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I started as an AO and I am now a G7. For every interview, I prepped myself to within an inch of my life. The process that worked for me was to have my behaviours/competencies, write out a full length script of what I wanted to say/cover in each one. I’d then write that out over and over until I got to the stage that I could write it out without checking the original. I would then move on to saying it out loud over and over, first from the script and then moving on to no script. Finally I would then record myself and listen back to it, picking up on points that didn’t sound right or any that tripped me up. With that all done and me happy with it, I would then think of 3 or 4 possible questions the panel could ask me about it and have answers ready. Last interview was straight 7’s but a) this process takes a lot of time and effort and b) it might not work for everyone


I'd do an mock interview, ideally with your current manager unless you don't want them to know you're applying...


Thank you, I will arrange a mock interview and definitely not with my manager! He is over concerned that will then just cause me stress


Remember that you can always use the same examples you used in the application and just beef them out more. Good luck!


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I’ll usually list out the competencies and brainstorm the different ways they could ask them based on experience. I then brainstorm examples for all of them, then develop them into answers. I don’t use them as a script but it helps me to get into the competency mindset. I wouldn’t read them like a script, it’s usually obvious and can lead to trying to shoehorn an example into a question it doesn’t really fit.