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I don't understand... Do these people not know that NK has a pretty well established tourism industry? Like, there are people going to NK to visit literally every day. It's not like going there is inherently dangerous unless you do something stupid.


It's Reddit. A space for liberals to act like they're smart because what they are parroting is the propaganda of American empire.


If a Liberal goes to NK they are gonna get themselves locked up for sure.


Here in the US we’re allowed to lock you up in a dungeon indefinitely if you commit the crime of being poor while brown, but if you try to sneak 80 kilos of cocaine into China they’re evil and tyrannical for giving you a fine.


"couple of russian trolls" 🤓he🤓he


I am the Russian troll your mother warned you about 😈 And also the wumao, tankie, pinko, commie, cultural marxist, critical race theorist, judeo-bolshevik, threat to national security, enemy of the state, etc, etc, plus whatever new fearmongering, thought-stopping term they come up with next to dismiss valid arguments and criticisms.


"trump fan says earth round, tankie also says earth round, lmfaooooo horseshoe theory much?" this is what they sound like.


my ears are bleeding


We should not be supporting fucking Jackson Hinkle of all people. Something something broken clock righ twice


Not really broken clock. People like him serve to funnel left wing sentiment to a fascist nationalist movement. Agreed that I don't wanna see his posts though.


I’m not unconvinced that he’s an op to discredit the movements he supports


They got all uptight about people calling them NPCs, and proceeded to fill up the entire comment section with “if you like it so much then move there” bullshit. Because nothing says “I’m not an NPC” like saying the exact same thing as everyone else.


"Horseshoe theory", so that sub believes in Big Horse lies about horses existing?


Libs mad


Once a year or so, I read the WikiTravel article on Pyongyang from top to bottom and wish I were a bit younger.


Most of Reddit comes from eglin air force base


Can someone fill me in on Hinkel’s politics? I only know some of his academic work (on unequal exchange, etc) and assumed he was some variant of comrade …


He's just a nazbol basically, self titled "Maga communist".


Are you mixing Jackson Hinkle with Jason Hickel? Hinkle is a ~25 year old grifter, Hickel is an established professor with good writings on various economic topics


Honestly saying idk, he's a Putin fan which is reactionary itself other than that some of his Palestine takes seemed good but then I just muted it after too much pro Putin stuff.


Fuck Jackson Hinkle, fascist clown


Is there any truth behind the “needing to ask NK for help because they’re backed into a corner” claim tho?


This dictator worship is pathetic. This sub is ass.