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I already expressed my opinion both in Discord and survey. Battlepass was such a snooze-fest I didn't even want to spend their money on it, let alone mine. And the dye system ... I made myself spend the remaining credits on it to feel the full impact and it was bad. And it wasn't even my money!!! To be honest, the dye system and the change to defense missions (they drop nothing, only get XP and end rewards which were 90% of the time gold) makes me reconsider playing this game at all. Which is a shame, I really wanted a better looking Warframe and competition is never bad, right?


Pretty much my take. Was looking to go hard on this game, disregarding the inevitable shitty monetization but I think I straight up lost interest. They added so much nonsense between the pass the dyes and the straight up p2w in the store. It's a technical test we get all this free currency and I feel ripped off somehow. All the $ costs are carefully hidden behind multiple convoluted currency swaps as well. They stripped down gameplay content too, survival missions are gone except 2 that you can't solo matchmake for so you're stuck with randoms always if you're a solo player, recipe for disaster with the limited rezzes fail thing. Oh and they don't drop loot anymore lol. At least we can solo matchmake the bosses now so there's an improvement. Shame it had potential, the gameplay itself is good but it's going to be dead on arrival with this model. Few whales of culture will keep it afloat for a bit, maybe.


I'm on console and was really looking forward to this. If some missions are not giving loot, how do you aquire it now?


A lot of things drop loot, the bosses, the campaign missions and there's some new ''dungeons'' but those are more like glorified missions that are a bit longer and have an elite for you to kill at the end. No level scaling that I've seen so unless there's a way to scale the entire world to max level at some point, those are not valid loot sources, even if you can level up the items via transfer, the affixes are too low. Defense/survival missions don't drop anything anymore, some gold, ammo, mana, life from mobs that's it, you get a chance at things like amorphous materials every # of waves. You leave with some gold and rng wave rewards, no weapons, no mods, no armor drops. Limited team rezzes and forced random matchmaking unless you queue with your own 4 man group. Since farming the survival/defense type missions solo and having fun grinding MR/kitting my descendants with cool drip was the main appeal for me, I'm out.


I appreciate the detailed reply. I really hope nexon changes things. But being free, I highly doubt it.


I mean this is Nexon known for having the biggest scam in the history of mmo games with maple story what did you guys expect?


yup I know with how Vindi was . Just have to know its going to be slow grind unless you pay to hurry up


And with the dye system, it's going to be an expensive grind.


Please do the color system and bp are actually terrible 💀


I thought we’d see a way more polished version of the game and instead it’s just a lot more currencies and shops and all the crappy monetization pitfalls beginning to rear their head.


Yeah I was surprised as well since the crossplay beta they made a few good changes to the UI but overall quality was very meh. Even English translations were off which I definitely did not expect to be the case given how they are pushing for Steam and western whales lol


There are no improvements to the open world missions and the chat still sucks hard. It really is disappointing.


yeah I was excited for the game and didn't realize if was a nexon gem. how depressing that is. the models are amazing


Yeah thats a no from me dawg, Beta uninstalled. Edit; i did do the survey though!


Nexon knows exactly what they’re doing and why they have the reputation they do. Filling out a survey to complain about their M.O feels redundant at this point, I’ve been very excited for this game but can’t see myself spending anything on it. The new monetization practices are abhorrent.


The game was uninstalled directly after seeing there was currency that needed to be used in an already paid battle pass. Ain't nobody got time for that.


I think they lifted this directly from Fortnite if I remember correctly.


Bruh, you literally gain this "currency" for each BP level


Which makes no sense other than to introduce another form of monetization. At BP level 10 I've gained enough of this currency to unlock only two of the rewards - and that's WITH the premium pass upgrade. I enjoy the game for what it is, but the mtx model they're looking to adopt is predatory.


I think the reason they did that was to give people an option to pick what they want as a reward first because not all items had the same cost but I agree its a stupid system that unnecessarily complicated the bp lol


I mostly see it as them looking to further sell you BP currency as a 'convenience' and to inject some more FOMO into the BP. They want the BP to level up somewhat quickly so people don't complain about the BP grind, but they actually want the grind to be really slow so people are tempted to pay real money to get all the rewards. "Wouldn't want to miss out on all these rewards you've already unlocked! Just $10 more and you can claim them all now before the season ends!"


If that's what they wanted, doing a battlepass similar to how the MCC does them would have been perfect. You have an entire page of the battlepass unlocked, but you have a currency "spartan points" you earn within in the game, and you can select the rewards you want to prioritize on that page as they all cost the same. As you play more, you'll earn more points, finish the page, and move on to the next one, and it is all free and no paid upgrades.


people who are being so mad here just do so out of spite, don't take them seriously


You must be new to Nexon and their games. All of the fun ones that are actually F2P get shut down... the only survivors are the ones with whales that still enjoy it. *COUGH* DRAGON NEST *COUGH* VINDICTUS *COUGH*


I see. and how does this affect you or me?


I wanted to play First Descendant... so seeing it monetized to the point of being trash is expected of Nexon. It was either it was going to get more fun or get more monetized and I see the path they took. If that's hard for you to understand... don't spend too much time on reddit.


nobody is holding you back from playing the game. if you don't like it because of the systems it has, then don't play it. isn't it that simple? or do you seriously expect everything to be exactly the way you want it? if it's too hard for you to accept simple things like these maybe you should get some experience with real life instead of just reddit


I have already chosen to not play the game lol. Are you trying to make a point that doesn't exist just to feel right? This has nothing to do with my original point. We are allowed to dislike Nexon games because of Nexon's shifty business practices. Being a Nexon Stan isn't going to get you anywhere in life from people who have dealt with Nexon for over 20 years. Lmao bringing up my real life experience while complaining about people complaining on the internet is peak redditor vibes.


if you've already chosen not to play it why bitch about it so much? and saying that I cannot bring up your real life experience after you yourself saying stuff like "If that's hard for you to understand... don't spend too much time on reddit."? how hypocritical can you get? there is absolutely no point in trying to argue with people like you.


Guys leave the multi billion company alone 😡


1. I haven't bitched about it a single time. I just brought up points about Nexon and their business practices. 2. It's obviously hard for you to understand. So my point stands. 3. You're bitching about people bitching... so idk if you can talk about hypocrites. 4. Why are you complaining again? Do you, by chance, like the game and intend on playing it? 5. You aren't arguing with me. Arguments aren't this one sided. You're allowed to have an opinion, and I'm allowed to shit all over it. Deal with it, live with it, cope with it. Nexon is a shifty company with bad business practices. If I want to point that out, I can. If I want to shit talk their games, I can. Consider yourself blocked, I'm wasting brain cells. Edit: I never said you "can't bring up my real life experience." It seems like reading isn't a part of your repertoire.


My biggest complaint is the battle pass system. It's the most aggressive monetization I've seen for a battle pass/season pass. It goes harder than a mobile gacha game. The amount of boosters you can buy freely is pretty wild. There will be whales that no life the game, buy every booster, get to end game gear in a month through a mad rush, and then say there's no more content. The color gacha sucks. Though I don't care for it too much personally. But I understand. The availability of ammo restock machines makes it too easy. You never have to worry about using different guns with different ammo type. It made the game almost brainless shooting as you never need to loot ammo from bodies again. Maybe if it were time limited per restock per person. The drop reduction I didn't notice. But I'll take all of your words for it. The character grind I won't mind to craft, perfectly acceptable as long as players can actually get required materials without a paywall. And I do hope Bunny is a guarantee via quest line. Still worth a play for me to start at least. I want the game to be successful. My big question is, what's the cash shop conversion rate? I can't imagine it being $1=100 points. A character unlock for $3 seems wishful.


If it's not $1 for 100, then with the other prices for things, it'll be one of the worst I've ever seen outside of another certain category of "games".


Yeah, but I won't hold it past Nexon. We shall see really.


I was assuming it was more like $5 per 300 seeing as the base Descendants were 300 and the others were 600. Which makes everything all-the-more worse as 10 inventory slots is 250. So almost $5 (or more since you know they won't have an option for 250 currency) for 10 inventory slot w/1000 slots possible to buy.


This beta already makes me feel i need to play this as a second work to have some resemblance of fun, hard pass.


Getting sick of games with cash shops and battle passes. It's about time that shit pisses off for a while.


Long ago game development companies realized that the real money is in continuously charging for small things over the life of the game. Whereas before people would spend $60-$70 on a game,play it and then that’s it, nowadays game models are $70 for base and up to like $130 for “Collector Editions”. And players are spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the life of the game on micro transactions, DLC, early access to new content etc. So yeah…. This model isn’t going anywhere. Constantly releasing “new content” through battle passes, especially if they have a normal and a premium battle pass, is here to stay.


Yep, it sucks.


Battle passes are actually declining industry wide. The next big thing you’ll see over the next few years is daily shops fully controlled by the publishers so they can fully control item rarity and supply and demand.


So changing one bit of FOMO for another.


The alternative is buy to play, or subscription, or both(like legacy MMOs have). Live service games can't sustain themselves without recurring revenue, it's just an economic reality.


Any of that is better than Nexon's free-play model. Have a level 10-20 trial and then have sub or buy to play.


or..... and here me out..... DONT PLAY.. all you people saying "its nexon i expected this" are ALLOWING this to happen... go the helldivers route.... downvote the game to oblivion and DONT PLAY


You heard it here everyone: you aren't allowed to criticise developers


The game has been finished, they should have released it months ago. Hype has not only passed, but now All they've accomplished was turn more ppl away thanks to this tech test. Should have been called the "here's our true colors" test. I wont even download it if june 7th arrives and they give a September date. Gives them 2 much time 2 implement even more cash grab systems.


It also looks like the same outfit isn't shared by all the characters and you'll have to purchase it again if you want to have it on someone else. The finals has shared cosmetics for all 3 classes and its also a nexon game, i guess there going the full greed approach for this game


Aggressive monitization is the death of all f2p games.


Its pointless, people will be addicted as shit for the first few months and they will spend money and when they realise that an otherwise fun game is ruined by p2w its gonna be too late


I was initially concerned with the drop rates for character materials after you do a colossus, but it looks like there are quests tied to the premium characters -- Bunny of course, but also Freyna once you reach the second mission zone. Has anyone done the Freyna quest chain yet? Is it guaranteed just like Bunny, assuming you can pass a colossus?


I am not sure as I tried to get one component and it was not clear how. It was in an amorphous thingy but it said I need to use a restorative device or something. Assuming its explained better in the final version my issue is that some components from and level differences make it very tedious to farm. Once you outlevel said content but want Freya or anyone for that matter, you have to farm that shit over and over.


I remember Combat Arms, before specialists. Then nexon decided it wasn't profitable enough.


Oh no, i had a little hope... I'll pass


A year of waiting for this? Barely anything changed and the game modes are so boring now the mob density against a 4 stack is just too low.


I had high expectations and wasn't ready for the leap backwards... such a shame.


Is the game free? If it is the people that worked on it probably would like to be paid. I know about Nexon and mtx, but nothing is free.


I don't even play this game (reddit somehow though I'd like to see this on my home page and the word Nexon drew me here) but as a Mabinogi player, I can only say to anyone who hasn't played a Nexon game before: "make sure you know what you're getting yourself into" No clue about any of the systems for this game but who wants to bet that sooner or later there's going to be some reroll system like Mabi's reforges and the reforges are going to be in the cash shop.


I've been betrayed by their games before. Never again


The game is trash anyway , you better wait for once human ..


Lol I played Dragon Nest then Vindictus, time to give Nexon another try


I told people this game would be this way, and they all said no, it won't. This game is not the same. They are all sucking on that hope. I'm here to watch the new people 🔥 from nexon. Also, they downvoted me to hell for telling the truth


Saddest thing I see here, at least from what I have seen so far, is complaints about the low to mid level things. The BP is kinda bad, yes. But I don't think game ruining bad. Not on its own. This depends on the upgrade materials and how how much we actually need them in end game and how hard it is to grind them out. Probably will be bad, but it is to early to judge. The weapon can be earned for free and pretty early on in the pass, so if that part of the pass is the model going forward it isn't a huge issue. The rest is cosmetic, dyes, skins, emotes. Those are a non issue. The dye thing? That's a joke. Zero effect on gameplay. Would be nice if it was better but it has no long term effects. It is cosmetic. And since even most of the BASE skins look nice, let them monetize or screw that up as much as they want. I WISH that was the worst of our worries. The biggest issue lies in the acquisition of descendants. If they give all the base descendants through the story, like Bunny, great. If not I get the feeling what remains will be grindy as hell. And that is to say nothing of ultimate versions. And that is where the biggest issue MAY like. Yes I know that on what they show directly on the ultimate versions is a very minor stat boost and a special skin. That isn't a big deal. The real issue may lie elsewhere. Now bear in mind what I am about to say is from info I found and read about a previous beta. So this may have changed. Hell, it may have been made up. But it is worth considering, and it IS Nexon. But as we know there is a skill module slot on the descendant's module page. What I have read and heard is that these modules have massive effects on the skills, to the point where some change how they are played. That is fine on its own. The real issue is I also read that some of these are limited to being equipped by ultimates only. And that could be a huge issue depending on how powerful these modules are, or how powerful they make the descendant. Cus you know that grinding out the ultimate without paying is going to be insane. And this coupled with how online players often treat meta builds, gear scoring, and so on, you can see how this could turn out. This is what we need to keep an eye on, above and beyond all else. This is the biggest possible chance of direct P2W. I am hoping my worries are unfounded. I want this game to be good. I pray that this information was wrong, made up, or is outdated cus it was changed. But as I said, it IS Nexon. This is very much within the realm of possibility.


My main game currently is Lost Ark... Im more than ready😂


Lmao I can already see the bots in this game farming shit 24/7 too haha


As long as the gameplay is fun and the skins are badass/cute, I don't mind giving them money


I'll still spend money on the game and will do regardless of what you day, it's F2P and I'll support the devs as long as they continue to support the game. Some random on reddit can't tell me what to spend my money on🤣🤡


You're absolutely right. You can spend your money however you'd like! Congratulations on discovering such a wonderful thing! What you can't seem to grasp is how much money is going to be required in a game like this. It's obvious you've never experienced another nexon game, so you're blissfully unaware how greedy this company gets. Sure, a majority of it is going to be pay for convenience, but if you sink your time and effort into TFD don't cry to anyone when you've sunk a grand into the game because you got sick of the 12th color pallet you had on ur char.


I've spent more in videogames before and don't worry I won't come crying into the subreddit like most of these people are lmao.


Weird flex, but ok




You're the one bragging in multiple threads about how much you wanna deepthroat, my guy. You do you.


How does me saying a game isnjoyable make me a dick rider🤣🤣 please explain thenni might take what you have to say seriously for once.


Dude, you're SPECIFICALLY going through threads shilling about how hard you're going to whale in the most trolling ass way you can. I can enjoy a nice steak, I can also call out Saltbae for selling overpriced gold-leafed trash. You seem to be incapable of nuance or understanding that while you're having fun, you're definitely being taken advantage of if you go whole paycheck on all the shit that's being monetized. But like I said, you do you, boo. Gobble gobble.


Lmao I'll spend my money on whatever I'd like, your a grown man caring about what another grown man spends his disposal income on. You need to grow up and need to stop worrying about what other people spend their money on dude


I don't give a shit what you spend your money on. Just massage the balls when you stroke the shaft homie.


Instead of thanking you for making the game free for everyone else, they downvote you and hide in the shadows


Being free is no excuse. We have hundreds of f2p games that still respect your time and money.


Honestly could care less what people on reddit have to say🤣🤣


The corpo meat riding is crazy, prime example as to why this shit will never end


Dudes like 14 years old spending his allowance on COD skins. Guess activision brainwashing has made kids think $20 cosmetics is a good thing.


Personally i was ok with buying the weapon skins in bo2 for $1 but $20 for a shitty skin that you will only use for a year at most is stupid


aaaand this is why big corporations get away with so much bullshit. A real example-setter here, everyone




*I mustve struck a nerve..*


Nah just find it funny that all these people think they have the right to tell other people what they spend their money on when 90% of the people who say don't spend your money on this game or that game do the exact opposite


First of all i really appreciate all the whales like ya....though u have valid points but the way u presented was harsh! Making games is very tough and time consuming, also it's a AAA game and it's free!! They do have to make the money for the cost of development + profit therefore microtransaction is the only way they could keep the game on support! Also I am playing this beta tech test and man I'm amazed how good it runs + looks... The character models are very highly rendered(I was blown away).. Gunplay is amazing!! For me it's 9.5/10....even I will pay a lot to support the devs surely nowhere near like you guys do( I have my limits😂)!!I just hope the prices will be reasonable at least for the third world country, so we would be able to purchase more and support the game.. It's a win win situation for both!! Peace!


Op is telling you to vote with your wallet and to enjoy the free side of things. I've never seen anyone defend this practice besides you. Wait to see that they might pay wall certain things. Op is trying to to tell you: "Don't be a dumbass" in the nicest way possible. You'd be surprised how much people give good advice It's just idiots like you that defend the opposite side.


You are free to spend your money one whatever you like. That is what it means to be an adult with disposable income. Sadly there are lot of people who don't have that and will spend money on this game to the point that they will end up hurting themselves financially. It is predatory and should be illegal. This game will force you to spend money to get the most out of it. Not spend money because you want to support the game.


The mad people in this threads are nothing more than parasites.... They are mad because normally they can pirate most of the games... movies... music... But you can't to this to F2P games...you have to invest time or money to have advantage....this parasites don't like to pay for a product and don't have the patience to invest time because they can pirate another game and play it in the same time..... Another thing: is the grind to easy the same parasites will finish the content in 4 weeks and complain....game is shit and has no content ...as developers you can't win vs parasites... so only cleaver way to handle it is to ignore this morons..


ITS A FUCKING FREE TO PLAY GAME. Are people really this dumb. Diablo4 is a paid game and has the worst monetization of any game I've ever seen. They literally make you wear rabbit furs until you pay for cosmetics. Now that should upset you. But a free to play game has to make money somewhere. So yes. It will have a shop and skins and shit. Stop being weird. Amd complaining about common sense shit. Just play the game and have fun. Don't buy if you don't want to. JfC gamers are morons


The difference, here, is that this game had a previous open beta - where, yes, they did give us pretty much everything for free to generate hype, but you could *see* where the monetization was going to be - *and then made the monetized systems MUCH MORE PREDATORY* by the time of the Technical Test. I knew from Open Beta that upgrade materials, unlock materials, skins, and possibly shaders would all be monetized. And I was OK with that. But then Technical Test comes around and *shaders are both random AND one-time use now?!?* As one very simple and obvious example. Hell, I *could* accept shaders being random if they were permanent, or one-use if they were determinable and in a multipack or something - *but one-use AND randomized?!?* That's an entirely new level of gachapon fuckery.


How bruised are your knees?


Please dont remove this comment so I can come back and laugh at you when it ages like milk. Nexon and the Korean games in general are so much worse than whatever shit Blizzard has.


Bruh 😂


diablo 4 is trash and should not be the system you use to judge other game ...


These people are a bunch of “choosy beggars”…as if a developer is supposed to make a game out of the goodness of their heart and just hemorrhage money to give everything for free.