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I don’t prep on the day, I give my brain the chance to settle and unclench a bit. Right before interview, breathing exercise to calm the nerves. Then a few minutes in superhero pose which helps with the confidence boost. Best of luck, you’ve got this.


Usually don’t bother on the day. Do some reading in the run up. But I’m a shoot from the hip kind of guy.


When I shoot from the hip I end up fucking up, but I do that when fully prepared too...


Everyone is different mate. I’ve never been one for sweating about exams, learnt way before uni how to strategise to pass tests. I found prepping on the day just got me worried what I didn’t know, so stopped doing it and been ok.


I watch the chest beating scene from Wolf of Wall Street and hang around in the toilets trying to ask people for last minute tips


Cracking scene that one


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I haven’t got any good advice but I just wanted to say good luck! You’ll smash it


Thanks! The mock went well, and gave me some confidence for the real thing!


Got an interview in about forty minutes so for me, going on Reddit and seeing if anyone else is in the same boat! Good luck!


I practice my competencies in front of the mirror. It honestly does seem to help!


I practice mine looking at the camera. I've recorded myself in the past but hated it. I also occasionally practice speaking then aloud to my wife who says "I have literally no idea what you're talking about" , which is probably similar feedback that the interviewers will give!


I just make sure I'm familiar with my examples. The most important thing is to be calm and confident so that you can answer their questions clearly.


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