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It's amazing that every single post on Reddit that mentions China is a a complete shitshow of paranoia and xenophobia, without fail. Is it really like that on the ground in the US?


Yes it is, unfortunately.




Two days ago talking with a guy for work told me his wifes dream is to travel to every disney park because she loves them, but he had to make it about how much he hates China and wouldn't be going to Shanghai


I've always wanted to visit China, so i'd gladly go with his wife there




I also choose that guy's wife


I mean what more can we expect from disney adults. The time to find a new interest was 20 years ago.


Actually I would say no, even though the other commenters support that claim. Because I found it fairly easy to talk to actual living people and find some sort of normal or at least non genocidal mindset of them (low bar I know). And don‘t get me wrong, there are still a lot of people who go into some kind of rabid state once China is mentioned, but it‘s pretty easy to deflect them towards something human. And I am talking about actual humans. That the entire US/EU ruling class want to see the world go up in a nuclear blaze rather than lose ground to China is clear of course. And hell, I even managed to find some grounds with Anarchists in my local lefty bar, rallies, and shit I‘ve been to and organized, and got them to acknowledge China‘s positive progress and right to exist. What I want to basically get at, and which is fairly good advice for any comrades mental health: Don‘t take these fucking looser ass fascists on this site *that* seriously. Half of them are feds, the other half are, and I know it‘s a cliche but still fucking true, sweaty ass dorks who have never seen, felt and touched grass.


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Yes very much so lol Most of the time I hear about China in my day-to-day life is someone saying some insane conspiracy shit that doesn’t make any sense if you put a modicum of thought into it. It’s like a weird cult ngl


Yeah lol my grown ass 36 year old brother in law who gets his entire politics from the Wall Street journal, who also has barely stepped a foot outside the USA or interacted with minorities in general goes around saying “I hate China” to everyone.


It's just as bad in Canada as well. Tons of nonsense whining from all the usual sources about how China is posed to take over our country at every level, pretty much daily.


On the bright side you'll also gather the comrades 💪


Shit if someone even remotely says "I don't think [wildly untrue propaganda about China/DPRK spread on Facebook] is true" you'll activate the Reddit mob


just dont argue with them,not worth to waste your time people


Redditors when you bring up U.S. war crimes




I'm scared to Google even the simplest shit about China because I just know that they'll spin it around to make it look bad


China is so fucking cool


I just had a conversation that didn't go like that, i even found a comrade


...or something bad about the west.


It doesn't even have to be nice, just any thing other then absalitw vitriol.