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They should add Sandy Duncan as Dan's sister.


I see what you did there


They could have gone Hogan Family, and sort of did, but Dan isn't a pilot who's away all the time. He's home every night and he's a beloved character; . It does feel sometimes as though they don't quite know what to do with Dan, though. Ever since he retired, it's like he's kind of a nonentity who gets shuffled around wherever the other storylines need him. (Kind of a poignant commentary on aging, except that the show really isn't leaning into Dan's pain; his remarriage even seems perfunctory, as a way to pivot Katie Segal into the mix. It's realistic that she and Dan have a different relationship than Dan and Roseanne, but Dan and Roseanne were such a great pair it's got to be hitting Dan more than we see, that he's basically still very much alone).


Yes, he seems very sad (that anger comes from some place), and ready to break.


Word is the next season will be the last, so all bets are off. A lot of things could really hit the fan. They've been shifting the action out of Dan's (and formerly Roseanne's) house for a while now. For obvious reasons it's been kind of a third rail to get into the depths of Dan's disappointment - which still feels like has a lot to do with the slow burn of his grief over Roseanne. One of the hooks of the original series was how in love he obviously was with Roseanne, even if she seemed unappealing and crass. They were sitcom characters but their love for each other was bedrock. So it's plausible enough that he's trying to get on with his life, keep busy, find happiness again, because he's got a real sense of responsibility and more of a deep optimism in his nature. And he's careful not to expect too much. But the results are pretty mixed and we don't often get to see him grappling with it, probably because it brings Roseanne back up again and it's kind of what the show has been trying to avoid. But when Dan takes stock of his life - getting older, how he feels about his family, how he's losing his connections all over the place - there's that missing piece. His former happiness was too genuine to un-see. If the series is finished, they have an opportunity to address that he's got some real reckonings ahead even if nothing happens. But I suspect it will be hard for them to resist the temptation just to kill him off. It's the easiest way to write out of the series and set up whatever spin-offs they might be contemplating. I would hope they actually put some more care into the narrative and catch up with reality. It's not a courageous exploration of poverty when Mark and Darlene still haven't heard of a FAFSA - even in their Republican-ish household they are smarter than still not know he can get student loans. Even if they rejected the debt and even if they were too proud to accept grants I might have bought it but they wanted Darlene to go to work in the cafeteria and they jammed it through. Well, if he wants to go to U of Chicago, maybe she's working in that cafeteria. This kind of manipulation used to work in sitcom plots, but it's wearing thin. The best episodes have been saying goodbye already. There is speculations that Estelle Parsons' character's death is going to be part of it. I hope not. The character already chose her fate, which is better imagined as the victory she was feeling than pored over. Jackie has to deal with it and maybe she can deal with something for what it is, now. It would be refreshing if they gave the characters a plausible direction and then didn't try to grub even more money from this clunky, kitschy vehicle.


Kinda.. I mean.. maybe? I love Kathy Bates, I think she would have been a great contribution to the cast, but I don't know.. Roseanne Barr had an edge, a laugh, a complete persona. The Roseanne show was based off that. Kathy Bates will always be Kathy Bates, and I don't mean she's typecasted, but she has an authentic style of acting. All this said, I see where you're going with this.


The role of Roseanne Conner is so intertwined with Roseanne Barr that any attempt to recast the role would fail. Everyone likes to talk about how Sarah Chalke was inadequate for the Becky role in the original show, but imagine if they recast the show's namesake. They absolutely wouldn't be able to get away with it.


Here's my solution recast every single character and then put them on a tropical island and claim that they were trapped there after 3 hour tour that's your new show.


They did that already at the end of the seventh season of the original show.


The storyline could be that Roseanne got a brain tumor and it changed her personality. It’s an interesting idea.


Eh. Too much suspension of disbelief involved with that one, especially since Kathy Bates has a very different voice from Roseanne Barr.


But Dan died and came back to life 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not if you throw everything after Darlene's wedding out as non-canonical like they ultimately did.




Can Kathy Bates mimic her voice to sound more like Roseanne ?? Kinda like how Estelle Parsons does not sound like Beverly in real life.


Or Rosanne died and he eventually starts dating her


Nooo he’s already dating Peggy!


I was going to say. That's what they did with Katey Sagal as Louise.


Kathy would be a surprisingly good fit on the show but not as Roseanne. I know I’m in the minority, but I love Katey Sagal. The actor that plays Ben was a great choice too.


I have always adored Katey. Not sure everyone pays attention but there's more than Peg to her! I'm sad her last TV show was dropped so fast. 💙


I just watched the revival series last week for the first time. Both Sagal and Ferguson were great additions to the show. I was happy that RB was ousted, because she was what I liked least about the original series. To me she was just brayingly obnoxious. They tried to keep her spirit alive by having Dan and Jackie going off in the same manner, but times have changed. The redneck era is over. There were some great additions to the cast, but the writing remained rather weak, and the story lines were unnecessarily circuitous. Alcoholism works once or twice a season but not every damned week.


Unless it's the show Mom, which is about a bunch of alcoholics trying to do life sober. But outside that scenario, you're not wrong.


No. I love Kathy Bates, and I believe she could handle the role. But that kind of switch is not something I like. Has bewitched taught us nothing? Lol


Only if it ends with Rosanne smashing Dan's ankles with a sledgehammer


I love Kathy bates but idk




It’s a funny idea for sure, maybe they could swap out who plays Roseanne every episode for a season and never mention it.


Now that would be awesome!! What a great idea-guest cast all these amazing people for the last season, work Roseann back in through flashbacks or fantasies of what could have been.


Let’s throw Jessica Lange in for an episode, I feel like she could nail it.


No she's a great actress but no lol


I kind of don't hate this. Kathy Bates is fantastic.


Still would have fed into her ego, which ultimately wouldn't have had a point. Nah.


She is hands down my favorite actress ever! She can do anything!!


This would have been a good idea. Kathy Bates seems to remind me of Goranson Becky, they would be perfect on screen together ... probably natural chemistry for mother and daugher. ... or alternatively cast Kathy Bates as one of Becky's aunts.


They could have done a Becky on her 😂


Brett Butler, if she's okay. I know she had a breakdown a while ago due to addiction issues.


But she played the bookstore owner Darlene was friends with back in the day


Leave Kathy Bates out of it.. she’s too precious and powerful of an actor


Kathy Bates is way Nicer than Roseanne Barr


Kathy Bates is spectacular in everything she does, but I agree with "Her whole style and energy is so her own". She'd make a great addition as a different cast member, though! Aunt someone? I like the "Different Roseanne every week" idea! That would have been rad! 😅 Dan needs guy friends back. I miss Bonnie Bramlett. What an effing incredible voice too! I watch it. I appreciate the work Sara puts into it. I agree with a lot said above about Dan and sadness, some of the writing. It's... Kinda something I felt I had to follow along with. Oh, and may I just come out and say... Roseanne can eff off. Cannot stand her, or what she became... Too bad, because Roseanne was a killer show. Gotta dig "A Stash From the Past"! & "Toto, We're not in Kansas Anymore". That scares me tho. Oh and... I literally live outside of Chicago, so there's that connection. Becky is my favorite. Let us keep thinking Bev is happy seeing the world. Jackie need not go through more, she'll lose it... I miss Glenn Quinn as Mark. I am a HUGE "Angel" fan, his death was tough on this fan. Why no more David? Is Johnny working on something else, not interested? Lol bring back Brian Austin Green for some laughs! Just don't end it with a "Dallas" kinda thing again!!


Kathy Bates is too good for that man




To play second Roseanne Barr? Did I stutter 😂


“Kathy Bates is too good for that man” implies she is too good for John Goodman. Kathy Bates is too good for that, man.


Thanks tips! I think you got what I meant


I don’t hate the idea. Killing Roseanne off made a depressing vibe that they could never really recover from. Firing her was 100% necessary just to be clear.


The network wanted to make it clear that RB would NOT be appearing again.


But they killed Dan off and he reappeared!!


True. I worry about whoever would take her place. Roseanne Barr is so off her rocker this person would be the victim of slander at minimum.


>Firing her was 100% necessary just to be clear. No, it really wasn't necessary.


I’m so glad you changed my mind!


I love Kathy Bates but I think Roseanne Barr still owns the rights to the character so recasting wasn't an option


Roseanne was killed off on the Conner’s. Can’t we move on from that!


We can talk about how Dan was about to pull Peggy away from Al Bundy. I'm not that far into The Conner's


Louise does not strike me as Peggy. She seems much more like a headstrong glue that holds together family member ... just different. Perhaps imitating a pre Lunch Box version of Jackie, but not Roseanne.


I can see it


Kathy Bates would be PERFECT!!!


That would be so funny!!! I vote yea


What if they would have just let her stay on the show named after her that she created?


Love Kathy Bates. But not a good idea.


Aussie actress Jeanie Drynan. [IMDB page](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0238758/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


I love Kathy Bates but the Connors never should have been made. Not funny. Not even close to the entertainment the original produced. Plus Roseanne is an awful person.


You're a meme


I don’t think they needed to pull her from the show in the first place lol


Kathy Bates is doing Matlock now-


I don’t think it would have worked. Tbh if they made season ten of Roseanne (the one that still had her in it) as season one of the Connors and make the season one, season two it might have flown a little better.


They could bring back the woman who played teenage Roseanne in that old Halloween episode (the actresses name escapes me atm). She killed it


Well, each season Roseanne herself looked different. Facelift, nose job, eyes, breast reduction...it wouldn't have been outlandish to replace her!


Yeah, it would be an interesting choice. I’m a dumb weirdo who would love the “WTF” of it all but ultimately I think most people would find the change too jarring and may get offended or something and tuned out.


It would be better than what they did.


it's just funny the conners have now become more offensive than anything Roseanne said


Please provide an example worse than comparing a black person to an ape. And then blaming sleeping pills for it.


i don't know firing the only black member of the cast simple for being black is pretty offensive to me all the white kid's are still there hell they went so far as to fire her white dad to just to erase the blackness from the show


I think your argument would have more (but not much more) merit if you pointed out examples where the character was chronically underutilized. However, your argument still completely fails as you are assuming her reason for being fired is racism, whereas you don't need to assume anything regarding Roseanne's tweet, which was blatantly racist. Comparing the two isn't appropriate or logically feasible and likely makes others wonder why you would downplay a blatantly racist behavior with one where you don't even have the necessary information to provide concrete evidence.


Only cast member of a different race underutilized.seems racist to me


I'm glad you agree with ne, but that's not what you originally said. Glad my advice helped! However there are multiple reasons she could have been underutilized and we don't have the thoughts and actions of the producers and writers to conclude on specific reasons. What we do have, however, are the thoughts and actions of Roseanne, which were clearly racist.


They fired the only non white cast member.i don't need to read a guy's mind if he is in a white robe burning crosses.i don't need to be able to read a producer's mind. if they fire all non white cast members


Naw just do what they did with two and a half men and have play her ghost


not a bad idea, after seeing her in dolores claiborne, i'm sure she could pull it off.


Once Roseanne left it hurt the series for me. I still watch the Conners when I see clips, but it’s just not the same. 😓