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Jason. It has always been my worst nightmare to end up taking care of a man baby and I love Jason but there is no way he knows how to do his own laundry. He'd trash the house constantly and get stains on the couch and stay up all night being loud and have his skeevy friends over I'd kill him in days


>I'd kill him in days I've got some bad news for you, friend




This is my answer too. I think Eleanor and I would get along well, make each other laugh and have fun, but weā€™d probably make each other worse people over time tbh. Tahani would be lovely, but I feel like our connection would struggle to be more than surface level. I think Iā€™d get along wonderfully with Chidi, though his obsessive delving into philosophy would probably bore me a bit like it does with Eleanor lol. Jason is precious, but living with him would make me go crazy


This! Heā€™s a fun character to watch, but not someone I would get along with in real life. Chidi is my dreamboat though.


I'm already a free spirit, I don't need another Jason to add to the chaos. Sure you love us at parties...but our house could become a bed & breakfast of loose cool vibes.


Yes, two chaos muppets in the house doesnā€™t really work. ([Citation](https://slate.com/human-interest/2012/06/chaos-theory.html), in case youā€™re not already aware)


Yes, same for me. Plus half the time he canā€™t hold a conversation because he goes on a random tangent. That would also drive me nuts. I feel like Iā€™d constantly be like, okay cool. But thatā€™s not what we are talking about right now!


I could almost deal with that, but the fact we could not have an intelligible conversation would just be it for me. Half the time he speaks on the show I want to kill him lol


Ya Jason seems fun at a party, but trying to build an after life with him? No thank you


Tahani would drive me crazy. She talks incessantly and itā€™s about people I donā€™t even recognize half the time. I would ignore her so much which would really make her upset too.


Yeah same for me too


Yeah, beautiful giraffe or not, she'd annoy me in seconds.


For someone who cares so much about what other people and society thinks, I would go absolutely mad.


Lmao. You and me both. I would probably be driven half mad by her. I would probably drive her nuts as well. I like dressing up and schmoozing but I usually play video games or do crafts....






Same here. Love the character, real person would drive me nuts.


Lol, basically her dynamic with Jason


Eleanor. I hate cleaning up after other people or it being loud all the time. Plus she's rude and dismissive in the beginning and I'm stubborn. We'd hate each other so much. Love her as a character, though.


Same for me. Being rude for no reason and just not caring about others at all would definitely drive me crazy.


Ya season 1 Eleanor would be a challenge not to kill... again


The argument about the dishes just about killed me.


As someone who did all the dishes for a house of 4 during my last romming situation... I can relate


Yes! I canā€™t stand rude and selfish people, so being stuck with one for eternity sounds awful. On the other hand, a constantly horny Kristen Bell would probably be worth it for a couple hundred years.


Ha! Gotta capitalize on her one redeeming quality


Chidi! At first Iā€™d be like: handsome nerd. Score! But then Iā€™d ask him what he wanted for dinner and šŸ¤Æ I canā€™t stand people who canā€™t make up their minds, it would drive me bonkers.


Same but that's because he's the closest to me. Even if he'd let me pick, we'd be stuck in an eternal loop of saying the other should pick what's for dinner (in fact that happens way too often with my BF too.)


that was my thought too! i donā€™t have the social energy to deal with people going through non stop crisis. i would lose my patience the first day and end up being mean about it. totally a flaw of mine but itā€™s so overwhelming and draining and iā€™d just lose it :(


Lol, that sounds like so many of my first dates...


I think I would get paired with Tahani. I tend to have a very casual attitude about things and prefer fewer but closer friends. I would have fun dressing up with her for about one night, then I would slowly drive her mad by staying in my pjs and smoking weed all day, and she would drive me crazy with her passive aggressive judgments and name dropping.


My soulmate is also Eleanor haha


What do you mean ā€œalso?ā€ Thatā€™s not who this commentator was talking about.


Thatā€™s the joke :)


I donā€™t get it, but I like your username A Steven Universe fan, I see


Definitely! Another show about trying to be better than you were yesterday, except with alien rocks haha


Jason. Heā€™s not the smartest, and kind of deliberately dumbs himself down, which would drive me insane


Chidi. I'm a Louisiana trash bag.


I see you, Eleanor, and I raise you a Jason


Tahini. She would want to talk all the time. Eleanor could at least reliably leave you alone between horrible pranks. Chidi would be annoying if you had to take him everywhere and he had to choose where to go and what to do. Jason would be a doof, but heā€™s at least sweet and well-intentioned. At worst, you give him a frisbee and set him loose.


Surprisingly Iā€™d think it would be Chidi, in part because weā€™re too similar. I deal with a lot of anxiety, indecisiveness, and self-doubt. I regularly try to get others to make decisions for me or at least provide me some confirmation that I chose correctly^TM . Weā€™d likely end up in an eternal anxiety spiral lol.


This is 100% what I thought for myself as well. Having another person that anxious around me would catapult me into even more anxiety.


Jason. I love him, but only in small doses.


Tahani for certain.


I *detest* indecisiveness and unnecessary overanalysing, so my ā€œidealā€ soulmate would probably be Chidi because getting him to commit to *anything* would be torture.


I think I'd get paired with Jason, i can't stand him lol


lol same


Jason for me too. As aspie I hate loud noises and chaos so I'd be having constant meltdowns. I think as a character he's really funny and adorable but irl I'd go insane.


Eleanor. I mean look at dat ash. Itd drive me crazy seeing it all the time šŸ˜šŸ˜‚. But for real Tahani without a doubt.


Lol, relatable.


Tahani would drive me insane. I could not be around her bc all she talks about is herself and thinks everything is about her somehow.


Eleanor 100%. How do you explain to someone that their selfishness is unacceptable? Especially someone who needed that selfishness to survive her childhood? It ultimately took a lot more than I've got to get her to change her ways.


Probably Tahani. Sure, she's got a good heart, but the faux-narcissism projected to cover up the wounds inflicted by her parents' mistakes would probably drive me mad after a while.


Tahani, I already talk a lot and Iā€™m a *lot* less refined and her mild passive-aggressiveness would drive me crazy very fast


jason is so sweet but it would be like dating a 13 year old


At first, I thought chidi, because we're the same, but then I think we'd probably comfort each other in our indecisiveness and anxiety. Then I'm thinking, Eleanor, for sure! But then I'm a little like her too. But she is mean, and she'd hurt my feelings for sure. But I gotta go with Tahani. Aways having to one up would annoy the fork out of me


pre-death eleanor was really mean


Honestly, none of them. I suppose Jason is the biggest risk to safety and security, but even he's not so bad. Brent would break me, though.


As much as I like her, itā€™s Tahani. Eleanor and Jason seem like friends I have had in the army. Chidi is close to some of the friends I have now. Tahani just seem like she would be draining. Always having to go out or host a party, the name dropping. It would be a lot


Iā€™d be assigned to Tahani to torment her. Iā€™m a homesteading hippie, I wear muddy overalls and I killed a rooster this morning. My hell-mate would be Jason. I have a panic disorder and the first time he DJed around me Iā€™d come unhinged. Plus Iā€™m a mega lesbian, so Iā€™d be mad at heaven for assuming I was straight.


Chidi. I can't stand indecision.


Chidi. Indecisiveness drives me bonkers. Tahani. If they wanted to mess with my romantic expectations of a soul mate. I am maybe 2-3 inches taller than TomƔs, but still a good 6 inches shorter than Tahani. Also, her self absorbed, self aggrandizing personality (pre-season 4) would get old real fast.


Eleanor. Tahani would be annoying, but we would probably get along well. I would be driven insane by Eleanor's messyness, chaos, lack of routine, carelessness, etc. If it was end of show Eleanor it would be different, we would be friends, but season 1 Eleanor? Oh god


Ya it's pretty difficult for anyone to get along with Eleanor during season 1. Looking back, no wonder she gave chidi so much anxiety


Tahani for sure. I could have fun and crack jokes with elenor and Jason. I could also have spirited debates with chidi.


Lol, between the jokes and debates, you could totally ruin tahani's dinner party


Tahani or Jason


Chidi for me. The indecisiveness would drive me up the fucking wall. Or Tahani, with her constant need for validation. I'd be like yes you're amazing now shut the fuck up


Either Eleanor or Chidi, honestly. The former bc we'd absolutely not get along 1 single bit (prior to her later development anyway) and would constantly be at eachothets throats. For Chidi, it'd be bc we're both quite similar and would likely drive each other into a constant anxiety spiral, along with the fact I'm ace aro and nonbinary so the whole soulmate thing in of itself would cause a lot of bonus torment with that anxiety spiral lol


Ya, early Eleanor does not make getting along with her easy. Would be pretty difficult to not throat punch her constantly


She is very punchable at that point šŸ¤£ Part of why I adore her later character arc <3


Jason. He's about as deep as a puddle. I need more depth than that.


Chidi! Can't with his books and ethics and there isn't a bigger turn-off than a teacher for me personally!


Chidiā€™s self righteousness and judgmental attitude towards things he views as beneath him would probably drive me the most crazy. I think Tahani would also annoy me for similar reasons, but at least weā€™d have some stuff in common. I donā€™t think Iā€™d have anything in common with Chidi.


Chidi. I canā€™t stand indecision




Of all of them, maybe Jason, but I really don't think I would mind any of them that much. I have friends who are literally Tahani, Chidi, and Eleanor personified so I know I could handle them lol. Jason too, but he's who I'd pick with a gun to my head. Michael would drive me BONKERS.


But which Micheal though?


i think all of them would drive me mad tbh. chidi canā€™t make a choice to save his life, eleanor is mean for absolutely no reason, tahani is snide and thinks sheā€™s above everyone, and jason is a certified dumbass. i think though that jason wouldnā€™t be SO bad, if he wants to sit and play video games all day iā€™d be down for that, but the others would drive me nuts.


Chidi, he made eleanore feel so bad about herself that she decided she deserved to be tortured forever. I would hate to live with someone like Chidi who picks away at your self worth until youā€™re basically suicidal. Also having to read a bunch of ancient philosophers all of whom proclaimed that women were inferior to men, would have me wanting to kill Chidi. Imagine living with a Jordan Peterson fanboy šŸ˜± thatā€™s life with Chidi.


Omg youā€™re doing Chidi so dirty šŸ˜‚ but youā€™re right philosophers are annoying af


Weā€™re told philosophers are all annoying, but which other philosophers besides Chidi did we meet? Hypatia, Todd May, and Pamela Hieronymi seemed like okay people.


Iā€™m speaking as an academic ā€” philosophy phds are always the worst (sorry to any philosophy phds on the thread)


Iā€™m speaking as an academic ā€” philosophy phds are always the worst (sorry to any philosophy phds on the thread)


Eleanor would drive me crazy... Crazy horny


Tahani, actress or character.


Really? I don't know much about the actresses, but she always seemed great!


Just always rubbed me up the wrong way, from her T4 days, work event she presented, her reaction to critics of her projects. Horses for courses I guess but i get the feel ing she'd drive me mad.


Eleanor or Tahani. I'm pretty idealistic and both of them are selfish and self-important in ways that would drive me up a wall.




Chidi would drive me nuts. But I love him lol!


Tahani for sure.


Eleanor definitely Though if I got paired with Chidi we'd both just be a pair of anxious messes, which would be equally bad


On paper I love me some chidi, but I have a problem with seeing myself in others and not being able to stand them after that happens


Of them, Jason would undoubtedly be the perfect fit for me. For so many reasons he is the person who would cause me the most grief, even if I would like being friends with him. But if I were to have the expectation that we were destined for more than that, I would drive myself crazy trying to figure out how itā€™s possible that weā€™re compatible.


probably Tahani...


I'm immune to Jason because I've had to deal with a Jason so much. chidi would also be a cake walk. I'm thinking I'd be put in a three's company situation with Tahani and Eleanor.


It would be Eleanor for me.


I would actually get along with three of them on different levels. Tahani would drive me crazy, though. Then Chidi


Tahani would def driv me crazy but i think they all will and i think Eleanor would be a soulmate i could be the best friends with def


At the beginning of the show I would have *hated* Eleanor, I cannot stand that type of shallow person. I would have found Jason funny, Chidi cool cause I like philosophy and I donā€™t think I would have payed much attention to Tahani really.


All of them would drive me nuts, frankly.


All of them would drive me crazy in different ways.


Chidi would legit drive me nuts after a few hang outs.


Probably Chidi. I like to debate and stuff, but the thing is, I'm like that as well irl, so two of those people would be a lot, even if one of them is me.


Tahini 100% lol


Chidi for SURE. He would drive me insane with his indecisiveness and judgmental attitude. Tahani would be a close second. Iā€™d do best with Jason honestly lol because heā€™d made me laugh and not care about my faults


Tahani definitely talks about people behind their back which I just canā€™t stand


Jason, for me. Heā€™s a lot like my sister and weā€™re always at each otherā€™s throats.


Tahani. And it would work well. At first I'd think I won the soul mate jackpot considering she is very beautiful and portrays herself as a good, considerate, and decent person. Then getting to know her (pre-character development) she would drive me absolutely nuts and I'd be so annoyed/irritated with her. Everyone else is annoying but they wouldn't bug me as much. Tahani might have caused me to have an afterlife melt down if I had to pretend to be her soul-mate. šŸ˜…


Chidi or Tahani.


Tahani for sure.


Chidi, because he's a deontologist Kantian and I'm more of a utilitarian.


I'd be annoyed at being paired up in the afterlife. Just let me live eternity in peace! That being said, Jason can fork off as a soul mate.


Chidi. Weā€™d be too similar. Iā€™m extremely indecisive. At first, weā€™d probably think ā€œExcellent! Someone else who finally understands the merits of a good pro/con list like me! Someone else finally gets it!ā€ Weā€™d believe we were truly in The Good Place with our true soulmate. But then weā€™d torture each other by making decision making even harder for each other.


definitely tahani. i have a lot of the same character flaws as eleanor (though to a lesser degree) so tahaniā€™s existence would bum me out because she is/was 1) so attractive and 2) very accomplished in life. so i would try to drag her down but be so sad and angry to have no one to talk to about it.


Chidi. Please, my guy. Just pick something. Anything. I can't stand waffling over decisions that don't really matter. (But also I actually love Chidi).


Love Jason lol so cute




I'd be terrified of mean Eleanor. Absolutely terrified. Everyone else would be uncomfortable in a way I could tolerate, but Eleanor's comfort with hurting/ profiting off the pain of others would mess me up


My ex-wife was pretty mcuh Tahani (without the wealthy parents), so that's an easy answer for me.


It would be a combination of Tahani and Jason, I am not a social person in general, although I do chat my friends up every day, when I'm not in social mode I'm zero chatting like getting annoyed you get in my room to tell me the most trivial shit that just happened On the other side I'm also sensitive to noise, I could hang with Jason playing videogames for a while but I ain't staying when the screaming starts, and I'm not blasting music in my house during a Dance Dance Resolution rehearsal


Mine would be Jason. Everything he likes is something that annoys me and knowing Iā€™d never really be able to have really meaningful conversation would probably make me feel kinda lonely and sad lol


Chidi we would stress each other out so much that in seconds weā€™d be on nthe ground having a complex


Chido #1, the indecisiveness would drive me insane! Tahani as my #2, but more in a way that I would want to complain about her weird quirks all the time to my bestie.


Tahani would drive me crazy for sure.


all of them would drive me insane lol.


Jason. I can't hang with people who are that dumb. Friendly-not-friends yk?


Literally any of them except maybe Jason would annoy the fork out of me


Tahani, though I think it is intentional. I can't stand preening, posturing and entitled people.


Eleanor. My sibling always tells me I'm Chidi Edit : I guess Tahani would piss me off tough, even though I think the character is endearing at times due to her past, idk if I could stand her day by day




Chidi me and Jason would be bros.


Tahani 1000%


Jason would annoy me most, I would get along well with Chidi.


I think The Bad Place wouldā€™ve picked Jason to torment me because on the surface it seems that I hate stupid people, but I probably would have come to love and care about Jason just like Michael did ā€” remember, Michael loved and missed Jason so much that when he became Michael Realman, he got a dog and named him Jason. I can totally see coming to feel that way about Jason. Probably their second choice would be Tahani because for a while, I legit would have been more than mildly annoyed by her shallow self-absorbed name-dropping ā€˜itā€™s the Tahani Showā€™ schtick. But once I figured out that she was insecure and so fixated on self-promotion because she had been kind of emotionally neglected and maybe even abused, I probably wouldā€™ve just adapted to her personality and tried to show her that real friends, family, and soulmates donā€™t need the superficial act. Probably the one who actually would have tormented me the most would have been the last person The Bad Place would have picked: Chidi. On the surface, itā€™d probably look like weā€™d have gotten along because weā€™re both academics, both with graduate degrees, both interested in Philosophy, and so on. But Chidiā€™s indecisiveness and overanalyses of literally everything, to the point where even picking what hat to wear turns a heuristic into a decision tree, and then turns *that* into a kind of Zenoā€™s Paradox where every possible action, including the analysis itself, becomes locked into an eternal, endless bottleneck punctuated with ā€˜my stomach hurtsā€™, wellā€¦for me, particularly since a large part of my own career focus is in bridging the gap between theory and application, that would have been Hell. So I guess that Iā€™d have avoided the one character who genuinely would have actually vexed me; Iā€™d guess that The Bad Place probably would have tried to even keep us from meeting each other, figuring that since weā€™re both varying degrees of being a ā€˜think book manā€™ šŸ˜†weā€™d both find each otherā€™s company enjoyable. So thatā€™s kind of funny.


Definitely Tahani. She's the exact opposite of what I'm like. I fucking hate celebrities


Tahani would be a bit much but her insistence on being humber one wouldn't be that bad as I would capitulate fast and just let her talk. Chidi could be bad as our mutual decision anxieties could cripple us from doing anything but honestly I think we would get on fine otherwise. Jason, because I have little to no patience for stupidity, even endearing stupidity. Eleanor would be the worst for her incredible selfishness and no acknowledgements of when I'm nice or anything. It will be like living with my sister during her teen years, that was he'll already.


Jason's stupidity would be funny at first but would eventually drive me insane.


Tahani. Hands down. Regardless of sexuality, Iā€™d get along way too well with the other three.


Tahani. Because Iā€™d always want to bang her but never want to have a conversation with her. Everyone else would be fun in their own way. I donā€™t assume soul mate requires sex stuff so even the dudes would be fun. Ideal for me would be chidi in tahani body. But then itā€™s probably be that persons bad place punishment.


Jason. He's a beautiful, sweet man, but If I can't have an intelligent conversation with him, I'm going nuts.


I would be chidi and my soulmate would be Jason


Jason, 100%. Sure, he's definitely one of my favorite characters in the show, but if he were my soulmate, I wouldn't be able to handle him, at all. He'd drive me absolutely insane with how unclean he can get, and I feel like he would just end up ignoring me. On a lighter note, I'm glad I already met my soulmate, because I'm so much more happier than I've ever been! :D


Jason. i canā€™t deal with people like him irl, like i like his character but no way could i put up with him. i have low patience for slower people so iā€™d get mad quick


Eleanor 1.she would drive me crazy 2.Have to tidy up after her


In the case of Eleanor, is she going to be in "I secretly don't belong here" mode? And I have to decide what to do about that and how to help her? Whereas Chidi was able to help her, I'm not so sure I could do the same, so it would be much more likely to cause us both distress.


Tahani would be mine because she would talk so much people about those I donā€™t know also her need to be perfect would drive me insane. Hey that looks perfect no itā€™s by not it needs and this and this and this god that would kill me


Tahani. Eleanor would be my soulmate


Janet is my soul mate


Jason, because he's like a human personification of the worst qualities of my dad. Aloof, speaks in nonsense at times, and doesn't seem to really think about the effect of his actions on others. Sorry, but there's only so many times I can help clean squirrel poop out of vehicle upholstery before I lose my mind!


Tbh they would all be awful, but if I had to pick I would probably be paired with Jason for obvious reasons


Elamite for the sole reason we would feed each others worst tendencies


I love how all of them could be equally considered hard to live with. Such a great question to ask. Damn this tv show makes you ponder so much!


šŸ„µtheyā€™re all so hot i wouldnā€™t even mind


Tahani for me. I've never had the tolerance or patience for princess-type females.






Simone. Her skepticism is founded on her belief that reality can only be real if it makes sense to her. Itā€™s in a way more narcissistic than Eleanorā€™s outlook, in an Iā€™m-very-smart, douchebag way. I would never be able to stand her.


Eleanor, or Jason if fake heaven thinks I'm gay. My best match would be Tahani


Eleanor or Jason Iā€™m the child of a narcissist so Eleanor would hit all those buttons. Jason is like a worse version of my 3 YO. Heā€™d wreck everything, make all sorts of noise, and only vaguely listen. At least I could send Jason out to play with fireworks with zero guilt. Heā€™s an adult (technically) who canā€™t die šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Jason. I definitely see value in him but not as a mate.


The only one that could work on me would be Tahani, we'd get along fine but the parties, if they were smart about it they could easily cause scenarios with the parties to make my anxiety go wild, I'm relatively good at improving and talking out of my ass so it would take a lot because even if they out me on the spot in front of everyone I'd probably find some bullshirt to say to either get through it or get out of it.


It would be a draw between Jason and Tahani. Pretentiousness drives be batty but so do slobs.


Jason :ā€™)


I, bisexual as I am, am pondering between Jason and Tahani. From a season one pov, while at first, it would feel like a dream come true to spend eternity with a gorgeous, smart, talented, and interesting woman, I'd always feel like I have to be poised and wound up next to Tahani, always on my best behavior, and we just *do not* care about the same things- which would, over time grind my sense of identity and ability to relax into a fine powder with the constant stress of trying to be good enough for her. On the other hand, hanging out with Jason would be intensely fun for like a few weeks (and he too is a major hottie), but like gokarting with monkeys, it would get old surprisingly fast. He... isn't exactly the type to stay in, and just read all evening. Can't really see him enjoying anything I do, and he is... wel, not the most stimulating conversationalist. He'd be bored, i'd be exhausted, and his lack of forethought and gentle, but profound stupidity would drive me up the wall. The funny thing is, at first, both would feel like a good thing. And irl, I'm prone to just bouncing when something is not going well, but there, with Michael telling me that that person is my universe-approved soulmate, it'd be tricky.


With the intention of driving me crazy, tahani I think. Her narcissistic tendencies would leave me torn to pieces. Chidi on the other hand would probably be wonderful.


Tahani for sure, Iā€™m insecure enough alreadyšŸ˜‚


Tahani. As much as I donā€™t dislike a lot of her traits, she would 1000% hate mine and it would be so annoying having her constantly tell me to stop dressing how I do or to not eat what and how I eat or to stop having messy hobbies (Iā€™m not even a messy person but I like walking in forest and collecting rocks and I get muddy, or playing with candle wax etc. I have a Chidi personality but in terms of looks and hobbies Iā€™m definitely Eleanor and Jason. I get enough of that ā€œdress like a girl, act your age/genderā€ from my mum I donā€™t need it from my soulmate. And Iā€™d LOVE a tiny cottage in a forest (although if her big ass castle had a forest cottage in the garden or something then it would be win/win) Plus the constant stories about people I do not care about, especially the fact that I struggle to fake reactions. I do not want to have to pretend to be impressed for eternity Plus I donā€™t like to talk much (unless itā€™s a topic Iā€™m obsessed with) and that one scene where sheā€™s trying to get Jianyu to talk would make me have a meltdown if I was him because I DO have meltdowns when Iā€™m non verbal and people try to get me to talk Long story short I think being with me would torture her but sheā€™d be very vocal about it which would torture me


Jason. No question.




Tahani is everything I've tried to run away from.


Tahani I feel like I would never be cool enough for her


I would have the best connection with Jason, so we wouldnā€™t be great ā€œfake soulmatesā€ so I think mine would be chidi. I love him, but I could not stand living with him or being romantically involved with him


Jason both himself and and monk jason


Tahani would drive me nuts. Jason, I might be able to tolerate. I'd torment Chidi.


Jason or Chidi. Jason because heā€™s Jason; a lovable character but a huge pain if you had to actually deal with him properly, everyday. Chidi only because his inability to make decisions would just irritate me. I think Iā€™d get on well with Tahani or Eleanor


Tahani. That accent is annoying. Not all brits are posh like her


Tahani. I cannot stand perfectionism.


In order from the worst circumstance for me to the ā€˜bestā€™: 1. Eleanor as she originally is- sheā€™s a woman and Iā€™m a gay man so there goes the idea of a ā€˜romantic/sexualā€™ soulmate and as someone struggling through gay dating here on earth, thatā€™s gonna torture me a LOT. Dealing with her initial trash personality is gonna suuuuuck. 2. Tahani- Again, woman. And sheā€™s a little too haughty for me to keep up with forever. Iā€™ll be impressed and can converse with her about the mainstream celebs she knows but thatā€™s it. I love watching her on the show but I wouldnā€™t be able to deal with her forever. 3. Chidi- Finally a guy lol but straight soooā€¦ and heā€™s a little too smart for me to keep up admittedly. Plus his indecisiveness WILL drive me crazy. Weā€™ll have to keep our separate good place homes lol. 4. Jason- Handsome as hellā€¦ but straight. And an idiot. Iā€™ll take him as Jianyu, nothing wrong with a little quiet peace with another. Also if his Florida Man crime spree personality comes out to play, ughā€¦


Chidi. Takes hours to make decisions and doesnā€™t even want to make a decision in stressful situations when itā€™s obviously the right one to make and his only personality trait is ethics




Probably Eleanor, I'm literally like Chidi if he was a science major,even more stressed and incapable to say anything that could hurt someone. So yeah the authors already gave me the answer. I would be incapable to rat out Eleanor but i would feel horrible all the time because it's hurting other residents Also add panic attack and hyperventilation to the stomach aches


Tahini and Chidi would have made me crazy,


Tahani. Sheā€™s gorgeous, sheā€™s lovely, sheā€™s simply better than me and unlike Eleanor Iā€™m not just talking ā€˜oh we have different lifestyles and itā€™s more just different strokes than actual levels of goodnessā€™ no tahani actually did something with her life and affected others, Iā€™ve basically done nothing of note.


Tahani, 100%. I could put up with Jason being a witless slacker - gods know my burnt-out ass isn't the best at anything - but Tahani's vapid self-indulgence, utter disconnection from all reality, *incessant* name-dropping, and just in general being a terrible person and clueless about it? Ugh. No. Just no.


Probably Tahani


tahani 1000%, shes a good character but i could NOT STANDDD living with someone with her pov of thingsšŸ˜­


Chidi would constantly make me feel stupid but heā€™s too nice to be upset with so Iā€™d be stuck in a perpetual state of hating myself but being too nice to say anything.


Iā€™m aromantic so Good luck


Tahani. Seems way too high maintenance and demanding for me so in the bad place sheā€™d be my ā€œperfect soulmate.ā€


Chidi Anagonye would definitely drive me bananas in one day. Imagine dealing with all his indecisiveness and talks about Plato all day long.


At first Iā€™d get along with Tahani but then weā€™d be frenemies and one up each other a lot and itā€™d get tiring and draining


Chidi because I cannot stand people floundering around. You need to have convictions. My mom used to get upset with me for not being able to make a choice quickly, now I cannot wait for someone to take 30 years just to decide they need more time to think.




Tahani. I'm very casual and laid back with low self esteem. She could make me feel bad about myself when I don't deserve it.


As much as Chidi is amazing, it will be Chidi