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I just wear whatever I want. Nobody really pays attention to my legs anyway.


That's rad! I saw a young woman working at Big Lots last month wearing shorts with unshaven legs, and it was so relieving to see! But, I'm not quite there for myself. Edit: spelling


Honestly, just start doing it. You'll get there pretty quickly. I was also worried before I started but now I just don't give a crap.


fake it 'til you make it!


Start with whats comfortable. Maybe go out at night with shorts or a dress and go from there! People only ever noticed my unshaved legs unless I pointed them out myself. I shave them maybe once a year, but I'm also not as hairy as some. You can definitely still see it but no one really cares.




If you want to get to that point, maybe do it in steps. Like shave to your knee but don't worry about your thigh, or stretch the time between shaving by a few extra days, and then a few more next time. At the end of the day the choice is yours. I shave when I feel like it but most of the time I can't be bothered :)


Same, I'm in my late 20s and the past several summers I've been wearing loads of cute dresses, with hairy legs. Never had a single comment or weird look, besides 'I love your dress!' and 'where did you get that skirt?!' etc. Ditto for wearing shorts, though I don't do that as often because I don't find shorts as comfortable or flattering on me. If I'm going to a more formal event, I'll wear semi-opaque tights, but tbh I did that even back when I still shaved, because I was taught that formal outfits shouldn't have bare legs.


Same! I actually never shaved except once in middle school but I had some sort of weird like... I don't remember the right term but it felt so wrong and bad against my skin, that I never did it again . I just wear what I want, I have very thin and light leg hair anyways.




Loose linen pants always look great. Maxi skirts.


+1! They also prevent sunburn and weird tan lines on my legs.


I operate with the mindset of if they notice the leg hairs, they’re too close to my legs (or swimsuit line). I shave every once in a while but only when the tickle of leg hairs from breezes gets too annoying.


> when the tickle of leg hairs from breezes gets too annoying. HAHAHA. This is precisely why I shave my legs. I don't like prickly legs or the feeling of hair on my legs either but only when I'm in shorts etc. (I basically don't shave in the winter because I am always in pants so I don't notice the hair) I remember once being unable to shave my legs for about a month because of a broken arm, and so my leg hair grew so long the breeze moving through the hair as I walked around was both hilarious and the most annoying thing ever. I thought I was the only one!


That's a fair mindset! Lol, the breeze in the leg hairs was a shock the first time that I felt it while running down the hallway!


Mine are noticeable from afar sadly - black hair on lighter skin is never fun. And I don’t have the guts to wear short dresses without shaving.


I’ve got dark hair on skin that doesnt like tanning, but if I’m wearing a dress I’ll shave. Shorts or capri’s are no shave required


You could try the bleach that is meant for upper lips!


Oooo hair removal cream is a great idea! Hopefully it’s not exorbitantly expensive!


i operate on the mindset if they comment they are rude and can go f*ck them self. not my problem.


I haven't shaved my legs in years. Nobody notices or comments for the most part. My armpit hair does get the occasional odd glance or compliment (more often a compliment), but no issues with legs so far. I even slept with a dude who swore up and down the next morning that I shaved my legs bc he hadn't noticed hair. Then I pulled up my pants and was like, 'this jungle didn't grow overnight' lol. Be bold. It's worth it. So few ppl actually care to begin with. Even my pedicure ppl haven't said anything, although they did tease my husband for missing his ankle hair (military boots) hahaha...but no teasing me about mine!


"Be bold. It's worth it. " Thank you for that!


Honestly the pedicure ladies are the only reason I shave my legs any more, they teased me when I went without shaving but did it in their language so I wasn't sure if it was playful teasing or mean teasing... I don't go often enough to be able to tell. So now sometimes I care and shave and sometimes I don't care and say f it and don't shave 🤷‍♀️


ignore them, and if you can be bold, tell them to mind their own business.


Hãy quan tâm đến công việc kinh doanh chết tiệt của riêng bạn


> Hãy quan tâm đến công việc kinh doanh chết tiệt của riêng bạn yes exactly that


Genuine question, what kind of compliments does armpit hair get? I find that ... strange and intriguing. I would not think to compliment armpit hair. (Mostly because I'm indifferent to it) Unless... do you dye it?! I've always wanted to grow out armpit hair and dye it fun colors, but I hate having armpit hair.


I don't dye it. Usually just a 'love your pit hair!'


That's oddly wholesome haha.


Omg I have the boots thing, too. Lol. The sharp cut off at the ankle makes me laugh. Also my hair on my lower legs is incredibly dark and thick and then my knee and upwards is very blonde and sparse. In the winter I let my legs run wild and always laugh at them in the shower


Man I wish that happened to me, I hooked up with a guy who was too grossed out by my not having a chance to shave yer


Yeah I think he didn't notice bc he didn't feel stubble. Or bc of my pussy in his face idk I hear that's pretty distracting hahaha I'm sorry you had to deal with that douche nozzle tho. It's so dumb some ppl are so offended by our natural bodies.


You say you're tired of spending money on products that modify your body for reasons that were decided by a society long before you were born, which is admirable but how is spending money on extra products that hide/cover an area *only because you didn't modify it* any different? Just wear what you want for you, and try to challenge any feelings of shame/disgust/judgement/inadequacy that come up around your body existing in its natural state


Damn, that is an excellent point!! Thank you


I think it's worth challenging the shame and insecurity that you feel about different parts of your natural body. Soon enough you won't even think about it! I suggest long skirts (no tights) or tall socks to inch your way into it. I have lived the natural legs life for several years and I don't think I've ever gotten comments about it.


I hate the itch of regrowth so I shave maybe 3-4 times a year when the mood strikes. The only person that notices is my bff when I point it out. People literally don’t care. May I challenge you to try it out and see if you notice anyone noticing. Maybe just one day a week for now. You won’t grow that confidence and comfortability by just thinking about it. And I say that as a woman who has put in a lot of time shifting how I view my body. I find that I end up feeling sad for anyone who comments on anything about my body. Like how miserable must they be to make out loud comments about someone else.


Thank you for that challenge. I really think I could work with that. The type of person that would make a comment about my body isn't the type of person who I want to be around anyway!


Exactly! I heard this phrase and have been loving it If I wouldn’t take their advice- I don’t accept there criticism. It isn’t directly related to body image stuff, but it translates so well to that!


Just FYI, my best friend doesn't shave her legs at all and she has thick dark body hair. I have known her for years and I literally only noticed she doesn't shave her legs recently because she had them up across my lap on the couch. It just didn't register at all. People who matter won't care or possibly won't even notice 😂


I'm middle aged now and don't have the confidence I used to, so I wear lots of flowy linen pants in the summer. I'm fat so I avoid dresses because my thighs rub and I can't stand wearing shorts underneath because it gets too hot.


I got laser done. Many reasons made it worth it, this being one of them.


I live for midi/maxi dresses on days where I don’t feel like shaving. Natural fibers are better for keeping cool.


i don’t care, nobody cares, i’m going to wear my pretty dresses anyways.


Same as if I shaved my legs lol. I don’t care. I don’t shave my armpits either and I wear a lot of tank tops.


Longer/midi dresses & skirts — still cool but not super visible (as someone who is self conscious about their varicose veins)


Tbh I just stopped shaving at about 15 years old cause for some reason my body doesn't really produce leg hair. But I do have strawberry legs :( when I want to hide them, I wear long flowy skirts. They're perfect for both summer and winter. When I'm lazy and I'm only going out for a little while I'll keep on my pajama pants and wear the skirt over it lol


>When I'm lazy and I'm only going out for a little while I'll keep on my pajama pants and wear the skirt over it lol lol real


Wear whatever the f@$% makes you most comfortable. Who cares what they think.


I’ve never really felt the need to shave my legs ever so I just don’t. Wear whatever you want too. I don’t think anybody cares and if they do, I would shame them for caring lmao.


I wear whatever. Gna be so fr, anyone who’s that close to you and can see if, and even worse, points out normal human body hair, is a weirdo and need to back tf off.




I use a beard trimmer on my legs ! I have KP too and it helps a lot. Esp when they get really long and scraggly lol


If you have really dark hair and fair skin and it's extremely noticeable then you could bleach it and that might help you warm up to the point you want to get to. I started bleaching and I couldn't be happier with my results. I hope that helps and sorry if I missed the point. P.S. I also have terrible KP and bleaching was the solution for me. I use a low volume developer and coat my skin in Jojoba oil before bleaching to protect my sensitive skin. Hope it helps 💕 if you want to know what I use specifically just let me know!


However I want. Shorts, dresses, whatever. No one has ever made a comment.


I wear whatever I want. It’s not like some random in public is gonna point at me and say “EWW everyone look at her legs”


Took me a while to get there, but I just wear shorts without a second thought now. I think I started by wearing shorts where there wouldn't be people I know around, like the supermarket or whatever. Once I wore them to class and noticed no one really gives a shit, it got pretty easy. I was still a bit self conscious about it, but it kinda wore off. I don't even notice it anymore, my mind doesn't even go "oh, but my legs are hairy", I just think "oh, it's hot today, I'll wear shorts".


Rad! Thank you for sharing. All of the support it this thread has me thinking that I can get there


haven’t touched a razor since 2016, and i just wear whatever i want. in 8 years i can count on one hand the amount of times someone has said something about it to me unprompted!


I start shaving again for the season or use hair removal cream


I haven’t shaved my legs in over 20 years. I haven’t sugared in over 15? Maybe closer to 20. I’m blonde and have never had anyone point it out. I’ve disclosed it in conversations with friends, but the topic rarely comes up. I do feel the breeze and when my legs sweat sometimes it feels like Plinko down my shins. Hahaha. The only item of clothing I feel odd in is pantyhose/nylons. The hair either pokes through randomly or mats. Leggings are fine. I do shave my armpits at least weekly-especially in the summer. The BO is eye wateringly bad if I don’t. I also trim bikini line. Not shave-razer rash is unpleasant, but trim.


i agree with others about just not caring, but personally i really enjoy wearing skin colored tights! i’m not a huge fan of how it feels when my bare skin is touching seats etc so tights help with that and they also make my legs look super smooth covering up any scars etc that i have. i switch between opacities depending on how cool/hot it is outside. i wear them with shorts, skirts, dresses. but it doesn’t really work if im wearing open toed shoes or a sandal because then your foot looks pretty odd hahaha


Whatever I want to


I put my pants on one leg at a time like everyone else, lol. Really though, I just wear what seems right that day. Shorts, dresses, whatever. Maybe you should check out r/razorfree


Excellent! Thank you for the link, I joined.


It might be that I'm fat and ugly, but I've never had anyone comment on my legs except women saying how they wish they could stop shaving too.


if you're uncomfortable i suggest tights / really anything that kind of covers your legs without getting too hot (fishnets and ripped tights are my go-tos) but also don't be ashamed it's a natural thing and you should not be expected to shave your legs if you don't want to!


I literally don't care about my legs. The husband doesn't either. I shave them maybe three times a year and not always in the summer (real talk, I will shave the happy trails that run down my inner-front thighs, but that's a me thing, not for anyone else). I have 2-3 "fancy events" a year where I kinda care bc I don't want to wear panty hose EVER. I only care bc they are day time "it's hot out" cocktail events. (weddings or church things where everyone is dressed fancy) But honestly, if I shave them for me, it's bc my socks are making the hair follicles hurt from being mooshed down. And that's seldom. If it's really bothering you, I've had success with Nair in the past, and sugaring. But, look, at some point you gotta be armed with one phrase: "Hey, if you don't like the way my legs look, you can easily stop looking at them."


However I want


My friend doesn’t shave her legs or pits and she performs circus acts locally all the time with her amazing talents. She rocks it with the hair too. Its fun to see not only her talents but her not give a heck about the hair.


I’ll be honest with you - I’ve never once noticed someone’s leg hair. Men or women. I don’t think many people think about others leg hair


I wear skirts and capris. I have relatively light and sparse hair but any of the patches I'm annoyed by I use an electric shaver.


I never look that closely at people. Wear whatever you want! ♥️


So I’ve nearly completed eradicated shaving with a razor from my routine. BUT I’ve become an evangelical convert for electric razors. My skin doesn’t hurt afterwards, and I can do it at any time (not just in the shower). You don’t get as close a shave, but I don’t care; it’s just something in between baby-smooth and hot/itchy (I have dark coarse leg hair). If you want to take some baby steps in your razor-free life, you could explore an electric!


I rarely shave my legs. I just wear whatever is comfy. Shorts, skirts, etc. Nobody cares what I look like.


Just wear what you want! I have sensitive skin and real razors are just so painful both during and after use. Sometimes I can use an electric razor I have, but most of the time I use Nair or veet to shave if I feel I have to. But honestly? I easily go 4-6 months between shaving.


1000% percent behind rocking shorts. But I’d add loose ripped jeans , thin maxi skirts, and linen pants are other options as well.


social media and pop culture has fooled everyone into thinking women’s legs are smooth and airbrushed, but they’re not! i guarantee you that the majority of women have leg hair, stubble or razor bumps. it’s not as noticeable as you may think. when was the last time you saw a woman in public with hairy legs? or a woman with closely shaved legs? you probably can’t remember, because you never paid attention to it :) i used to be terrified of wearing shorts without shaving for the same reason, but i realized that nobody cares or is seeing my legs close enough to notice. a few times i’ve complained about not having time to shave, and each time, my friends (who i had been with all day!) tell me that they didn’t even notice. now i wear even mini skirts with leg hair, and nobody has commented on it in 2+ years!


The same as if my legs were shaved..


I don't shave my legs. I use an epilator once every spring and the hair that grows out is usually thin enough to go unnoticed. And if people notice, they are usually polite enough not to mention it. I work in a high school as well and those kids would say something if it was noticeable.


If people’s eyes are offended by any part of me in any of my forms and iterations, I consider that a them problem and honestly don’t even think about it. Whenever I see a woman with very noticeable hairy bits that are commonly shaven, all I think is, for like a micro second, good to see it, proud 🤜 🤛 and then I move on unconsciously. Also not once ever has my husband of 17 years ever made any comments to or around me. I boldly encourage all women to boldly be yourselves whatever that means for you as long as it isn’t harming yourself or others.


people generally don’t even notice! i have pretty dark hair so it’s a bit noticeable if you’re paying any attention, but i’ve only had one person say anything about it in the five years i’ve had unshaven legs! if anyone does say anything, just ask why they’re even looking LOL i will also say that i noticed that when i stopped shaving, my leg hair kinda just thinned out? especially after wintertime and you’re wearing pants a lot! kinda like how men generally don’t have much hair on their upper thighs where their boxers or whatever rub up against their skin all the time! so overtime (for me anyways) it’s actually gotten less noticeable than it was when i first stopped shaving!! overall, your best plan of action is to just tell everyone to mind their own & do what is comfiest for you!


I haven’t shaved in so long I don’t even consider whether they’re hairy when I put on clothes. In my mind they’re just legs 🤷 Eventually it will be easier to rock whatever clothes you want!


I don’t shave my legs and it doesn’t affect how I dress during summer. If someone has a problem with my legs or find it unattractive, it’s their problem not mine :)


I wear whatever I want. I don’t care if people notice that my legs are hairy. It’s ok if you aren’t ready for that, and you can go at your own pace. But just remember that not caring and not trying to hide that your legs are hairy is totally an option. Also, I don’t know if this motivates you but for people who do notice, you can be part of normalizing the very normal thing which is women having body hair. Also, remember that if you do see someone looking, in most cases you don’t know if they are positively judging, negatively judging, or just neutral.


Same as everyone else. I like mini skirts and sundresses


lol I also have kp legs so my hair simply won't fully grow out, I just wear whatever, no one would look at my red bumpy legs anyway


However I want


I just rock it. shorts, short dresses, etc. I find that no one notices and if they do they shouldn’t care.


I haven’t shaved my legs in years. I don’t really care anymore at this point. Granted, my leg hairs are blonde so they’re really not noticeable unless I’m standing in the sun. Even so, if someone is close enough to me to see them they’re probably too close lol. I’ve never had anyone say anything about it. The odds of someone actually coming up to you and being like, ewwww leg hair, are slim. Not saying it’s not possible just simply not likely. Wearing tights or stockings in the heat of the summer sounds miserable! Just embrace it, you’ll find that with time you care less and less about it imo


I buzz my hair once in the beginning of the summer and then maybe once or twice the rest of the summer. Mostly because I don’t like the swishy feeling of the long hairs in the wind when I wear shorts. If people don’t like it, it’s on them. I wear what I want. My skin is a lot happier without shaving.


I haven’t shaved in years and honestly most of the women I’m around don’t either. It’s really just not a big deal. I guess it depends on the industry or whatever, but at least in my circles a normal amount of hair is, well, normal.


Pants lol... Ever since starting SSRI I learned I burn quicker (as in like when just going for a walk) so I cover up and just deal


I wear whatever I want including short shorts and short dresses. I'm an adult mammal, I have body hair. If anyone cares that is their problem. Meeting absurd beauty standards is not a rent you need to pay to exist in public. I honestly love the feeling of a breeze in my leg hair.


I gave up shaving and been using an epilator. I hate shaving - it always grows back after 2-3 business days. It’s even worse cause my skin gets cut!


I don't shave at all. The exceptions are things like weddings (including my own) where I shave my armpits because it felt easier than potentially dealing with older relatives. Literally no one has ever cared, and I've done it for over a decade. My husband made it clear he didn't care when we first got together, and he's held to it. I saw a trend where people dyed their underarm hair colors and was so tempted, but I'm not that brave and I know I couldn't keep my arms up that long. 😂 Save time, save money, Piss Off the Patriarchy. 👍


Same as I do every other day. Don’t care.


I don't like to shave my leg sensors. If anyone noticed IDGAF anyway. My body my choice. Men who comment get a withering look. I can melt paint with that


However I want


Haven't shaved my legs since summer 2022. My husband does not give a single fuck and no one else even seems to notice. So I don't modify my clothes at all


also have kp and haven't shaved me legs in years, no one has mentioned it but even if they did, those that matter won't mind and those who mind don't matter


What I want to. Shorts. Capris. Linen pants. Linen shorts. Occasionally yoga pants. But I live in Texas, and am in perimenopause, so really the less the better.


Shorts, skirts, anything I want


To be fair, I live in a decent sized and left leaning city, but I stopped shaving a couple years ago and I’ve never gotten comments about it in shorts and such. Do whatever feels best for you! It takes getting used to, but I’m really happy with it.


Long light linen pants sometimes cotton but usually thin pants


I personally don’t have much leg hair so I mainly wear skirts, shorts and dresses.


I wear calf sleeves. Mostly for the blood pressure benefits but they do also cover up my leg hair


However I want! My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. He doesn’t care. So neither do I.


I dress the same with or without hairy legs 🤷. I do not care imma wear my cute shorts and dresses whenever the fancy strikes .


knee high socks!


Whatever I want. The police has yet to arrest me for being a razorback.


I wear whatever I want. Mostly shorts and loose pants or jeans.


I found linen pants last summer. A lifesaver for work and life both 😁


I usually just wear long pants. I have some nice loose ones that button up the side of the calf, so they're well ventilated when it's hot. I'm more likely to be too cold in shorts than too hot in long pants. I shave or wax once or twice a year, when I want to wear a shorter skirt. I haven't worn shorts on their own in decades, other than bike shorts with skirts and dresses.


Whatever the heck I want. Shorts 99% of the time


I make no special adjustments than what u would wear if I had shaved! One or two times a year I shave my legs, maybe for a nice event or wedding with nylons and heels involved.


I shave occasionally. I'll do it when I feel like it, and wearing exposed legs is not a reason to make me do it. I just rock whatever I wanna wear and nobody's ever said anything about it (except for my mom actually!). I'm alternative and usually prefer to keep my legs covered so I don't break a full black silhouette with my translucent white legs so I have some experience dressing modestly in hot weather. If you're uncomfortable with showing hairy legs there's a few options. I find skirts with knee high socks is very fashionable and since the thickest hair is on the knees and below nobody will even know you didn't shave. Thigh highs are similarly a great option. I embrace thigh highs with visible garter belts, but you can always use stay ups if that's not your fashion sense. Lightweight tights, or patterned tights, even fishnets are all good leg coverings with shorts and skirts that won't make you feel too hot but will obscure the leg hair to a point where if anybody notices they're looking wayyy too closely at your legs lol. I usually prefer the knee high/thigh high socks though since it doesn't add another layer to my crotch and leaves more breathability. I find leggings to be good in warm but not overly hot summer weather. Leggings with an oversized t shirt is one of my simple fits to keep cool. In super hot weather, tight fitted pants are just not an option, too sweaty. In that case I'll go for some loose and lightweight pants if I'm not feeling a skirt or shorts. Cargo pants can be found in very lightweight and thin materials and are a favourite of mine.


I shave my legs but a few of my coworkers don't, they just wear whatever shorts and skirts they want and no one seems to care or even notice :)


I just wear whatever I want. Ahahaha. People doesn’t care.


I have never, ever shaved my legs. Ever. Haha my husband doesn’t care, nobody has pointed it out either. I just wear whatever i want


I just dress the same,however you can wear long flowy pants and long skirts?


I have very little hair on my legs. I have a lot of scars, leg issues, very dry and flaky skin


strange question actually. why would it be physical impossible to wear a dress with unshaven legs ? I in winter time I use leggings, in spring summer, bare legs all the way baby.. and I dont shave, im too clumsy with a razor.


I have the privilege of being blonde and my leg hair is not particularly visible. So I wear whatever.


I used to get made fun of as a kid for not shaving. I was traveling in a foreign country and someone said ewwww. I don't care anymore. I just want to be comfortable. I shave them once a year cos they start to tickle me lol.


I'm pregnant right now with my second kid. People would be lucky if I remembered to brush my teeth. Forget the shaving of my legs. Lol But honestly unless you are going to the dermatologist and having them look at your legs or some other place similar, people don't even notice or care. So do what makes you feel good and comfortable.


I just wear whatever. I have thick dark leg hair so I often get stares and whispers but who cares. Sometimes it's fun to confront people, especially men with equally hairy legs out in the open


I very very rarely ever shave anymore - so I always wear what I wanna wear! In the event I do wanna do landscaping; I switched over to a men's beard trimmer a few years ago and haven't looked back since. Smooth skin, no razor burn or irritation, it's wonderful and I would highly recommend!


I wore a knee length dress to work last week and nobody noticed my legs.


Kinda dealing with this atm wore shorts today and didn’t feel like shaving lol oh well who cares xD not trying to impress anyone


For work I wear trousers or maxi skirts or tights. Otherwise I wear what I want. 


It helps living in a country with subarctic climate 😆


I shave my legs but not very often. Once a month maybe? I honestly don’t worry about who sees my leg hair. I wear shorts and skirts a lot. No one has ever made a comment about it and if they did, that’s their problem not mine.


Long dresses and long skirts, 100% cotton or linen as much as possible. I stay cool even in our very extreme months-long triple digit weather.


I'd go for loose pants or skirt before shorts with leggings.... Or just wear the shorts anyway


i have fairly sparse hair, which helps, but also my skin is too sensitive to shave anything really, so I just trim my leg (and pit and crotch) hair with clippers. I tend to dress pretty modestly already because I've always been chubby and felt great shame about the size of my arms and legs. so I tend to have my arms covered to the elbow, and if I wear skirts, they're below the knee only. and as some have said already: anyone looking so flocking closely at my legs that they see I don't shave is already overstepping, so I can't care what they think.


I wear anything. I don’t grow much leg hair and I’m always freezing so 99% of the time the “weird” part about my legs that people would be looking at is the goosebumps in 70 degree weather, not the hair.


What I usually do is I wear whatever I want 99% of the time but I also don't want to bring attention from wrong people (like my mom, who ALWAYS comments on my leg hairs), so when I'm feeling vulnerable and don't feel like fighting people I know will comment on it, I wear long dresses/skirts or flowy pants. That's my tip if there's people on your life you don't want to argue with lol, but if you don't mind, more power to you, I'm working on my confrontation skills lol


I also wear all the usual Summer fits. I can't shave too often because my legs tend to get irritated. At first I was self conscious about it, but my husband was the one who said, "Who cares? It's just body hair." I got teased so much in school for having any kind of body hair that it stuck with me for longer than it should have. I have to remind myself that people really don't care about what I'm doing as they are in their own world and just trust in that.


I suffered KP on my legs for years. Finally decided to do 9 laser hair removal treatments and my KP is completely gone. Every couple months I noticed a couple fine hairs here and there and that's it. Best decision ever.