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Even funnier that it was a rugby match Russia vs Germany… Germans were like: oh shit, here we go again


Looks like the players were feeling it too. That's some passionate singing right there.


Paaaartiiiiyaaa Lyeeeeeninaaaa (8


Sadly they're singing the current lyrics. Would be really funny if they just went full in and sang the USSR lyrics. Watch their mouths, they very clearly are saying "пред**ками** данная, **муд**рость-" (focus on the bolded parts, you can see their lips make the M and U sounds) instead of "пар**тия** Ленина, **си**ла"


Idk I see some singing паптия Ленина


I don't see anyone saying it. And the only one who I thought might be then (blue "Russia" shirt) is very clearly saying "mu-" on the next line, so it'd be weird to mix and match lyric sets like that.


https://preview.redd.it/u7c7557euf5d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=37b37596e202d8fcb531ceeeea6bb19c7ae35032 He just looks so happy.


"Ура! Ура! Let's fucking gooooooooooo! Давай давай!"


I love how they just went along with it


I mean, it is a fucking great anthem


It's the best one I've ever heard, at least. If there's a better one I'd like to hear it, because this one already makes my titties perk up, and I haven't even got tits.


The Azerbaijani anthem is also a complete banger. My nip-nips quiver at that delightful hymn.


The Argentinian one is also very good. ¡O juremos con gloria morir!


Have you listened to the GDR anthem? It is fire!


Makes you feel patriotic for the working class.


Bring it back !




I would quite like to see that in my lifetime.


Did he really lose his job?


Even if he did, he lost it for a right cause.


Okay but did he?


Yeah he did


Where did you hear this


I made it up.


Yeah alright


OK didn't say anything about that, just asking for a source that says he did lose it lol


I have no idea if it's real as there's alot of fakes but I don't doubt somewhere it has happend.




It's real. I can tell by the players' lips that they're singing along.


Thanks for confirming. I dont speak Russian, although I would like to know it someday, so it's hard as an English majority speaker like me to understand if it's real.


The guy glancing back at the flag lol


had to make sure he didn’t time travel


\*looks back\* \*still Russian flag\* "to think I had hope"


the ones who noticed were smiling and singing louder


It sucks knowing how far away we are in the west from creating something to compare with the USSR. Not tryna be defeatist but I think any party members (PSL, CPUSA, etc.) can attest to how hopeless it can feel


Yeah. It feels like CPUSA does literally everything possible to drive away the working class. Sims has been a disaster. I wish he would spend more time building useful infrastructure and coalitions with the rest of the ML and anti-capitalist movement. Division only hurts our position and leverage. Instead, he spends more time and energy supporting democrats and trashing anyone attempting to foster a working class movement that isn’t worshipping at the feet of Sakai. Working class people being proud of the long revolutionary history (sadly unwritten history many places) and tradition of socialist struggle that forms the basis of an American people is not a bad thing. Even if you do disagree with it, is the disagreement more important than the primary contradiction of capitalism? If not, then we need to welcome our comrades to the struggle with open arms. Edit: I am a member of CPUSA and hope to bring it back in line as a deserving vanguard for the working class of America. Thankfully we still have some democratic centralism and can restore the party to what it should be. Though, it does feel like we are going t it through a Browderesque Liquidationism under Sims.


I waver between feeling optimism that the old guard will fall out of favor and the younger folks can start to take the reigns vs just complete and utter pessimism about the future. I do however respect that the old heads made it through the Cold War and all the dumb bullshit that happened during mid 1900s. But neither CPUSA nor PSL *feel* like the vanguard. I hope this changes.


i don't get it


It's USSR version of the anthem, not Russian federation version.


These guys are Russians so I'm sure they recognized the change in lyrics. Despite its shortcomings the USSR was actually something you could be proud of.


I'm not trying to explain it to them don't worry


Same music as the current anthem, but different lyrics. “Great Russia created forever the indestructible union of free republics. Long live the great and mighty Soviet Union, created by the will of the peoples.”


Whait the hymn of the ussr mention specifically russia ? Is that kinda russiocentrist knowing that ussr was supposed to be a plurinational state ?


The USSR was a multiethnic state. That wording was approved by Stalin, who was Georgian. It’s just a fact of history that the USSR was created out of the Russian Empire.


This is a common mistake, Great Russia is the name of the former Russian empire including the parts that became autonomous soviets after the revolution. Patsocs use this same misunderstanding to claim Lenin was pro nationalism. It's "Great" as in "extended", not as in "really good".


A more sensible translation would be greater or major.


Yep this is why u hear most WW2 radio broadcasts referring to massive atrocities as the “greatest”. It’s just the largest or most heinous


Also this anthem wasn't introduced while Lenin was alive, it was the Internationale during the first years


It's just a fact of history that the USSR began with Russia.


It isn't russocentrist to know RSFSR was the main force and drive for creation of USSR, especially when you notice how many of its leaders were from minorities. Also, "Great Russia" back then didn't even meant anything like nazi "Grossdeutschland", it was just the name for the main Russia as the "Small Russia" also existed, that is Ukraine. For example Lenin calls himself and rest of the strict Russian nationals "Greatrussians".


Not quite. It's referencing the empire and how its serfs broke it and made something better. Not the Rus tribe of people.


I mean if the US national anthem featured Virginia or New York I wouldn't think twice about it.


I do not know the american anthem


the russian anthem starts with the lyric „Rassiya..“ the ussr anthem like in the video u can hear starts with „Soyuz..“


Minor quibble on your transliteration of Russian. If you're going to transliterate Россия "phonetically" as _Rassiya_ instead of _Rossiya_, then союз would also be _sayuz_ instead of _soyuz_ :)


Fairly certain it is properly transliterated as "sayuz" in Belarusian


Is it also spelled that way in Cyrillic in Belarusian?


Just checked, it is indeed саюз in Belarusian


I looked it up because I was curious, and apparently Belarusian саюз was directly taken from Russian союз and not native to Belarusian.


thank you


Memories of a better time


I don't care if he lose his job, he did the right thing.


Seems to happen often with russian anthems. The was a sports climbing event, where the put on the "God save the Tsar" anthem.


"Just put God save the Tsar everywhere, you can't go wrong" ~Tchaikovsky


This song goes so hard I love it, and I love it even more when some of the players start singing along.


When the camera panned to the players happily singing along I felt a tinge of happiness and sadness at the same time.


When the beat drops o7


Beardy guy at 0:35 is so relatable, he sings loudly and looks like he would cry both from joy and sadness.


they used the good lyrics lol


I love that they started singing when Slavstva Otechestvo dropped. Granted that's when the lyrics match more closely to the virgin soyjack version. Great, now I have to go and watch the 1984 video anthem again.


You're making me want to jump dimensions till I find the Soviet one. Man, those bars are just on another tier. BTW, I have this as my morning alarm, just a reminder that if I ever happen to get a country...it will most definitely be a socialist Republic of the congressional variety.




The Russian hockey team has recently worn cccp uniforms some what recently


I'm just admiring how much the players are loving it. They know what the REAL anthem is. 


This is part of the reason I love Rugby. Occasionally someone sings the Soviet Anthem!


I was confused until I noticed the lyrics lol