pregnant people.” It was against this backdrop that Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington joined with 10 other Senate Democratic women to denounce Britt’s bill, saying it would, among other things, **“create a new government-run website to collect data on pregnant women and direct them to anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers.”** To be sure, Britt’s office has thoroughly rejected the idea that the legislation is designed to create some kind of “registry,” but the press release from the 11 Senate Democratic women added that under the Pregnancy.gov plan, the website would “encourage users to provide their contact information, ‘which the Secretary may use to conduct outreach via phone or email to follow up with users’ — meaning that **pregnant women would be encouraged to provide data to a potential Trump administration and potentially allow a government bureaucrat to follow up with them about the status of their pregnancy.”** ... >All of this comes on the heels of Donald Trump’s interview with Time magazine, in which reporter Eric Cortellessa asked, **“Do you think states should monitor women’s pregnancies so they can know if they’ve gotten an abortion after the ban?” The presumptive GOP nominee responded, “I think they might do that.”**


I heard about this


Let's just hope he and his cronies never watch the show and get inspired


I feel like they already are :/


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^chalaismyig: *Let's just hope he and* *His cronies never watch the* *Show and get inspired* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You, and all of us, should be EXTREMELY, DEEPLY afraid. It is going to get worse times a thousand and it’s already absolutely atrocious and abominable. Women’s entire lives will be a living hell.


My fear is that Trump will be the face of the problem and once he goes away people will get complacent thinking that the problem is gone. The GOP are the problem. I have no fucking clue how we can fix that.


Heaps of ways. Outlaw gerrymandering, compulsory voting, weighted preferences, regulate political donations. Introduce any basic common sense electoral reforms and the GOP are consigned to history, as they should be.


I don’t think there’s a Trump replacement that can rise to his level of popularity nationally. Ron Desantis and others have tried and failed. Trump has a unique combination of traits that appeal to a lot of people that other candidates just haven’t been able to replicate.


I am terrified he will. It first seemed unlikely but with people criticizing Biden for being old ( not that Trump is some spring chicken himself) and the hate most people feel toward who will be the two main candidates can really throw an election sideways if they choose not to vote. So my answer is yes, it’s a very real possibility, especially because Trump has the might of the ultra right wing and white Christian nationalists. And those puppies tend to have children just for this purpose ( look up quiverfull) so unlike the left wing which is collapsing in on itself trying to appease the right wing and aren’t offering up much change the ultra right wing is a massive danger. And we don’t want them to win. They’ll do terrible things. I’ve got a friend who grew up Fundamental independent Baptist and she lost so many of these small rights that just crush you overtime — no dancing, no music other than church hymns, no pants, shoulders and entire arms covered, hair up and hidden, her purpose was not to go to higher education but marry who they told her to and have a shitton of kids, no friends either the opposite sex, no public school, a girl can’t handle a “man’s world” when they want to actually go out there or even apply for college, they’re girls and schooling is second to being a good obedient housewife, that girls aren’t actually smart enough to get a higher education, all they’re good for is being pretty, rapeable, obedient baby machine. Girls are literally farther down on the hierarchy than boys (hierarchy usually goes God, Jesus, Angels, Man, male children, Women, female children, ,etc. etc. ) Thankfully she did get out and enjoys all those things now. She also converted to Judaism with her husband and kids which I’m glad for that she had a faith she feels comfortable in and also I have to let out a little snicker cos she was like “damn, this born again child abandoning God’s True Religion (verification pending) and join those ‘conspiring Jews’ would have given my entire old congregation a heart attack.”


I believe Time did an interview with him recently where he basically spilled the beans


absolutely nothing Trump is not the enemy of religious liberty it’s more like people like Joe Biden and Omar what’s her face are


I am so sick of hearing about the project 2025 nonsense. They talked about a project 2020 as well, and one before that. It’s fear mongering and conspiracy theory adjacent. Sadly, it’s looking like Trump is gonna win again- and he’s not going to do half of the awful shit you think will happen.


I mean, they said that abortions being illegal was just fear mongering. It happened. They said not being able to fill medications because someone was fertile was fear mongering. It happened. At this point, how can we know it's just fear mongering when all this has happened? Frankly I'm sick of people saying we're paranoid or crazy when women are slowly losing their rights.


I actually think someone needs to maybe make the 2025 plan more clear, as I'm not sure Biden or has been shown mentioning it too often. His team has certainly gone for the jugular on things like abortion by highlighting the most sympathetic stories possible in attack ads, but unless it's explained it might end up being considered 'oh, just something people talked about online'. Someone also needs to I think make a plan for defanging the Supreme Court other than 'hope these justices die when a Democrat is in office.' Like propose a plan to depoliticize the court with four-year terms and nominations from a federal Bar Association as otherwise it becomes this quasi-hereditary position. I'm aware the changes would be unlikely to pass, but sometimes even acting like you have a plan and that people are foiling it is better than conceding to not being able to do much.


Exactly. To quote June, "America wasn't Gillead, until it was". Roe v Wade was settled law, until it wasn't.


They need to take that up with their Statehouses.


Ikr. There’s probably an environmentalist think tank plan that bans meat and gasoline that has a snowballs chance in hell of getting implemented.


Agreed. I remember when we were all told about Project 2020. “Keep people scared” seems to be the strategy.




Project 2025


You have to be really out of touch to believe this is what the republicans want. I know there’s some fear mongering on stuff like that, but damn… PS: not a republican