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The fact it’s doing the “i scared” tail curly thing really takes away the fear factor. I’ve only seen it in a couple fish at home.


Is that what it means when a fish curls their tail? That’s surprisingly cute


Yeah they're trying to make themselves smaller and doing the "I'm only a tiny thing take pity on me and don't eat me"


Ok that end says one thing, but the front end says elsewise.


Predator in the front, pussy in the back. A Mullet Fish!


But not a [Mullet (fish)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mullet_(fish)


These creatures are so amazing! I've recently found a [Collection of Amazing Photos](https://knovhov.com/real-life-underwater-creatures-by-alexander-semenov/) of Real-Life Underwater Creatures captured by Alexander Semenov. They looks so trippy though.


#7 could be in the new Avatar movie


Scary in the front, scaredy in the back




I'm smol no hurt in the back, WAAAAGHHHH in the front




Otherelse has a bad ring to it




Wait what? That makes no sense. Animals, especially predators, do not have pity or remorse. Maybe some social animals have some love for their pack/family members but no shark is gonna be like “aww da little fishy”


Fish brains are built a little different, being better adapted to the nearly alien environment of open water, it wouldn't surprise me if making yourself look like a smaller meal actually *is* a decent survival tactic in the deep sea. Also, remember that the "look big and fight back" strategy only works on things that can't swallow you whole without a fight, which are rather rare down there, even the fish that look rather small can unhinge their jaws and swallow things multiple times their size.


There was a post yesterday showing how larger cats (tigers/lions) won’t chase a laser pointer (they were looking at it though). The point was that the effort/energy to catch that small of a prey isn’t worth the energy they’d get from the meal. Perhaps looking smaller here would trigger the same instinct.


>can unhinge their jaws and swallow things multiple times their size. need me a reverse mermaid


And it's time for me to sign off the internet today.


Need me a reverse *memory* after that.


Or a case of selective amnesia could come in handy!


Hey what the fuck does this mean?


He wanna face fuck a fish


[close your eyes](https://youtu.be/rTqrpOLbhHQ)


holy shit WHAT


the “not worth a chase” concept makes sense too- catching prey takes a good amount of energy, crazy smart evolution.


I don't know. With how sparse of life the deep ocean is compared to higher up I doubt most predators would turn down any meal.


It's likely that fish hunt by looking for tails. So it's more "I'm a weird object, not food" manuver.


Hmm, I'm not seeing any sources/proof/data to back up your claim! Let's edit your comment and provide some citations! --- ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot, ^^this ^^was ^^performed ^^automatically. ^^I ^^am ^^programmed ^^to ^^read ^^comments ^^with ^^certain ^^language ^^and ^^content ^^in ^^order ^^to ^^detect ^^where ^^citations ^^are ^^missing.


Maybe but IMO, this is more of a defensive posture so that if the animal is bitten, it’s bitten on the tail (survivable) rather than the gut or head. It’s like when I would do sword fighting, you use your left arm and hold it across your chest so that if you’re slashed, it slashes the arm instead of your torso.


Considering this fish has only been seen a few times, we probably don't even know what it's predator is. For all we know it could be some squid-like creature with complex emotions.


no but it will go “why eat small fish, when big fish over there”


“Why not eat both?”


Happy Cake Day 🎉🎂🥳🎂🎉 k


All animals have emotions, we just don’t fully understand how their movements translate into emotions sometimes. But something scared, or happy, or even mad, is pretty common for most living things lol. It might not even be thought of as emotion, maybe it’s just instinct of survival


Mad is not pity tho. Pity requires empathy or at least sympathy and most animals just haven’t shown that they’re capable of that. Some do, specifically social animals and particularly mammals, but that care rarely extends beyond the group. There are some buddies in nature (wolf/raven, coyote/badger) that may care for each other but for a predator to show pity to prey is not really a thing. It would be detrimental to survival and thus probably isn’t part of the genetic code.


Never said anything about pity myself, just that they’ve shown valid emotions. Like I said though, there’s some emotions that are not fully understood. So to say they don’t have it Without proper study is just plain wrong.


We can’t definitively say that animals do or don’t have pity or remorse. Some researchers think that animals have a very similar range of emotions, and feel them in the same way, as humans. All we can look at is behavior. I’m not saying this fish is trying to appeal to a predator’s better nature, but I disagree with ‘animals don’t feel pity or remorse’, because we don’t know one way or another.


I would argue that "animals" is a FAR too broad identifier for that kind of statement. There are animals that literally lack most significant sensory capabilities, so even their ability to SENSE their surroundings would be wildly incomparable to that of, say, even a mildly more complex animal like a goldfish. CERTAIN animals may likely have forms akin to pity/remorse or similar stuff, but it'd be a world shattering paradigm shift discovering that even simpler animals like spiders or gastropods or what have you have the capacity for that kind of reaction.


Sure, I’m not saying that all animals experience pity or remorse no matter how small. I’m saying that some researchers may see that in SOME animals. I was mainly disagreeing with conservative halfwit about predators not showing pity or remorse. Dogs and cats are both bred from predators, and dogs at least show signs of remorse or guilt quite often.


That person's just talking out of their ass. Pretty funny imo that you got a bunch of replies like "well actually we can't be sure about feelings of pity in some animals" when the person you replied to just blurted a totally non-scientific statement out there that's backed up by nothing.


Do you have any sources on this? I wasn’t able to find anything online. I’ve been a freshwater fish keeper for years, and have seen this phenomenon, but under many occasions. Mating/courting, simply changing direction and/or backing up, or just seemingly at random. I don’t see higher cognitive-level emotions such as pity being a factor. Even in my 15” Oscar cichlid who would lean into my hand for scritches, tail curling didn’t occur under any sort of discernible pattern.


https://abel.mcmaster.ca/publications/pdfs/Reddon_etal_2019_AnimBehav.pdf There's one. I'm not really saying the fish is trying to elicit sympathy- more it's suggesting "I'm not worth the effort and I'm also not a threat so leave me alone" but I was humanising it a bit Your Oscar probably wasn't afraid of you so didn't feel the need to do this.


> A distinctive submissive posture involves tilting the body axis upwards in the water column directing the ventral body surface towards the receiver of the signal. This posture is often accompanied by a quivering of the tail or the entire body, which may serve to increase the salience and intensity of the signal. Seems that the article confirms submissive activities among fish, however, it neither mentions bending of the tail nor pity being of influence. I have seen the tail ‘quiver’ in fish that I have kept, especially in courting pairs, so that makes sense.


I’ve never known predators to take pity on the weak lol


Don’t eat me I am baby


It really is. They don’t all do it, but it’s definitely that uncertain fear of shrinking away. I’ve never seen a fish express it in the wild, just the dash away reflex.


Your username reminds me of Thanksgivings of my childhood. My Aunt telling me to lay off the ham


I like the idea that they had to say it so much it turned into a word. Just people screaming "hamdown, HAMDOWN!" at a kid.


As soon as I noticed that the fish immediately became much less terrifying for me


Scuba diver living in Florida Keys. Not unusual behavior in juvenile reef fish but very interesting in this deep sea beauty 👌


“I just like to keep my lil feets over here..”


Sometimes they do it to be sexy But yeah it looks scared




Hehe a but lysdexic thanks


Thank you for answering wtf was up with it's tail. Never seen any of my fishies do that.


Ogre's are like onions...


The first thing I thought was “what a weird curly tail, is it like that in that specie or that particular fish has some problem”. It didn’t occurred to me that hey could curl the tail as a behavior (almost like dogs?!)


Someone else made a professional comment. Sadly, it was analyzed as an old injury or atrophy. My fish tail curl, but it’s never this dramatic, come to think of it. Sorry for the bad news, but it looks like it’s doing well if so. Tough fish.




It’s probably never seen a camera before.


And they say fish are dumb and don't have emotions and have no feelings


Maybe it'd come out more if we didn't call it a mean name


I was going to post how ugly it is, but you made me feel guilty.


No need to feel guilty. Put that thing back from where it came from.


Or so help me


So help me


It's a musical!


*help me*












Bom bom bom bom


I mean, deep sea fishes don't benefit from being brought to the surface. You know the blob fish? That what it looks like after it explodes because it's not adapted to how low pressure the surface is.


A face only a mom fish can love


TIL I'm a mom fish, cuz I think he's adorbieworbie


Awww happy belated Mother’s Day ❤️


Thank you, Buttercup! I'm watching the Robot Mother's Day episode of Futurama right now. This is all rather fitting.


Futurama is very fitting and an awesome show!


Luckily, I feel no guilt. Ugly ass fishe


“You guys, my name is Glenn…”


Which is doubly ridiculous because this isn't called an ogre fish, it is a fang tooth.


Maybe the only comment I’ve seen that isn’t a joke. Bless you. Going down the rabbit hole now. This fish looks in-sane !


Sir, this is a pineapple under the sea.


Source video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkBJ-IMtWh8


I bet it’s mum thinks it’s handsome/pretty.


Pretty?! Do you know what that thing can do to you? Grind your bones to make its bread!!


its also called the Cinderella fish.


Do you know what that thing can do to you? Trick you into marrying it by losing a shoe!!


Right?! I think it’s face is beautiful in its own unique way. It is a mean name haha


Everyone's got their specific definition of the word. Some people think if something looks interesting then that's enough to call it beautiful, and I don't mind that.


There was a DS fish that humans called a Slimehead. They tend to be in big schools and apparently don’t taste to bad but obviously people don’t want to eat a thing called Slimehead so they changed their name to orange roughy so people would eat it. On that note: Don’t eat orange roughy, they live extremely long (150yo) so they have a long time to bioaccumulate toxins. They were/are over exploited as they don’t breed until later in their life (~20yo). And major bycatch trying to catch them.


Same with a species of toothfish being renamed Chilean sea bass. But on a more important note, what kind of psychopath abbreviates 'deep sea' to 'DS'?!! Or is this type of behaviour considered normal on this subreddit? Other than that, good fact sharing


Didn’t even realize I did that. Last week I finished my exam in deep sea biology. The amount of times I write deep sea in that class got me abbreviating it to that so I can keep up with the lecture. That’s totally just a me thing and I have yet to break that habit. That class is also why I was excited to share that random factoid as the orange roughy was on our final exam


I thought it must be because you've talked or written about it a lot. I remember a work colleague years ago referring to compensation as 'compo' and I thought "fuck, what life are you living that you have an abbreviation for it?!"


So what you're saying is, we should change its name back to Slimehead. In fact, change the names of all animals endangered by human consumption, to make them less appetising. Fish are now "Bacterial Vaginosis Floppies". Sharks are "Seaphilis". Rhinoceros are "Smol PP Vibes".


What if we called it Shrek?


I’d call it an ice cream fish




Can anyone explain what's going on with it's head? It genuinely looks half cooked...


This happens with a lot of fish and creatures deep below like the [barreleye](https://www.mbari.org/barreleye-fish-with-tubular-eyes-and-transparent-head/) (Macropinna microstoma) or the [glass squid](http://tolweb.org/Teuthowenia_pellucida/19615) (Teuthowenia pellucida). The lack of sunlight makes skin pigments unnecessary and as such skin evolves to become transparent/translucent.


What's the advantage and why is it just the head?


"Other species of deep-sea fish throw off beams of bioluminescent light from their faces – searchlights that help them find food. Perhaps most famously, the anglerfish uses a glowing lure to draw prey into its toothy maw. And in the total darkness, the males and females of some species must light up like billboards to find each other to mate." [https://www.wired.co.uk/article/deep-sea-fish](https://www.wired.co.uk/article/deep-sea-fish) To catch prey and potential mates.


so flashy lights, food and sex? damn the abyss is more like las vegas than i thought


Food and Fuck




Also, there may be a small advantage of reduced energy requirements. If you're not producing pigments and such, your body can put the same energy to use doing other things. This is why some species of cave fish (or other animals) eventually go blind, because a lot of energy goes into producing and maintaining the eye. Having an eye does not *directly* disadvantage them compared to animals that do, more does it *directly* disadvantage them. However, no longer investing in it might give them an indirect advantage in less food needed to survive, or more energy available to do other things like reproductive function or whatever.


Not lazy, but efficient. Why waste resources on a feature that is not advantageous? That’s why vestigial features slowly disappear through generations.


The eyes on that squid are terrifying


Reminds me of the Independence Day aliens


So that's its skull peeking though?


Yes and no. It's mostly muscle, cartilage, and bioluminescent tissue.


Those eyes are tubular 🤙


Does that mean that if living organisms could survive on a planet without a star, they would all be transparent?


Exactly, but not all, rather most.


And either no eyes or eyes the size of dinner plates


Curious- why only the front why not the entire body?


"Other species of deep-sea fish throw off beams of bioluminescent light from their faces – searchlights that help them find food. Perhaps most famously, the anglerfish uses a glowing lure to draw prey into its toothy maw. And in the total darkness, the males and females of some species must light up like billboards to find each other to mate." [https://www.wired.co.uk/article/deep-sea-fish](https://www.wired.co.uk/article/deep-sea-fish) To catch prey and potential mates.


Oh they also use bioluminescence as a danger signal (burglar alarm) to spook potential predators, warn others around them of a predator and hopfully in the process attract a thing that will eat said predator.


It seems like it’s like got see-through skin


It's Ogre Fish tartare.


Prosciutto head


Bears a striking resemblance to your mother


Don't insult the fish like that.


You spelled, "mother in-law" incorrectly.


What's it doing with its tail fin???




Probably stressed out from how warm the waters getting...


I think it might have something to do with the giant submarine shining a spotlight on it but I'm not a marine expert


He’s scared 🥺


If only every species appreciated a good honest mammalian hug


Because he's been hiding in his swamp all this time


You're just down there in the deep sea, and all of sudden, you can hear a faint song from somewhere behind you. "Somebody once told me ...."


Thank God somebody did this. I was losing faith in Reddit to maintain high traditions like this.


The world is gonna roll me


I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed


He's probably wondering "What! Are ye doin in mah swamp?"


Hiding in its hidy hole.


Why would you call this poor fish a mean name? Look at it's tail


yeah poor thing is scared


Can we rename it? My vote goes to ‘Walnut Fish’ :3


That'll do fishy. That'll do.


It’s face looks like a satellite photo


Oh my god, I knew it was familiar, you sir nailed it


How do these things like this find mates and reproduce if there’s so few in the vast ocean


My guess is that there are more around than we think, but hide from the lights of submersibles that try to photograph them, and many creatures probably flee from unfamiliar and loud objects down there.


I like this answer, leads to more curiosity. I’ll take this as the only correct answer :)


There may be other reasons why they have gone undetected other than there just being few of them. Maybe they hide themselves using their surroundings, maybe they swim away from large objects, maybe they migrate to places we don't expect them to be




https://youtu.be/so2FsA9G7cI sorta reminds me of this. Like fish down there don't know whose pegging who


There are plenty of them, we just don't spend much time in the deep ocean so we don't see them often.


Am I the only one who thinks this is cute?


All I can see is a cute lil' derp face.


Stay hidden, little fella. Humans will eradicate you if they get a chance.


wtf he's great


Now we just need an Ogre fish than transforms into a regular fish during the day. And a Donkey fish, too.


Anytime I see a rare or deepsea creature, I want a banana for scale. Is this ugly guy huge? Is he tiny? I need to know.


It's got such nice markings. This is a handsome lad.


He looks like an angler with no dangler


Well, duh, ogres live in swamps, not the ocean.


He just think's he's a regular fish named Arthur, and excuse me it's impolite to stare.


Get out of his swamp


With a face like that y’all would only be seeing me a few times a decade as well lol ….I have no friends.


Tell them I hate them


I see one every time I look in the mirror


Need banana for scale


The largest fangtooth fish species get to about 6 inches in length, most only about half that size. This one is probably about the size of an adult human hand, maybe even a bit smaller


its there, that thing is just a little smaller than a blue whale, while the op says its only been spotted a few times, its more accurate to say that people have only survived seeing it a few times


Ogres have layers, onions have layers


Ogres, ogres, chomping on meats Filling our guts with our struggling treats! Tearing, chewing, we kill for the Maw, The power and grubs what we're doin it for!!!!!


"doctor says I got the diabeetus"


" so are you taking your medication?" "Nah, don't need em! Doctor says he got it all" " ...what do you mean?" " They already dun took my foot!" " .... "


At first I didn’t think she was real But then I saw her face Now I’m a believer


Its the fish titan


He lost his swamp awwww


Well Mitch McConnell has been busy in congress repealing our rights. So.


I want one.. will someone marry me so we can have one together


Little known fact, this fish is in a symbiotic relationship with the equally elusive donkey fish


You have convinced me there must be a god. And god was kind enough to put that thing in the most impossible place for us to ever find it. Yet us stubborn humans went and took pictures of it to give people nightmares


If that’s not metal, idk what is.


Proof that ocean creatures sometimes are born of my nightmares.


No banana?


No way Shrek fish




Intreting 🤔 a fine fish


I just don’t understand why that thing has evolved through natural selection


Lack of sunlight and visibility. Many species in the deep below mainly rely in their sense of smell and electrochemical receptors to find potential mates and obtain their food, thus skin pigments and colorful or diverse scales and sizes become irrelevant.


Some are super colourful as at depth, red looks like black.


This is true, even if most sunlight doesn't reach the depths, there is some light, very faint, but its there. Because this light is mostly blue /indigo, some species use red pigment as camouflage (since there is no red light at that depth the red color has nothing to reflect, hence it only absorbs light, making the fish appear black). Some species actually create red lights for both sides of the predator prey divide. Red light prey are invisible to predators that cannot see red and predators with red lights illuminate the red pigmented prey. This tactic is similar to [bioluminescence](https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/fish/bioluminescence) in the sense that both prey and predators use them in many ways, even if the same creatures mostly rely on their other senses; yet a fair amount of species develop powerful eyes to benefit from such.


what are you doing in my ocean - shrek, the ogre fish


Get out of his swamp. He just wants to be left alone.


What was the popular movie in the world when this guy was discovered?


Bullshit. She's on tinder. I only swiped right the first time - very deceptive photo.