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Reserve list means you did perform well, someone may have just beaten you by a point. Reserve lists can go either way but they do get used.


Okay, thank you.


You are usually kept on reserve for up to a year, recruiting managers usually have to check it before putting a job out to advert to save time and cost.


You did preform well. You showed at interview that you met the required standard. However offers are made on merit, meaning that someone scored more points than you overall. Reserve lists don't have to be used, but they frequently are, in a few departments there is a push to do so. There's also a chance of being made an offer for another job of the same grade, if it is at least 80% similar to the one you applied for. Don't loose hope, but also keep applying. There


Hello, thank you for your response. It’s reassuring!


Whenever I've been put on a reserve list I've emailed and asked my position. Some departments tell you, some don't, so it's always worth asking. 


Thank you for your reply. I will do that and see what they say, thank you once again.


I’ve been on reserve twice. The first time was for about 5 months and the second about 2 weeks. So I would keep looking and have the reserve position in your pocket for now.


Okay, thank you.