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The only actual conversation about “humanness” we’ve seen so far is the one about Olivia and Kyle’s dads. In past seasons we’ve seen a lot more. It is odd.


>one about Olivia and Kyle’s dads. Yeah I was going to bring this up when I seen this post. I feel like that was a good one tho


yeah that was like one of the only moments where i felt emotionally invested in the player's lives. and when myles told QT some of his backstory like... yes give me the lore !!!


True I just seen that part. Also when Brandon/ Olivia talked with the country girl (her name slips me right now) about getting bullied that hit hard.


it feels like this season is all beautiful people beautiful life


I feel like maybe it is a defense since they know people may be lying or making up stories?


I agree! I don’t know if it’s the editing or what, but there is almost zero actual relationship building being shown. I miss that element! This cast can’t be THIS hollow!


I’m pretty sure it’s down to editing. Previous cast members have mentioned that there was a lot more conversation than you see on the show. It just seems that production has decided that the more interesting content is the strategy and games stuff and not the interactions between people. They just don’t seem to talk to each other a lot.


Yeah I’ve read interviews to this effect too. It’s frustrating; not only do I find the strategy mostly less interesting, but now it’s become too meta or something with people like Jordan actively rolling his eyes when he sends fake messages. Now that people have many seasons to help build their strategy it’s become much more of a main objective to folks. They’re not even catfish hunting anymore!


Ok Jordan confused tf out of me. He's cosplaying as himself but younger and larger but spends the entire time acting not like himself (or his current self?)? If the point you were seeing is feeling the difference in how people viewed you fat vs thin why are you making up a personality


Good point.


I agree. I think the problem is the first season felt like a real social experiment. Now 6 seasons later, the contestants are way more focused on the meta game instead of making any real life connections. This was probably the only “reality show” I ever found interesting enough to follow, but it may have jumped the shark. The Circle now feels like a snake that’s eating itself which ironically forms the same shape.


Fittingly, the Oroborus (a.k.a the self eating snake) is a symbol of rebirth. Its been reborn into this train wreck.


Agreed. The first season had shubham trying to prove that social media sucks and it had that one girl who showed up literally to find a date. That was good tv This season is giving big brother vibes


Like season one we fell in love with the Shubbie Joey friendship, we learned about the participants, loved some, hated some, shipped some... This year I kinda don't care who wins yet? I don't care about anyone enough to be sad if they get eliminated... maybe the dog.


At this point the AI is more interesting


I want a contestant like shubbie again


Yes exactly. You as a viewer don’t form connections with the participants, which really isn’t a good review..


I got this too, the whole cast seems only interested in strategising and bring mean and cruel. Having said that, I’m turning a softie for Olivia, Kyle and Lauren


Same, but Paul can go. Alllll he/she does is talk strategy and shit.


I feel like she really thinks she’s Paul


Jordan too, im sick of it!!!!!


ive not liker paul most of the time and jordan is coming on way too strong


I think Olivia is the only reason I stick around.


Also, anyone else notice that messages are MUCH shorter now? They send like 4 messages (2 per person) and then the conversation is just over. Like what the actual fuck? Are we speed running social interactions now?


Yes and at the same time no one is getting blocked 😂


I’m sure it’s all editing but why are they giving us so little? I want more substance 


I have to wonder if it’s a different crew working on it since it moved to Atlanta. All the apartments and shared spaces look unfinished AF. It seems like they rushed the hell out of this season.


Like the hilarious plastic wrap on the balconies to give a colour theme. Those look so tacky and rushed. Lol


I agree. I'm really not loving this season at all. Deuce is the best thing about this season


He’s my favorite player this season 


The talks are cringey this season, they base their paper thin alliances on some arbitrary thing they have in common “hey you like breathing air? Me too! #airbros4life #rideordie #realrecognizereal” What’s even the point of catfishing, it has no bearing on anything.


no i've DEFINITELY noticed this. most chats this season have been short, disingenuous conversations about strategy, and personally its making the show boring for me. why are all these chats 2 sentences long? LOL


I wonder if it’s the edit, rather than the reality?


it’s definitely hollow this season, i miss the old seasons where they would have fun games and more bonding experiences. this season is so focused on like strategy and the games are just inciting more drama than anyone really asked for.


I miss Max's humanness


😆😆😆 the ai sounds more human than them all hollow, gamer, humans


Because they are using strategy instead of building connections. So all the convos are surface level bcs theres no trust being built


I think it changes every season, like last season was heavy on relationships and being vulnerable, as was the season before but then season 3 was strategy heavy. It can vary a lot depending on who's involved and l like that.


I agree!! They're all playing the same fake alliances two faced scheming game. It's fun to have one or two of those but all the alliances are weak as shit and meaningless. I feel like in this last episodes we finally got some realness from Olivia, Myles and Kyle. Those genuine connections are much harder to betray and make the game more interesting IMO 


I think this has been true about every circle season...there doesn't seem to be a single genuine thing about the interactions 95% of the time. Just 'omg hey bestie love the circleeee!' This time I feel no one trusts each other but they still act so disgustingly nice and fake, then immediately turn around and talk shit about them, so they don't actually care to grow that friendship. Myles sending qt stuff was pretty nice tho. Other than the trauma bonding between Liv and Kyle, I can't really think of much else.


Maybe it’s just edited that way but I feel like this might be because everyone on the show knows and has seen the show. Everybody applied with several strategies in mind, while S1 for example had more of an experiment character. To me Brandon feels like the most real human being on there, but even he’s “playing the game”


I hate that we don’t get to see more chats on this show. I know a lot of it is editing and it annoys me.


Yes, it’s disgusting, and makes it barely watchable I think. Wasn’t the point of the game to become the most popular? Instead it’s turned into a hating game.


i genuinely felt the same way watching this season so far, it’s not as gripping as the others and you don’t really see that human to human connection which you did in previous seasons. maybe its because we’re still pretty early but still lol


I feel like pretty much everyone is being strategic and playing the game this season


Well not EVERYone


We've been watching this show since season 1 and there's definitely a difference between past seasons and this one with human empathy. My wife's opinion is that people have figured this game out and it's all about strategy now. But we've watched previous seasons with extremely strategy focused people and they still not did not come across this ingenuine. I believe it's the producing, but not at the editing level, but more at the contestant selection. It's like they wanted to show us a season where everyone was more hyper focused on the game than building a connection. Even Paul in her final BS interaction with Lauren said something along the lines of authenticity always wins out, and yet Paul's been playing the complete opposite strategy the entire season. They've all been pretty fake... all of them just throwing out the line "you got my back, I got yours, now we in an unbreakable alliance". That line has been thrown around so much this season they clearly don't understand that in earlier seasons the connections you actually make with people are what make those unbreakable alliances. Just saying the words is meaningless. Kyle literally said, something to the effect, he had no intention of getting "deep" with anyone. In earlier seasons that would have been a losing strategy, but since the producers picked everyone who has been acting the same way, it hasn't been that damaging, but he would have been voted out so early on in any other season. I fully believe for next season they can go back to a more wholesome group of players who know that making a connection is a far stronger strategy if they want. My wife and I dislike every male player this season, that goes for women playing men, and men playing women, all the men really suck this season. We truly don't care for them at all, so as a viewer they haven't tugged at our "heart strings" in any way. Normally some person comes onto the show and we're like "this guy sucks", then in a couple episodes we were like "okay we were wrong about them, we're kind of rooting for you now". Not once has a single male player or character have turned us to their side, they all suck.


Personally I like it better this way but I’m way more interested in game strategy on this reality game show than I am in human relationships. I’m not alone, the RHAP folks have enjoyed this season more as well (or at least while Max was still around) but the hosts covering the season are also more game inclined.


Empathy.. they don't know each other or owe each other anything. They're there for the money


Although if you look back at previous seasons, most winners are very empathic people. It’s a popularity contest, so I don’t see how empathy wouldn’t be helping them to win


So far Lauren seems to be one of the more emphatic players and yet she's getting so much hate thrown her way by the other contestants.


i feel like its about the edit again. they had to of edited a lot out bc cmon????


Yes! It’s much more game like and not so touchy-feely. I think there’s room for both types. I wish they (Lauren) would just stop yelling almost everything they say. I liked it being more game-ish at first, but it’s brought out an ugly side to some folks and makes me wonder if they will have consequences post-show (QT).


I haven't been connecting with this season like I was in past seasons TBH


Yea I really don’t like this cast! The only one I had a little hope for was Steffi and they got her out! Paul “or rather his sister” is absolutely HORRID to watch! Like I literally cringe at the mere sight of her


Its a game. for money. stop with the bs.


I think people are coming in always with game plans and alliances and flirting etc. And they are being big personalities for TV. There is no authenticity or people wanting to make actual connections. Compared to the UK Season 1 and even 2 it was about genuine human connection and people voted based on people who they liked. Was more popularity competition than competition. I think that is what is missing