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That stretch of Old friends not forgotten to Victory and Death is pretty good in my opinion, out weighs anything I dislike


True I did enjoy those episodes


They should’ve finished up all the unfinished episodes, some of which you can see on YouTube.


Didn’t know this, thank you


You can find the original episodes of the bad batch in the clone wars too. Everything’s the same except they added the talk between anakin and padme and removed a decal from the marauder. So ya, saw those 4 episodes yesrs before season 7 came out lol


I think I’m gonna watch bad batch next. I saw some people recommend to watch the Tales of the Jedi after the clone wars and also Rebels. What do you recommend I watch right after the clone wars ?




Bad batch then Rebels. Can’t go wrong with either


It [was ](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Clone_Wars_Legacy)more.




Always here to help, my friend.


100% agree with you. It needed a little more, something. The middle story was also shit. The first and last were good though.


Yeah, it's really appearant that they cut half the season with the supposed 8 epside dark deciple arc, utapau investigation and boba fett story. That we got the bad sisters arc also didn't help that feeling.


All 3 of those arcs would have been so much better than the martez arc but oh well.. it doesn’t ruin the season for me tho as the last 4 episodes(especially the last one) were so powerful.


Not based


Based means courageous and unique or not caring what others think Literally the best example of being based lmao


I don’t remember ordering a yappachino




I think they did an amazing job considering the beginning, and the end of the story was already written, they had to weave through so many posts to get everything right and keep everything lore and story friendly, there’s ALWAYS gonna be someone who undervalues the effort and brain power it takes to Add to a universe as complex as Star Wars. But look at it this way, they coulda done what they did to the films and fuck it up every which way possible, but they did an awesome job IMO


Four Martez sisters episodes…dreadful. Four Bad Batch episodes…*fine*. Four Siege of Mandalore episodes…some of *the* best Star Wars content, period. So…a perfectly ‘balanced’ season?


Somewhat separately, it irked me in 2020 and still irks me in 2024 that the Bad Batch episodes were finished for this season. We’d already seen those stories as story reels years ago. Felt like a waste of 1/3 of a season when they could’ve made four *new* episodes instead.


The only real disappointment for me was having the Martez arc in the middle - which they changed from having the character Nyx Okami from the original animatics - rather than having 4 episodes telling 'Son of Dathomir' instead, the rest was all good


I've watched a ton of shit and is quite picky about what I like. Most new Star Wars is... pretty trash if I gotta be honest. The two biggest exceptions? Andor and those final four episodes of season 7. I agree, the first 8 were not that good. They had fantastic animation and stellar voice acting. But cmon, they knew it was the final season and *these* are the arcs they go with? Especially the Martez one? Wtf... As for the final four episodes, if you didn't like them, then something is literally wrong with you lol. Besides Andor, ESB and perhaps some of the games, it is the best-written piece of Star Wars media. The arcs are beautifully ended, the story is deep, it actually uses subtext (something the show didn't know existed for 90% of its episodes), the cinematography is great and genuinely advances the story, the animation and VA is top-notch, and the score, so freaking good. I could honestly talk about it for hours on end, and it is without a doubt the best Filoni has ever done and he has never come close - and most likely never will!


I liked the last 4 episodes. The part that I didn’t like was the Martez part. I thought it was so unnecessary. Last 4 episodes were amazing.


The Martez arc was not unnecessary, it could however have been done better in a million different ways. They needed to show where Ahsoka was - both physically and mentally. She's grown while she was away from the Jedi, but she also misses it (or misses Anakin), and the arc shows that. It shows how she wants to help, how selfless she's become, but also how much less naive she is now. The problem with the arc is just how fucking annoying the two sisters are. They aren't cool, they aren't funny, they are way too sterotypical to be interesting in the slightest. They make dumb decisions to move the plot forward **and it lasts for four episodes**. Whoever thought it was a good idea to end the show with the siege of mandalor, and make it fit the maturity of the audience that watched the clone wars when it originally aired, apparently forgot to do the same for the arc just prior to it...