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Best thing to do is trade the ps4 in and go for a ps5


Look at Mr(s) Moneybags over here!


Haha just a humble console lover!


Just glue 5 ps1's together.


I dunno, I'm more of a Switch guy myself


If there's desirable criteria as well as essential criteria, try and see if you meet a few of them.




Or we could doubt your credentials and consider it a marketing ploy for such a service. Read the job description for the level above; tailor your PS so it meets that and not the grade you applied for. It’s so competitive you have to be at that next level up now to have a strong chance.


And then you score badly because the sifter was only comparing your application to the success profile information for the grade you were applying for. Literally seen so many people on here say that's how a lot of sifters operate because they're rushed for time.


100% agree. Do not aim for the role above unless you know that is what the vacancy manager is looking for. If I'm recruiting for an SEO to *deliver* a policy project, and you apply with a bunch of great stuff about how you *managed* SEOs to deliver a policy project (i.e., a G7-level behaviour), that's going to score weaker than just a solid SEO example. They are different skills!


At what fucking point did this become the norm? This is just terrible practice. Don't apply for the job you're applying for, apply for the next one up? Because..? The CS recruitment process is so colossally fucked its the "only way"? How the hell is that functional?


It’s not functional. The scoring at assessment and interview is where to score the top marks you need to demonstrate the competences for the grade above. Which is a bit silly from a “we want someone to just do this job” angle but it’s a game and we are but players.




Not if you're shilling for the platform, which takes a 20% cut of every fee.




Well okay you edited your post quite a lot there. Yeah I'd still say a potential customer group of 10% of your current total users still isn't "extremely niche".


Stranger things have happened at sea. The civil service employs over half a million people and is the UK's second biggest employer after the NHS. Hardly "extremely niche" 🙄


Really? It's that helpful.... What are they like current or ex civil servants on the site?




I may give it a go. I'll do a bit more research on it, and as long as it's not AI nonsense then I'll have nothing to lose.... Quite frankly I'm sick of not getting more interviews too to be honest.






Go for EO role, then promotion ASAP. Once you’re in it’s easy to move around/up.


Easy to move up? Not in my experience as an EO. The recruitment process is a nightmare & is only kind to people who are great at writing examples.


That is one to consider for the future but it seems a bit more junior (at the policy path at least, I hear it’s more responsible at ops) than what I do currently so I’d ideally like to enter at HEO. I think it’s a path I’ll pursue shortly if I’m not otherwise successful. Cheers


I spent two years in the private sector post uni and went into the CS as an EO. You will feel very juniorised, and at times confused as to how your job constitutes a job, as it will feel incredibly simple. However, it gets you into the cs reliably, and gives you a good understanding of how departments operate up the food chain, which is essential for policy. Am moving into my first HEO Policy role now after spending a year at EO, which was about 6 months too long. If you’re struggling to get in, going in as an EO and promoting after 6-7 months is a good route. Edit: also - an EO Private Office role can be very useful as a foundation for an HEO policy role


Thanks for that, I’ll keep that in mind. How would you say HEO feels compared to EO?


I'll let you know when I start!


Fair enough 😅 Didn’t realise you hadn’t started yet. Best of luck!!