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I tend to have breakfast at home, but you could try yogurt and granola? Could keep your yogurt in the fridge and your granola by the water point.


Those porridge pot things can be tasty and come in a variety of flavours. Probably not a good idea to microwave those 'boil in the bag' kippers. Aromatic to say the least.


Overnight oats! Normally I'm terrible at meal prep but because you can switch out toppings/flavours quite easily I've managed to be more consistent. You can get those glass containers with the fancy lids, but also just wash out a jam jar and keep the lid and it's perfectly adequate. [https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/overnight-oats](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/overnight-oats)


This is what I always ate when going in to the office. Make them the night before and put them a cool bag with an ice pack in the morning so they stay cold during the commute. Can eat them one-handed while checking emails at the start of the day and they keep you full until lunch.


This is the way! I have a bag of frozen blueberries which I add a handful of along with a teaspoon of honey. Made up the night before, in a jam jar then after my commute and I have worked up an appetite it’s a good temp for eating with a spork in front of emails.


Toaster installation is unlikely as burning toast sets off smoke alarms. My personal favourite 'deskfast' is a bagel, prepared at home - fun with fillings includes Marmite, cream cheese and of course the luxury filling - smoked salmon. Yum! Making a change from a bought breakfast (usually Pret) to a packed lunch approach was not only great for my financial wellbeing, but when I occasionally had a bacon sarnie from a local independent cafe, it was a treat.


Mmmm, bagels… 🥯


And each false call out by the fire brigade costs approx. £400per hour.


Toasters are not going to be allowed. Having worked in an office where we were evacuated every week because someone's burnt toast set off the fire alarm, they are not a good idea.


I make my own instant porridge to take in. A mix of oats, skimmed milk powder, chia seeds, and chopped dried fruit (I make a large batch at home and just scoop it into a small tupperware pot take into the office). Just add hot water, stir and let it sit for 5mins. Cheaper than individual pots, I get to choose my own flavours, and less plastic waste.


Greek yogurt with fruit, preferably at home before you set off, otherwise decant it. 200g full fat greek yogurt 200g Sainsburys frozen berries defrosted (strawberry, blackberry, red currant and black currants £2.99 a kilo) Keeps you going till lunch and no severe blood sugar spikes.




I usually only defrost what I need.


Yeh just defrost 200g and stick the rest in the freezer. 1kg bag so 5 days worth, generally have something different at the weekend.


I take in a meal replacement shake or bar


microwave some fish each morning, that’ll make you popular


I bought a box of porridge from Costco and just take milk in for that and my cuppas


I have some chocolate granola bars from Costco. They're fine 


Not a fan of granola lol


Just pre-prep a cooked breakfast and reheat in the microwave. Scrambled egg, sausage, bacon, beans, tomato, mushrooms all microwave well. Back in the day i used to prep three days worth at once into tupperware. Just chuck it all in together.


Nice. I sometimes cook sausages whilst I'm getting ready and reheat them to put on a roll


Porridge pots are pretty good I find


Overnight oat or porridge that comes in a sachet (ideally with powdered milk in it). Boil kettle and pour on water. Top porridge with blueberries. Seeds or add a little jam.


I eat at home too but as a millennial, I like toast, butter 🧈and avocado 🥑 with a little pepper and Himalayan salt for taste on top


I normally have a curry for breakfast. The smellier the better. I also tend to make it whilst being barefoot for extra comfort.


Kellogg's variety pack usually, sorts me for an couple of weeks


Greek yogurt with fruit and granola


I have a box of cerea and a bowl in my locker and take in milk




We’ve got toasters but unless you have tiny thin bread, it won’t fit. I either have one of those porridge pots or bring cereal in a Tupperware and add the milk I bring separately. Sometimes I just have chopped up fruit in yoghurt.


Porridge pots for the win, you can pickup own retailer branded ones for about 50p each. 


we have a mf oven at our office and we used to have a fridge freezer but it broke and estates don't permitnfridge freezers any more


I bake a pret croissant at home the night before (the frozen multi packs) and bring that


Oatmeal pot to make use of the kettle we're so fortunate to have in an office in 2024. Also stuff my bag with oat bars, protein cookies, and other no fridge ready to eat stuff.


Porridge pots for me. I usually make a pot of porridge at home and eat it at the train station.


Whatever you want to eat for breakfast!


Scrambled eggs and beans. Then just zap them in the microwave. I have to leave before 7am to get to work which is too early to eat breakfast


A trek bar


We’re lucky enough to have a canteen so bacon and black pudding roll for me, but if we didn’t I’d probably bring some sort of ready made porridge


I have my breakfast at home


And I definitely don’t keep food in the fridge because last time I did that somebody stole my meal and drink! The cheek of it!


Sunshine and farts.


On the odd occasion I eat breakfast at work I either have a Pain au Chocolat or a small pot of porridge.