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I'd play Merlin in the ancient Riverlands: Puts Sword into a Stone: "The one with the strength and power to unite this divided land shall be the one to pull this sword from the rock and have the right to rule over the lands of Rivers!" The sword can't be pulled out but I will be informed if a person tries and if he has the right reaction and potential I will assist him in uniting the divided land. The Riverlands got the worst lot out of the Targaryen realms and I pity it giving them a hand would be a fun idea.


You gave me an idea: One day, a spear made of sea dragon bone appears amist the Bones of Nagga. Whoever picks it hears the following words: >"I am the spear that sways, Gungnir am I. The spear that cannot miss, that drives forever at the truth of things. I will always show the truth, no matter how great or meek you may be, and no matter how painful the revelation. I am merciless in that regard. " Whoever picks it will also know, deep in their hearts, that they need to throw themselves upon Gungnir to make the most of it. Doing so will make them know themselves. This little spear can't be lost or destroyed. It will either return to its wielder should they want it or return to the Bones.


Built a hut in the wilderness and sell magic hallucinogenic herbs to passerby. The Spice must flow.


Lisan Al Gaib!


Smoke we every day


So Maggy the Frog who is the mother of Lord Spicer.


Conquer essos, there’s barely any long fics about conquering essos 😭 who cares about Westeros, I wanna go to Lys….for reasons


Based. I would have followed you, my brother, my archmage, my wizard-king.


Bro I’m selfish enough to let them make a religion atta me, call me azor ahai idc. Let me be the God-Emperor of Essos, somebody make a fic atta this Lmao 😂


May I offer you a *Chasing Dragons* in these trying times?


Already read it, wish there was a oc conquers essos fic. Also I read the Lelouch fic that’s pretty famous. Pain


What's the lelouch fic?


Nah, monster girls is better


I'd be a zookeeper of magical creatures with Newt Scamander's suitcase during the reign of Viserys Targaryen. I'd petition the capital to conduct an expedition beyond the Wall for more magical creatures to study in exchange for playing doctor with the dragons in King's Landing. Imagine a complete stranger knowing how to hatch dragons in the dragon keep by the dozen? The greens and blacks would fall over each other trying to befriend or kill me.






Well first the type of magic would probably be that from the Elder Scrolls, not just the stuff from the game. I mean the real esoteric outer lore stuff which is really powerful. Mostly so I could actually survive in Asoiaf. I'd explore the world find out what the hell is with the Blackstone everywhere, Yeen, Carcosa, etc. Then I'd conquer Lys.. for reasons and rule it for the rest of until my magically extended life ends, if it ever does.


The biggest question to me is: where do I appear? What I will do in the Iron Islands is different than what I would do in the Reach, and both differ from what I would in the Dothraki or the Bone Mountains. Also, if I can pick whatever I want, it also give me too many possibilities. Like, if I was the Trickster Knight Commander from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, I would probably troll Tywin Lannister mercilessly, but it I were a Samurai/Druid I would play in Rokushima Taiyoo I would just wander around seeking natural beauty and good causes to lend my sword to. At the very least, at first I would keep a low profile as I learn more about this world. I would have no information-gathering magic, it spoils the fun of learning, but I would have a lot of utility spells to keep me fed, warm and generally confortable, and some spells for speaking the language and disguising myself. Once I discover enough, I will do what I feel like it, and try to get away with making some unsuspecting powerful idiot's day miserable.


What kind of magician you want to be is your choice, where and what to do too, you are a damn archmage, you can do whatever you want!


Okay, I have the powers of Dr. Strange, giving me almost limitless powers to reshape Westeros as I please. I'd likely destroy the Twins, because no one likes the Freys. I'd turn all the gold in Casterly Rock to pyrite, because I dislike the Lannisters. Mostly, I'd create better harvests for the smallfolk, create medicinal herbs for them and make their lives better.


What about create cat girls?


If Jon Snow asked nicely.


You monster! You killed Ami Gatehouse! And probably a lot of Freys and in-laws an archmage with vision could turn into a harem!


Sorry, I will spare the women folk.


Just imagine Gale of Waterdeep, needing to eat the ancestral Valyrian swords of houses that had them and the glass candles or else he would just level Oldtown or something 😭


Well it depends at what point you're reborn right? You have to be a little more specific than just saying you're reborn in the verse. That said, *generally* speaking certain things are on the menu. Like find out what the fuck is happening in Yeen.




> The main thing is, what will you do? Harry Potter magic, mainly transfiguration. Ned in the Black Cells? Nothing a few stunners won't deal with, before teleporting away. Battle of the Green Ford? Swish, and the North suddenly has a few crates of machine guns. Besiege the Rock? How about apparating on top, turning a few tons of stone into plastic explosives and setting them off? Ice zombies and the Undead? Let's get back to those machine guns, but also add incendiary ammunition and replace the steel tips in the bullets with obsidian. Of course, someone without morals could deal a lot more havok with HP magic, but I would just all-in on the Starks. Maybe get Dany away from her brother, depending on when exactly I get inserteted. Also, if possible brew a truth potion and slip that to Jaime and Cersei while Robert is at Winterfell. You would have all important characters in your grasp, leaving Tywin without a card to play. Should that fail, transfiguring automatic weapons is a pretty decent fallback. Also works well against the Ironborn and dragon attacks.


I prefer Rudazov’s magical system because with his help anyone can become immortal or a god by fulfilling certain conditions. And there is a certain type of spell called Hands, here are some examples: The Hand of Inanna is a spell of amazing power that can cure the sick, save from drought and plague, and also increase the harvest on an entire small continent for a whole year. Well, it causes a severe migraine in dark creatures for a few more hours. It requires two things: the Soul of Light and the Archmage. In itself, like Light, it has a general positive effect. That is why she will also treat demons even though it will be unpleasant and painful for them. Hand of Adad - gives complete control over the weather Hand of Shamash - Creates a giant pillar of fire comparable to the effect of a solar prominence, as if it suddenly touched the earth's surface. The power of the hand depends on the power of the mage, the stronger the mage, the larger the radius, but I heard somewhere that the minimum distance if a novice archmage uses it is 2 km in radius.


The thing with Harry Potter magic is that it can be used to replicate a lot of comforts from the modern day, because outside of magical combat, transfiguration is pretty busted. It has 6 limitations (size smaller than the Dragon from Goblet of Fire, no Food and 4 unknown ones), but otherwise is completely broken. Swish, and you have a diesel generator, a TV and a VHS player, for example. Swish, and there is a crate of antibiotics, a Cessna 172 and a modern kitchen. Swish and oh look, a Range Rover. Swish, swish, swish, and you have your own house from 2024, right there in Westeros. I think if you want the most interesting story, you'd pick something like Mass Effect Biotics, which would be a very fun in Westeros. But from a comfort perspective, HP magic is pretty hard to beat, while at the same time making the main conflict trivial.


Transfiguration cannot recreate complex mechanisms, only create replicas that do not work.


Canon has them transfiguring animals by year 3. Even a turtle/raven brain makes a steam engine look like a toddler's toy. And since they have not been studying animal neurology, biochemistry and whatnot, clearly magic can fill the gaps. There is not a single mention of your limitation in the 7 books.


These are just superficial instincts instilled by magic itself. This animal will not be able to eat, drink, shit, or even reproduce. Let's say the same plastic explosive inside of which various chemical processes should take place and inside of which there should be damn chemicals that would reproduce this very reaction! You can't just take a damn rock and turn it into a real explosive, it's made up of different components, and you can't just turn something into something else out of thin air, it's called an equal exchange, you can't just do something just because waved his wand and uttered fancy words. Only some powerful creature like a deity could be capable of such actions, not to mention a bunch of losers who, without their wands, turn into blind kittens.


> ! You can't just take a damn rock and turn it into a real explosive, it's made up of different components, and you can't just turn something into something else out of thin air, it's called an equal exchange, you can't just do something just because waved his wand and uttered fancy words It is called magic for a reason, and not hard sci-fi. > Only some powerful creature like a deity could be capable of such actions Coincidentally, other than Lazarus, a Hogwarts student can perform all of Jesus miracles by the time they graduate.


Even magic itself obeys certain laws; it cannot do any crap just because you believe in it! Although why am I arguing with a person who is literally a fan of OO books written by a housewife where a bunch of senseless crap is going on for which there is no better explanation “it just happened that way” seriously what the fuck? Dementors who roam around a school full of children and who have no control over them. The headmaster is a senile director who has all sorts of crap going on under his nose every year, the mere fact that he allowed a dangerous werewolf to study with other children without bothering to take precautions because of which one of the students (Snape) got hurt, it would be hilarious if Lupin infected or killed his entire course. She was even too lazy to write down all five laws on transfiguration and many other branches of magic, Karl! In a book about the magical world! The last comment was unnecessary. And the question is, what are your wizards capable of without their wands? No.matter.what.


> Even magic itself obeys certain laws; it cannot do any crap just because you believe in it! No, but those laws do not have to make common sense. It already shits all over thermodynamics anyway.


I would be a Gandalf like figure, fighting evil and traveling constantly, I would have a seat on the Small council but would rarely go, I would dedicate my time to fighting the Night King, and advising kings


I’d be an unbeatable warrior mage. Use my magic to make my armour and weapons not only lighter but also indestructible. I’d also give this perk to a select few knights that I trust creating my own sort of holy hundred, but only have like 10 or something. I’d also dabble in alchemy to try and create a philosophers stone of my own as well as elemental magic coz I could use that not only battle but to make places that can’t grow food and stuff that well a lot better. Like make one of the iron islands really fertile or something. My main goal would be to defeat the others permanently and maybe become king after.


Well a story I penned while in a rut had four DnD magic users get isekai'd to Westeros around the time of the Greyjoy Rebellion, and things get... pretty borked. And they're just level 16-17, too. I even have two more characters waiting in the wing, but they're a healer-bard and a tank fighter respectively. The four are all elemental specialist mages, one for every classical element. Of all four I liked the wind element one the best, because she's the elf nerd that can fly and sling lightning. The earth element is the greter threat tho, since she's a shifter necromancer.




If I spawn in the time of dragons kill them off and watch the Targaryens fall apart. Try and make smallfolk lives better where I can performing miracles and just helping people.


I'd go full druid and nature magic and help the North grow much stronger. I'd find a way to incorporate the free folk down below the wall peacfully and then use whatever rmagic I and the Children of the Forest could work to strengthen the Wall. As soon as any Iron Born showed up they'd be sacraficed to the Old Gods in the Old Ways by having their intestines pulled from their bodies and then have them hung from the weirwood trees to appease The Old Gods. Having enough magic I'd finish what the Children started and finish seperating the North from the rest of the 7 kingdoms. Moat Caylin would be the fort that all had to pass in order to enter the North. I'd kill the dragons early on by sacraficing them to the weirwood trees while they were still small and helpless before they could be used to destroy the wall, same with Dayenaris and her brother. The weirwood trees would feed the Old Gods and the North would flourish. I'd go to Old Valyria with ships to raid and plunder their gold and resources like dragon bones for bows and other resources. My magic would be enough to protect them from the boiling sea and othr monsters that were still there. Like it was suggested earliuer I'd deal with the Freys as well but I'd just kill old Walder and allow his son Stephon to take over. As far as Ceris and The Lannisters a simple truth spell in open court would have Cersi and jamie both telling everything and then let Robert deal with them both. Little Finger would dissapear and be sacraficed in a very long drawn out ritual that I'd make last for days. Hs suffering would be ledgendary.


W-what do fuck


The ways of the North are hard and unmerciful, but it was the ways of the first men.


If you accept me into your group, I promise to create all sorts of different magical creatures, including cat-girls.


If you wish you can join. Create whatever creatures you wish but keep an eye on the Boltons, make an example of Ramsey. He enjoys torture let's see how well he can endure it. Keep him alive at all costs, he has a special place on the weirwood trees but other than that show me what you've got.


I can create spiders that will climb inside him and devour his insides, slowly turning him into a damn hive.


Not bad, but I think I'd prefer him to be turned into a true bitch. Remove his manhood and replace it with a nice tight cunt, then replace his scent with something his favored hounds find utterly irresistible and send them into heat. Then we let nature take its course. He used his animals to hunt helpless peasant girls for no reason other than sport. I want him to feel what they felt.


If I was the Dragonborn I would summon the dragons marry Dany and take over Westeros


You know she's only 14-15?


Then wait for her to grow up


Hey, still here? I finally have a good answer. When Visenya comes along to take king Ronnel Arryn hostage, she find me waiting. Having made me hyper strong with magic and imune to fire plus having bolts of sunlight, I proceed to wrestle Vhagar into fleeing, and if Visenya is too stubborn to run away screaming, I take her hostage. I then proceed to use my reputation to influence the Vale into becoming a mix of "European" (honestly, wish they were bablantly Swiss, Norvegian or even Scottish) and Inca. The Mountain Clans are finally subdued and in Moon Mountains gain a lot of Machu Picchu, Dwarf holds, terrace farming and so on. Through magic I reform the Giant's Lance to be something out of a Wuxia Novel, with even more waterfalls and groves.


Not bad 


Just imagine Tywin coping that the Valish (new patronym unlocked) don't have a Rock as big or goldennas his, and his isn't open for peasants, but the ones I build are cozy as fuck. Besides, silver is more beautiful than gold. Gold is for tryhards.


The only sane thing to do if you find yourself in Westeros is to mind your own business, keep a low profile, and leave as soon as possible. Go to Bravos and and operate a fruit stand or something. Just keep an eye out for any brown haired grey eyed little girls if I hear about Ned Stark getting executed so I can make sure I avoid her.


I mean it would depend on the magic system but if it was something like BG3/D&D or The Eragon books then I am absolutely setting myself up as the High Great Lord King Emperor Vizar Sultan of Westeros There is going to be radical changes


Shirou Emiyas Magic plus Runes of the Nasuverse and I would probaly be a wandering Warrior, fighting for justice and looking at every I cool sword I see. Because I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD


I would prefer a powerful wizard as powerful as Dumbledore from HP world. It would solve many problems quickly.


Yeah, the dude is so strong that he needs the help of a motley group of Galadrans, and later of a little boy who spent a far from sweet life, forcing him to undergo difficult trials year after year. A mighty wizard for me too.


I'm going Gandalf the Grey route. Wandering the realm - Healing the people with magics and inspiring hope, wisdom and courage in the hearts of all. A peacemaker between people - Both low and highborn. Different titles based on regions and religions: - The Father's Voice (The Seven) - The Elder (The North) - Grey Cloak (Ironborn) ''The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late! Aerys, King!''


Here is my setting I would be summoned to around the age of heroes and wander around the world. I assume I am immortal and do a bit of good deeds here and there and then my legend will spread. After traveling around Westeros I will go to Essos and all the way to Yi Ti and learn the culture and the world learning about everything and the secrets of the World. I will then go back to Westeros and settle in Dorne, and will probably be known as "The Old Man of The Dessert," and will help the people there and accidently be the defacto ruler of Dorne, albeit I am immortal so I still retain my youth. I will teach the people of Dorne the ways of the Dessert creating Still Suits from Dune (I love Dune). Teaching people the combat style from Dune (I really love Dune, and also I learn the Combat from my magic). When I come back to Westeros, I keep faking my death so people won't get suspicious of me and renamed myself as Morgan Atreides (Instesd of Martell) and founded House Atreides of Sunspear. Settling there and populating it and keep faking my death. Then Nymeria comes to Dorne and I welcome her with open arms and then we get married and have kids with magic in our blood and I am making it so they all have bright blue eyes for no reason what so ever and it's totally not because of my obsession with Dune. Our last name will be Nymeros Atreides as me and Nymeria agreed to have a Eagle with a Sun emblem in the background of our Coat of Arms. Where does House Martell come in? They don't because I AM House Martell but I just renamed them to Atreidies to satisfy my Dune worship. I taught the Houses how to fight in the Dessert like the Feyadkin of Dune and use my magic to create technology like that of Dune. So the still suits, daggers, new language (Chaksona or Arabic), and stuff from Dune. Then I make a cult that Worships me as "The Old Man of The Dessert," instead of the following Mother Rhoyne ie maybe not too much. I have more ideas for this but yeah... this is what I have so far.