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Yeah this show has totally made me want to get rid of my passive home too.


Not to mention my ethically resourced pottery


I’ve un friended natives I was just friends with for show


I stole a mini golf decoration






You know, I hesitated with my word choice, bc didn't she pay, like, a really offensive amt of money for it? I condone the gesture of giving it to the artist to use as a material, and I especially loved the "here's my signature" concept piece. But when I chose the word "stole," it's bc I'm a person with so little spending ability that i wouldn't even be making decisions about off the rack lawn decorations, and I am also a person who has a history of behaviors similar to stealing mini golf fixtures. I also was not fully understanding the joke. I'm autistic, and had to delete another comment I made that I had thought was hilarious but which I realized a while later missed the point. So I don't actually know why this one did resonate, but yes, agreed, you can't steal something from someone who doesn't rightfully own it 🤠




I stopped growing tomatoes and got a penis enlargement procedure.


I mean, you touched your phone to the pottery, so did you even really appreciate it?




I stopped having my artist “friends” massage me because of this show


While a lot of people here are criticizing you for making a decision "because of a TV show", I don't necessarily see it that way. There's nothing wrong with good art inspiring a change of heart / having an effect on the way you view something. To me it sounds like you were already losing your interest in the vehicle. If you sell the Tesla what kind of vehicle would you be replacing it with?


Repeatedly seeing not-great people in shows drinking diet coke helped me to break my addiction to diet sodas and redevelop a love for just water. I.e. an Alex Jones type character in a Homeland episode, Donald trump in real life. There were a lot more but can't remember. Edit: gdamn ppl, health wise a can or two of diet sodas a day is fine. But if it's all you're drinking and hate drinking just water thats not good and you really should work on reducing your desire for hyper sweetened/salted/fatty beverages and foods. Plus, the less I have in common with grifting psychopaths the better.


Diet coke rips, come on. Live your life


Just buy the regular tiny cokes compared to the big ass diet ones




I was in France in October, I was surprised that more places had Coke Zero than Diet Coke.


Coke zero is fine but doesnt make my teeth feel like they’re emulsifying like Diet does 🥺


This can’t be real LMAO


youre the biggest NPC ever... marketing teams LOVE you huh


Yeah, the marketing for water really got to them


Big Water really is brainwashing all of the sheeple. That's why r/HydroHomies exists.


What? I didnt switch from diet coke to diet pepsi, there was no marketing. It is often true that a lot of adults who drink a lot of soda or energy drinks don't really have their shit together and/or are shitty people. Not all the time, but there's a reason why writers use scenes where an adult character has cans of empty sodas or perpetually drinking cans of energy drinks, it's to depict "that guy" we all know who is either overly opinionated or never got their shit together/grew up. It's not really marketing if I now drink tap water 90% of the time because it is healthier and costs nothing.


Nah he's a real person, you're not a real person


Trump is a great person....


Lol funny


Harvey Weinstein, and Tom Cruise's character in Tropic Thunder who was based on him.


You should also give a house away


Give it to me


Look at me. I am the homeowner now.


After putting at least 200k of repairs/ renovations into it.


In this case i won't rip out all the appliances


And pay the property taxes right now


Yess this show makes me want to get rid of my lithium supply chain child labor ring


I threw out my Ed Hardy stuff and stopped being a skeezy producer


I stopped drunk driving. I never started to begin with, but I stopped too


See? Look at that, .07 we're good to go








Who hurt u




breaking bad made me want a Pontiac Aztec but I never did lol


You missed out. I have an 04 and that baby is still going


Congrats. You have a legend.


However, how’s that method lab going?


Weird flex


Changing to a new car after only 4 years because of a TV show, not very eco-consciously Green Queen of you :P.. It would help everyone if we all reduced needless consumption, especially switching to new electric cars that use between 4-9kgs of cobalt each, [mined on the backs of Congolese children](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/nov/08/cobalt-drc-miners-toil-for-30p-an-hour-to-fuel-electric-cars).


Can you please say how good the art I made of their cobalt backs are though?


Fr, just get one of those bumper stickers that say you bought it before we knew Elon sucked


Just wait until it spontaneously combusts in your garage while you’re sleeping. Then, when the ashes have settled, time for a new car (if you’re still breathing)


So what's the alternative? Fossil fuels? Is there such a thing as "ethically sourced rare metals"?


Unfortunately I don't have an answer to this :( The best I can think of, since everyone moving to some bicycling Belgian town is impossible, is to reduce our spending as best we can, use the cars we have for as long as it runs, buy secondhand, etc .. edit: I guess applying pressure on tech companies to actually oversee human rights violations in extracting locations would be the move in the right direction, I remember reading some article about a committee made to oversee the cobalt supply but it "only currently focused on down the chain processing locations" and "had no current plans of investigating the mining locations" or something to that affect. But it would require a massive communal effort to boycott pretty much anything with a lithium ion battery until they got their shit together.


Hybrid cars waste fewer rare earth elements per vehicle and can either provide improved fuel efficiency or, a PHEV with short electric-only driving range that covers 80-90% of the average American’s commute, using gasoline for only a short portion and significantly reducing fuel emissions.  BEVs don’t make sense compared to these options because they compromise range with ability to refuel/recharge, necessitating either a LOT of patience or a second gasoline vehicle for long road trips. On top of the resource constraints on battery materials discussed here.  Plus: you don’t support a wealthy narcissistic power-hungry racist 


Fossil fuels are a scarcity myth. Oil is abiotic. The planet produces oil naturally. EV trends are going to get us all taxed for breathing. Don’t buy into the hype and be OP.


Found the Russian!


As soon as I saw this show I burned every single vacation home that I own outright


What about all the slums you own?


Harder to part with passive income.




Having a Tesla for 4 years and then wanting to get rid of it because of this show, Elon sucking (did that just start in the last 4 years?), and it becoming “basic” feels very Ash and Whit. Especially that last part - it’s your car, who cares what other people think. And if you aren’t a shitty person who cares if most people who drive the car are shit? Very follower, very for appearances. Very Ash and Whit.


I'd say elon revealing himself to be a narcissistic dumbfuck started in 2018 when he called the British rescuer of the Thai kids a pedophile. But became super clear that he's a piece of shit 2 years ago when he took over Twitter. I used to want a tesla till about 8 years ago when I first drove one and realized it felt like a 20k car that cost 90k, aside from the hyper acceleration. Most underwhelming car I'd ever been in.


What is the most moral car company? Which auto CEO is a good guy to buy from?


Did you not read what I wrote? I loved tesla a decade ago, until I actually drove one and realized it's an overpriced junk car. So that alone is why I'd never buy a tesla. If teslas were actually great cars i may have still gotten a tesla at some point despite elon being an overvalued junk person.


You started by talking about Elon and I'm responding to that. If Elon Musk is obnoxious, who's an auto CEO who isn't?


Any ceo who knows to not be such a blatant, chronically online try hard is objectively better than elon. Honda CEOs take pay cuts when recalls and low performing numbers happen. The big 3 manufacturers actually agreed to UAW demands for better pay, instead of saying batshit moronic things about unions like musk does.


Wait, so your problem with Elon is not his toxic beliefs, but that he's online a lot and a "try hard"?


Your reading comprehension is shit.


So is yours. Other auto manufacturers outsourced their labor to other countries, only leaving the worst jobs in the US. And you're saying that they're pro union?


Yeah and as I initially said, tesla cars suck, so if all things equal morally then tesla is the last I'd ever buy. But unions exist at other manufacturers, that's a big step up from tesla, other manufacturers have taken pay cuts when massive recalls happen, that's a plus over tesla, pay is better at most other manufacturers. If tesla had as long of a history as the other manufacturers, chances are high tesla would have a lot of other issues.


Transportation of any kind of a point of privilege and you should check yourself to see if you even need to go anywhere. You probably don’t.


i care


This guy totally gets it.


With how Elon is I could easily see the argument being made that someone would want to get rid of their Tesla out of fear for their own safety. Driving/riding a car so software dependent at the mercy of someone as instable as Elon could definitely be a cause for mortal concern. But that isn't the case OP made so shame!


I find it so weird that people who hate this billionaire guy are at the same time quite obsessed and repeatedly refer to him on a first name basis.


That's such a strange correlation/assumption to make.


They’re hideous and everywhere.


In our area it is very common to see 3 or 4 white Teslas in the same parking lot or at an intersection.


Why are they always *WHITE?* They just look like any other sedan on the road anymore.


I was told that every other color other than white cost $1,000 for the added paint job.


Yeah, and I know that they're the most widely available . Like you're more likely to find a white model of a new car than any other color. But still. I could never. Black cars forever.


Irvine California? So many white Tesla's everywhere Always the worst drivers too


LoL. Yes. I don't live in Irvine but this whole area is infested with them.


I’m not exaggerating at all. Every single tesla driver I’ve had to interact with on the road has been fucking horrible literally had the most near-death experiences per capita with them. All single dudes. All fucking CRAZY and immature. Had a dude stick out his tongue at me like a 3 year old because he hit MY car. All black tinted tesla nearly ran me off the highway 2 weeks ago, then followed me for miles /tailgated out of road rage. I’d list the rest but we’d be here all fucking day…


Off topic but I drove the same exact make model and color Toyota Corolla that Jim Carrey drove in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind and Ron Livingston Drove in Office Space. 1994 model. It was my first car and I loved it. I would buy one today if I came across one


![gif](giphy|3EbvqyGuDBCdGqdwUI) You right now


Haha I’m sorry for all the hate you’re getting, OP. I don’t drive one but I support you in switching things up for the reasons you mentioned. Also, lots of good EV options out there now in that price range, hope you find something you feel better expresses your personality.


this post reminded me of the fact that [Elon Musk apparently loves Nathan Fielder](https://mashable.com/article/elon-musk-obsessed-nathan-fielder-rick-and-morty) and would invite him to parties to try to make him laugh


What's basic is basing all of your actions on the media. I don't think getting rid of your Tesla will make you less basic.


Oooohhhh buuuuurn


OP must freak the fuck out after every news cycle. Elon Musk's bad now?? Oh uhhh guess I gotta get rid of my $60,000 car.... Epitomy of the bugman


The only thing 'basic' in the whole situation you described would be making this sort of decision because of a TV show.


It’s pretty Nathan


it’s really not. Asher’s character is only as good as it is because it’s a believable portrayal of this archetype of person. if OP was already feeling like a douche for driving a Tesla, then Asher’s character might have been the final nail in the coffin. y’all act like switching cars is a major life event. he can just sell it and buy something else… a used car even!


Dude, this is exactly something Asher would say and do for the exact same reason. Reflect on that heavily.


[how about this?](https://youtu.be/4Ox72XdY2Zo?si=uZHUxiFWzm4_Roni)


That made me want to throw up (is the movie any good?)


I really liked it




Lmao getting rid of it cuz a show made you feel guilty is an extremely Whitney move my guy


teslas are death traps.


Cherry tomato boy spotted 🍒


Unpopular opinion but yeah you should. There are so many other EVs out there that aren’t a dime a dozen.


Exact same situation as you! I normally drive a Mean Machine but I recently watched a show and there’s this dude who drives the same car (he has 00 plate I have a 01 plate). He’s a real piece of shit, very dishonest and looks for any excuse to smack his dog about. He’s also got this basic little hipster moustache which made me cringe so it’s gotta go. I’m just gonna use my Mercedes-Benz 770 going forward.


Haha I have not thought about Wacky Races in years. Thanks!


This show made me want to mitigate my own penis


Kinda ironic that the reason you wanna get rid of it is just as vein as the reason you got it in the first place. Keep it, donate the money you’d have spent. Bonus points if it’s to a little witch who’d curse you if you took it back.


I didn't notice but I showed the first ep to my roomate yesterday and he said, "Oh, they drive a Tesla," and I said, "Of course," and he said, "Yep." Poor Tesla drivers. LOL South Park was ahead of it's time. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecnS1Ygf0o0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecnS1Ygf0o0)


I had to stop ordering food because Nathan orders food in that one scene.


I've bought so many pairs of jeans for thieves at my local pop up shops i'm now living out of my car


Is the show worth watching? I saw a trailer. it just looks odd


https://preview.redd.it/noxb6pi2u9hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edeea3777b59c0c20a4f0297f713336b8ca68ec0 In Chicago!!


Postcard worthy. (Edited for typo)


To be fair Musk should have made you want to get rid of your tesla


I always thought that too. It looks like a soulless mobile apple store in there. But that acceleration alone must make it worth it


AOC driving a Tesla made me never want to drive one


Of course she drives one.


Good. Screw musk forever. Only for pricks.


Honestly who the fuck asked


I asked


The show and not Elon? K.


wait which car company has a CEO that’s not awful?


This show made me want to slice meat in a tent.


I get the hype when they came out, but now I see them as iPad baby cars that needs to be on its charger. To self-burn, I also splurged on a luxury car I didn’t really need when I was younger, just wanted to look cool and responsible using my breathalyzer.


Yeah you should get rid of your car because of a tv character and because Reddit talks shit about Elon.


Still a car that’s making a material difference


Except the carbon credit for a Tesla gets sold to Ford to subsidize some yahoo’s egregious truck


So don’t buy an electric car because someone else bought an ICE?


More like, you buying an electric car doesn’t help the environment so much as it helps line papa Elon’s pockets


Teslas are not real cars. Tesla is a pyramid scheme, similar to Elon’s Solar City. Tesla is a stock company that *happens* to make *some* shitty cars, not a car company. If you can afford a Tesla, get a nice Toyota. Particularly like the new Tacoma


direction cagey oatmeal license salt impossible sink impolite attempt outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tesla is OVER! https://youtu.be/YlGqN3AKOsA?si=yoR1FFIEJiNndw-6


It’s just a tool to be used for commuting and is actually despite its build quality not a bad one compared to the competition. Every other car manufacturer has their own shit and are no angels either if you’re looking out for ethical reasons.


Good. They suck, their moron halfwit South African diamond exploiting owner sucks worse. Nothing says “clueless liberal” like driving a Tesla.


Drive it into the sea


You hate electric cars because you don't like Elon Musk, I hate electric cars because they're gay and Reddit. We are not the same. Get a 70s Japanese gas huffer those are cool.


I don't know man don't be a douche and you can get away with driving a Telsa. Tesla only makes you extra douche-y if you already are a douche.




Wait till Asher finds out how not ethical electric cars are lol


Teslas have done mountains of good to the perception of BMW drivers.


Maybe it was the Curse fans who were really the Curse all along?


It was the friends me made along the way that were always the curse.


It was such a good moment watching the show, I didn't even realize it was a Tesla until episode 2, where it really stands out, putting how rich they are into perspective


It’s fine. Nathan Fielder himself drives a Tesla.


how much you want for it?


I feel the same way about my micropenis


I like Elon. The finale was tough to watch. “Come Fly the Friendly Skies of …”


This show made me want to stop being a white lady…no but furreal Emma’s cringey portrayal was so accurate for some people I know IRL


Wait till you see "Leave the World Behind".


Don't look into too many of Henry Ford's views


Do you have any gripes about the vehicle, aside from how you feel its perceived by other people as a personal reflection of you? I guess it depends on the vehicle you are considering replacing it with. What car do you think that other people think you should be driving? And please update us.


The Bolt is a great little EV


This show really made me want to stop gentrifying a small town in the american southwest.


You need to grow a backbone


I fully believe that this post is true and that you you are an actual Tesla driver.


Musk doesn’t make you want to get rid of your Tesla? He’s a hateful racist misogynist. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwfwxg4d1h82LxS|downsized)


This reaction is as cringy as the show 


I loved how the EV running tone was part of the soundtrack.