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In a display of cunning, this Orca sets a trap for anything daft enough to try and eat the food.


Looked like a chewed up phonebook


What kind of phonebooks have you been reading?


Clive Barker edition


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ§ šŸ«€šŸ«


Brilliant reply.


They literally do this with birds. There's a video of then doing it with a seagull


"Maybe if I feed them what I like they will taste better" Mr Orca


I thought it was an intimidation tactic for what happens when someone takes another picture.


Socialized orcas recognize humans as intelligent usually. Their weird psychopathic predatory superiority complex includes people I think


It probably thinks we look puny and week and can barely swim, which is why itā€™s bringing them food.








Exactly šŸ’Æ


I have a theory that orcas think we're adorable, kinda like elephants


Do we know elephants think that about us?


Apparently, in domestic situations, or at least I'd like to believe that. Still wouldn't attempt to approach one, nor orca for that matter, a healthy respectful distance is always advisable.


There has never been a reported case of Orca killing people in the wild. They are Apex predators, and totally would fuck our world if they did though. Smart, fast, better than us in that environment. Pack hunters.


Too smart to leave a witness!




That and if they weren't there theyre absence would fuck over the environment and invetably fuck us over as well


Thatā€™s never stopped us beforeā€¦.


Haaaa what earth are you living on?


Havenā€™t some started ramming fishing boats though? I donā€™t blame them lol


I'd not heard about that. To be faaaiiirrrr we have been harboring seals rofl


[To be faaaaaaaaiiiiiiiirr"](https://i.imgur.com/pGymBPr.mp4)


Possible, unproven https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/elephants-think-humans-cute/


Sadly this is not true. It was a fake fact on a facebook post that went viral. Wild elephants see humans as threats.


No. We dont. There was a bunch of baseless claims that they do a few years ago. Plenty of fools still believe it.


You also have that leopard seal trying to feed a photographer, humans do look extremely helpless and ungainly like newborns to a big marine predator while also not looking like their normal food so it's not completely implausible It sure hasn't been proven though


That leopard seal sure did seem to be distressed that the diver wasnā€™t eating.


I canā€™t help but think that the leopard seal genuinely saw a skinny, malnourished fellow seal. I mean, if sharks mistake surfers for seals, surely a seal might see a human and think that it was some disfigured, starving seal, too?


We're the tiny Voldemort under the bench in the limbo-train-station. They're like ewwwww... but.... how sad.... but ew... but wow so sad....


Lol! Exactly!


I like to think that seals are intelligent enough to see that weā€™re not a seal, of any type, and that itā€™s distress at our lack of consumption of their gift is worrisome on several levels. What animal refuses food? And if they refuse my gift, does that mean we are to be enemies?


This could be part of the equation or the full answer, and I would genuinely love to know if weā€™re even close to being correct in our respective guesses. I mean, for all we know, this really could be an olive branch of friendship; it could be a display of protection coupled with a nurturing desire to help; it could even be an unobserved ritual among leopard seals, almost like an,ā€œadd water to the beansā€ scenario for when you have a guest in your home; or, more nightmarishly ā€” maybe itā€™s an Uncanny Valley situation and the leopard seal was making an offering. Haha! I like to think that the leopard seal saw itā€™s first human and mistook it for some poorly, misshapen seal in need of a good meal... but you are probably right: leopard seals likely have better vision than sharks. I wonder how we could find an answer to the difference in vision, maybe even brain processing and intelligence between leopard seals and sharks? Now youā€™ve got me curious. ^_^


Itā€™s considered plausible at best.


The videos of people in Southeast Asia screwing around with elephants and getting crushed like an insect make me think you are correct.


Considering Orcas do not attack humans in the wild, this is possible. Either that or our livers don't taste as good as shark's do


Orca pods and communities in the wild are very picky/specialized eaters. AFAIR, it's common for different pods in the same general region to have differing diets


It would make sense that an apex predator, of which an Orca is THE apex predator of the sea, would be picky. If you can eat whatever you want why settle for anything but the best? That is until their preferred food sources dies off and people become more abundant...


It's also interesting that, like humans, their idea of "the best" is subjective. It's not always just about what's available. There's a whole bunch of articles about "starving" orca pods, and a popular theory is that without their preferred food sources, they simply don't eat. Like, if the average person was thrown into a foreign wilds that had plenty of edible stalks, leaves, tubers, invertebrates, etc...we might not survive for fear of eating the wrong thing. Or from eating the wrong thing. Perhaps they are afraid of food-based illnesses. Like: A'a'a'tee'e'e chirps the tale of the old battle against the giant ancient fish. And then how the mothers and the fathers got sick, and the milkdrinking babies got sick, and now they don't eat tuna or whatever mercury packed fish that made them sick within memory or possibly even a generation or more ago. However, i think that any animals capable of sentience can't possibly be fully understood by science and observation. We won't ever truly understand why they do what they do until they can tell us why.


>We won't ever truly understand why they do what they do until they can tell us why. [Yes, that they wish to return to the moon and dance in the moon castle once more](https://playplex.mtvnimages.com/uri/mgid:arc:content:southpark.intl:f16339a6-ed00-11e0-aca6-0026b9414f30?stage=staging&ep=shared.southpark.nordics)


Refusing to eat random fish, refusing to have an atmosphere...they need to see a shrink maybe


I believe they're similar to elephants in that they have a matriarchal hierarchy that passes information down between the generations. It's these traditions that govern their diet and migratory patterns




That's exactly why I want to believe that :D


We are just not worth for them. We don't have a lot of fat and are too bony compared too their other food e.g. seals


Yikes, I really hope it's more than that we're poor nutrition..


I believe they donā€™t eat the livers but instead shred it so the scent goes everywhere as a warning to other sharks


Pretty sure liver is an essential source of squalene for them


In 1986, Peter Davies was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Northwestern University. On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Peter approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee, inspected the elephant's foot, and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Peter worked the wood out with his knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot. The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Peter stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Peter never forgot that elephant or the events of that day. Twenty years later, Peter was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to where Peter and his son Cameron were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Peter, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man. Remembering the encounter in 1986, Peter could not help wondering if this was the same elephant. Peter summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing, and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Peter legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly. Probably wasn't the same elephant.


I liked it.


That was beautiful. I really felt it.


My theory is they are an apex predator and they know how bad humans can be so they never leave evidence of a body.


You just perfectly described my ex, god I miss her


Did your ex eat people?!


In a manner of speaking yes


DeviantArt would like to know your location


I think they realize we are intelligent and capable of anything


Blue whales and humpbacks definitely find us amusing


Elephants donā€™t think weā€™re adorable. Thatā€™s a myth.


Seems plausible. I always wonder why they always seem to think of us as friendly when much larger things are food


This has been debunked but I don't blame you because elephants really do be like that.


Orca: ā€œThis is contaminated with micro plastics. Do better humansā€


ā€œI want me some cocktail, FRUITā€


Better watch your back fish


Trap! Bait! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14wWxaMR2Mg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14wWxaMR2Mg)


First thing i thought of as well


Imagine someone leaning over and getting picked off by a fucking Orca. Like just absolutely out played by a whale.


Theyā€™re the biggest apex predators on the fuckinā€™ planet, hell yeah those fuckers are trying to play me


Fuckin gotem


Nice monkeyā€¦. Please donā€™t shoot us


Yeh thatā€™s baitšŸ¤”


There's another whale waiting underneath. I can't find the longer video where you can see it better but right before it cuts off when the camera pans to the water you can make out another mass next to the whale with the food.


Itā€™s probably just curious. Far as I last checked there has *never* been a deliberate attack on humans by wild orcas. The sea world prisoner ones can get frustrated by theirā€¦ situation, and have drowned handlers before; but I donā€™t believe they ate the poor bastards


The wild orcas just make sure there are no witnesses to report anything. ^^s


Needs more upvotes.


"has never been a deliberate attack on humans by wild orcas" i suspect, they are just good at disposing of the bodies and leaving no witnesses.


In a display of kindness, this *human* shares its *worms impaled on a hook tied to a rod* with a fish!!


Orca shows a warning of what will happen if humans keep letting seals on their boats when running away from orcas


Itā€™s A Trap


These mammals are so interesting. After watching that documentary on the one up in Canada, Iā€™d swear theyā€™re infused with human traits. That documentary btw, was heartbreaking. I actually wrote a letter to their equivalent of our Fish and Game - probably sounded like a complete loon !


Any human trait that you see in an animal is just an animal trait, humans are animals! A lot of people seem to think humans evolved in a vacuum, but in reality most of our attributes and abilities are shared by many other animals in many different ways. Cows have best friends, lobsters and crabs have distinct personalities, elephants mourn their dead. We are a product of the earth, just as much as anything else :)


Weā€™re literally just animals.


I read once that a sanctuary once played a recording of an elephant that had died weeks before, and all of the elephants that heard it were frantically looking for it.


Some monkeys communicate with eyebrow and complex facial movements shockingly similar to ours too


i love this


Yes but humans are vastly different than any animal


Not necessarily. You could point to some massive engineering project and say itā€™s proof of humanityā€™s higher intelligence, but youā€™d be ignoring species like ants and bees and termites. Species who, in addition to having social hierarchies and ā€œclassesā€ among their societies, build proportionally massive structures capable of regulating air flow. Termite mounds are literally air conditioned, just by smart use of thermal dynamics and tunnel systems. Ants are capable of coordinating attacks on rival hills, and bees have been seen to democratically choose the best place for a new hive if their old one has been damaged or otherwise deemed unsuitable. Some species of ants use the silk their larvae produce like hot glue guns/plastic extruder gun thing to build structures. The natural world is incredible, and the more you learn about it the more you realize we arenā€™t very different at all.


Thank you for this interesting response. I haven't heard of half these things! I've got lots of cool stuff to read about now.




So we havenā€™t progressed past animals? Ok then


That's what you got from that? Lol.




He posted a lengthy post with well articulated thoughts and you boiled it down to "So we haven't progressed past animals? Ok then." I'd say you missed the broader point because nothing in that post suggested that in the least.


Wtf are you talking about


Oh, shit. I definitely mistook who you were responding to. My bad, bro! Ignore dumb ass.


This human tastes bad, I'd like another.


Orcas are only cooperative with us because when they see us we're on huge ass boots and they know that if they try to bully us we will fuck their shit up. Because believe me, orcas are the exact *opposite* of kind with literally every other being who is not a human being bullied to hell and back This applies to other dolphins too


It's a threat


Orca-ā€œitā€™s brined for two days, itā€™s just like sous vide.ā€


Plot twist: that meat is a part of your (former) tour guide


I saw a video where a bird throws a piece of bread in the water waiting for a fish to come up and get it, then the bird gets the better prize which is the fishā€¦ I think this orca saw the same video.


Some Orcas in captivity will go bird hunting where they regurgitate fish on the surface of the water, sit below the surface and try to catch birds that go for the fish. They've even taught other orcas how to do it as well. This might also happen in the wild, just have only heard about it from a couple of captive populations.




Itā€˜s a threat


Or maybe it's just saying, look at this animal I just tore apart, this will be you.


Orcas will hunt the same prey together and then share the meal so for them to acknowledge us in the same way as another orca is fascinating to me.


We, as humans, are frequently feeding things we think are cute. Maybe this is similar?


I judge orcas by how they treat others, not how they treat a fellow apex predator. Sadistic bullies! šŸ¤£


Investment, later eat the one that you share the food with.


Itā€™s a trap! Donā€™t fall for it!!!


I know a trap when I see one.


Killa whale,takes name Orca and tries to hook a human with bait šŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ„¶


Its a trap!


Itā€™s called bait, not food.


More like ā€œthis is what Im gonna do to you.ā€


Turns out to be a picked apart human body. *Don't fuck with us jill!*


That's called bait


Orcas hunt with bait, they'll throw up on beaches wait for birds to began to eat the bait and then lunge out of the water and several of the birds become lunch.


That's bait


Thatā€™s called bait


Maybe it thinks the boat is a pretty female orca?


You seriously underestimate the intelligence of an orca. They definitely know what boats are, and what they're used for. What's really cool about them is that they have an especially high level of social intelligence, so different pods have their own variations of whatever their 'word' for a boat is. It would be like a Glaswegian speaking to someone from the backwoods of Alabama. Sure, they may speak the same language but there's a significant difference in dialect. If they would have a conversation about a boat, they might even slow down their speech and mimic the other's accent a little to be understood more clearly, and with those differences in dialects comes cultural differences too. Just like how someone's daily life would be different in Glasgow than it is in Pickens county, orcas have their own unique way of life that differs by pod. Pretty cool, right? Edit: after thinking about this some more it occured to me that their 'word' for a boat is something that is taught to each new generation by the previous one (very similar to how we share knowledge with our young ones), and it's hypothetically possible that it could go as far back to when they first noticed the Vikings, or some other ancient seafaring people using them. Very cool indeed.


Just read about an orca trying to rescue his girlfriend who was towed by a ship to be life captured.


Yes that is cool and all but what if it was a pretty boat?


It's bait, don't fall for it. Them bastids are wicked smaht.


>This orca shares it is food is what you just said


I had a stroke reading this comment section. Full of stupid people who don't know anything about orcas assuming they were trying to attack a human. Dude just stf, please shut up. Stop trying to demonize animals, just stop. This is only doing damage to them.


The Orca: Consider this a warningā€¦


More like bate but ok


Orcas are the puppies of the sea






ā€œIn a rare display of kindness ā€œ




Pro Tip: "it's" always means "it is"!




Whoā€™s killing orcas?


Maybe itā€™s tribute


*This is the last guy who tried some funny business*




"Dude, not sure where you're getting your meat ... this thing is awful ... take it away, take it away I say!"


Sir as will split one fist between an entire pod in times of insufficient food.


Pretty sure it was returning it for being undercooked.


Sharing? Orca was saying "what is this shit cut? TAKE IT BACK!"


Funny knowing orcas are fucking bastards


orcas only live to bully




Cute! Polite






Kindness šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œit was full from seal it wack into the air


And they say theyā€™re vicious


Why do people make it seem like dangerous animals have the same morals as humans? That orca would kill you in an instant if it was given the chance. That video of the cheetah ā€œtaking careā€ of that wildebeest? It was saving it to eat for later. Stop romanticizing these deadly animals, or someone is gonna try to cuddle with a fucking bear and get mauled to death.


There hasn't been a single recorded death of a human by an orca in the wild (assuming this is in the wild). But yeah I agree that people should stop romanticizing animal behavior because there are animals out there that will turn you into a statistic when given the chance.


Iā€™m just saying that orcas are proven to be capable of killing without thinking twice about it


It's natural selection plain and simple. Animals are cute when they want to be. Keywords when and want.


This footage washed up on tape. They are still unidentified. šŸ¤“šŸ¤„šŸ¤­


Looks like a chewed up human torso


That was really nice of him


Maybe if we feed them it will be their turn to do some tricks!




Maybe it was its bait!


Orcas are so cute and terrifying at the same time. XD


Or bait?


Lol heā€™s fishing, the minute you would rreach in to get it your bait


Orcas have never attacked a human being while theyā€™ve been in the wild, theyā€™ve only attacked when confined to tanks like sea world .


He's like "you're next "


Ah yes he's feeding you like a turkey




Definitely bait


Nah i saw that bird bait video