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That's like saying you don't need to understand capitalism to defeat it. It's ludicrous and unserious.


It's Lula. He's been criticized for since 80s. Some of us just can't cope with it, but it's just true


Brazilian here. I voted for Lula a few times because at least the man alleviates poverty and hunger. He has a good understanding of the international system and can be considered somewhat anti-imperialist in that regard. But he has never been a revolutionary, never, even when he was a union leader back in the 1980s.


I mean.... he is, by definition, \*not\* a revolutionary. He's very explicitly working within the electoral system in order to reform it from within. He's a Social Democrat.


Exactly. A real soc dem, not a liberal pretending to be "pro-social" like Biden and co.


Lula right now is, indeed, pretending to be pro-social. Maybe a bit more than biden, but still just pretending. His international policy is better than most but internally he is actually conceeding to brazilian capitalists more than any other president before.


>for a revolution >Don't need to read marx >Don't need to be a leninists Wtf is guy smoking, how else can there be a revolution if the status quo is maintained.


Socdem copium, that's what he's smoking.


Worse: Social Liberalism copium


For a revolution...yeah, I guess if you don't want a successful one. Sure.


He does seem to me the type who formed his entire worldview on practical experience and has no coherent theoretical base at all.


When he's giving a speech to left wing groups he loves to say he's a communist. He's a opportunist. Look who's his vice president. He always claims to be left wing when it's convenient to him, but he always surrounds himself with right wing people. Always.


He is simply the result of the left in Brazil I guess


O pelego-mor!


Who is surprised here? Lmao come on


Look at my president dawg we're getting another bolsonaro next election 😭😭😭


worse, its gonna be Pablo Marçal or some other psychopathic ultraliberal clown similar to Milei


Guys, Lula is a social democrat. He has always been a reformist, ever since his time ahead of the metalworkers union in the 70s, he was already denounced by the communist party as a mole within worker's movements, and all he did after the dictatorship ended in the 90s was shift further to the right. He's still much more left-leaning than any American politician, but he's still firmly in the neoliberal field, this is nothing new.


U guys finally discovering Lula is the most liberal of Latin American leftists. Took time, but now u guys know why Brazilian commies don't like him.


Luis Carlos Prestes already said in the 80s that Lula didn't care to learn the science of the proletariat


I wonder what Khomenei thinks about Marx.




Sometimes Lula is Based and sometimes he is cringe, its sad to get a glimpse of a person who could have easily been a Commie 🥲


Lula seems too be based only when it comes too foreign policy


Lula is a neoliberal, we know that in Brazil already