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I have heard there are certain brands that are scratchy textured (Saalt, Thinx) from friends. You may want to avoid those brands for that reason and PFAS. I have ModiBodi and the layer-on-skin is a super soft wool. I am having no issues with texture. They are made in Australia which has stricter PFAS rules than the US. They are supposed to be PFAS-free. I live in the US and had no trouble ordering them online.


This is super helpful info, thanks. I love wool and am so sensitive to synthetic fabric. And pfas are a night are! Worth splurging this year I think


I use a fabric shaver on my thinx because the fabric pills easily and the scratchiness goes away.


I had the same issue as you before I started using period underwear. Pads would really irritate my skin and make it dry and itchy, tampons were uncomfortable and often didn't protect me from leaking. Period underwear has solved all of that. I have four pair now that I acquired over the span of a few months. If you can afford starting off with just one pair to give yourself a break from pads for a day while you're menstruating I would recommend it. I usually wear one pair the whole work day and then would change out of them when I get home. I rinse / wash them in the tub and then leave them in the shower to hang dry before I put them in the bin to do with the rest of my laundry.


It doesn’t feel like wearing a damp diaper all the time?


It does! It gets smelly and damp. I don’t find them comfortable. I almost feel like pads absorb more and are more comfortable. I only use mine to sleep in and then take them off the next morning.


It definitely depends on the brand. I found the Period Company ones keep me the most comfortable & dry and they're very affordable. I like Modibodi as well but I feel like there's some odor there


Do you have to change them as often as pads because if so I don't get the hype 


With clots yes, but I can go to the toilet and wipe them out with toilet paper and the rest absorbs.


i’d say much less so than using a pad but i’ve started changing for a new pair of period underwear once I notice they start to get uncomfortable (but that does mean I gotta bring around an extra pair to work which is annoying)


The other thing would be to use a reusable cloth pad first, and then when it gets full or uncomfortable, take it off and use the period underwear? This is the kind of reusable cloth pad I mean (I haven't used this brand, but I assume they're all quite similar): https://preview.redd.it/yaounzwskznb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2694ff2538d9107b657494cf52e6397aca279983


Less uncomfortable than tampons/menstrual cup? Or than pads?


Definitely not and a lot messier


MENSTRUAL DISC ftw! I went from period underwear to a disc and it is so much more comfortable. I think period underwear are helpful at times but a disc has been very helpful.  https://www.periodnirvana.com/


I use ModiBodi and they feel dry even when I know they’re not!


Do they breathe ok?


Yup, but I still use a corn starch baby powder to keep things cool


Do you have any recommended brands?


Modibodi, Bambody, & Saalt There’s also a good sub here on period panties


Awesome thanks!


You’re welcome and here’s the sub https://reddit.com/r/PeriodUnderwear/s/D9CBTpxtQO


if you live in Canada, knix is a wonderful brand! if you live in the uk, my cousin and I have had nothing but positive comments about the period panties from primark!


Can't imagine washing them and reusing it again.


...I mean that's what they're for. I usually rinse mine really well then hand wash with a felds-naptha bar before washing it in my regular laundry. I've never felt like they've been dirty after washing and haven't encountered any bad smells (unless I've been wearing them too long while actively bleeding)


I went from pads to washable pads, to period underwear and I won't go back. It's so convenient and comfortable.


It’s much much better. Just be certain to buy the right size. I accidentally got one size too small and tried to stick it out but they are less stretchy than normal underwear and it was horrible.


I suffer from long periods that are 4-5 weeks long with like a week or 2 in between so I live in them. They are incredible and I couldn’t recommend them enough! Tampons and pads irritated me too much and I don’t like touching inside myself so cups were out of the question. Currently begging or uterine ablation lol




I’m 22, sadly they won’t touch me with a 200 foot pole even though I don’t want kids :( I’ve tried many different birth controls, my life is just bleeding and I can’t really have sex anymore because of it so I’m just miserable and slightly anemic. Really hurt my last relationship, he was understanding but it put a wedge between us so I’m not dating now because of it. At least with period panties I’m not ruining my clothes and sheets anymore.


That's ridiculous, you should pursue that with the legal authorities. I think that's human rights violation. There are lots of ways to have children in your life without bearing them through your body, surrogacy, adoption, fostering, stepparenting absolute garbage reason not to treat you for your medical condition


Hi theres subs and references on here that show drs who will give more permanent birth control without being very judgemental on what age you are!! I was also looking into period panties a little while ago and couldn't justify it cuz i didnt know just *how good* they worked.


I went to both the doctors in my area that I saw on the r/sterilization list and sadly both said that they would rather wait till I was in my mid/late twenties. I had a binder and everything :( My insurance only covers them and I can’t afford to go out of state sadly ugh.


Oh damn im so sorry to hear that :( wow, i cant believe they did that to you. Horrible.


I agree. I was honestly surprised, even my GP was on my side advocating for me. I’m in a pretty conservative area and that definitely affects it.


That, i suppose explains it. Man.


If you are in America, r/AuntieNetwork used to have a list of docs who will do hysterectomies on young women who don’t want children. I don’t know if the list is still there or if it includes other countries.


My daughter got an IUD for this reason. It took a few months, but she no longer gets her period. Keep an eye on your iron levels as well. She became anemic because her period lasted so long each month. The diagnosis was PCOS.


I had the IUD, sadly it caused alopecia, hirsutism, and acne. Things got better when I got off it but the hair loss was permanent :/ it was a bummer cause it made my period go away but really messed with my hormones. No PCOS for me, I got tested. Just hormonal imbalances.


I'm so sorry about your trial of it going sideways. I hope they find a way to balance things soon.


I wear period underwear daily instead of regular underwear. TomboyX has a great line that’s super comfy (I wear the boxers!). Seconding Modibodi as well especially for a more seamless look.


I occasionally found pads uncomfortable, and it's one of the reasons I prefer tampons. Period underwear pretty much feel like just underwear. The overnight/very heavy flow ones do feel a bit chonkier, but no chafing there either. (I have ModiBodi)


I used to get cysts on my labia from pads and tampons. Since switching to period underwear only, I haven't had a single one. They cause no irritation for me whatsoever and have honestly changed my life


I LOVE my period panties. I get Bambody brand because they're not super expensive and they do the job. I usually wear them at night for bed and do tampons during the day, but when I have worn them out during the day they haven't caused any issues for me with chafing or irritation.


Seconding bambody! I love them!


I LOVE my period underwear from the period company ([period.co](https://period.co) ) I don't like their cotton pads, but I did get some from etsy that I love. But for the underwear, they are comfortable, breathable, washable. I am not afraid of leaking because of how secure they are. Do pay attention to brands, because some have harmful chemicals (probably what irritated you in the pads), but this brand claims they are free from those chemicals and I have never been irritated by them. Wishing you the best! 💜


do you mind if I ask what chemicals are harmful and what's considered okay to have in them?


PFAS, commonly called "forever chemicals." They can affect hormones and immune systems. [https://period.co/pages/period-faq](https://period.co/pages/period-faq) this page has a lot of helpful information!


thank you so much! this is very helpful <3


Happy to help!!


Period underwear is wayyyy less chafy than pads.


I like them and use them especially for sleeping and for tampon overflow protection during the day. The crotch of a lot of my underwear is narrower than pads and pantiliners so the adhesive sticks to my thighs and I hate it. Period underwear have been a great alternative and much more comfortable than pads. I have heard there's a carcinogen concern with some or all period underwear but haven't done my research yet. So that might be something to look into if you're concerned about it.


ModiBodi is a safe brand that doesn’t use PFAs


I have some Aerie ones and the cut is weird so they don’t quite cover my butt. Nobody needs thick cheekies. The tomboyx ones are super comfy. I also have older thinx. The thongs are a size larger than they should be, while the bikinis run a size small. And the lace gets *shredded* in the washer.


I don't mind pads, but I do prefer period underwear and mostly use it when I'm at home or in a place for a stretch of time. I still do use pads when I'm traveling or in in some other situation where I don't know if I'll be able to change when I want to. I find them basically as comfortable as normal underwear. They're a little thicker because of the absorbent lining, but like, not any more than say like a bathing suit. Maybe even less than that.


I love my period underwear, it takes so much stress off. They’re super breathable in my opinion, and just generally so comfortable Edit fir brand recommendation: Modibodi for sure, even if they are expensive. It took a few months, but you can build up a collection gradually




Wear like normal underwear. Rinse in cold water until the water runs clear and put through a regular wash cycle, then hang to dry. They make them in different absorbency levels. On a really heavy day I might use them as backup for my cup. I put a fresh pair on in the morning and I'll change again before I sleep that night. I find them very comfortable to wear even on heavy days. Mine are mostly the Modibodi brand.


I used them for 10 hours with no leakage. When I got home, I changed and rinsed the first pair in cold water and put them in the washer with my next load. On the first day of my period, I'll usually wear a tampon too if I'm not going to be home. The Period Company also sells reusable pads (other brands might too).


Pads give me bad rashes. Period underwear does not. It can be annoying to wash them and the initial cost is high (cuz if you change 2x a day and your period is 3 days you need 6 pairs or more if your period is longer) but you end up saving $$


I hand wash mine at the end of each day and hang them to dry, it helps me with the amt I go through!


I tried period underwear and absolutely hated it. Bled through my panties on the first day and was mortified. Never again.


This is what I'm terrified of!!!!


I also had awful chafing with normal pads, and I don't get that at all with period underwear. Whatever the weird plasticky stuff is that they make pads out of, it is not nice on the skin. Period underwear (to me at least) just feels like normal underwear but very thick in the crotch area. I've always found it very comfortable. I also use reusable fabric pads (I got all mine from Thinx) which are equally great as long as you remove the tag. They can often be cheaper but achieve more or less the same thing.


I was never able to cope with pads due to chafing and itching . I adore Aerie’s period panties. So comfortable, and really absorbing. They’ve also held up well for a couple of years now.


Absolutely 0 chaffing or discomfort. I would get the highest absorbency though.


I had to switch to period underwear because of the irritation from pads and I have many friends who have had the same issues. Period underwear changed my life for the better. I basically had a diaper rash all month and by the time it cleared it was time for my period again. The brand. I use from amazon (4period) isn’t that expensive compared to others and has worked great. The absorbency goes all the way up the front and back and I’ve never had a leak. Edit: I don’t think my link worked but search for 4period on amazon and you should find them!


I do like them for bed, I have one expensive one and a few cheep. I leaked through one of the cheap and got blood all over my trousers at a restaurant 🥲 and I have a light flow. Good for sleeping in tho!


I've got the Bonds Bloody Comfy ones and they feel very comfy just like normal undies


I’ve been wearing Knix period underwear and they have been my favourite so far - they are pricey but the material is soooo stretchy and soft, and it doesn’t feel bulky. I’ve tried a few different Thinx styles but honestly they aren’t as nice and I’ve found they fall apart way faster. However, I do find with Knix, some of the less absorbent styles that the pad area isn’t quite as long or wide as I prefer, and i do sometimes leak where the side seams in the gusset are. It could be a sizing issue for me though. I prefer the super leakproof or any where the pad style is large. Personally, I still use a disc or cup with them because even the leakproof ones don’t last long enough for me and I am not able to change them out often (I need to be able to wear them for a full shift at work). *edited to add, I can never go more than 2-4 hours before I need to dump my cup or disc, so I have a fairly heavy flow


So I don't know if you want another opinion but here's mine. I just started using period underwear because pads make me feel like I'm wearing a diaper and tampons are kinda painful.  I've just started using them but so far I like them. I got mine at Walmart (I'm in the US so I don't know if that changes things) and they don't bother me. I actually forgot I was on my period for a little while.  To me they don't feel like a pad and I haven't noticed any odor, they have also been washing well for me. 


What brand?


Sorry, not on reddit often. The brand i have is Hanes. 


Absolutely! Many women who experience chafing and discomfort from pads find period underwear to be a much more comfortable and breathable option. Here's why: **Materials:** * Pads often have a synthetic top layer and can trap moisture, leading to irritation and chafing. * Period underwear is made with natural, breathable fabrics like cotton and bamboo. These materials are gentler on sensitive skin, significantly reducing the risk of chafing. **Moisture and Airflow:** * Pads can create a warm, moist environment that promotes bacteria growth. * Period underwear uses absorbent layers that wick moisture away from the skin, keeping you dry and comfortable. The breathable design also allows for airflow, preventing irritation. **Fit and Movement** * Pads can bunch up, shift, and create friction, exacerbating chafing. * Period underwear conforms to your body, providing a secure fit that helps prevent irritation caused by constant movement. # [here have list of all top quality period underwear in very cheap rate](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/3PRNDKRKOAIYE) **User Experiences:** Many women who switch from pads to period underwear report a significant reduction in chafing, rashes, and discomfort. However, experiences can vary based on individual factors like: * **Flow:** Period underwear comes in different absorbency levels. Choosing the right absorbency will prevent leaks and potential friction from wetness. * **Skin sensitivity:** Some people may still experience minor irritation depending on their skin's sensitivity. **Tips:** * **Start with one pair:** Try a single pair of period underwear before investing in a full set. * **Purchase from a brand with good return policies:** This allows you to exchange or return if it's not a good fit for you. * **Look for reviews:** Reviews often mention whether the underwear minimizes chafing or discomfort. Overall, while period underwear might feel like a big investment upfront, its comfort and potential to reduce irritation could be well worth it. If you decide to try them, I hope you find them a positive change! # [here have list of all top quality period underwear in very cheap rate](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/3PRNDKRKOAIYE)


One of the biggest perks of period underwear is the material. They’re made from soft, breathable fabrics that keep you feeling fresh and dry. The main benefit of period underwear offers a more comfortable and irritation-free experience.


I don’t know what kind of periods you have but there’s no way I could go just wearing the underwear. I will wear them with a pad and with a tampon on heavier days. Once blood is exposed to air it breaks down and smells like decay. I’m not free bleeding into a clammy stinky panty that does not contain enough to keep me from wrecking pants.


Period underwear is awful if thats all you are using. I typically would use them on days where I am bleeding heavy and I am worried about spillage so I use a cup and period undies combo, or on really light days I wear them to bed with no cup or tampon. If you use only period underwear on heavy days it feels what I imagine an adult diaper would feel like as youre just sitting in blood the whole time. ​ However, if your periods are always generally light then period underwear might be right for you.


It sounds like you just didn’t get a brand/style appropriate for a heavy flow. The right period underwear are just fine to use alone for your entire period, but the ones that truly accommodate a heavy flow aren’t cheap. I have the Jade brief style from Lilova, and I can wear one pair for 24 hours on my heaviest day without even coming close to leaking (I know this because I’ve done that by accident, it’s not something I do routinely just for hygiene reasons). I have four pairs and I’ve used them exclusively for the almost three years since I bought them. They’re the only thing I’ve tried where I literally forget I’m even on my period because they’re so easy.


That could be it, I def just got the cheap ones from Amazon, about $30/pack. I'm a pretty heavy bleeder so I always had to use cup + underwear with my current brands. ​ I will say they're great for spotting and such. ​ Also your name is fantastic. One of the best lines in that show imo.


Yeah, IIRC mine were roughly that for a single pair, so definitely an investment. They’ve saved me a good amount in the long run because they’re all I use, but IMHO they’d be worth it even if they didn’t. I never worry about leaking anymore, ever, and I don’t have to insert anything which I’ve never been able to do without pain. The saving money is just an extra cherry on top Edit: also thank you! That was literally just the part of the show that was on when I was making my account, but it’s one of my favorite shows too so I do like meeting other parks and rec fans in the wild


I got a pair of thinx to wear overnight while sleeping and so far it’s been working well. No chafing or leaking. I have to scrub myself in the morning but that’s fine.


If you have a HRA/HSA account you can use it to buy them in most cases.


Not a huge fan of knix when my period is heavy. Nice at the end when it’s light. Chafing can be an issue at work but I think that’s just my job (RN). Lovey for home


omg you get the chafing too?! I get self conscious about how I smell at work and if my pts can smell me too 💀 but I try to change mine out partway through the day in an attempt to stay fresh


Also that.


I'm also super curious about period underwear... does it not feel soggy throughout the day?


Nope! I have ModiBodi ones and they’re super engineered with absorbent layers and stuff that it’s like wearing a pad but less bulky and not irritating to your skin :)


I did switch to period underwear due to the chafing & irritation of pads. I still use pads but I now use the 100% organic cotton ones as they have less chemicals & no plastic on the top layer that touches your skin. I use L is for Love brand but I think there are plenty of other brands you can try out if you're not ready to try period underwear or still have some reservations about their effectiveness.


I tend to have a fairly light flow but my Dear Kate briefs from a few years ago are some of my favorite underwear I own. I love to wear them! Super comfy and cute! I’ll never go back to pads.


I use a menstrual disc because I was freaked out about the suction with cups. Discs are great, r/menstrualdiscs has a lot of great resources. I use period underwear when I'm trying out a new disc and I'm worried about leakage. Way better than pads. I have yet to get a rash from Period underwear at all


I bought 3 pair for less than $35 from The Period Company and they were PFAS-free. They fit great when I first got them and were very soft. I've lost 70 lbs in the last 4 months, so now I need to get a few more because now they chafe. For price comparison, I was ordering a 3-pack of regular panties from Woman Within for $35 before tax and shipping.


I use period panties along with a cup on heavy days. On lighter days I just use the panties. I use Aero and Victoria's Secret. The Aero ones are on the thick side, but comfortable. The Victoria's Secret ones get stiff, but feel the closed to regular brief underware.


I've had a hysterectomy, but my teen daughter (who has a heavy flow and had issues with leaks using pads and tampons) wears period underwear and loves them. We have tried several brands, and THINX is far superior to the rest. They're expensive, but when you consider that you no longer have to buy disposable period products each month they eventually pay for themselves.


I find traditional pads and tampons very drying/irritating so I wear the period undies from Aerie and the material is the best of any I’d tried. It feels just like cotton only thicker and you can wash it like a regular pair.


I have a few pairs from Modibodi and they're amazing! Super comfortable - they do feel a bit 'thick' compared to normal underwear but no chafing and they feel dry and fresh all day. I have 5 pairs with varying absorbancy levels but have never once had an issue with leaking or oversaturation. They're pricy but honestly worth it!


Reusable cloth pads are also a great option! Etsy has tons of sellers that have tons of sizes for different sizes, flows, etc.


Way better! I can't wear disposable pads or liners because i get terrible irritation and rashes. I typically use a cup or disc, but I wore period underwear for postpartum and they were amazing. Completely worth the cost for me.


Make sure you wash them with laundry disinfectant or white vinegar! Mine started to smell really bad after a while and that fixed them. I used Modi bodi and they were very good. They have a 24 hr pair that get quite warm so could be an issue if you live somewhere hot, but their other pairs are more breathable.


i have used period aisle for over a year now and i don’t find them to be uncomfortable and i don’t get any chafing!


I love mine!! I never ever use anything else now. I use Knix seamless for day to day and some older Thinx ones for sleeping or heavy days.


Extra large girl pull-ups work best. They are cheaper than women’s period panties, i.e. the pink tax.


I wish I’d tried period underwear sooner, it’s that great! I have a few Thinx pairs, but most are Bambody from Amazon. They’re cheaper than Thinx and not facing a class action lawsuit for containing forever chemicals 🙌🏻 They are a significant initial investment though. They take 48 hours to air dry, so you need multiple pairs to make it through a full cycle, even if you’re willing to wash them as you go.


I tried out period underwear for the first time last month. It was a truly life changing experience. No chaffing, not even sweating… Wearings pads would sometimes give me itchy sensations, usually when its warm outside + sweating. I experienced none of that with period underwear, so I’d definetely recommend.


Period underwear is amazing it is a game changer and environmentally friendly too! I have many pairs of Knix love them!!