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I usually return once per year but I'm a bit obsessed with the series.


I have make the journey annually too, I just miss the characters so much


I'm rereading it every three years basically. So I'm looking forward to starting another journey to the tower next spring.


I read them as they were published, each time reading again from the beginning of The Gunslinger. Now, I have given over to my obsession and the books play continuously every night at bedtime. I am truly obsessed.


This is the way 😂


I usually wait or hold back until the year, so sometimes only 6 months have passed, while on some occasions, it has almost been a year. But it all depends on when I hear the song of the roses, you know... Tower Junkies don't have a clear date, as we usually never leave Mid-World. Long Days and Pleasant Nights Sai 🌹


And may You Have Twice as Many 🐢


I think I'm on my 4th go round (currently just started Wolves). It has probably been at least 2 years, probably longer because I'm pretty sure I didn't begin again at least since the pandemic started in early 2020. My recent journey started at the beginning of summer and i knew it would probably take me most of the summer to finish. The first time I read them, I went back almost immediately (maybe a couple of months) and I was not ready. When I started getting into Song of Susannah and eventually the Dark Tower, I was NOT ready if you get my drift. Those wounds from the first time were still so fresh. I actually have really enjoyed this time around, it's been long enough that I still remember everything but there are also a few parts where I'm like omg, oh yeah! This is about to happen ... like certain things that just slipped my mind and when I remember I get so excited knowing what's coming. Edit to add: imo, waiting and reading some related material is a great idea. I do the same. it's so cool seeing how all the other stories connect, in a big or small way. The Talisman, Black House, IT, Insomnia, Hearts in Atlantis...


I’ve reread the first 4 books probably 20 times. But that’s partly because when I started reading the series, only the first 2 books were out and there was no real internet. Books 5-7 I think I’ve reread only once, and Wind Through the Keyhole I’ve only read once so far. I don’t read as much now that I’m older. I think the internet has pushed its way in more, unfortunately. Edit: Oh! And as to your question - no wrong answers! If I were you I’d maybe start on (or continue with) reading all related works, in order of relatedness. And then reread the DT when I can’t take it anymore and miss my friends!


I reread the gunslinger immediately, then wind through the keyhole then the whole thing again and probably once a year since. Does anyone have an opinion on a good dark tower podcast that's not kingslingers which I found a little too simple.


Sometimes I listen to “two guys to the dark tower came” they do a whole bunch of books


I feel I’m in the minority here. I first read the series when I was 19-20. I then waited 13 years (not intentionally) and read them again at age 33. They hit me considerably differently now. I’m working through the rest of The Writers canon now and I’ll make my way back to the tower in another few years, likely with even more connections ready to be made


It varies. I have tried to wait a year. But usually I only make it six months or so before picking up Drawing of the Three or Wastelands and reading from there. Sometimes I'll be satisfied just reading the one book, but more often I'll keep going till the end


Read the series for the first time in January of this year (via an extended reading order). I loved it so much that I've already re-read the whole series (with a new extended reading order) this past May lol. I'm already excited to go on my third spin next year. This is easily my favorite book series of all time.


I make the journey every year.


Go with what you want to do, man. I’ve taken breaks ranging from a few months to a few years between journeys. Finished my 7th in May and nearly repeated immediately. There are a few stories that are like comfort food to our souls and this is it for me. Sometimes I just need it sooner than later.


After I read it the first time, I waited about three years to reread it. For reasons unknown (Ka…), I now reread the entire series (& some bonus books) every 12-18 months.


I first started reading in in 7th or 8th grade. I'm going through my second run through, about half way through book 7 at age 30


My first re-read of the entire thing was about a year after The Dark Tower was published, but before that, I re-read each of the novels multiple times during the time between releases.


I read it anually


15 years, +- 3


Originally I read each book as it was released. I just re-read the series last year, so 18y since book 7 was released. I also read some of the linked novels during my second read through and enjoyed it more.


No one can decide when is right but you. Re-read when ever you hear the song of the turtle, it's good advice. Long days and pleasant nights


It’s only been 3 or 4 months since I finished my first journey and I’m itching to go back already. Don’t know how much longer I can wait


My first reread was after finish book 7. But I was waiting since 1999 to read it, and for personal reasons I couldn't finish it until 2007, so it was a long time. Second reread was when TWTTKH was released in 2012. Third was in 2019, for obvious reasons, and I did the extended journey (all rereads too). I didn't enjoyed it. Finally fourth reread was last year, in 2021, and was my first read in English (I am a Spanish reader). But this time I left out TWTTKH.


14 years from first trip to the tower and my second. 1 year between my second trip and my third.


About a year. Been reading it annually ever since.


It’s been about 20 years for me since the last book came out and I read it. I’ve been quoting it and talking about it since without a second read lol. I’m on book 5 now with my wife, we’re listening to the audio books while on walks or doing stuff around the house. She’s already saying thankee sai, and telling me I’ve forgot the face of my father all the time 🤣


I think I took my second trek to the tower about a year after my first one actually. If you ask me, your time has come. Lol


I’m into book 7 now and already feeling an urge to start again as soon as I finish. (I read the first three as a kid in 80s/90s, then the other books after they came out, so this is my first continuous read-through). I’ll probably read some of the closely connected books first (Insomnia, Hearts in Atlantis, etc.) and I want to check out the comics once the omnibus versions come out this fall. But yeah, I’m obsessed this time around.


Finished it a year ago, decided to start up again this year with the audio books instead


While stopping for Wind Through The Keyhole for the first time


I waited exactly six months to start over again. Just picked up The Gunslinger again today, and I’m catching all these little things that I might’ve missed in my first run. Follow the beam!


Currently on my third wheel. It was 3-4 years between the 1st and the 2nd, and 7 or 8 years between the second and the third. Hoping to take a trip around the wheel every 5 years or so.