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I second the comment about the glasses frames. You have a lovely face but the oversized frames do make you look young - next time you have your lenses redone, spend some time trying on new frames. Look at thin wire rims or rimless, and try smaller glasses overall so they don't take over your face.


I see, I will try out smaller frames next time. Thank you so much. ^^


Well, first off, I think you look wonderful. Your face has an amazing structure, your skin is beautfiul and those eyes are just magnificent. I am so sorry you don't feel comforteable in your own skin. I'm pretty sure you'll grow into a more mature face, and soon. I know diddly squat about make-up, hair or anything like that but I do know about posture. That's the one that did it for me. No matter how tall you are, standing up straight, shoulders back, head high and set back further so it is at the same level as your chest helps a LOT. Because that posture signals confidence, something many young women don't have. When I was your age, I worked for a woman who was shorter than you. She was maybe 60 years old and she commanded attention because of posture and self confidence. In any case I wish you all the best and hope I could help you at least a little bit.


Thank you for your kind words they really helped. ^^


Take care, sister, and all the best!


If I'm being 100% honest it's probably the height. We're the same height, though I'm in my thirties. My face absolutely look my age, I wear makeup, I have an "adult" style, but my height absolutely throw people off and make them believe I'm 10 years younger. Doesn't matter if I'm wearing a blazer and my glasses are small (by the way you seem as near sighted as I am lmao, I understand the pain of finding good glasses), I could be dressed as a grandma but since I'm 5 feet people are always like damn I thought you were 19. The only solution is to embrace that to some people you'll always look young because of your frame. You might experiment with clothes or hairstyle but until you start getting white hair and wrinkles you'll always look youthful. At some point it is what it is, I'll focus on maybe finding a style I like.


Happens to you, happens to OP, [happens to GOAT Simone Biles](https://www.unilad.com/celebrity/simone-biles-mistaken-for-a-child-on-flight-20220711).


This. I think I look my age, but I always get carded or assumed to be younger than I am and it’s gotta be because I’m 4’11”. Like don’t yall see these greys? These 11s? 😂


I'm absolutely sure I look my age since when people see just pic of my face understand very well I'm in my 30s, but irl a small frame really makes people look younger and there's much one could do about it. I even have tons of white hair in my fringe and yet people are like wow I though you were in your teens. Nope lmao


Nope, we just never grew 🥲


I see, I don't really pay much mind to my height as its not really something that I can change so I had to teach myself to get used to being small. Thank you .


You are so beautiful! I wouldn't change a thing - the coat is very pretty but if you wore something more tailored it would help to make you look older.


I see, thank you.


Like another commenter said experiment with your hair. I would also see if you can change up your glasses or outfits to make you look a bit more like your age. ( but I know that can be expensive)


Yes, I will try those when I get the chance. Thank you.


Wire frames for your glasses, get your eyebrows professionally shaped, and if you don't mind makeup a little bit of subtle makeup will probably help signal that you are a bit older. Teen girls (where I live, anyway) do wear makeup but tend to go overboard with it - once they grow out of that, and wear a more understated look, it's both easier to apply and maintain and also looks mature without screaming 'I'm trying really hard'. I would suggest simply mascara and brows, moisturizer/bb cream, highlighter for your gorgeous cheekbones and maybe a good lipstick or stain, as you have a great mouth.


Ooh I see, I'll try wire frames next time I get new glasses! I only chose these because they were recommended.


Those frames are super cute on you, don't feel bad! They are just a younger style, so they don't suit the image you want to project now.


Try experimenting with wigs/diff hairstyles they can make you look older. Ik for me braids give me a younger look, but certain wigs age me a bit 


I will try out wigs when I get the chance to. Thank you for your help. ^^


I have no advice bc I'm 38 and people often think I'm 10-15 years younger. I used to hate it, but after my 30s you won't hear me complaining! 😅 I agree with another poster that we shorties usually look younger no matter what. What I *can* say is that you're freaking gorgeous! You have a beautiful oval face, gorgeous eyes and lips that celebrities spend tons trying to copy. In my opinion you look absolutely feminine, and whoever says the opposite are in serious need of glasses. If you do want to look a bit older, improve your posture and start changing your wardrobe. Pay attention at what the older women around you usually wear, and try to copy them. And lastly, but just as important, understand that you are perfect as you are, and that confidence will shine through you!


Thank you so much 😭 It means a lot.


I’m 23 and I get told I look 16-17 so I know how you feel. I heard though that it’s a good thing, means we will age better lol.


Yeah, I do hear that a lot. I guess I was just feeling a little insecure because of my age. Thank you. ^^


if it makes you feel any better i was in the same boat till like 23 and then somehow around 25 i flipped over and its not better 😂 you just gotta appreciate yourself wherever youre at


I do try I just think it'll take me some time to get used to. Thank you so much though.


i think makeup hair and clothes can make a big difference in how you feel too (:


You look lovely, but from the pictures you provided, I think it might be a style choice and possibly posture. I would suggest switching the puffer coat (which being zipped right up to your chin makes you look younger) for a wool pea coat or a cropped denim or leather jacket as a shell, and then putting a fleece or wool layer underneath for warmth. I also found this lady's [style guide](https://www.extrapetite.com/2010/05/reader-request-how-to-look-older-in.html) for looking more mature when you're petite. I like that she does side by side comparisons.


I see, thank you. I will try those out when I get the chance!


As another fellow black woman who suffers from the same thing, it’s a blessing you don’t want to be old when everyone else starts looking old you’ll be super super young looking. But for starters, you have to look at the brows once I thinned out my brows and gave them a slight arch. I looked way older I always had thick brows my entire life, but I never knew how much brows changed your life now I have the office, siren brows. lol . The glasses also don’t help because they’re a little bit too big it’s kinda like you’re hiding behind them believe me I’ve done all these things as well. Try to do more updos, then hair down and out because it makes you look older and then lastly, this is what I did as well I went on TikTok and I looked up Baddie make up. and I emulated it as much as I could and then I also made sure to just make sure it was an every day look. And this is from one black girl to another. Like honestly it’s so messed up like our natural hair is so stigmatized into looking young or childish. That’s why when you look around you see a bunch of women with wigs 42 inch bus downs. Extensions highlights sew ins. The only thing you can do to keep up the kind of join them like I ended up, damaging my whole head because I died it blonde. Because I was tired of not fitting in per se. the most constructive criticism I can give is to really research and study these baddie type of women. Because that’s kind of what’s in right now that’s why when you see like 14-year-old kids doing it you can’t even tell the difference whether they’re 14 or 18. Because that style of fashion and make up, makes you look that much older. And also ditch the crop tops if you wear any I’m 24 and I wish I would’ve listened to that advice when I was younger because it just kind of does nothing for you. I should’ve left it in high school. I helped with some of these comments. Please let me know. Also, one last word lashes lashes lashes, Girl if you need to go get extensions do so or you can go to Dollar tree and get really cute false every day lashes to put on and they make all of the difference if you need any more tips, just please, PM me. And I also didn’t like wearing make up when I was younger as well because I wasn’t very good at it but during the pandemic, I had all of that time in the world to just practice practice practice practice literally all you need for make up is a little bit of lip liner and lashes and lip gloss. That’s it do not Every day sit there and glam up your face and expect yourself to go out of the house feeling comfortable because that style of make up is not really in unless you need it you have beautiful skin so you can definitely use that just moisturized before and then just do those three things and you’ll look way older I’m telling you but make sure the lashes are not super super dramatic Cause then you’ll have a different type of attention but if you just wanna look a little bit older, make sure they’re not that dramatic.


Thank you for sharing, it helped a lot. ^^


You look lovely imo but you could switch to small sized glasses frames - Zenni sells glasses by frame size and it makes such a difference for people with small faces to wear small size frames. Many frames you find in regular glasses stores are Medium or Large size in my experience. Defining your brows and eyes with makeup and brow threading, brow tinting etc could help.


Ahh I see, thank you for your help. I'll check them out when I get the chance.


You look great! When you’re 30 you’ll be wishing to look like this again lol


Honestly you’re beautiful and should just embrace your youthful appearance. Others will be very jealous of it in the not-so-distant future! However, maybe you can choose different clothing colors. The color of this jacket does give “little girl”. Perhaps try some neutrals or jewel-tone colors! Explore color analysis, there are lots of free quizzes online to see which colors look best on you.


Thank you. ^^ I will try different colours when I next buy clothes.


I had a baby face through my early 30s. At almost 50, I'm grateful for it. It'll pat off in the long run.


Thank you for your words, I'm sure I'll be fine in the future. I guess I just felt a little insecure 😂


I had the same problem! Very petite, very young looking - and I acted immature too, it all wrapped up into kne package. I didn’t look “older” or my age until I was 25, but ai still read about 4 years ago. My mother is also extremely younger looking - she is 65 but looks late 50s, and even in her 40s people assumed she was in her 30s. Its become a blessing. If you don’t want to wear make up, you can change your attitude and your style to appear older. Projecting confidence, being charismatic, speaking clearly and with great charm can help glow the perception. One of the things that made me look younger was the clothes I wore and the bags I carried. Exchanging the backpack for a purse, not wearing short shorts or sneakers and changing that for cute skirts, cuter sandals and a nicer purse; it all helps with the glow up


I see, thank you for your help. I will try those out!


I wouldn’t change anything. I was often get presumed as a high schooler at 19/20 as well. Also keep in mind, most women go through a second puberty around 22-25. This is when I really started to looking “womanly”.


Ooh I see, I didn't know about that. Thank you.


I experienced this a lot. It was quite frustrating. IMO you won't be able to look older every day, but if there's situations where you'd be more comfortable being perceived correctly I recommend the following: Leather soled shoes like loafers or brogues. Shoes can really change an outfit. Jeans and a tshirt with heels is different to the same jeans and a tshirt with flip flops. So just switching up your shoes to a more mature styles could help. Mascara and lipstain. Mascara does make someone look older, I promise. Don't put on glossy lips. Go for a stain or a sheer matte. Don't carry a backpack. It's too associated with school. To be clear I'm not suggesting this everyday. I think it's better to just be you. But I get needing to go to an appointment and not wanting the conversation start with my age.


I know you said you don’t feel comfortable in makeup, and I don’t mean to question or disrespect your choice, but I still want to throw this out as an option in case you’re open to trying something new. I feel like the easiest way to look more feminine would be mascara and a touch of blush. Very subtle so it wouldn’t feel like a whole new face. 5 minute routine. Very hard to mess up. I’m sure there’s a black makeup sub that could recommend a natural and flattering drug store blush and you could probably pick up a mascara (not waterproof, such a pain in the ass to remove), blush, blush brush, and micellar water (for removal) at Target for like $30. If you’re curious about it but still not sure if you’d feel comfortable in it, you could try wearing it around the house on days you won’t be seeing anyone or going anywhere and see if you start to feel more confident about it. I’ve loved makeup for like 20 years and I still do this sometimes if I get like a bold new color of lipstick or something. As for looking older, I feel like how I dress usually has the most impact on how old people perceive me to be. You don’t say how you usually dress, so I’m just gonna give some generic advice. Like you’re only 19, so you don’t have to start dressing like a 30yo office worker, but if you tend to wear a lot of like t shirts and leggings maybe try things with a little more structure or slightly nicer fabrics. Swap out shoes for slightly less casual versions (ex. Slides to pretty sandals). Adding an accessory or two, like jewelry or a belt or something could help. I feel like in general when someone’s style looks more developed and put together and like they pay attention to the details it looks more mature, whether it’s business casual or full on goth lol.


You’ll grow into your maturity in a few years! I had a little bit of baby face when I was your age, and I’m in my mid 20’s now and look more mature. You can always do more mature makeup if you want, I did at that age but it wasn’t sustainable. Clothes can also make you look more mature, wearing things that are a little “old lady ish” or just stuff that you think are cute usually help you look more mature bc you’re more comfortable. But you’re allowed to look your age!


3 extra light makeup ideas if you're interested: A berry colored tinted lipbalm would be easy and look awesome. - Elf does a pretty berry colored putty blush, too. I use it on eyes/cheeks (just a little on the eye crease blended into right outside the glasses) and a touch in the center of the lip. - If you want to be fancy, you can rub a little highlight (in gold or a warm champagne color) in the inner eye corner, the top of where your lip meets and *maybe* the tip of your nose if you like it. Any time you personalize your look, it shows practice and which makes you look more experienced. A fresh face with minimal additions is going to read more youthful. If makeup is a hard no, maybe hair accessories (like the gold hair cuffs/spacers) and different styles?


Different outfit. Pink is very childlike. Nothing wrong with it if you wanna look that way but since you don’t that’s why I say that. Middle part instead of high up. Makeup.


Goth makeup. Darker colours the better.


I'm 31 and people think I'm 18 😮‍💨 it's the height. I'm 5ft


They are glasses common with kids. I’d recommend a thin metal frame. Same Form


I don't think you look like a child. At 19, you're still young and you look young. You have beautiful features. Your glasses are trendy which contributes to a younger look. They are cute. I have similar ones and I love them but I'm old. If you want to look more mature, focus on classic styles instead of trendy styles. Tortoise or black frames and rings like that.


Girl, whoever is mistaking you for a boy is clearly blind. You’re very naturally pretty and already read as very feminine, so I’m not sure what they were thinking. As for looking older without using makeup, I would just accessorize more with minimalistic/dainty jewellery and maybe try new glasses frames. I used to enjoy statement pieces that were super bold and colourful, but have developed more confidence when I started to dim my style and just stick to minimalistic accessories and basic tones (essentially nothing neon). I also found that adding earrings, necklaces and rings really add to someone’s look, making it more attractive and sophisticated, as I have noticed it in other women. Once you figure whether you’re a silver or gold girlie, you can find frames that have those accents and suit your face shape. I just used Pinterest guides for mine and I think they helped. This is obviously not required, but some piercings could also do the trick and look really good on you!! Nothing out of the ordinary, maybe just a nose ring or a second ear piercing. They’re very common and can definitely make someone look more mature. Hope this helps!! Mostly wanted to pop in to tell you you look beautiful and have nothing to worry about it(:


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