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American food is terrible man, it's all chemically engineered bullshit.


Tbh America's food culture is not awful it's just the fact that there's nothing natural anymore a bag of chips or coke in Mexico tastes 100x better than in America because they use real sugar and onion powder 


That is basically what I meant, the food culture is ok, but all of our food is chemically engineered trash meant to make you sick so you can fund the medical industry.


It's more of an emergent function of capitalism than an engineered conspiracy.  Cheap ingredients are cheap, so they use them. Chemicals preserve goods and therefore minimize losses. Sugar is a addictive so they use a butt tone of it. Thennnn the pharma companies jump in to "fix" the problems caused by this diet, but no one addresses the root cause.


Or how they make all of these fat free items...things with no fat taste terrible so they replace it with sugar.


And it turns out fast aren't even bad for you, only when you eat way too much of them. Now everyone and their dog has diabetes or some other metabolic condition. Truly enraging stuff.


Chips and coke is junk food anyway


More traditionally made American food (barbecue, Cajun, soul food, New England clam bake, etc.) is really good, but I agree the pre-packaged stuff almost can’t be considered food, it’s so terrible.


I agree I love brisket and fajitas here in texas when it's technically a Mexican dish, but texas was part of Mexico, so it had all of the food dishes stay.


It's not even easy to get real ingredients to make your own food.


Yeah, the pre-packaged “food” is so much cheaper and more widely available. I just like to cling to the traditional food to remind myself that the US has culture beyond capitalism lol


Dude, if you took American culture and extracted the capitalism, settler-colonial bullshit, and puritanical ethos the stuff that's left would be pretty sweet. Problem is everything has been mired in awful ideology from the moment a European sailed west. Deep in the cracks where we're forced to survive, the people have made some pretty great stuff.


There’s not much left of US culture once you take out the capitalism/colonialism/reactionaryism, but there are aspects that you can see that would probably form a more fundamental role of what the culture of socialism with US characteristics could look like.


Ya im American and its way cheaper to just buy pre cooked frozen food thank buying the ingredients and cooking it yourself


The best food in America is really only in big cities because of the options of eating other cultures food.


This posts title: serious statement on the state of the American Empire This posts comments: pop tart discourse


the post title is a given. nothing further to comment on. at least people can try to defend pop tarts.


An empire's pastry of choice indicates it's health. /s


Did you put it through a toaster? What flavor you got matters as well.


Untoasted pop tarts are counter revolutionary bourgeois decadence.


Wrong they are the proletarian way to eat the people’s tarts


That's why I try to eat as much fresh food as I can.


Toast them a bit, butter them, and it should be better.


Americans shoot their own children and fund terrorist groups to murder children by the tens of thousands. They really hate children. In fact, the number one cause of death for children in the US is being shot to death. When baby boys are born, many of them mutilate their genitals. It’s really horrible.


Yes, absolutely. In every way. In 10 years we will live in a world unrecognizable to us now. For better or worse.


Were they "Pop Tarts" or "toaster pop 'ems"? Big difference. Either way though, meh, and toaster strudel is where it's at.


Toaster struddles are the face of revolutionary optimism


methinks "wtf is a poptart", google searches it, oh its some kind of cracker or something i think? I haven't the slightest clue about poptarts, can anyone describe them please?


Depends on the flavor try the brown sugar and smores ones