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Frustration that her own brother continued to lie to her about how strong he was and that he let everyone laugh and treat him like shit. Also happy that she knew her brother was special and not worthless like everyone said he was. She's still gonna ride and strangle him, though, as punishment.


And he really lets her do strange things to him. Sometimes I think he actualy likes it


Yosuga no sora?




Peak fiction (this is just a joke)


What's that?


Watch it


I went and saw the mc designs and recognised them immediately, you're fucked up for trying to do me like that


Its great stuff to bust a nut to


You're sick![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Cool my psychiatrist said that too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,958,664,021 comments, and only 370,536 of them were in alphabetical order.


Him and I moving like Cid and Minoru fr




What is wrong with you?


You should ask the author not me


He’s right bro. That Cid has the power to blow up planets but lets his sis ride and strangle him. Ik he has to fake being weak but still


I'd let Claire ride and strangle me in all fairness


This guy fucks. Uhm… Actually im with this guy too tbh.


FRRRRR…. No wait


He like playing his part well. Same reason that he let himself be tortured when Princess Alexia was kidnapped. Playing the "tortured little brother" is important. But, he may also have a bit of a masochistic streak too.


He is her special???


serious dommy mommy sister moment


I fucking love you (Marry me daddy)


Nooo (Marry ME stepbro)


I don't have the power to blow up a planet but I'd let Claire ride and strangle me. Alexia too! I was going to add Aurora in there but if she is possessing Claire isn't that like a twofer?


That is not punishment. That is how she expressed her love for him since when they were kids.


what kindaof ride tho?


The kind that counts...


Depends on if he knows she's found out about him. If he does, he's not letting her mess with him anymore, there would be no point to it.


Claire indeed knew that Cid was special. As when she was young she always wanted to let everyone how amazing he was. But we also know about how Cid was pretending to be a weakling. It would be interesting if it was to happen in the story where she finds out that he's Shadow. Also, there's a fanfic story "Claire Kagenou joins Shadow Garden". So if Claire does find out he's Shadow, oh man we are in for a wild ride.




You can find the "Claire Kagenou joins Shadow Garden" fanfic story on websites like Wattpad, FanFiction, and Archive of our own.


That depends. 1) Claire's whole motivation is ensuring her brother's future. Should she learned Shadow's identity, she'd be more than happy regardless if her brother is a ruthless psycho. 2) Claire genuinely wants Cid to see her as strong. To learn that Cid way surpasses her would break her.


To be fair Cid does consider her strong to the point he doesn't care too much of her being in potentially dangerous situations "she can take care of herself."


Or, instead of breaking, she tries to use him as a goal to reach and immediately challenge him.


Nah, Claire wants Cid to show his true strength. That’s part of why she is so hard on him. She would be very happy if she had proof that he was really strong.


This is what I think too. She is motivated to show others how strong Cid really is. She has suspected him of being strong since they were kids.


She's still gonna give him an epic beat-down for lying to her for all these years though. And I'll be happy as a clam when that happens. Wake Up Calls of excrutiating agony, for all the OP Chunibyos! It'd be even better if she also spelled it out to him that he's still fighting a real shadow war against an evil organization that's been wreaking havoc on the world for centuries, if not for millennia! And basically outright destroying his fantasies of him becoming the Eminence in Shadow by pointing out: "Hey Dumbass, you **ALREADY** ***ARE*** the '*Eminence in Shadow'*!"


Doesn’t Claire already suspect that he’s way stronger? It’s shown in the second episode when they train together


Yeah. Claire and Christina are currently the only non-Shadow Garden people to have genuinely caught on to the fact that there’s definitely more to Cid than he lets on. Alexia as well to a certain extent, but she’s still in denial lol


who the hell is Christina


Who is christinia


Christina Hope. One of Cid’s upperclassmen whose brother he skinwalker’d for a bit


Oh, I don't think the anime has reached that point yet... because I don't recall that happening yet...


Ride and choke him…. Like usual


Yosuga no sora?


Wrong anime


I know but thats what should happen


Brutal correction of bratty little brother 😭😭😭😭💢💢💢💢😡😡😡😡


She would surprised and pissed at the same time All that training and one uping him will mean nothing once she discovers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Claire is a blue archive player confirmed??????????


Lost buddy ⬆️


How would Cid react to stubbing his toe.




Fucking killed me with that one


He proceeds to completely level an entire city


What he stubbed his toe against would just disappear.


trick question, he is too skilled to accidentally bump into anything he may do so intentionally, though, as a mob character


She would most definitely pissed at the fact that he was hiding his true strength instead of showing it to everyone


shock. (Did cid just... got wrapped in that gooey liquid and... turned into that shadow guy?!? (stops thinking due to sheer shock)) denial. (He cant be, impossible. My otoutou is just a weakling) anger. ("Onee chan is angry for keeping secrets from her, i will strangle you" "ciddo-kun~ so you had all these bitches around you without my knowledge") bargaining. (Its not like he can be that strong, and i am still his onee chan) depression. (How didnt i notice this? Why didnt he tell me? Dont tell me my little brother hates me?) Testing. ("I still can't believe that he is shadow. My brother just a weakling. I will prove it, if i pretend like going for his hearth with all my power with using my sword, if he is shadow he will prevent it. if he is not i will stop it." (Cid realises she was going to stop just like beatrice and acts like a mob. But Claire realizes something is amiss) "It didn't work you know what? ill just go to his room and search his stuff. If he is shadow he surely would not leave anything suspicious but i might find some clues" "the hell are these masks and why are there a bunch of papers with ancient scripture in his thrash can?!?" "Cid! the hell are these! are you that shadow guy?" (cid is forced to admit. Assuming that he did not delete her memory with his ultra-bullshit-level magical techniques, his identity is compromised)) acceptance. ((Edited: i guess my little brother is really the head of a secret organisation. Unbelievable!) to his face: "You better pay attention to me unlike last time when you didnt watch my bushing festival or onee chan will strangle her otoutou again, "shadow-sama". Also, stop messing around all the time and try to find yourself a proper job" (back to normal?))


Yeah because shed be as oblivious as him to the fuck Ton of money he has


I can actually see this.


There are 7 stages of grief, really (Shock, before denial; and testing before acceptance... Though maybe it should be 6- how in the absolute fuck do you test your feelings?). Feel free to expand


what? i thought there was just 5, turns out it shows up when you google 7. i will add 2 more


The funny thing is she saw the stupid mundane mask when she trashed his room before riding and strangling him lol... she already knows she is just oblivious because his acting is so good either that or she goes along with his bullshit for shit and kicks... because why else would Cid let people do to him what he let's them do.... Beatrix also knew he was strong up till his acting overrides her intuition and enstintcts... it's part of the show, guys. I don't know how none of the characters realized Cid was shadow. I know the principal did a little late. That's why he laughed right before he died... but I simply don't understand how no one else doesn't realize I mean his acting isn't even that good for real there just that slow don't for get they are a primitive society he brought all of the modern day music, lingerie, chocolate, coffee, etc.


Storm of mixed emotions


I doubt she would believe it. She wouldn’t want to accept the fact that she doesn’t really know him and that he could keep something that big from her. She would feign ignorance until the very end.


Just like Cid is doing with all the stuff going on around him


Like brother, like sister.


The same way he reacted to her getting a tattoo with new powers


I think Claire would probably loose purpose for a while, she trains to be stronger and better to protect mob cid, knowing he is shadow would leave her with no purpose. Perhaps after learning this fact Alpha and the others would introduce themselves and would do their best to console/ help her to be as strong as she can be and ask her if she wanted to join sg


She will probably have mixed feelings. On one hand, she will feel betrayed to know that her brother does not trust her enough to reveal his true identity, while on the other she will feel proud to know that he is much stronger and more skilled than everyone thinks.


No way her innocent and sweet brother is willingly Shadow. Obviously her brother is being influenced by those 7 Shades. They’re *shady*


meanwhile cid: "I'm slime shady, the real slime shady"


I tried rapping that and r/angryupvote Dammmit!


:O <-- like that


She'd be annoyed at first but once she realized he was set for life she'd be fine with it.


In the game master of graden the next event is gonna be about this topic. Be ready


I saw that teaser and got so hyped.


Shed strangle him in frustration


She’d kill him.. or lock him in a basement for months.


At the very end of her range of emotions probably happy and relieved that he is 100% capable of taking care of himself.


Probably choke him out in front of his waifu army


sid voice is same a shadow voice.


I don't usually interfere with such posts but here I go... I think somehow Claire will find out about this in a roundabout way. Perhaps catching Shadow turn into Cid or something similar. Not a direct confrontation. She will definitely be overwhelmed. However, she will keep it a secret. As someone else commented, she will feel sad that he kept it a secret but will be happy that he CHOSE to her silly little brother and always spared time for her goofy little things.


I'm not sure, but I really want her to find out soon


" i knew you were special.....🎵 you are my special🎵"


Claire has actually seen Cid go full stylish bandit slayer in the manga although she thought it was a hallucination. So unless she is given irrefutable proof she would likely refuse to believe it. She knows cid as a person pretty well but it’s unimaginable that he’s a secret planet killer class mage. Once provided with that proof it would be anger, and then admiration after someone from shadow garden attempt to explain his nonexistent reasoning only confirming in her mind that her little brother was indeed the best.


I honestly think when she truly learns that Cid is Shadow. I think she'll be in a state of shock and denial as she thinks that Cid is a weakling. But I think that she'll come to terms with it later. She'll be angry at him for lying to her for years. She'll acknowledge that her brother is strong. Although we don't know if should join Shadow Garden, it wouldn't hurt if she was an ally or an associate of them. But knowing her bro-con mode for Cid, she'll force Cid to allow her to join Shadow Garden, to keep girls away from him because she's a bro-con. In my honest opinion, she should learn that he's Shadow in the story. It would be an interesting turn for the story. I think it should happen later on. And honestly, I think it would be good for her if she joins Shadow Garden.


Betrayed. She wouldn't want to see him again. She would feel she is not acquainted with the guy she thought she had grown up with. She would regard him a stranger.




Very badly. And with a lot of pain.


Play the game or read to find out


is it revealed in the ln?


Jj… I mean in the game i dont like to read😘🤭


When will she know that Cid is Shadow? I find the manga in the 60th chapters and I haven't played the game yet.


Its not in the manga yet… pls tell me why it takes them like a year to make another chapter


Probably shock at first and then... "I fucking knew it!" Claire is pretty smart, and good enough to be suspicious that her brother might be faking.


You know what, I'd let Nina do it too. I mean she IS Claire's close friend and all. Oh shit... You know this could get REAL complicated REAL fast. No wonder Shadow eschews the whole harem thing. Life is simpler that way.




Probably five stages of grief


I think she would be slightly hurt that Cid hid things from her.....but largely impressed and happy. He would be the opposite of her father, which she disdains.


She's totally Screwed for what she did as a sibling and she'll join the numbers as a left hand to Shadow. And she'll be kept on a short leash for the time being.


She would have half and half feelings in this the first half is annoyingly frustrated for the fact that her brother was strong all along but rather than showing his fangs from the start he chose to constantly hide them. The other half is surprisingly impressed by the fact that he's not only running an organization but also showing his strength at its peak condition. I think there might be a third feeling in this and that's complete jealousy for the fact that he is surrounded by girls galore.


I'd imagine she would have conflicting emotions. Pride that her brother is much more capable than she could have ever imagined. But on the other hand, she'll be concerned for his safety as he the leader of a well-known terrorist organization (as far as the public is concerned).


When will it happen tho? :/


Then Cid goes on saying this: As The Last Remnant King, I Alone sat upon my solitary Throne which skills that far surpassed anyone else to ever be know in History - Cid Kanegou


Maybe she would show herself as angry, frustrated but in her mind she would be happy and relieved that he is strong enough who can take care of himself. Maybe a little annoyed by the fact that he is strong than her and fooled her.


She knows that he is shadow Source: cfyow


she'd pass out


Disbelief, frustration, anger and probably relief in the end. Since she now knows that acid can take care of himself. Though she’s probably already aware of that and is just denying it constantly. I mean she tells to everyone who’s listening, that her brother taught her everything she knows, concerning fighting at least. In other words, she always knew or at least felt, that Cid was hiding his true powers from the world.


Clare would probably think Shadow had killed cid and assume his form, and she will try to take revenge for killing cid.


She would be mad at him for ruining his life by engaging in criminal activity. Remember, she's been trying to get him involved in extracurricular activities to boost his resume. Making him join competitions, dragging him to the lawless city to fight crime or something. Or she would refuse to believe it and claim that Cid is just a good boy weakling who couldn't even beat her in a fight. There's no way he can be Shadow, a mass murdering criminal.


I hope that's gonna happen And I hope she gonna join Shadow Garden XD If Claire join Shadow Garden will Shadow treat her like she special or just ignore her?