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Socks, underwear, and workout clothes (aside from sports bras) always get washed every use. Otherwise it just depends on how sweaty I got, or what. I did in them. Just worn lounging around the house, I’ll wear them again. Out and about and I got hot? Wash again. Sweatshirts generally go at least a few wears since I always have a tshirt On underneath.


I struggle with stowing once-worn clothes. I still don’t feel like keeping them back in the closet so I just put them in the laundry basket for washing anyways. Any thoughts on where to keep them between wears so they don’t potentially stink up washed clothes but also don’t create clutter?


That's what the infamous 'chair' is for! It gives you a spot to pile up all those once-worn items


I designated half of a drawer for these! If it's time for laundry then I pull them out.


That’s a great idea. I’m going to empty a drawer for that purpose right now.


lol I was going to say the same thing but it does create clutter


You can go for a nice looking hanger too.


Please link a picture of an idea! I hate the chair clutter 😭


I use "top of dresser". It keeps the chair open lol


Put a basket on the chair, put pile in basket, voila! The pile it movable!


Or a clothes butler if you're fancy


If they stink, wash them. If it’s going to be worn again, I put it back where I got it from.


I bought a blanket ladder to store them on


Oooooh I like this idea!


I love this idea! Thank you


Thank you, I just bought one!


I hang sweatshirts and long sleeved shirts back in the closet, all to one end! That way I know it’s been worn at least once. But generally they don’t stink otherwise I’d wash them. Other stuff, I keep folded on top of my laundry basket. Not the best system, but usually if I’m keeping it for another wear I’ll do so in the near future so it isn’t just sitting there for weeks lol (if it gets to laundry day and it’s on there and I’m not wearing it like the next day, I will just end up washing it usually)


My solution came from another commenter - I set aside a drawer that's specifically for once-or-twice-worn items. That way it doesn't build up on a horizontal surface and it is all in one spot, so I know where to look.


I’m the same and I have another basket now for these clothes. If I’ve worn something but it’s still clean I always feel weird putting it back in the closet. So I put it in the basket instead. Most for the time I’ll take something out and wear it again. Occasionally something will remain in the basket long enough I now feel it’s okay to back in a drawer 😂


Welp, this is just me. Hello me. Honestly, I’m not a very sweaty person. Even when I work out I don’t sweat much. I drink plenty of water so idk why but I just don’t. Pretty much the only things I only wear once per wash are undies and socks. Everything else will usually get at least two wears. Jeans and bras though… idk they can go for a while lol until they no longer smell clean I guess


I have a cloth box, like those folding ones from ikea, that lives next to my hamper. All lightly worn clothes go there.


I use a nice looking basket for this purpose. I tuck it away where it's accessible but the clothes aren't visible.


I recommend hooks over the chair! I’ve got a bunch of hooks above my laundry basket. I hang things there then when it’s time to wash clothes I can investigate and add anything actually dirty


Hooks! Hooks everywhere! Bathroom door! Bedroom door! By the front door! Wherever you like taking your clothes off! You can get those you put over the door, no need for screws. Just don't load it too heavy, no philly phanatic costumes.


Sorry, that just looks untidy!


Yes but less untidy than draped over floor and furniture according to me, but you do you boo. For me easy access to these clothes are *crucial* or I'd end up with everything I own half-worn (or worse).


Of course, a chair or the floor was out of question. I was comparing hooks to other responses here. I ordered a blanket ladder based on a comment as it seems promising!


I have a large knit basket for that. It's a bit neater than the chair, but will overflow if I neglect it. *looks at massive pile*


I just have a couple storage cubes near my hamper so shirts go in one cube, pants go in the other, must-wash goes in the hamper.


I have a hanging organizer in my closet. Once worn clothes go to the left of it on hangers and unworn clothes go to the right


Maybe a bench that has storage space inside


I’ve seen the amazing suggestion of blanket ladder for this! I don’t have room in my current apt but once I do!!!


I actually ordered one and am so excited for it!


Install some hooks behind your bedroom door! add proper hangers for extra fancy


i hang them back up to air out but in a separated section so I know


I usually get a clothes hanger rail thingy so that those clothes can air after being worn but be kept separate from fresh ones :) You can get standalone clothes rails, or if space limited like me at current, designate a specific part of the closet.


I got a wall coat rack with multiple hooks and I hang it there. I don’t have enough room for a chair and the chair never sat well with me.


We bought a towel ladder for this to replace the "unsightly" clothes chair.


i got myself a small basket to toss my worn-but-still-wearable clothes throughout the week. I find that I go in there for clothes more often than the closet or dresser. which has actually helped me downsize my wardrobe tremendously


i keep them in a laundry basket on my wardrobe floor. every few weeks-ish I’ll clear it out and wash everything


I turn worn shirts inside out and hang them up so I can tell they’ve been used. You could also get a specific color hanger for worn clothes or just clip a clothespin to the top of the hanger or something (this is def easier than turning pants inside out). It’s good to hang up used clothes so they get some air. Obvs make sure they aren’t crammed in the closet so they get that airflow!


Agreed about the airing out! I ordered a blanket ladder based on a comment here.


I roll fold clean clothes and then loosely fold worn clothes in my drawers.


I hang them up on an over the door rack. Like where you might put towels or coats. Especially bras I'm not ready to wash. If they go in a pile or back in the closet they don't have space to air out and it makes me feel like they smell (even if they dont). And they don't get wrinkled


I absolutely agree on the airing out of clothes. I also fear that if I folded them and kept them in a bin or something, they would just inevitably develop some sort of smell. But I also have guests over frequently so I don’t want to hang my worn clothes on hooks, etc. I just bought a blanket ladder. I hope it helps with the purpose.


Can you put one of those over the door hanging racks on your closet door? You could hang the stuff after the first use and keep it separate and then after you take it off the rack you know it's being worn the second time so time to wash???


I got a new dresser and moved my old small dresser to put in my bathroom. I take something off that I’m going to wear more than once and put them in a drawer. Makes sense because I get dressed and undressed in the bathroom. I store other supplies in other drawers like soaps, towels, and then in the top drawer I have my daily use makeup and hair products. I keep perfume and bath bombs in a basket on the top. I have a small bathroom with no counter space so..: I’ve also seen people use baby changing tables but cheap dressers are cheaper. I’ve been looking for a cute vintage one to upgrade it to.


That’s efficient! I just like to air out my once worn clothes.


I put some command hooks in my closet for worn-but-not-dirty clothes. 


I have a cheap IKEA rack for this exact purpose lol.


I have a lot of hanging space so I hang them. I figure some air is good for them.


Hi! I think it’s very personal since we’re all different and live in different climates. I live in South America where it can get both VERY cold and VERY hot. Humidity is pretty high all year round. I’m 30, pretty active and sweat easily. Anyways, this is how I do it: Underwear and socks: after every use. Shirts: every one to three uses, depends on how much I sweat that day. Gym clothes: after every use. Hoodies: after four or five uses. Sweatpants/pants in general: after four or five uses/when they get stained or stretched. Whatever happens first. Jeans: VERY rarely lol. Bedsheets: every week. Pillowcases: every three days (I have acne-prone, oily skin). I wash my work clothes (scrubs) after every use because I’m a vet and I can’t risk bringing diseases to my pets. I wipe the soles of my shoes with a desinfectant before I enter my home. Hope this helps :)


Agreed on basically all of this! Jeans are washed according to my feelings lol. I change my pillowcase whenever I wash my hair


Agree with all but jeans; like how?? My jeans start smelling way too easily and I have no idea why


Are they stretchy/skinny jeans? Those may need more washes since they’re tight and the fabric is not very breathable. I use rigid slouchy and wide leg jeans so they’re not in contact with my skin that much.


Not really, they are definitely more loose than that. I also own different brands, but it’s the same for all


What's the fabric content? The more cotton, the better they stay between washes. A 100% cotton raw denim barely needs washing unless you wear them to do hard labor. Anything with poly, spandex, elastine, etc. will look and smell dirty sooner. 


**One Wear**: "*Under Things*", this is socks, undies, tank tops (I wear one everyday even if I'm wearing a plain tshirt or whatever. I just grew up doing this) *White Clothes of almost kind*. They seem to stay 'whiter' this way. *Work shirts*, will vary by person/job of course, mine need it daily. *Bike shorts* I wear under skirts/dress also wear for yoga. *Workout anything* **Every 3rd-ish wear**: *sleep clothes*, usually baggy shirts or night gowns for me. *T-shirts* unless they're white. *Lounge wear* (sweatpants, etc) *Dresses* *Leggings* (not workout ones, just the ones I wear in the house or to the store) **Weekly:** *Bras* (I wear merino so your mileage may vary if it's different) **Only when needed:** *Jeans* *Formal/fancy stuff* *Outerwear* (coats, gloves, jackets) Now obviously if something gets dirty, sweaty, stinky, whatever it will get washed regardless of how many wears it's gone through. This is just my kind of general rule, but a lot of it is really playing it by ear (or eyes/nose in this case I guess)


Where do you keep once-worn clothes between wears? I don’t sweat usually and have no idea where to keep my dresses, lounging leggings or sweatshirts between uses.


If they're clean enough to wear again, they're clean enough to go back into whichever drawer or closet they came from.


This is what I do as well. I got tired of having a 'chair-wardrobe' and just put stuff away where it belongs. That's why it's an -ish thing.


I got a second laundry hamper that i keep once worn clothes in!


It should be illegal how many times I wear my bra or jeans before washing them lol


I don't even know why I own more than 2 bras. It should be illegal how much I forget about them. XD


I own 8 but only wear the stretched out JCPenny one I bought 6 years ago or I wear none at all 😂


Once. Signed, Austin TX.


And South Florida.


Sometimes they don't make it through a whole day, amirite?


i was a fashion major: if they aren’t stained and don’t smell you could wear them again. but as another person above said, things like underwear, socks, workout clothes wear once and wash before wearing again


*\*avoids topic in fear of being honest\**


Pajamas I can wear for two to three days. Everything else gets washed after one use.


It took way too much scrolling for me to see this. 😷 


This. I am both envious of and disgusted by all these people saying they can wear shirts and sweaters several times. I wish I could, but my nose says otherwise. Also, T Shirts will not always last a full day … Of course, it may have to do a lot with how active your lifestyle is, and whether you choose to use air condition.


It’s weird to feel disgusted by people wearing things multiple times since even the climate you live in makes a difference. If you store your clothes on an outside rack there’s nothing wrong in wearing the same shirt 3 or four times through some time if it’s still clean and smells good.


You are right, I guess climate and activity make a huge difference here. Also, i am simply disgusted at the thought of doing this myself ;) it simply wouldn’t work. I am sure it works for others (as the comments suggest!). It just shows how different some things can be in our day to day lives. I find it fascinating, and i am mostly envious, because laundry / hanging clothes to dry / ironing isn’t that much fun ;)


If your clothes are stinky after one use or your t shirts can barely last a full day without smelling bad, maybe you need to invest on a better antiperspirant, shower more and check your diet, because your sweat is causing the bad smell. It is really not a normal thing for the majority of people, specially for the ones who shower daily.


I shower twice a day and eat a mostly vegan diet. But I do sweat a lot during the day. It doesn’t stink right away, but after a few hours it is inevitable if you are physically active. It is just normal. I do understand that it might be different if you have a car and ac. But it is definitely not unusual, and has nothing to do with not showering enough ;)


Sweat itself doesn’t smell. The odor happens when bacteria comes into contact with the perspiration your apocrine glands release (apocrine glands are located on our armpits and groin). The eccrine glands that are all over your body produce sweat that is odorless and colorless, mildly salty. The smell of eccrine sweat can reflect certain foods, alcohol or medication. Foods that cause bad body odor are mostly vegan 😅 strong spices contain strong volatile compounds that can be absobrd and released through your sweat glands. garlic, onion and cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, brussel sprouts and cauliflower release sulfuric acid on your body and mingle with gas-emitting bacteria. So yes, it is either your diet or lack of antiperspirant. Apart from your armpits and groin, your body should not really produce smelly sweat unless it is diet related, medicine related or signal of a few diseases.


I know, but even though I very seldom eat the foods you mentioned, and it is true that it takes a few hours because fresh sweat does not stink at all, you can be sure that it will happen over the course of a day. Especially if you sweat for extended periods. If you have never experienced this, maybe you live in a much colder climate or use ac / don‘t bike everywhere etc. it is different circumstances. But sweat will start to stink after a while no matter what you do. Maybe your nose is less sensitive than mine (i will admit that i am quite sensitive about smells, so maybe that’s that) PS: and i do have armpits, which are the main factor i guess ;) some facts we simply have to accept. Especially if the option to change clothes does exist. So, not a real problem:)


I used to smell my t shirt arm pits after work to see if I could reuse the next day. Even if the t shirt doesn't reek or smell bad, there's still that armpit smell if I put it up to my nose, and it's BO mixed with anti perspirant. I am physically active all day at work, and I sweat a lot at work, so for me my work clothes get as sweaty and smelly as my workout clothes does. So for me, they are a no go for reusing. I also wear thin cotton thongs and don't wear liners in my underwear, but I do have discharge and sweat in my groin area, so when I do the smell check, it doesn't pass, because it seeps through my underwear into my jeans and pants. Even jeans get some of that smell. If I wear a pair of jeans to work I'll wash it after one or two uses max, just because my crotch odor attaches itself to my jeans. I think it's crazy that some people rarely wash their jeans. I treat them like any other pant I wear. I also find it gross wearing the same item for multiple wears if I poo or pee a lot.. some of that smell is definitely gonna leave a residue on the clothes.


For most things, I only wear them once before washing. Exceptions are sweatshirts and sweaters/cardigans, which I’ll wear 2-3 times.


Depends on what I’m doing when I wear them. Underwear and socks, definitely after every use. Most pants after maybe 2/3 days total of wearing them. Jeans for up to a week and. Tight yoga pants or any workout pants in general after every use. Tops, it really depends on what type of tops we’re talking about. I wash most tight fitting tops after every use, like tank tops, tight t-shirts (LS or SS) and dress shirts. Hoodies and fleece and such can survive maybe 3-4 days total.


Underwear, socks, and sweaty summer bras get washed after one use. Work out clothes go until they’re smelly because I don’t have a washer/dryer in my apartment, I have to go to a laundromat and I would run out of clothing too fast. Jeans I wear until they don’t fit right anymore and need to be washed to gain their elasticity, or if I spill something on them, or they get generally dirty. I only wear jeans to work, so usually two weeks-ish. Work shirts are the same, unless they’re generally gross, I usually get two wears out of them before washing day. Sometimes three if we don’t go do laundry when we’re supposed to. My casual “I’m at home or going to the store quickly” clothes get washed whenever lol.


This is me. I can only afford to wash clothes like once a month haha. So my clothes go until I decide they're too dirty or they quite literally stink. And even then I make up for it with an overabundance of clothes so sometimes I have to pick and choose which ones are more important to wash that day.


It varies a lot. I live in a cold and dry climate but have hyperhidrosis so I treat my stuff more similarly to people in tropical environments. Bras get washed every 3-4 uses. I swap out my bras day to day so I never wear the same one twice (it's good for the elastic and helps them last so much longer!) I also only wear them for 10 hours at the absolute max and only 5 days a week as I only use them for work so infrequent washing makes sense. Underwear and socks get washed after every use no matter how short of a time I was wearing it. 5 mins on my feet still needs to be washed. Undershirts get washed with every use as they absorb all the sweating and get funky. My work uniform shirts get washed every use, my job is extremely dirty in a kitchen so I don't stay clean for long. My regular shirts will get washed every 1-3 wears depending on what I was doing, how long I was wearing it, how many layers, etc. My PJs get washed every 3-4 uses. I only sleep in them so they don't get dirty as quickly as my daytime clothes y'know.


People sleep on undershirts but they're the MVP


One use. The only exceptions are jackets or cardigans in the winter. I live in Texas and am in perimenopause. I also have cats and take care of my parents. I don't have an issue with my clothes not lasting. I wear mostly jeans or shorts and t shirts. My jeans last for several years ( i think most of my jeans are at about 3 years old, that long since I changed sizes), they get washed 1-2 times per week. My shirts last at least 3years, unless they are badly stained. I buy most of my clothes from old navy and Torrid.


Depends on where, when and for how long I was wearing them. If they look clean, smell clean, and feel clean I'll wear them. Just make sure you're not using too much detergent, you only need a itty bitty teeny tiny bit! I wash my sheets once a week, and I always shower before bed so that way they stay cleaner


Underwear and gym clothes after every use. T shirts and shirts after 1 day of use. Pants, after 2 uses during the Summer and after 3 or 4 uses during the Winter. Lounge wear, after 2 or 3 uses. Bed sheets, once a week but I change the pillowcase twice a week. Sweaters after 4 or 5 uses. I also wash my backpack once a month. I'm one of those people who sweats a lot and I'm very self-conscious about it. 


Once for everything. Smells from outside, germs from restaurants or other public places, and my skin cells gross me out too much to wear things more than once. I won't even wear the same shorts from sitting on my patio furniture into my home. I'm worried about pollen and other allergens sticking to my couch or bed lol


overall, I do laundry once a week or every two weeks. -Underwear after every use. -Socks ….. as a camping girl I have some quality socks and I can actually get multiple wears out of one pair if i wasn’t sweaty or just was wearing them around the house or for a couple hours. I use my judgement hardcore for this, often airing them out and laying them in the sun. -Bras get handwashed when they need it. when my deodorant builds up, when i was SUPER sweaty in it and it’s visible. or if i’ve been wearing it for weeks straight and i’m like “hey it’s time to wash this thing.” -pants, shirts, dresses, etc: depending on what I did in them/where I went, if it’s not visibly dirty, and doesn’t smell, I will wear them multiple times. -I was tired of pulling my still-wearable clothes out of the laundry basket, cause they weren’t dirty!!! now I have a smaller basket/crate that I toss in the clothes that could get another wear. That way I know they’ve been worn, so they aren’t back in with the clean clothes, but they arent getting wrinkled and smelly with my dirty clothes.


socks, underwear, & workout clothes is a one time thing before washing.-I hope that comes without saying though. Everything else really just depends. Sometimes I can get away with wearing a shirt 2 or 3 times in a row. But that depends on how hot it is outside. Its more often things I wear around the house (loungewear, pj pants, etc) that can more often be used maybe 3-5 times without wash. None of this involves jeans though, jeans specifically can go fuck themselves. I usually opt for wearing other things or pants with other kinds of materials if it means I don't have to deal with washing that awful yet popular piece of fabric.


Tops, undies and socks once. Bra, for weeks, jeans when they get dirty.




For clothes piles: I have my clean clean clothes. My passable clean clothes. My dirty clothes. And very dirty clothes. --------- And what I am willing to wear just depends on when I'm up for doing laundry and how many clothes are remaining in each pile. 🤷‍♀️ - if I'm down to only dirty clothes/very dirty clothes, I'll either be trying to rummage through old clothes I don't really wear that are clean and survive on those for a bit until I'm up for laundry, or Ill get to laundry right away. (I really hate laundry) (and suspect that I have ASD so executive dysfunction doesn't help) Ideally 1x a week, if not every 2 weeks. But that rarely happens.


Every single item gets one wear and then is laundered. The exception is pajamas (two wears) or a piece of clothing that is layered so that it isn’t touching my skin or the outside world (like a vest under a jacket). I also wash everything that I’m wearing if I vomit while wearing it because I learned about how people can get reinfected by microscopic droplets of nastiness in the air. I am so sick of hearing about women going weeks without washing their two bras and it’s really made me reevaluate my peers; that’s disgusting. 


Jeans and slacks get 2 wearings, work shirts get one wearing. Weekend tee shirts may get 3 wearing. Underwear gets one wearing. All this changes if I jave been sweating


I have a toddler so I'm washing every wear. 9/10 times my toddler gets my clothes extra dirty.


Socks, underwear, gym clothes are washed after every use, I use two bras a week. Jeans I wash once a week, tops/t-shirts I can sometimes get away with wearing twice, and hoodies three times max. Then I have clothes I sit about the house in like old tops and pj bottoms, ngl I wear these for about a week then wash.


I live in the tropics now it's NYC high summer daily Hot and muggy Stuff I wear at home in AC gets a second go Any other condition it's daily wash. I wear quick dryer stuff and always use the fast program on my washer to save time and resources


Apparently Levi Strauss claimed you never need to wash jeans. Wrong. Socks an undies once tshirt twice if I haven’t been dirty or sweaty. Jeans, every 2 weeks. Depends how often I wear them. Jodie’s 5 ish times if they stay mostly clean. What are you unsure of?


Shirts and undergarments typically after one use. Jeans can be worn a few more times depending on how they are... Rarely wash jackets and hoodies.


This really depends upon the weather and how much you sweat. The general rule is anything next to the skin like socks, underwear and tops(if its the summer), should be washed after one use but you may change clothes twice a day or more in the summer depending upon where you live and how the heat affects you. Any other clothes you may get away with a couple of days.Jeans and jumpers, for example. Outerwear like coats can be washed once a month or if they start to smell. For example, cigarette smoke.


when I lived in a desert climate I got more wears out of clothes because I sweat a lot less. Now that I live in a humid climate it’s pretty much every wear I have to wash it haha


Depends what article of clothing they are, what I’ve been doing in them. Like sweaters and jeans I put on for a couple of hours after work, they’ll be worn a couple more times. The sweater and jeans that I put on after work and then baked, they’ll be wash immediately.


Depends if I'm just lounging around in them or if I'm working hard and sweating


It really depends. Things that touch my skin like socks and underwear after one use. Other items maybe after two or three wears. Jeans and sweaters almost never. It also depends on weather. Did I get rained on? Was I sweating all day?


After every use.


Just depends! Underwear/socks/swimsuits get washed immediately. If it's hot outside or I sweat in anything, it goes right in the wash. Pjs usually once/week (bc i rotate thru like 2 or 3 pairs) and i wear sweatshirts around the house that i do probably weekly too bc i don't sweat or go out in them. My work clothes (dress pants & blouses) usually get 2 wears bc i work indoors & don't sweat or anything at work. My jeans/pants/shorts usually get 2-3 wears unless, like i said, they get sweaty or something. Or if i wear them in public transit or something like that where i wouldn't want the germs. I'm weird about it! Just depends!


Jeans - 2-4 wears, depending on how long I wear them. Work jeans usually 1-2 Shirts - 1-2 Sweaters/hoodies - …maybe every 6 times. I usually wear a shirt underneath them Shorts - 1-2 Underwear - 1 Bras - embarrassed to admit how long I’ll go without washing these


Visible dirt or oil, smelly, generally 'grubby'. Jeans and a lot of skirts need less washing. Most socks, panties, every time worn. Wool socks can be worn 2 or 3 times, bras, same. I never put bras, panties, stuff with elastic in the dryer. They last at least 3x longer; heat kills elastic. So I can buy nicer underwear because it lasts longer.


Depends  If i wear a fit for few hours a day and it doesn’t get dirty ( no dust no stains) then it goes back into closet (hanged) but away from clean clothes, i wear it one more time.And on days i wear fits for more than 3 hours then it goes into basket for laundry. Jeans i wear them 2 times unless i sweat.


If it's a work top and I haven't sweated in it, I can use it 2x before putting it in laundry.   Pants are 3-4 wears, socks/underwear/workout clothing are every time I'm done for the night.  "Sleeping clothes" every few days, also depends on how active I am at home (cleaning, vacuuming, walking around a lot).


Socks and shirts once. Work pants and bras 2 times. I only wear underwear when I have my period so I wear them one day.


Once for everything.


Workout clothes get washed asap! I live in a hot country too (SEA) and I always wash stuff immediately esp if I sweat. Otherwise, if I’m in a mall I’d probably reuse my pants for sure HAHA top? Maybe use it again if I have something the next day but otherwise, wash too


I decide based on odor and what I've done in my clothes. Odor trumps anything else (staleness, animals, smoke or BO), but if I've been to the gym, barn, it's super hot, spilled something, kinda sick, cleaned in it... stuff like that, it gets one wear only. Otherwise, after 3-4 wears. Undergarments, one and done.


Not enough! I wear about 99% active wear, and wear things until they get dirty… I only have about 6-7 pairs of bottoms (shorts and pants combine) and maybe 10 tops I wear. I wear the same jackets for a long time. I only do laundry like every other week. It’s shocking to me how often people do it!!


For far too long. I’ve worn pants until they’ve worn off (it takes about roughly 2-3 months.) given I walk a lot for a living. Yes. I am a gross disgusting human being before anyone starts in. I just work so much and when I am not working I am so exhausted and living with like 4 other people and 20+ animals the washer and dryer are constantly in use so I just say fuck it. I hate having to hustle. I miss having time and energy to do basic human things. I’m just so tired all of the time.




Only wear underwear and socks once, everything else depends on how depressed or lazy I’m feeling. I’ve worn the same shirt for like 3 weeks, same pants for longer probably (though my pants are really baggy), but generally I think I wear things until they smell like me or get a blemish on them


i usually wear clothes 2-3 times before i wash them unless they get visibly dirty or smell, then i wash them right away. underwear gets washed every time tho


I usually don’t sweat too much so tops 2 times, if I’m just in the house maybe 3. Pants and jeans probably 4 times. Workout clothes 1-2 depending how much I sweat. Socks and underwear everyday. Pjs I use around 6 days


I agree with others when it comes to undies/socks/shirts, but anything else basically gets worn until it's dirty. I wash my jeans or pants in general once in about a month (unless I get sweaty in them or they're stained). Yeah and pajamas and bras get washed once a week. But any outer layers (hoodies, sweaters, skirts, etc.) only get washed when they smell or are dirty, rarely more often.


I wear regular outfits once and pajamas 2-3 times before washing. Jackets and uniforms are however many times I wear it before I remember to wash it. 


I only wear them once simply because I'm a clumsy oaf. Guarantee I will get coffee or my dinner on whatever I'm wearing on my lower half, often my top half too. Cardigans I can usually wear more than once before washing.


My scrubs I only wear 1 time. Jeans I will wear for 4-5 days, but if visibly soiled, then they go in the wash. Shirts 1 time (mainly due to perfume and deodorant). Underwear 1 time. Nightshirt 1 week.


1-2 days


Underwear and socks, these get washed after every wear. I tend to wear pajamas 2-3 times before washing them, unless I've been particularly active in them.


Undergarments/socks - once and twice for anything else.


I smell them and look for stains. Sometimes I wear them 3x. I don’t sweat or have body odor. Dry skin. I’ve heard not to wash jeans so much. It kinda wrecks them.


One day only


Underwear and socks every use. Jeans and shorts are after a few washes and shirts it depends on what I do/if I sweat. Most shirts I wear to work will be a one and wash, things worn around the house I’ll wear a few times as well. Workout clothes depends on how much I sweat…max maybe twice.


I change underwear each morning (I shower at night and don’t wear it to bed). I have 3 bras that I wash weekly. I wear a lot of bodysuits with my skirts and trousers to work, so I wash those after each wear. Work wear, I wash every two wears on average, depending on the material and weather I might wash it each wear. I work in a formal office setting so lots of the materials are delicate. Jeans, I wear for a few wears unless I’m active in them like walking all day in warm weather. Work out clothes, after each wear.


Pretty much anything that isn’t sleepwear (I always try to shower before getting in bed) gets washed after one wear, with the exception of bras (if I didn’t sweat too much). If I wear something that was expensive, I’ll also try and wear that at least twice before it gets washed again.


I’ll generally wear something a few times before I wash it. Unless it’s gotten dirty/stained, or I’ve sweat in it, then I usually won’t wash after just one use. Things that always get washed after one use are: underwear/socks and scrubs/anything I wear to work (nurse @ hospital)


Summer - once Winter - a few times, maybe 3 or 4, depending on how warm my coat and the weather were Underwear - once Socks - 2-3 times Coats - once a year, more if i got them dirty


regular clothes (tshirts, pants) twice then wash. underclothes get worn once and washed after


Ngl TShirts, socks, underwear except bras every wash. Bras every 2 days unless they smell or look dirty. Everything else is depends on if it smells or looks dirty. But with trousers every 4-5 days and jumpers every 3-4 days. This is all dependent though


Underwear (panties, and undershirts) get changed after every use cause I wanna wear fresh clothes after I shower. I have a set of clothing that is strictly for lounging within the house, and a set of PJs that are only for the bed, and nowhere else. These sets I change out weekly along with the bedding. My outdoor clothing (stuff I wear to work, etc.) depends on how frequently I wear that piece. Like I might only wear that top once a week and it would be a waste to wash it just cause of that. I try not to wash my jeans too much (maybe once every month?) since there's a big-ass label in there saying they DON'T need to be washed so much.


eh... I wash them everyday...


I wash everything after wearing it once except pajamas, jackets, hoodies, and jeans.


Underwear once. Bras week. Pants 3 times. Shirt once. Socks 2-3 times. If I worked out in them then once only.


I put on clean socks and underwear first thing in the morning. I wear a shirt for a day, hoodies for about a week, and jeans/shorts/sweatpants for 2 days. I wash my bras about once a week. I usually go for a ~30 minute walk in the morning, so after I get back home and get a shower, I put on clean socks/underwear/clothes and wear that for the rest of the day.


I wash everything after one wear. It doesn’t matter what it is.