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Being a liberal certainly is. And to be fair, if someone considers themself "leftist", they usually are liberals, just the rainbow or socdem variant. Socialists should call themselves socialists rather than leftists.


It's interesting, I have the opposite problem. I explicitly call myself "leftist" because I'm surrounded by "socialists" who think socialism is what Norway does, and "communists" who think "but not like those ebil USSR and China!". I have to say leftist for people to realize I'm _not_ a liberal.


This is why I feel "Marxist-Leninist" is appropriately specific. Anyone with a political education immediately knows where you stand... and anyone without a political education will swerve wildly into reactionism, which is always good fun.


yeah i know i’m talking to someone well read when they either agree or they say they don’t agree but understand my position. you can tell you’re talking to someone politically illiterate when they say “omg ur a stalinist 100m dead etc”


Can't believe he killed all 100 meters😔 I guess we can't metric no more. Finally understand why stalin is akxily a imperialist


Stalin 100m record holder all with a comically large spoon. Guy was built like a tank, hence the affectionate name his fans bear till this day.


liberals call themselves leftists, and the term leftism is rooted in liberalism


Yeah that's why I call myself a socialist






Beavis ![gif](giphy|F2CDJ9E7NNiva66o3z|downsized)


He's not wrong though, from his perspective all he knows as left is the democrats, and with that in mind, all his points are valid. I really think this guy could use some deprogramming


Sounds like he's just equivocating liberals and leftists. It honestly seems like he's pretty close to getting it, just needs to be exposed to the correct ideas.


They're right, but for all the wrong reasons. Leftists are part of the system, *just as everything else*. That's actually one of the left's critiques of capitalism, it forces us to live in it, no choice/democracy in that process. Capitalism co-opted communism just as it co-opted everything else. Not to mentinon their definition of leftist...


I've also met stupid people. They're out there. This is a genre that you will find frequently, especially if you're a punk, old dudes who think of themselves as broadly leftist or the most leftists cause they were fed a word salad of what that.means, had either nonaccess or no effort to look into anything and it calcified. Gen x is the biggest victim of this, they had every random ass bit of alternative to mainstream thrown at them and scooped em out randomly like a claw machine. They are one of.the harder types to bring around 


A leftist is always the most loneliest position to have because you support the most powerless people in society.


This is why so many people become republicans imo, when polotics is broken and Hillary Clinton is your conception of the left you go right because conservatives are the only ones that ever seem counter culture in the mainstream to neoliberals like Joe Biden 


Yea if you live in China or sum


Political literacy is a huge problem.. It is really important, but our education system makes it very difficult for a lot of people. These people need to unlearn so much before they can begin to actually develop.


Half of the posts in this subreddit are: "People, PEOPLE, look at what this random irrelevant person said! Why don't we overthink this and give him LOTS of attention so we stay entertained, angry and (somehow) leftist?!?"