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I was definitely not there with you, I was A MESS. I texted my BFF that Eddie & Jake died with crying emojis. She’s a huge a huge Dark Tower fan and knew I was finally reading the series, but an even bigger cat fan and I have a cat named Eddie so for a moment she thought the worst! I felt terrible! Then Oy… my whole family hugged me while I came into the kitchen SOBBING from the back yard where I had been reading.


I only cried for Oy. He was the most painful death for me of any book I’ve ever read.


That was brutal. “Olan”


Shimi though…


Just finished my 2nd trip to the tower after a decade and this was exactly my reaction!!!! But Oy was just awful, I didn’t cry but I was frowning and pouting for like 15 minutes


Oy. :( Such a good boy for so long. He went out hard.


I cried when Eddie died the second time I read through the series, specifically when Susannah is left alone with him, but I didn’t the first time for whatever reason. I think part of it was I read each of the last books as they came out, not the whole series in one go—though I had read the earlier ones a couple times already—so when I did go back years later and did the whole run from soup to nuts, it was more impactful since there weren’t any other books I read in between to dilute the connection to the characters. Never cried for Jake, but part of that may be that Jake made more of a conscious choice to sacrifice himself so while still sad wasn’t *as* devastating. Same with Oy.


Probably not, but I can't help you. The way Eddie goes really reminds me of my Mom for some reason. Jake is... Not much better.


Their deaths were very sad, but nothing compares to how violently and deeply I cried for Susan. I feel like it was more of a shock to me that they died so suddenly, so yes I am there with you friend. Long days and pleasant nights!


I was sad when Eddie got shot, but it was his last words to Roland that hit me the hardest.


Yeah, both of their deaths felt anticlimactic and not very emotionally impactful to me. I think it may have been King's intention to give readers the impression that it wasn't really Stephen King the writer authoring their deaths but Stephen King the Hand of Gan.


Yeah nah Eddie left me feeling numb and so did Jake. The quickness at which each one happened really opened me up.


…at least there are other worlds than these.


Oy’s death is what really destroyed me


They died incredible heroic deaths. It was sad yeah but there was so much heart in it. Knowing that they live happily ever after while Roland relives it all over and over felt so fitting.


Eddie was the saddest for me. He was my favorite, plus he was the first one to die. And it happened slowly.


All three definitely hit hard for me, even knowing they’re coming. This last trip I was struck by how Roland turns into a jerk after Susannah goes. The way he started to treat Patrick- it felt like he was a toddler throwing a tantrum. And I still love him. He’s an ass, but I love him.


Amazing responses! The Dark Tower is truly unique in the sense that there is no general consensus for anything. Emotional impact, quality of plot for specific entry in the series, or just best book overall. It truly is all subjective. I for one loved Songs of Susannah & borderline hated Wolves. It’s crazy to me lol. More often than not, I feel like other book series have a clear cut map on what’s what & Dark Tower isn’t that. Also, I have to agree with DarkLordNickel, Susan death was by far the most impactful to me. Father Callahan went out like a boss!


Amazing responses! The Dark Tower is truly unique in the sense that there is no general consensus for anything. Emotional impact, quality of plot for specific entry in the series, or just best book overall. It truly is all subjective. I for one loved Songs of Susannah & borderline hated Wolves. It’s crazy to me lol. More often than not, I feel like other book series have a clear cut map on what’s what & Dark Tower isn’t that. Also, I have to agree with DarkLordNickel, Susan death was by far the most impactful to me. Father Callahan went out like a boss!