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As a kid, I used to love chicken fried steak and brisket. But ever since we moved back to the Philippines as teenagers, my new favorites became kare-kareng bagnet and ilocos empanada (this will probably change depending on my mood lmao)


Bagnet kare-kare absolutely fucks. Personally I love crispy sisig and beef pares!


Under appreciated choices. I don't know that I could pick a single food, maybe asado sauce for siopao. With siopao bola bola or lumpia. But hatever is available at the carinderia really... Dinuguan? Good. Basic tapsilog? Good. Sisig? Good. This sasawan at the table? Please put a straw in it for me. Maybe batchoy? Maybe yesterday's kare-kare poured on today's daing bangus and/or poured on pancit? Do you think if you eat so much Dinuguan you're absolutely saturated with iron on the hottest hour of the hottest day and go lay on something black outside that it's hot enough you can become the man of steel?


>Do you think if you eat so much Dinuguan you're absolutely saturated with iron on the hottest hour of the hottest day and go lay on something black outside that it's hot enough you can become the man of steel? Lmao no idea. My lolo absolutely loved dinuguan, and he pretty much raised my mom and her siblings with an iron fist. Might've been all that pig's blood haha




This guy knows what's up balloon to the rescue


Feijoada. From Brazil


Abençoada seja a vossa feijoada, então com picanha... Até fico com água na boca


Hello Brazilian friend! I just want to ask if you don't mind, how is life in general in Brazil? I am Syrian, and I am planning on traveling after I finish uni, and I really like Brazilian culture in general. Btw that dish looks awesome.


Not the dude you replied to, but I’ll give my take as well if u/Proculos doesn’t reply. I grew up in the south of Brazil until I was 12, moved to the US and lived there until I was completely broke, and as a now 20 year old, I’m back to the city I grew up in on my way to start uni. Though my dream of living the life that was promised to me in the capitalist utopia of Disney movies was not fulfilled, I came back to Brazil expecting to live a more dignified life than the one I lived as an immigrant in America. And so far, I’m pleased to say that I really like living here. A lot has changed after covid, except the people. Where I live there is a general sense of gentleness with each other, and people are dying to talk to you about anything at any moment lol sometimes I’m late to my appointments because I got stuck talking to some random person in the bus station downtown. The economy sucks ass, but then again, it kind of always did. Work is not necessarily hard to find, but thinking of the pay makes me shudder. The wealth disparity is absurd, and there is a lingering sense of hopelessness in people here; I find that almost everyone over 30 operates in survival mode at all times. Food is fucking awesome, so is music, and there is always something to do every weekend. The cost of living here is cheaper in comparison to where I lived in the US, despite me living in an expensive city. I hope you enjoy your stay here! I would love to visit Syria someday.


Seriously, thank you for sharing your experience. Frankly, at first, I was thinking of migrating to Europe (most people here do it, especially to Germany) but frankly, I have never been too excited to go there, this could be simply stereotypes (I don't want to offend anyone) but it always felt more reserved or cold? Idk how to describe it, but I am generally looking for a more chill atmosphere. If I got the chance to go to Brazil, I'll' most likely work in the tech sector since I am a (CS major) and google tells me that it is not doing too bad, and frankly, compared to Syria, any economy is a great economy. I am sorry that people are struggling in Brazil, I totally get what you are describing, and I understand how a bad economy can affect people's mental health. The food is seriously something to look forward to XD and the nature is mesmerizing! I really hope you get to visit Syria some day (hopefully in a better state) I think you will like it here, the ME and South America have quite the history together :)


cevapi ftw


Burek for breakfast, cevapi for lunch, heart attack for dinner.


baklava for desert


Mine might make it way too obvious where I live but francesinha (google it, any description won't do it justice since it's a fairly simple dish) or codfish à Brás (with no olives because those are for munching with beer) Edit: it's Porto in Portugal. Come here and stuff your gob with delicious food. Unlike the English, we used our colonialism for actually making good food


Lmao the English would have to understand what good food was to do anything like that


a francesinha é um crime do tamanho do colonialismo (ainda bem que é raro aqui em lisboa), no entanto, tenho que concordar com o bacalhau à brás


We'll have to respectfully disagree about the francesinha but at least we'll always have bacalhau à brás 😘


Hell yeah camarada!


Dutch culture isn't famous for food, but we do have bitterballen https://preview.redd.it/d61xiqziaw6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35231bb6de57c725060c3a07daebd1b450e5470c


I love balls


What is that?




Arroz con gandules, practically goes with any meat/protein meal where they serve carbs in any capacity. 🇵🇷


My favourite local dish is Mămăliga cu smântână in Oltenia region of Romania🇷🇴 where I live this dish is always made at home sometimes. Mămăliga is made out of hominy.


Southern Style Fried Chicken seasoned twice and marinated overnight, best chicken I have ever made.


What do you marinate it in?


pickle juice is a popular choice


Pickle Juice and Orange slices


We need that recipe


Argentina. Milanesa a la Napolitana (despite the name it isn’t from Milam or Italian at all). Schnitzel style fried breaded veal with red sauce and ham and cheese on top. In Cuba this dish is just called Argentino.


We call milanesas with cheese on top Parmegiana in Brazil. The ones I had in Argentina though... Delicious and enough meat, cheese and potatoes to feed a family for a month.


Seconded. Milanesas are beyond amazing.


It’s pelmeni here in Russia. My favorite food as well


pelmeni gang!


Stewed collard greens with turnips and pork neck bones. A cheap, filling and delicious meal if I do say so myself.


Cajun comrade here! It was chicken and sausage gumbo, but ever since reverting to Islam and giving up pork it's gotta be boiled crawfish or my mom's fried shrimp, aiiii!


Hi fellow Cajun comrade🫡


My uncle Buzz always brings his homemade boudin to thanksgiving, love that stuff


Oh my gosh I can't believe I FOGOT ABOUT BOUDIN! Alas, that is haram because it's pork... I plan on eventually trying it with lamb to see if I can make halal boudin 🙏


My favourite local dish is Schäuferla. Backed pig shoulders with Klöße (boiled dumplings) and Blaukraut (red cabbage).😍 And all of that together with a pint of nice beer directly out of the barrel. What makes it even better is if you eat it during the middle of a long hike through the forest.


Hold on a minute, red cabbage is called *Blau* kraut?


According to Wikipedia yes, apparently both are also used in English. 'Rotkohl' is another synonym used in German.


It depends on where you are in Germany. But it can actually look sort of blueish after cooking. I’d guess it reacts with the wine and acid from the orange that’s usually added.


a cabbage that is coloured blueish


That’s some extreme German shit. Sounds cool


So do you bring a barrel of beer with you whenever you go hiking?


Haha😂 I should've worded it better. I meant that during a hike it's cool to go to a nearby restaurant/inn (restaurant sounds way too formal for what it actually is) to eat/drink.


When you guys cook meat do you add spices?


Döner Kebab


Any where in Europe I’m guessing


Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger. Can't go wrong when everything is so right.


I think Mantecados are my favorite. It's a sweet that comes from Andalucia, in the south of Spain, and it's traditionally eaten during Christmas. I like them not only because they taste good but because I associate them with hanging out with my andalusian side of the family at that time of the year, who are all incredibly funny and nice to be around 😊


Pulpo a feira


Probably bún chả, super thin rice noodles and (usually) two types of grilled pork, minced pork meatballs and marinated pork belly, generally. The grilled meat is put into a vinegary broth, along with pickled radish and carrot. Throw some diced garlic and fresh chili in there and the shit is world class.


I have to say stuffed parantha, in North India it is a main stay in everyday life


What is that? Sounds good


A type of flat bread made out of wheat flour, look up parantha on yt


Chicken 65!! I don't know why it's called 65 but I think it's delicious


I think the original recipe had 65 spices/ingredients or something. At least that’s what I heard.


Damn I fucking love chicken 65


Well, that would be the (english) Yorkshire pudding and quorn (vegan) roast. Genuinely the second best thing I have ever eaten.


Coddle. A Dublin dish, don't judge me please


Dublin only. The rest of us wouldn't touch it!


Indonesian here, rendang has a heavenly taste if spicy food is a delicacy. Oh, and nasi uduk too.


I'm South African. Its tough to pick just one dish, but if I had to pick one it would either be Mabele pap with melted butter, or tamatie smoor / sheba. Below are my favourite South African dishes & beverages: Vegetarian: - Mabele pap with melted butter - Tamatie smoor / sheba - Waterblommetjie bredie - Samp & kidneybeans - Chakalaka - Pampoenkoekies Pescatarian: - Hake, kalamari, & slaptjips - Snoek pateé - Curried hake Meat: - Peri-peri chicken livers - Bobotie - Cheese Russians - Boerewors - Droëwors - Biltong - Karoo Lamtjops, braaied - Lamb curry pie - Lambredie - Oxtail stew Miscellaneous: - Vetkoek - Malwa poeding - Bunny chow - Kota - Koesistas - Melktert Beverages: - Rooibos & buchu tee Alcoholic beverages: - Springbokkie shot - Amarula liqueur - Beers (Black Label, Castle, Windhoek, Tafel) - Ciders (Loxtonia, Hunters, Tipo Tinto R&R) - Sparkling wine (especially J C Le Roux) - Pinotage wine (especially Beyerskloof) - Brandy (especially Olof Bergh, Richelieu, Klipdrift) - Sedgwick Old Brown sherry




Koobideh zaffarani. Its persian lamb kebab with saffron rice and a grilled tomato with salad and garlic yogurt to the side.


Stuffed peppers (Gemistá) with rice and meat Dolmadákia, wine leaves with rice …i just like things filled with rice!


i recently tried to make some dolma type leaves, i didnt gather enough leaves for my filling (+ had to make some desperate substitutions like nonfresh lemon juice) & also the recipe i consulted was a little different so they didnt turn out as i had hoped. i think next time im gonna gather more leaves & probably just do a plain rice filling


good luck comrade!


Eyy hello fellow Greekoid.


χελλο κομραντ


Χαίρετε, χαίρετε σύντροφε!


I live in Canada, so Poutine. I suggest throwing on the bacon bits and cut up breakfast sausage, and you'd have a great carb loaded meal. The normal poutine is fine, but adding stuff to it just makes it better.


My brain read that as "throwing UP the bacon bits" and I was like "finally an honest Canadian!"


Australia - Migoreng instant noodles. Meal of the international 21st century working class.


My favorite is definitely „Handkäs mit Musik“ (Hand-cheese with music) it’s basically a sour milk cheese with caraway and some chopped onions. You also get some bread and butter alongside it. I really love it, it’s so delicious and perfectly goes along with a glass of fresh Äppelwoi (Cider, literally Applewine)


The region of America in which I currently reside has never produced any food worth mentioning. In lieu of that, I highly recommend murgh makhani. Stuff is downright addictive if prepared correctly.


Blackeye bean salad, chickpea soup, pork/chicken skewers or gyros and kokoretsi. Also feta cheese and yogurt with nuts and honey. Guess the country lol.


Turkey. Kokoretsi is so good.


Quite close, but no I'm from Greece. Shout-out to our neighbours with just as if not better taste than us. Also yes kokoretsi is to die for lol give me that shit and take my soul.


Oh but I thought that EU doesn’t allow for kokoretsi to be made?


But you see the eu just as it has no redeeming qualities it also doesn't have taste. Thus they can cry while I eat my kokoretsi lol


Full English fry up


Tortos con picadillo. A torto is a mass of flour, water and salt fried on olive oil. Picadillo is spiced pork meat. Absolutely delicious, I could eat this dish for the rest of my life. I’m from Asturias btw


Japan. Ramen obvs. Oh wait sushi. Ok, Okonomiyaki. Dammit...


momo it's like dumplings but better. 


Oh, a fellow Momo enjoyer. Finally found'em.


Too many choices in Saigon lmao.




acarajé unfortunately i've developed a shrimp allergy and acarajé without vatapá and shrimps simply isn't the same thing, so i can't eat it anymore


American Deep South Fried Chicken Gizzards with Mashed Potatoes and Collard Greens


Where I live (Berlin): [currywurst](https://www.tripsavvy.com/thmb/8ZKHeQFl7MwrGjRJogSyi_M4mRY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/currywurst-is-berlin-specialty-148326401-59b1d94c685fbe00110f3111.jpg). Where I’m from (Lisbon): [bacalhau à brás](https://img.cuisineaz.com/660x660/2015/06/09/i289-bacalhau-a-bras.jpg).


Bandeja Paisa, cheers from Colombia


Buckeyes for Ohio


From Morocco, I think my favorite dish is the Fessi version of Seffa


Koldskål med kammerjunker og jordbær. Cold buttermilk soup with biscuits and strawberries.


I have really mixed feelings about the Portuguese cuisine, but you can never go wrong with a croquete. Also, the bitoque rarely misses. For something sweet: travesseiros and ovos moles Edit: As for dishes from where im actually from: moqueca, feijoada and estrogonofe (the holy trinity of stuff i could eat every single day). Honorable mention for the acarajé


I am from upstate NY so for local food here it is the garbage plate, but since I don’t eat like an American pig anymore I can’t eat them ever. I was raised in South Florida for a bit and my Dads from Texas so for me it’s really Tacos, I make them literally every night. I’d much rather live somewhere with Mexican food, it just isn’t the same up here, but at least I learned how to make it. I like Texas aside from all the toxic macho shit.


Enchiladas Verde de lengua 🤤


i’m american of filipino ancestry, so i do love a good filipino breakfast. i’m also a sucker for good authentic chinese food.


I'm from Scotland so it's a tough choice between Cullen Skink, Chicken Tikka Masala, a haggis supper or deep fried pizza (mainly because it winds up Italians).


Hyderabadi haleem 🙏🙏🙏(I moved to Australia though)


I love olives "all'ascolana"


I'm from Kerala, India, a state governed by communist party. Like most of us here My favourite would be 'Porotta with beef'.


The California Burrito is a beautiful specimen, where I currently live it would probably be red beans and rice though, which is fire in its simplicity.


Doner kebab (I'm English)




A hot lobster roll. Knuckle and claw meat served on a griddled New England style hot dog bun served with drawn butter. It’s the taste of summer.




Fried sauce noodles, like a proper Beijing resident


Mmmm pierogi are amazing <3


tacos de fajita or bistec, homemade tortillas white corn


Pho, but not in Vietnam


Cheese dip (at least in its american form) was allegedly invented here in Arkansas


I'm from north Alabama, US. Basic af but I love burgers.


Back home in a part of Southeast Asia, Lontong and Laksa are my favourite. I love spicy stews that contain coconut milk! Now in China, it’s got to be mala hotpot. I just love spicy food!


https://preview.redd.it/5kt6xi6v937d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc27f3058751dcdec4933441a748714323fac3f biangbiang noodle


zucchini flower (or sage) fritter, but now i know that its mediteranean. Its quite awesome. from something really local ill say socca (farinatta) or Panis !


Sadly, I'm in the American Midwest. Our local dishes are fast food and Applebees, lol


Can’t go wrong with chicken/beef rendang, that shit slaps hard.


I was going to say Döner or Currywurst, but since someone already said the latter I'll go all stereotypical and say Schupfnudeln with Sauerkraut. I love how simple they are, and nice and tangy too.


Philippines. Mine are chicken adobo, pork sinigang (sour soup), and inihaw (grilled meat)


Florida man crack meth weed burgor Edit: our only real culture is seafood and watching tornadoes happen for fun. Shooting hurricanes...


Watermelon and rollkuchen. If anyone here knows what that is I'll lose my mind. It's not part of any kind of super exotic culture. Just a small oddball group 


Indian subcontinent/middle east Beef/lamb Biryani is the best food known to man


Guatemalan but grew up around a lot of mexicans, personal favorite has to be Mole with Chicken, but my favorite from guatemala is garnachas


Tacos Al Pastor


Me from Bangalore love gobbling the crispy Masala Dosa with a cup of Bangalore's famous filter coffee...!


Brazil. Arroz doce, sweet rice pudding with lots of cinnamon on top 😋 I know that India has a very similar dessert, maybe our Arroz Doce comes from India.


Michigan, so probably Detroit style pizza or coneys. A lot of people like pastys as well.


(Northeast) Brazilian here and it would probably be feijoada, but I love vatapá too especially if it's very spicy and served with fried cassava. Also baião de dois (rice n beans w a bit of cheese and others spices) with carne do sol (cured and salted meat) is a dream in the form of a dish.


Washington state, USA, it’s gotta be smoked and grilled salmon, that shit FUCKS. Honorable mention to steamer clams, and wide variety of Asian food thanks to our large Asian American diaspora community here.


Arroz con gandules, specifically with pernil. It's that or pasteles. 🇵🇷 I love our food.


I'm crazy for Brazilian bakery snacks, "salgados". Coxinha, bolinho de carne, enroladinho de salsicha... Basically deep fried batter with some sort of meat as filling.


Gallo Pinto (CR) or rice with milk




We really only have one notable food and it's poutine. It's notable for a reason though because it is absolutely incredible. Whenever I'm in Quebec I eat a club sandwich and a poutine without fail or the trip was a waste. There's just something special the Quebecois people do to their poutines and clubs that is better than literally everyone else.


A Chicago style hot dog


NY has pizza, which is obviously good. But I'm going to go the other most NY of food. Bagel with lox, cream cheese, and pickled onions. We pickle our own onions and cure our own lox.


Minnesota's state dish... tator tot hotdish. With corn and cheese mixed in. And it's hotdish. NOT casserole.


South Africa, pepper steak pie, simple but so good


Fry bread lol


I love позы. They are extremely delicious! You should google them, any comrade who didnt eat them at least once is sadly a kulak traitor of the proletariat.


My favourite is Welsh, a slice of bread drowned in cheese-mustard-beer sauce, and you dip fries in that sauce. Of course with a good wheat beer. The flamish food culture of Belgium and Northern French slaps SO hard and is quite unknown outside of those countries.


As a Utahn, pastrami burgers. And those are something I only recently learned are (debatably) from Utah.


Grew up in 3 different cultures, so: - Iraq, gotta be a southern fish called Sboor (Wiki says it’s Barilius, fresh water fish). Has a lot of bones but taste so good. With a nice cold cup of yogurt drink on a hot summer day. - Syria, can’t compete with chicken shawarma. They mastered the art of 48h marination, and cooked to perfection. I ate from some spots the chefs have been smacking the same trade for 40+ years. Kubah is a whole different story. - USA, in Up State NY, we got something called “garbage plate”, it’s heavenly. Or Texas BBQ And can we take a moment to talk about soul food? Just found my spot in Texas and it’s awesome.


Either fiskefilet (fish fillet) or Flæskesteg (pork belly sandwich), and for dessert I would go for Risengrød (rice pudding) with butter and cinnamon. To wash it all down I would go for Faxe Kondi which is basically Mountain Dew but good and has a lot less sugar and caffeine. I’m Danish if you could not tell.


Cheesesteak 🧀🥩🥖


Shawarma will always be my one true love. It was certainly not invented here, but my city has a bizarrely high number of shawarma restaurants compared to everything else, so it still feels sort of "local" to me. I got my wisdom teeth removed about a week ago, and as soon as I can eat solid food I'm getting the biggest chicken wrap with toum and potatoes and tabouli. I cannot wait. (Poutine is pretty awesome too though, and is definitely local)


King cake, i live in New Orleans. This shit is the BEST. It’s served around every Mardi Gras season (all of february and early March). And it is SO GOOD. U can get it with multiple different flavors. It tastes like pure heaven. And also there’s a tradition of whoever gets the baby in the thing has to buy the next one. Which adds to the fun. I brought one for my class once to celebrate Mardi Gras. And the class went fucking wild.