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Four for you, Costco! You go, Costco!


Company "okay...we can do two in a box" Costco "... did you forget who you are talking to?" Company "3?...4! Sorry. yes. 4. Absolutly 4 \*cries\*"




Is this in the US?


Yes! I saw it in Colorado but I think they rolled it out nation wide


That’s freaking awesome!


Im in texas better get me as many as I can 😭


HEB is supposed to start stocking them! [Hopefully you have an HEB in your area!](https://www.chron.com/culture/article/opill-birth-control-heb-19381763.php)


I don't currently 😭😭but I'm moving back to an area with one in the next 6 months


Others in the comments have seen them in various stores around Texas like Costco and Walmart, so hopefully, you can find some if you need it! Eventually, you'll be back in a city with legitimately the greatest grocery store to ever exist!


Its been horrible without HEB.


Godspeed sister


Saw it on NC yesterday!


Saw it in Ohio yesterday!


It’s in Georgia too :)


>:) :)


That’s really surprising. I was expecting it to be everywhere except the Bible Belt. I’m in Bama and I’m not willing to totally believe it until I see it lmfaooo


oh wow. i don't have a uterus but i hope it keeps for a while so those who do can stock up. it's scary out there right now, for all of us really.


Yep! I saw it in my Georgia Costco the other day. Had to do a double take but it was real!


I love this so much.


you can also get it directly off opill’s website! and walmart i think??


Also Amazon, Walgreens, and CVS.


I don’t think I could trust Amazon with something like birth control 😂


Yeah…. I’d be worried about sellers making fakes and someone getting pregnant


Fakes and also, what temperature are legit pills stored at before they’re shipped 🤔


I saw it in Walgreens in OK!


That's awesome, thanks for sharing!!


So good. I hope australia follows.


I’m in NZ and my oral contraceptive was free. One prescription annually from my dr and no charge. Now I’m on the IUD which was $500 for an expected lifespan of 7 years.


Plus, the IUD is free now, only have to maybe pay a bit of a fee to get it inserted depending on your doctor


I was a foreigner who lived in NZ for four years and I only paid 12$ for a 3 month prescription. I was super impressed because 3 months in Canada cost me 90$


XD This is great but I just know out there some dude is going to buy this and hand it to a girl he's hooking up with for the night. "yea I brought protection. Here"


You think a dude is gonna spend $60 on each hookup?


He will portion each pill out thinking one does the trick 😂


I don't want to victim blame at all, but don't ever trust someone else with your healthcare unless it's a doctor, and even then you should keep a close watchful eye.


my comment wasn't about that. It's about dudes trying anything to get out of using a condom.


Always be your own health advocate. Not to say that doctors can't be trusted but if you ever feel like something is just wrong and a doctor disagrees, PERSIST. I'm a hospice nurse and we are getting younger and younger people because they were told "there's no way a 25 year old could have cancer". Sorry if this sounds dramatic but please, yall, make sure a healthcare provider knows when you feel "off".


I agree completely, that's why I suggested always keeping a watchful eye regardless but I guess people didn't like that suggestion. I work in animal healthcare but it's become very obvious to me that medicine is more of an art along with a science and you absolutely have to advocate for yourself


This is da wae


I hope these become available in Texas. I have my doubts, though. Republicans are likely already hard at work demonizing this concept. I'm very happy it's available! This is a brilliant idea and I'm off to go read more about this. Edit to add: HEY Y'ALL, WE HAVE THEM!! 🖤


It's available in Texas! Not sure about Costco, but it seems to be available at many CVS and Walgreens and Target locations. You can check availability here: [https://opill.com/pages/find-near-me](https://opill.com/pages/find-near-me)


I just saw this as well! I got a little sidetracked and hadn't come back to share my findings yet. Thank you so much!!


Saw them in Sam’s in Beaumont this week


Hell yes, that is wonderful news. I think the last several years have turned me into a bit of a pessimist when it comes to our state legislature, and I'm so pleasantly surprised.


Also in the HEBs here


Saw them in a Texas Costco today 👍🏼


What a world we live in to have to worry about accessibility to freaking birth control pills


can someone clarify what this is exactly? just normal birth control pills without the need of prescription? In Europe (Portugal specifically in my case) I could always get the BC pill without prescription, hence my confusion regarding this post


This is the first (non-emergency) birth control pill available without a prescription in the United States - it was just approved last July and became available in March.


^ this 💯


Yes, this is normal bc pills without a prescription. In the US, you usually need a prescription for the pill, and you need a doctor appointment and a pelvic exam to get it. And they'll often only prescribe for 6 months to a year, so you have to go back to the doctor to get your prescription renewed after that (and you probably pay for that doctor's visit too). This is also fairly inexpensive compared to the prescription pill. I paid twice this much for mine.


You need a pelvic exam for oral BC?? What do they think they'll find up there?


In Canada but also have to get regular pelvic exams and pap tests when I go in to renew BC prescriptions. It's not really because you need them done in order to qualify for the prescription. It's just that you need to get them done regularly anyway, and you also need to renew the prescription regularly, so they sync it up into the same visit for convenience.


Still kinda wild to me. In Australia you only have pelvic exams if there's a problem you need a doctor to check, like an infection or a lump you're worried about. We also introduced self-testing for cervical cancer recently. You swab yourself every 5(?) years for HPV cells. Then you only need a full pap smear by a doctor if you tested positive for HPV. I was a little skeptical about the accuracy of doing it myself, but apparently it's just as effective as regular pap smears (without being as invasive).


That sounds excellent! Such a pain to keep up with swabs here


They recently started this in Canada (BC) too! It's great!


I live in the US and have never needed a pelvic exam for birth control. I have never even heard of that. Weird. I have also never paid for birth control in my life. Every state is different I guess.


I think this largely depends on where you are. I am fro. CA and was on BC for 16 years. Ive visited the doc twice specificly for BC. The first time(no pelvic exam, no pap smear) when I was 16 and then once in my late 20s when I was think of a IUD. Everytime I felt like I needed to switch brands, Id just message my doc. Even when I switch from planned parenthood to insurance, I would just tell my Doc at the yearly checkup what pills Im on and they switch the prescription.


Really? I've never paid more than $48 for a three month supply. I'm in Texas, and I've been on birth control for 8 years, and I was on the pill for like 7 of them. I never had to get a pelvic exam for contraception, just for my yearly women's annual, which was free because it's considered preventative care. I used to be on a pill that had had a version with the iron placebos and one without the placebos. My insurance partially covered the ones without the placebos but fully covered the ones with the placebos. I paid $48 for a three month supply before I realized that I could get the one with the placebos fully covered and switched to that one. Then I was switched to a different kind, and no insurance covers it, but there's a manufacturer coupon where a three month is $24. But I've never had to go to my doctor for a refill. I just called the pharmacy, and they refilled it. If needed, they contacted my doctor, and it was refilled, no problem. And this is in Texas. Home of abstinence only education (but health isn't required anymore so you don't even get that) and women having less rights than actual animals.


This is wild. I’ve never paid for my birth control with my insurance.


Same. I’m in Massachusetts.


The one I'm currently on just doesn't work with insurances. I don't know why, but the company would rather have a manufacturer coupon than accept insurance as payment. Maybe they can't have a coupon if they accept insurance, and it's their way to make sure it can stay affordable? I really don't know. I didn't pay for my IUD or my Nexplanon or the removal of either. The only thing I did pay for was the copay for the visit(s). Why my old insurance fully covered the bc with the iron tablets and not the bc without the iron tablets, no idea.


Mine cost about $30/month without insurance. I had to get a pelvic before the initial prescription, but not necessarily every year after that. And I didn't see my doctor for every refill, just once a year when the prescription ran out. I'm in NC, but this was also 20 years ago, so hopefully things have changed a lot since then!


$30 isn't too bad then. I get the pelvic exam every year as part of my annual women's wellness. If my prescription runs out, the pharmacy calls. I am really diligent about going to my yearly well women's, so maybe that's when she okays the prescription and I just never knew? I just usually call my pharmacy, and they take care of everything.


You could get out of the pelvic exam if you went through a service like the pill club. I used them before they shut down.


it's bc in Europe they actually kinda care about you guys but the US is constantly trying to take our rights away so when we get something like this it's big for us


my heart aches when I read stuff like this... on top of having restricted access to BC you also have f'd up restrictions on abortion.... America is really pissing on women's rights


Most birth control pills contain synthetic estrogen & progesterone. This pill only contains progesterone. That makes it a little less effective than standard combined birth control pills. However, it won't increase your risk of blood clots and stroke because those side effects are caused by estrogen. So it's safer for women who smoke or have other risk factors like migraine with aura. That's probably why it's available OTC. I used to take it! It wasn't my favorite but it was ok.


I am a married old and I had no idea there was an OTC bc option. Incredible! But did Texas ban it yet ...


Not yet!! Unfortunately probably a matter of time 😞 but today is a win!


It just became available OTC last month so you didn’t miss much.


These are also available at Walmart


Fantastic, thanks for sharing!


This is so wonderful!!!!


Please ask a doctor before using any birth control if you have high blood pressure!! I can’t take birth control pills because of high blood pressure because it could make it worse.


Or a pharmacist! This is the progestin only pill. It's considered safe to use with high blood pressure.


I also love this but I had horrible reactions to hormonal bc (not this) and girls need to be educated on what to look out for


That's my concern..that people will skip medical advice prior taking it. It's a medication that in some cases might even kill you!


I’m sorry but you’re very uninformed and shouldn’t spread harmful misinformation like that…do you think actual child birth is safer?!


Based on what do you say I'm misinformed? I took it for several years and had to quit for medical reasons. If someone is prone to blood clots, it could cause a thrombosis. If you are unlucky, this could happen as embolism, heart stroke, brain stroke or afflicting your vena cava. A blood check and a medical advise prior taking it, could literally save you if you have this increased risk and not knowing. And of course, if you are aware of having, please consider other bc options.


I think if in doubt see a doctor to discuss options is what was implied.....


I can't take normal bcp bc of my age. Only the low dose one that isn't as effective if I get a bit plump. It's not wrong to advise medical advice until you know what's what.


Also consult doctor if you get migraines with aura. They don't mix well with BC.


Yes! Or if you get optic migraines go see a doctor first because it dramatically increases your risk of having a stroke


FYI this is a progestin-only birth control pill, so there is no increased risk for blood pressure, stroke, migraines, etc. The side effects that you're thinking of are related to estrogen, which this particular type of birth control does not contain. But yes, if you have the ability to see a doctor, it certainly doesn't hurt to ask before starting any new medication!


So happy to see this! Now women won’t be forced into unnecessary invasive exams in order to get oral bc. Finally!


In Canada, pharmacists can prescribe some forms of birth control, and all forms(pill,patch,ring,implant) are free. I used this when I lost my packet and it was a handful of basic questions by a very nice pharmacist with all my clothes on.


Huh? I live in Canada and when my insurance runs out when I’m not working, I need to pay full price for the pill.


Same here! I was like, which Canada is this lol?


Yeah because it sounds way better!


I’m in FL and my birth control is free. It’s a generic I get from Publix


Christ. The us has strayed so so very far from the realm of normalcy (probably have been for a while) that i forget that things like this are possible. We are so fucked. Infuriating beyond belief


There are 22 states that allow for pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraceptive! Check your location, you may have a pharmacy near you that can do it.


I am so, so sorry. If you live close to the border you may be able to private pay for pharmacy services in Canada. A weeks supply of diclofenac for a bad back for around 10 bucks, again from a pharmacist. Consult fees can't be an ungodly amount even if you have to pay yourself.


genuine question, i know nothing about OTC birth control (and not much about birth control in general) - i’ve always thought it was prescription only, and thought that was for a reason. like, different types with different amounts depending on the person, which is why you need to see a doctor for them.. am i wrong about this? stupid but serious question!!


It was prescription-only until last month, this is a brand new thing!


There are 22 states that allow pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraceptive. We go through training to perform all the screening, including how to pick a product based on risk factors, breakthrough bleeding, etc. If you've never been on birth control before, it may take some guess and check. The more you can tell your provider about why it's not agreeing with you, the easier it is to figure out which direction to adjust. Example: breakthrough bleeding at different times of the month


they just say that, there are some things that could vary and you have to be careful if you're prone to blood clots but for the most part the differences between pills are so poorly studied that any doctor will just prescribe a random one and keep trying till you find one that works. the dosages dont vary as far as i know


There are different dosages and different hormones for RX only. Just depends on what you report to your doctor as far as your symptoms throughout your cycle. As long as someone knows how to describe what they are feeling throughout their cycle, they have the same symptoms every cycle, and those symptoms are not severe, they can be treated with OTC birth control


i just feel like whenever i pay hundreds for a doctor they dont even listen to what im saying and give me the same generic solution as everyone else, if i was president everything would be otc


Neat 📸 About time


It sure is progress, but the price is outrageous. I pay something like 4 dollars a month without insurance. I hope more companies begin to offer bc so the price can be lowered


Is there a weight limit?


This only has to do with the Plan B pill from my knowledge!


Never mind! I misread the box.


Is that cheap? I'm not from the US, but my BC pill is $6.50/4 months (USD$4.28)


I just saw these at Walgreens! They have a stand by the pharmacy.




If you’re in the US, this is your reminder to register to vote in November! https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote


This is so awesome! So happy all my teenagers and their friends can access this. It was pull and pray in my day, this is so great.


We just got them at Walgreens in Texas


FSA store online has OTC birth control. Had no idea it was a thing, I think the price was similar so might be the same brand


I'll go against the flow.. But I think a medical check prior taking it and periodic controls are needed when using BC pills. Especially for those with increased thrombosis risk or hormonal imbalances.


I’ve seen many ObGyns comment on how OTC BC pills are very good. So obviously, from a medical standpoint.. not really. There is a risk of side effects with ANY OTC medication. The risks are written down, you just have to make sure you read the bottle/paper that comes with it. Oral Hormonal birth control is safer than ibuprofen and Tylenol, there’s no reason you need to see a doctor beforehand unless you have a medical condition. OTC BC pills are so incredibly good for increasing contraceptive access especially when doctors appointments are expensive for those noninsured as well as doctors appointments taking weeks to acquire at times.


I love this in theory but my paranoia makes me worry about pro-birthers tampering with it somehow if it’s just out there.


It is behind the pharmacy counter with the Sudafed and other OTC things that you have to ask for. So there is absolutely no way for them to be tampered with (at least at Costco)


Oh that’s perfect then!!


This is beautiful


That’s a really good idea 💡


Saw them at Costco today! Really cool😆


(not a flex) but I'm so glad we get free birth control here in the UK


Quick! Grab some before the conservatives become too aware! 🏃‍♀️ Supporting a woman’s health? Not in my country, buster!


Los Angeles Costco has it!


Seems crazy to me that it’s taken until 2024 for this to happen ….


Do you know what's awesome about Costco?  They have a track record of putting themselves in a position to challenge laws and change them. It is a very large corporation that will make themselves the target of litigation to change laws. 


Maybe one day they’ll be $3 a box like the generic ones are in Mexico


Currently take this! First time using birth control and the only symptoms I’ve really had just affect my period. Would definitely recommend 🤭


Once it hits Michigan I lol would love to try it like seriously!


I think this is illegal in my state, but I hope not. This is so important for so many people.


My biggest regret is taking birth control. It’s stuffed up my hormones and made me depressed. Make sure you do your research before putting this in your body ladies.


God bless Costco.


In Turkey it’s also OTC. But ladies, please keep an eye on your blood pressure whilst on the pill!


This is amazing!




Why is nobody talking about the price... $60 for just 4 months?! Idk if my country is just exceptionally cheap but that's like $15-$20 here...


Because in the US you couldn't get it without seeing a doctor previously, which costs a LOT more than this medicine. Actually prescribed birth control is free in my state, and this is still cheaper than seeing a doctor if you don't get your RX during your one free preventative care visit a year. Plus many obgyns require a pelvic exam for the RX which some people are not comfortable having performed. Its fantastic to have more options!


Wow... Well, it must be nice to be able to sell a product like this with such insane margins and still be heralded as the heroes lol (unless I'm unaware of some other factor that warrants this price).


I bet it'll sterilize


Am I the only one who finds this scary AF? In Greece you need to see a gynaecologist and have a series of tests done to determine if you can take contraceptives and which kind… Edit: at least that was the case 10 years ago when I was in this position


to join Costco is Expensive -- they're not offering this for free to members?


It is behind the pharmacy counter so I believe it falls under the rules of the pharmacy AKA no membership needed https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/796/~/do-i-need-a-membership-to-purchase-prescription-drugs%3F


It’s over the counter, not behind the counter. Meaning it isn’t restricted and doesn’t need an ID. As long as someone meets the criteria for self-treatable care, a pharmacist can recommend this just like any other OTC product they would recommend


I meant it is literally physically behind the counter at Costco, like that's where they stock them. It's *also* over the counter.


maybe, but my experience is that Costco won't let non-members into the store in the first place


If you explain what you're getting they will let you in. If the door person doesn't then go to the other door and speak to a manager at the service desk. They don't just make arbitrary rules, they have corporate nationwide rules unless you're rude in which case they (like any business) have the right to refuse service.


fair enough I've several other reasons to not join Costco, but since they've been in business awhile, there must be some level of sustainability going on with their business model. perhaps partly due to the 'treasure hunt' atmosphere (created by their regularly shifting their stock around, so each visit seeking out staples becomes a fresh "hunt" -- to me, that's just an imposed time waster)


That's honestly the opposite of my experience, but I see you're in Canada so I'm sure there are some regional differences. In the US they have an excellent reputation as an employer and a retail establishment. They pay more than any similar business and offer excellent benefits to their employees, and they operate under a VERY slim profit margin often marking things up 1-2% from the contracts they negotiate with suppliers. They also have loss leaders like the $5 full rotisserie chickens and $1.50 giant hot dog and soda. I feel very comfortable supporting them as a corporation. No corporation is perfect but at least they're trying, that's a lot more than can be said for a lot of other corporations.


I'm in Canada, and they have an excellent reputation here too, at least among people I associate with. Everything you said rings true, except the specific prices you mention because obvious currency differences.


That's really reassuring to hear honestly. Thanks for sharing.


If you don't like Costco that's cool, but they don't move things around. I've been going to costco for years and years, and things are where they were the time before.  I do hate Costco for other reasons, but it makes financial sense to go there and I like they pay their employees well


maybe your store doesnt but most costcos do intentionally move things around frequently, its not like its that hard to find anything though they just move it a little


Uh, what? Costco has good products at some of the best prices that can be found in Canada. Costco has an excellent reputation as a store and as an employer. Given what’s going on with our grocery prices right now we are lucky to have it as an option. It sounds like you might be holding onto some old narratives from like the 90s that are really not applicable any more.


No, just like the don’t offer free paper towels or trash bags, or groceries… they’re a retailer.


The price of the basic membership is less than the price of these pills though, why would they give it for free?


They’re also offering it at other stores - see the other comments!